biomedicina slovenica |
Radšel Peter
Nevarnosti, povezane s potapljanjem
[Diving-related diseases]
2009 ►
Gregorič ID; Myers TJ; Kar B; Loyalka P; Reverdin S; La Francesca; Odegaard P; Gemmato CJ; Frazier OH
Management of air embolism during HeartMate XVE exchange
2007 ►
Požar-Lukanovič N; Sojar V; Stanisavljevič D
Haemodynamic monitoring during laparoscopic liver resection
2004 ►
Gregorič Primož; Višnar-Perovič Alenka
Clinical importance of portal venous gas detected by abdominal sonography: a report of two cases
[Klinični pomen odkritja plina v portalnih venah jeter pri ultrazvočnem pregledu trebuha: prikaz dveh primerov]
2004 ►
Pirc N; Spindler-Vesel A; Berger J; Šušteršič J; Visočnik B
Neurosurgical procedure in sitting position - incidence and postoperative complications of venous air embolisms
2004 ►
Berger J; Spindler-Vesel A; Pirc N; Prestor B; Šušteršič J; Visočnik B
A massive venous air embolism during posterior fossa surgery in the sitting position - a case report
2004 ►
Kovač Janko
Zapleti med hemodializo
2004 ►
Tretjak Martin; Gorjup Vojka; Možina Matija; Horvat Matija; Noč Marko
Cerebral and coronary gas embolism from the inhalation of pressurized helium
2002 ►
Cerović Ognjen
Zapleti pri izvajanju prehrane življenjsko ogroženega bolnika
2001 ►
Cerović Ognjen
Zapleti pri izvajanju prehrane življensko ogroženega bolnika
2000 ►
Možina Hugon
Nevarnosti, povezane s potapljanjem
[The medical problems of underwater diving]
2000 ►
Slabe-Zejfert Marina; Novak Barbka
Management of anasthesia in laparoscopic procedures
2000 ►
Hajdarević Zuhdija
Pristop k poškodovani nosečnici
[Approach to injured pregnant woman]
2000 ►
Potočnik Slavko
Fizikalne in fiziološke osnove potapljanja: priročnik za potapljače
2000 ►
Hribar P
Zapleti mehanske ventilacije
1999 ►
Hribar P
Zapleti mehanske ventilacije
1998 ►
Voga Gorazd; Žuran Ivan
Pljučna embolija in akutno pljučno srce
1998 ►
Finderle Žarko
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
1998 ►
Gardette Bernard; Gortan Claude; Delauze Henri G
"Helium in -hydrogen out"; a new diving tehchnique
1997 ►
Nashimoto Ichiro; Mochizuki Tohru; Hagihara Yumiko
Diving profiles and decompression risk in occupational SCUBA divers
1997 ►
Barković Danica; Dobi Renata; Cuculić Dražen
Fatal diving accidents in recreational and sport diving in northern Adriatic in a 3-year period (1994-1996)
1997 ►
Longobardi P; Amorico MG; Morisi C; Maitan S; De Pasquale F; Baccanelli M.
Computer tomograhy and autopsy features of pulmonary barotrauma and air embolization in a diver
1997 ►
Siermontowski P; Kozlowski W; Koktysz R; Kulig A; Olszafiski R; Konarski M
Macroscopic and microscopic indices of changes in experimental pulmonary barotrauma
1997 ►
Brauzzi M; Merli M; Rizzo M; Fiorito A
Two-dimensional imaging ultrasound monitoring of gas phase emboli after decompression dives
1997 ►
Koteng S; Holmen-Geving IM; Ustad AL; Flook V; Brubakk AO
The effect of reduced blood flow on inert gas content and bubble formation in the leg duging decompression
1997 ►
Carturan Daniel; Boussuges Alain; Burnet Henri; Vanuxem Paul; Gardette Bemard
Ascent rate, age, percentage of fat tissues and aerobic capacity: influence on the grades of circulating bubbles detected with echocardiography and Doppler
1997 ►
Fook Valerie
A theoretical study of the extent and duration of decompression bubbles following a submarine escape procedure
1997 ►
Flook Valerie
The effect of exercise on decompression bubbles: a theoretical study
1997 ►
Mekjavić IB; Kakitsuba N
Effect of peripheral temperature on the formation of venous gas bubbles
1989 ►
Dolenc VV
Sugery of tumors originating in or invading the cavenous sinus
1992 ►
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