biomedicina slovenica

"BURIAL" : 10

  1. Zupanič-Slavec Zvonka
    Identification of family relationship by epigenetic traits
  2. Ogrinc Nives; Faganeli Jadran
    Phosphorous regeneration and burial in coastal marine sediments (the Gulf of Trieste, N Adriatic)
  3. Ermenc B; Prijon T
    Suicide, accidents? The importance of the scene investigation
  4. Brugger Hermann
    Preživetje v primeru snežnih plazov - načini zdravljenja, tehnike samoreševanja in varnostna oprema za smučarje po neoznačenih progah
    [Considerations on avalanche survival, therapeutic principles, self-rescue techniques and safety equipment for backcountry and off-piste skiers]
  5. Zalokar Jurij
    Nekaj za zdravstvo zanimivih drobcev iz zgodovine
  6. Battelino Saba; Gros Anton
    Vpliv pnevmatizacije mastoida na funkcionalni izid timpanoplastik tipa I
    [Influence of mastoid pneumatization on functional result of type I tympanoplasty]
  7. Zupanič-Slavec Zvonka
    Družinska povezanost grofov Celjskih: identifikacijska in epigenetska raziskava njihovih lobanj
    [Family interlinkage of the counts of Celje: an identificational and epigenetic study on their skulls]
  8. Pulko Bernardka
    Antropološka obdelava grobišča v Predloki pri Črnem kalu
    [Anthropological research of Predloka burial - place near Črni kal]
  9. Dolenc Anton
    CC Theresiana - 26. člen (Articulus XXVI) de corpore delicti: o ugotavljanju, ali se je dejanje resnično zgodilo, ali o corpore delicti
    [CC Theresiana - Article 26 (Articulus XXVI) de corpore delicti: regarding the determination of whether an act really occurred or corpore delicti]
  10. Babij V
    Flora ljubljanskih Žal
    [Flora of the graveyard Žale in Ljubljana]

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