biomedicina slovenica |
"Proteze in vsadki" : 16
Velnar Tomaž; Bunc Gorazd; Klobucar Robert; Gradišnik Lidija
Biomaterials and host versus graft response
2016 ►
Kuret Zala; Burger Helena
Vpliv silikonskih protez po amputaciji enega ali več prstov roke na telesne funkcije, aktivnosti in kakovost življenja
2016 ►
Voršič Matjaž; Bunc Gorazd; Milojkovič Vojin; Strojnik Tadej
Cervical arthroplasty with ProDisk-C vs fusion with Cervios chronoOS prostheses
2008 ►
Voršič Matjaž
Minimally invasive nonfusion dynamic stabilization for the degenerated lumbar spine
2009 ►
Strojnik Tadej; Drstvenšek Igor; Brajlih Tomaž; Valentan Bogdan; Voršič Matjaž
Rapid technologies supporting surgical operations
2008 ►
Voršič Matjaž; Bunc Gorazd; Milojkovič Vojin; Strojnik Tadej
Cervical disc replacement using ProDisc-C or cervios chronos prostheses (early results)
2008 ►
Voršič Matjaž; Strojnik Tadej; Ravnik Janez; Bunc Gorazd
Interspinous devices for the treatment of degenerative lumbar stenosis: short-term results
2011 ►
Erjavec Tatjana; Vidmar Gaj; Burger Helena
Exercise testing as a screening measure for ability to walk with a prosthesis after transfemoral amputation due to peripheral vascular disease
2014 ►
Voršič Matjaž; Bunc Gorazd
Cervical arthroplasty with prodisc-C versus fusion with cervios chronos prostheses in degenerative disc diseases
2009 ►
Burger Helena
Klinične smernice za rehabilitacijo oseb po amputaciji spodnjega uda
[Clinical guidelines for rehabilitation of patients after lower limb amputation]
2014 ►
Mlakar Maja
Pomen kliničnih smernic v ortotitki in protetiki
[Importance of clinical guidelines in prosthetics and orthotics]
2014 ►
Gorišek Miksić Nina
Spinal infections with and without hardware
2013 ►
Burger Helena
Rehabilitacija osoba nakon amputacije
2013 ►
Burger Helena
Factors related to overuse syndromes in subjects following upper limb amputation
2013 ►
Burger Helena; Brezovar Darinka
Primerjava podtestov testa UNB za testiranje uporabe proteze pri otrocih in mladostnikih
[Comparison of subtests of the UNB test of prosthetic function in children and young adults]
2013 ►
Burger Helena; Marinček Črt
Driving ability following upper limb amputation
2013 ►
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Institute for Biostatistics and Medical Informatics