biomedicina slovenica |
Bavec Aljoša
Structure, function and regulation of group IV phospholipase A2 family
2011 ►
Požlep Barbara
Pomen določanja lizofosfatidilne kisline pri benignih in malignih adneksnih tumorjih
[The role of lysophosphatidic acid determination in benign and malignant adnexal tumors]
2007 ►
Gmajner Dejan; Rebolj Katja; Maček Peter; Sepčić Kristina
Membrane activity of osteolysin, a cytolytic protein from the Pleurotus ostreatus, is inhibited by lysophospholipids
2007 ►
Požlep B; Meleh M; Kobal B; Verdenik I; Osredkar J; Kralj LZ; Meden-Vrtovec H
Use of lysophosphatidic acid un the management of benign and malignant ovarian tumors
2007 ►
Berne Sabina
Biokemijske in citolitične lastnosti proteina iz bukovega ostrigarja Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. ex. Fr.) Kumm.
2004 ►
Sepčić Kristina; Berne Sabina; Potrich Cristina; Turk Tom; Maček Peter; Menestrina Gianfranco
Interaction of ostreolysin, a cytolytic protein from the edible mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus, with lipid membranes and modulation by lysophospholipids
2003 ►
Sepčić K; Berne S; Potrich C; Maček P; Turk T; Menestrina G
Ostreolysin interactions with lysophospholipids
2002 ►
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Institute for Biostatistics and Medical Informatics