biomedicina slovenica |
"Prisons" : 47
Finžgar Sabina
Sodelovanje med enoto za forenzično psihiatrijo in zavodi za prestajanje kazni zapora in vloga medicinske sestre pri samomorilno ogroženem pacientu
[Cooperation between the forensic psychiatry unit and the prisons and the role of the nurse in the suicidal patients care]
2018 ►
Kastelic Andrej
Vulnerable groups
2017 ►
Kastelic Andrej
Guidelines, recommendations and clinical pathways for treatment of people who use drugs
2017 ►
Kastelic Andrej
New psychoactive substances
2017 ►
Kastelic Andrej
Drug related risks of drug use and OST
2017 ►
Kastelic Andrej
Drug related risks of drug use and OST
2017 ►
Kastelic Andrej
What works in Opioid Substitution Treatment / Agonist opioid Treatment - OST / AOT
2017 ►
Novak Šarotar Brigita; Štuhec Matej; Brunec Sara; Švab Vesna
Characteristics of patients with mental disorders in a Slovene prison
2018 ►
Kastelic Andrej
Substitution treatment in prison and in the criminal justice system (OST)
2017 ►
Stöver Heino; Kastelic Andrej
Drug treatment and harm reduction in prisons
2014 ►
Enggist Stefan; Møller Lars; Galea Gauden; Udesen Caroline
Prisons in health
2014 ►
Kastelic Andrej; Šegrec Nuša
Integrated approach in drug dependence treatment
2016 ►
Kastelic Andrej; Šegrec Nuša
Integrated approach in drug dependence treatment
2016 ►
Kastelic Andrej; Šegrec Nuša; Teltzrow Robert
Harm reduction in Europe
2016 ►
Kastelic Andrej; Šegrec Nuša
Working together
2016 ►
Kastelic Andrej; Šegrec Nuša
Drug dependence treatment principles and international guidelines
2016 ►
Kastelic Andrej; Šegrec Nuša
What works?
2016 ►
Kastelic Andrej; Šegrec Nuša
What works?
2016 ►
Kastelic Andrej; Šegrec Nuša
Drug related risks drug use
2016 ►
Hovhannisyan Ara; Kastelic Andrej; Šegrec Nuša
Setting the scene: drug use in prisons
2016 ►
Šegrec Nuša
Quality and continuity of care for drugs in prisons study - Slovenian results
2015 ►
Fichezem Louis
Chronicka progresivní astenie
1960 ►
Kastelic Andrej; Šegrec Nuša
Drug dependence treatment services in prisons settings
2015 ►
Šegrec Nuša
Substance use and mental comorbides in prisons
2015 ►
Kastelic Andrej
Pharmacologically assisted and evidence-based drug treatment
2013 ►
Kastelic Andrej
Developing new addiction treatment and harm reduction programmes in communities and prisons in South Eastern Europe
2011 ►
Kastelic Andrej
Opiate substitution treatment in prisons
2013 ►
Kastelic Andrej
Prisoners also have human rights
2011 ►
Kastelic Andrej
International review on substitution therapy in prisons
2010 ►
Kastelic Andrej; Šegrec Nuša
Good practices in managing substance abuse in communities and prisons
2011 ►
Bizjak Tina; Takač Iztok
Reproduktivno zdravstveno varstvo pri zapornicah
[Reproductive health care among incarcerated women]
2012 ►
Lovrečič Mercedes; Lovrečič Barbara
The state of the art regarding heroin addicts in prisons in Slovenia during the period from 1990 to 2008
2012 ►
Kastelic Andrej; Kostnapfel Tatja
Substitucijski programi zdravljenja odvisnosti od opioidov v Sloveniji
[Opioid substitution treatment programs in Slovenia]
2010 ►
Kastelic Andrej
Substitution treatment in prisons from Health in prison - a WHO guide to the essentials in prison health
2009 ►
Kastelic Andrej
Substitution treatment in prisons
2007 ►
Mřller Lars; Stöver Heino; Jürgens Ralf; Gatherer Alex; Nikogosian Haik
Health in prisons: a WHO guide to the essentials in prison health
2007 ►
Kastelic Andrej; Kostnapfel-Rihtar T
Agonist opioid treatment in prisons
2007 ►
Kastelic Andrej; Kostnapfel-Rihtar Tatja
Substitution treatment in prisons
2006 ►
Leskovšek Evita
Promocija zdravja v zaporih
2006 ►
Drobne Manca; Perhavc-Uršič Olga
Assistance to drug users in prisons
2005 ►
Kastelic Andrej
General instructions for treating drug users in prisons in Slovenia
2005 ►
Uršič-Perhavc Olga; Valentinčič Dušan; Drobne Mojca
Drug use in prison
2004 ►
Flaker Vito
Social exclusion and reintegration: political issues and reintegration programmes
2002 ►
Frottier Patrick; Fruehwald S; Ritter K; Benda N; Eher R; Koenig F
Time-specific suicide risk in custody
2001 ►
Leskovšek Evita
HIV, hepatitis and tuberculosis in Slovenian prisons
2002 ►
Zupančič Radovan
Analiza dela suhega oddelka celjskih zaporov
[Analysing activities of the drug free unit in the Celje prison]
2000 ►
Lokar J
Možna ali dejanska zloraba psihiatrije?
1986 ►
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Institute for Biostatistics and Medical Informatics