biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 16.567-16.666

  1. Tarkka IM; McKay WB; Sherwood AM; Dimitrijević MR
    Early and late motor evoked potentials reflect preset agonist-antagonist organization in lower limb muscles
  2. Besednjak-Kocijančič L
    Zdravljenje akutnih okužb dihal in vnetij ušes v dispanzerju za otroke
    [Medical treatment of acute respiratory infection and otitis media in the primary paediatric health centre]
  3. Bojakowski J; Dimitrijević MR; Hausmanowa-Petrusewicz I; Sherwood AM; Wawro AW; Zalewska E
    Features of motor control in patients with proximal childhood spinal muscle atrophy: (pilot study)
  4. Pavlik I; Yayo-Ayele W; Parmova I; Melicharek I; Hanzlikova M; Svejnochova M; Koermendy B; Nagy G; Cvetnić Z; Katalinić-Janković V; Ocepek M; Žolnir-Dovč M; Lipiec M; Havelkova M
    Mycobacterium tuberculosis in animal and human populations in six Central European countries during 1990-1999
  5. Pavlik I; Yayo-Ayele W; Havelkova M; Svejnochova M; Katalinić-Janković V; Žolnir-Dovč M
    Mycobacterium bovis in human population in four Central European countries during 1990-1999
  6. Jacobs MAJM; Salobir B; Popp-Snijders C; Ader H; Heine RJ
    Counterregulatory hormone responses and symptoms during hypoglycaemia induced by porcine, human regular insulin, and Lys(B28), Pro(B29) human insulin analogue (insulin Lispro) in healthy male volunteers
  7. Kansky AA; Poljak M; Seme K; Kocjan BJ; Gale N; Luzar B; Golouh R
    Human papillomavirus DNA in oral squamous cell carcinomas and normal oral mucosa
  8. Gifford Sean C; Frank Michael G; Derganc Jure; Gabel Christopher; Austin Robert H; Yoshida Tatsuro; Bitensky Mark W
    Parallel microchannel-based measurements of individual erythrocyte areas and volumes
  9. Košnik M; Vizjak A; Jurčić V; Kern I
    Immune deposits in skin biopsies in chronic urticaria
  10. Suwa Shun-ichi; Hoshi Hajime; Takanishi Yoichi; Ishikawa Ken; Takezoe Hideo; Žekš Boštjan
    Helix unwinding process in a short-pitch ferroelectric liquid crystal mixture studied by conoscopy
  11. Mieda Yoshitaka; Hoshi Hajime; Takanishi Yoichi; Takezoe Hideo; Žekš Boštjan
    The mechanism of sign inversion of spontaneous polarization in ferroelectric SmC liquid crystals
  12. Rutkowski Boleslaw; Ciocalteu Alexandru; Djukanovic Ljubica; Kiss Istvan; Kovac Aleksander; Krivoshiev Stefan; Kveder Rado; Polenakovic Momir; Puretic Zvonimir
    Evolution of renal replacement therapy in Central and Eastern Europe 7 years after political and economical liberation
  13. Kveder Radoslav
    Therapy-resistant focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis
  14. Kaplan-Pavlovčič Staša; Cerk Kristina; Kveder Radoslav; Lindič Jelka; Vizjak Alenka
    Clinical prognostic factors of renal outcome in anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody (ANCA)-associated glomerulonephritis in elderly patients
  15. Seme K; Poljak M; Begovac J; Vince A; Tomažič J; Vidmar L; Kniewald T
    Low prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection among human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected individuals from Slovenia and Croatia
  16. Poljak Mario; Marin Irena J; Seme Katja; Vince Adriana
    Hybrid capture II HPV test detects at least 15 human papillomavirus genotypes not included in its current high-risk probe cocktail
  17. Matičič M; Poljak M; Seme K; Skalerič U
    The IgG antibody profile to various antigen regions of hepatitis C virus differs in oral fluid and serum of patients with chronic hepatitis C
  18. Kalden JR; Schattenkirchner M; Soerensen H; Emery P; Deighton C; Rozman B; Breedveld F
    The efficacy and safety of leflunomide in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis: a five-year followup study
  19. Geršak Ksenija; Meden-Vrtovec Helena; Peterlin Borut
    Fragile X premutation in women with sporadic premature ovarian failure in Slovenia
  20. Petrovič Daniel; Peterlin Borut
    Estrogen receptor dinucleotide (TA) polymorphism does not predict premature myocardial infarction in Caucasian women
  21. Terzić R; Tupković E; Logar N; Šehić A; Duričić E; Peterlin B
    Primjena DNA testa u dijagnostici Huntingtonove bolesti
    [The DNA test in the diagnosis of Huntington disease]
  22. Katič Marinka; Frantar Jana; Grgič Irena; Podgornik Helena; Perdih Anton
    Polyoxyethylene stimulates lignin peroxidase production in Phanerochaete chrysosporium
  23. Podgornik Helena; Podgornik Aleš
    Characteristics of LiP immobilized to CIM monolithic supports
  24. Tang SF; Tuel SM; McKay WB; Dimitrijević MR
    Correlation of motor control in the supine position and assistive device used for ambulation in chronic incomplete spinal cord-injured persons
  25. Rossini PM; Barker AT; Berardelli A; Caramia MD; Caruso G; Cracco RQ; Dimitrijević MR; Hallett M; Katayama Y; Lucking CH
    Non-invasive electrical and magnetic stimulation of the brain, spinal cord and roots: basic principles and procedures for routine clinical application. Report of an IFCN committee.
  26. Dimitrijević MR
    Motor control in chronic spinal cord injury patients
  27. Ebersbach G; Dimitrijević MR; Poewe W
    Influence of concurrent tasks on gait: a dual-task approach
  28. McKay WB; Stokić DS; Sherwood AM; Vrbova G; Dimitrijević MR
    Effect of fatiguing maximal voluntary contraction on excitatory and inhibitory responses elicited by transcranial magnetic motor cortex stimulation
  29. Dimitrijević MR; McKay WB; Sherwood AM
    Motor control physiology below spinal cord injury: residual volitional control of motor units in paretic and paralyzed muscles
  30. McKay WB; Stokić DS; Dimitrijević MR
    Assessment of corticospinal function in spinal cord injury using transcranial motor cortex stimulation
  31. Stokić DS; McKay WB; Scott L; Sherwood AM; Dimitrijević MR
    Intracortical inhibition of lower limb motor-evoked potentials after paired transcranial magnetic stimulation
  32. Bacia T; Bidzinski J; Checinski S; Dimitrijević MR; McKay BW
    The influency of frontal lobectomy on motor pattern in epileptic patients (Preliminary report)
  33. Dimitrijević MR; Gerasimenko Y; Pinter MM
    Evidence for a spinal central pattern generator in humans
  34. Dimitrijević MM; Dimitrijević MR
    Clinical elements for the neuromuscular stimulation and functional electrical stimulation protocols in the practice of neurorehabilitation.
  35. Rattay F; Minassian K; Dimitrijević MR
    Epidural electrical stimulation of posterior structures of the human lumbosacral cord: 2. quantitative analysis by computer modeling.
  36. Podgornik Helena; Stegu Matej; Žibert Ema; Perdih Anton
    Laccase production by Phanerochaete chrysosporium - an artefact caused by Mn(III)?
  37. Podgornik Helena; Poljanšek Ida; Perdih Anton
    Transformation of indigo carmine by Phanerochaete chrysosporium ligninolitic enzymes
  38. Grgič Irena; Podgornik Helena; Berovič Marin; Perdih Anton
    Improvements in the determination of manganese peroxide activity
  39. Podgornik Helena; Grgič Irena; Perdih Anton
    Decolorization rate of dyes using lignin peroxidases of Phanerochaete chrysosporium
  40. Leštan Domen; Podgornik Helena; Perdih Anton
    Analysis of fungal pellets by UV-visible spectrum diffuse reflectance spectroscopy
  41. Šabovič Mišo; Lavre Janez; Vujkovac Bojan
    Tranexamic acid is beneficial as adjunctive therapy in treating major upper gastrointestinal bleeding in dialysis patients
  42. Škrgat-Kristan Sabina; Kern Izidor; Mušič Ema
    Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis
  43. O'Quigley J; Xu Ronghui
    Inference for the Cox model under proportional and non proportional hazards
  44. Židanik Miloš
    Vprašalnik za ugotavljanje osebnostnih motenj
  45. Blinc A; Magdič J; Fric J; Muševič I
    Atomic force microscopy of fibrin networks and plasma clots during fibrinolysis
  46. Shen L; O'Quigley J
    Using a one-parameter model to sequentially estimate the root of a regression function
  47. Paoletti X; O'Quigley J
    Two stage two sample CRM
  48. Sok M; Dragaš AZ; Eržen J; Jerman J
    Sources of pathogens causing pleuropulmonary infections after lung cancer resection
  49. Reiner E; Paoletti X; O'Quigley J
    Errors due to stopping rules in phase I cancer trials
  50. Xu Ronghui; O'Quigley John
    A measure of dependence for proportional hazards models
  51. O'Quigley J; Xu R; Blin P; Charpak Y
    Interphase clinical trials
  52. Contal C; O'Quigley J
    Evaluating the effect of age on survival in breast cancer using changepoint methods
  53. O'Quigley J; Flandre P; Reiner E
    Large sample theory for Schemper's measures of explained variation in the Cox model
  54. O'Quigley J; Reiner E
    A stopping rule for the continual reassessment method
  55. Xu Ronghui; O'Quigley John
    Estimating average log relative risk under nonproportional hazards
  56. Shen LZ; O'Quigley J
    Consistency of continual reassessment method in dose finding studies
  57. Karamarković Aleksandar R; Gadžijev Eldar M; Nikolić Valentina; Djukić Vladimir R
    Surgical anatomy of the segmental bile duct (B3) of the liver: surgical importance of the round ligament approach
  58. O'Quigley J
    Daniels association measures under right censoring
  59. Baudoin C; O'Quigley J
    Symmetric intervals and cofidence intervals
  60. Hribernik Marija; de Cecchis Lucio; Trotovšek Blaž; Gadžijev Eldar M; Ravnik Dean
    Anatomical variations of the right hepatic veins and their relevance to surgery
  61. O'Quigley J
    Two sided tests for crossing hazards
  62. Xu Ronghui; O'Quigley J
    Estimating average regression effect in non proportional hazards regression
  63. Xu Ronghui; O'Quigley J
    Proportional hazards estimate of the conditional survival function
  64. O'Quigley J; Paoletti X; Maccario J
    Non-parametric optimal design in dose finding studies
  65. O'Quigley J
    Continual reassessment designs with early termination
  66. Natarajan L; O'Quigley J
    Predictive capability of stratifed proportional hazards models
  67. O'Quigley J; Paoletti X
    Continual reassessment method for ordered groups
  68. Natarajan Loki; O'Quigley John
    Interval estimates of the probability of toxicity at the maximum tolerated dose for small samples
  69. O'Quigley J
    Curve-free and model-based continual reassessment method designs
  70. O'Quigley J; Hughes MD; Fenton T
    Dose-finding designs for HIV studies
  71. Khanna S; Davis D; Peterson B; Fisher B; Tung H; O'Quigley J; Deutsch R
    Use of hypertonic saline in the treatment of severe refractory posttraumatic intracranial hypertension in pediatric traumatic brain injury
  72. O'Quigley J; Shen LZ; Gamst A
    Two-sample continual reassessment method
  73. Plaxe SC; Christen RD; O'Quigley J; Braly PS; Freddo JL; McClay E; Heath D; Howell SB
    Phase I and pharmacokinetic study of intraperitoneal topotecan
  74. O'Quigley J; Shen LZ
    Continual reassessment method: a likelihood approach
  75. Flandre P; O'Quigley J
    A two-stage procedure for survival studies with surrogate endpoints
  76. Bensadon M; O'Quigley J
    Integral evaluation for continual reassessment method
  77. O'Quigley J; Flandre P
    Predictive capability of proportional hazards regression
  78. Christen R; O'Quigley J; Howell S
    Phase 1 pharmacokinetic study of high-dose progesterone and doxorubicin
  79. Kunej Tanja; Zorn Branko; Peterlin Borut
    Y chromosome microdeletions in infertile men with cryptorchidism
  80. Lanišnik-Rižner Tea; Lin Hsueh K; Peehl Donna M; Steckelbroeck Stephan; Bauman David R; Penning Trevor M
    Human type 3 3alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (aldo-keto reductase 1C2) and androgen metabolism in prostate cells
  81. Finderle Žare; Cankar Ksenija
    Delayed treatment of frostbite injury with hyperbaric oxygen therapy: a case report
  82. Košnik Mitja; Wraber Branka; Grmek Irena
    Rush Hymenoptera venom immunotherapy modulates mast cell and basophil function
  83. Pregelj Peter; Sketelj Janez
    Role of load bearing in acetylcholinesterase regulation in rat skeletal muscles
  84. Žuvić-Butorac Marta; Batista Urška; Schara Milan
    EPR spectra of cell membranes: a comparative study of erythrocytes and fibroblasts
  85. Richet Herve M; Benbachir Mohamed; Brown Dereck FJ; Giamarellou Helen; Gould Ian; Gubina Marija; Heczko Piotr; Kalenić Smilja; Pana Marina; Seme Katja
    Are there regional variations in the diagnosis, surveillance, and control of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus?
  86. Legan M; Kocijančič A; Preželj J; Osredkar J; Fisker S
    GH-IGF-I axis in non-obese women with functional hyperandnrogenism
  87. Potočnik Uroš; Glavač Damjan; Ravnik-Glavač Metka
    Identification of novel genes with somatic frameshift mutations within coding mononucleotide repeats in colorectal tumors with high microsatellite instability
  88. Rovšek Barbara; Čepič Mojca; Žekš Boštjan
    Electric-field-induced transition between the anticlinic and the synclinic smectic-C surfaces in free-standing films
  89. Gorecka E; Pociecha D; Čepič Mojca; Žekš Boštjan; Dabrowski R
    Enantiomeric excess dependence of the phase diagram of antiferroelectric liquid crystals
  90. Čepič Mojca; Gorecka E; Pociecha D; Žekš Boštjan; Nguyen HT
    Theoretical and experimental study of the intermediate Sm C*(Fl2) and the Sm C*(Fl1) phases in antiferroelectric liquid crystals
  91. Lorman V; Podgornik Rudolf; Žekš Boštjan
    Positional, reorientational, and bond orientational order in DNA mesophases
  92. Čepič Mojca; Žekš Boštjan
    Flexoelectricity and piezoelectricity: the reason for the rich variety of phases in antiferroelectric smectic liquid crystals
  93. Pociecha D; Gorecka E; Čepič Mojca; Vaupotič Nataša; Žekš Boštjan; Kardas D; Mieczkowski J
    Reentrant ferroelectricity in liquid crystals
  94. Rovšek Barbara; Čepič Mojca; Žekš Boštjan
    Uniplanar smectic phases in free-standing films
  95. Rožman P; Karas M; Košir A; Labar B; Madrigal A; Middleton D; Navarrete C; Oudshoorn M; Schemmach H; Vitek A; Bohinjec M
    Are human platelet alloantigens (HPA) minor transplantation antigens in clinical bone marrow transplantation?
  96. Žvan B; Zaletel M; Pogačnik T; Kiauta T
    Testing of cerebral endothelium function with L-arginine after stroke
  97. Žvan Bojana; Zaletel Marjan; Pretnar-Oblak Janja; Pogačnik Tomaž; Kiauta Tomaž
    The middle cerebral artery flow velocities during head-up tilt testing in diabetic patients with autonomic nervous system dysfunction
  98. Kotnik Tadej; Miklavčič Damijan
    Analytical description of transmembrane voltage induced by electric fileds on spheroidal cells
  99. Kotnik Tadej; Miklavčič Damijan
    Theoretical evaluation of the distributed power dissipation in biological cells exposed to electric fields
  100. Pucihar Gorazd; Kotnik Tadej; Kandušer Maša; Miklavčič Damijan
    The influence of medium conductivity on electropermeabilization and survival of cells in vitro

   16.067 16.167 16.267 16.367 16.467 16.567 16.667 16.767 16.867 16.967  

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