biomedicina slovenica |
Bajić Steven; Berden Pavel; Podnar Tomaž
Aortic valve regurgitation following percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus
2011 ►
Grošelj-Grenc Mojca; Pavčnik-Arnol Maja; Kalan Gorazd; Podnar Tomaž; Vidmar Ivan
Obravnava novorojenčkov s prirojeno srčno napako, ki potrebujejo zdravljenje s prostaglandinom E1 - slovenske smernice
[Management of newborns with duct-dependent congenital heart disease with prostaglandin E1 - Slovenian guidelines]
2012 ►
Česen M; Berden P; Podnar T
Perkutano zapiranje odprtega Botallovega voda z Amplatzovim duktusnim zapiralom
[Percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus using Amplatzer duct occluder]
2007 ►
Masura Jozef; Gavora Pavol; Podnar Tomaž
Transcatheter occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus using a new angled Amplatzer duct occluder: initial clinical experience
2003 ►
Podnar Tomaž; Gavora Pavol; Masura Jozef
Percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus: complementary use of detachable Cook patent ductus arteriosus coils and Amplatzer duct occluders
2000 ►
Podnar Tomaž; Gavora Pavol; Masura Jozef
Radiation exposure to children during transcatheter occlusion of the patent ductus arteriosus
1999 ►
Podnar Tomaž; Masura Jozef
Percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus using special screwing detachable coils
1997 ►
Podnar T; Mašura J
Transcatheter occlusion of residual patent ductus arteriosus after surgical ligation
1999 ►
Masura Jozef; Tittel Peter; Gavora Pavol; Podnar Tomaž
Long-term outcome of transcatheter patent ductus arteriosus closure using Amplatzer duct occluders
2006 ►
Štucin-Gantar Irena
Težje bolezni nedonošenčka
2005 ►
Robida Andrej
Underestimation of the severity of pulmonary outflow tract obstruction in the first day of life - Doppler echocardiographic study
1996 ►
Robida Andrej; Eltohami Ahmed
Double outlet right ventricle associated with cor triatriatum sinistrum
1994 ►
Robida Andrej; Eltohami Ahmed; Chaikhouni Amer
Aberrant systemic artery-pulmonary venous fistula: diagnosis with Doppler imaging
1992 ►
Kolšek Borut
Srčnožilne hipertenzije
2004 ►
Krevs N
Perkutano zatvaranje ductus areriosus persistens
2003 ►
Kosin Miro
Kirurško zdravljenje prirojenih srčnih napak pri odraslih
2002 ►
Podnar Tomaž
Izbor najprimernejšega zapirala pri perkutanem zapiranju odprtega Botallovega voda
[Selection of the most suitable occluder for the percutaneous closure of patient ductus arteriosus]
2001 ►
Grosek Štefan
Motnje v delovanju srca in obtočil otrok po rojstvu
2001 ►
Jerše Marjan
Srčne napake
2001 ►
Kanič Vojko
Prirojene srčne hibe
2000 ►
Kornhauser-Cerar Lilijana; Avanzo-Velkavrh Marija
Obolevnost novorojenčka v Porodnišnici Ljubljana glede na gestacijsko starost
1998 ►
Robida Andreja; Fettich Darja
Prirojene srčne hibe
1998 ►
Podnar Tomaž
Prirojene srčne napake
1996 ►
Kosin M
Prirojene srčne napake
1995 ►
Pavčnik D; Berden P; Koželj M
Transcatheter occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus in adults
1995 ►
Robida A
The size of the orifices of the pulmonary trunk and aorta in atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus and tetralogy of Fallot
1989 ►
Robida A
Otkrivanje i postupak kod novorođenčadi s prirođenom greškom srca
[Discovery and treatment of new borns with congenital heart disease]
1986 ►
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