biomedicina slovenica


  1. Fidler Nataša
    Vpliv viskoznosti črevesne vsebine na absorpcijo hranil
    [The influence of viscosity of intestinal content on nutrient absorption]
  2. Bogataj M; Mrhar A; Korošec L
    Influence of physicochemical and biological parameters on drug release from microspheres adhered on vesical and intestinal mucosa
  3. Gabrijelčič V; Šentjurc M
    Influence of hydrogels on liposome stability and on the transport of liposome entrapped substances into the skin
  4. Gregorc K; Kristl J; Gabrijelčič V; Šentjurc M; Šmid-Korbar J
    Physical stability of liposomes studied by EPR method
    [Proučevanje fizikalne stabilnosti liposomov z EPR metodo]
  5. Bogataj M; Mrhar A; Korošec L
    In vitro evaluation of bioadhesive properties of hydroxypropylcellulose and carboxymethylcellulose films and microspheres

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