biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 18.567-18.666

  1. Abreu P; Cindro Vladimir; Eržen Borut; Golob Boštjan; Zavrtanik Danilo; Žontar Dejan
    A precise measurement of the B0d meson lifetime using a new technique
  2. Abreu P; Boštjančič Bojan; Golob Boštjan; Zavrtanik Danilo
    A search for lepton flavour violation in Z0 decays
  3. Abreu P; Cindro Vladimir; Eržen Borut; Golob Boštjan; Zavrtanik Danilo; Žontar Dejan
    Search for lepton flavour number violating Z0-decays
  4. Abreu P; Boštjančič Bojan; Golob Boštjan; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Measurement of inclusive production of ligh meson resonance in hadronic decays of the Z0
  5. Abreu P; Boštjančič Bojan; Golob Boštjan; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Search for Z0 decays to two leptons and a charged particle-antiparticle pair
  6. Abreu P; Cindro Vladimir; Eržen Borut; Golob Boštjan; Zavrtanik Danilo; Žontar Dejan
    Measurement of event shape and inclusive distributions at (square root)s = 130 and 136 GeV
  7. Abreu P; Boštjančič Bojan; Golob Boštjan; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Charged particle multiplicity distributions for fixed number of jets in Z0 hadronic decays
  8. Abreu P; Boštjančič U; Golob Boštjan; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Measurement of the partial width of the Z0 into b(bar)b final states using states their semi-leptonic decays
  9. Abreu P; Cindro Vladimir; Eržen Borut; Golob Boštjan; Podobnik Tomaž; Stanič Samo; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Measurement of the triple gluon vertex from double quark tagged 4-jet events
  10. Adam W; Cindro Vladimir; Eržen Borut; Golob Boštjan; Podobnik Tomaž; Stanič Samo; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Search for Bs0 - Bs0 oscilations
  11. Angelopoulos A; Filipčič Andrej; Mandič Igor; Mikuž Marko; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Measurement of the neutral kaon regeneration amplitude in carbon at momenta below 1 GeV/c
  12. Abreu P; Boštjančič Bojan; Golob Boštjan; Zavrtanik Danilo
    A study of the decays of tau leptons produced on the Z resonance at LEP
  13. Angelopoulos A; Filipčič Andrej; Mandič Igor; Mikuž Marko; Zavrtanik Danilo
    An upper limit for the branching ratio of the decay KS to e+e-
  14. Abreu P; Boštjančič Bojan; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Determination of (alfa)s in second order QCD from hadronic Z decays
  15. Abreu P; Boštjančič Bojan; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Measurement of the average lifetime of B hadrons
  16. Abreu P; Boštjančič Bojan; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Study of final state photons in hadronic Z0 decays and limits on new phenomena
  17. Adler R; Filipčič Andrej; Mandič Igor; Mikuž Marko; Zavrtanik Danilo
    CPLEAR results on the CP parameters of neutral kaons decaying to pi+pi-pi0
  18. Abreu P; Boštjančič Bojan; Golob Boštjan; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Classification of the hadronic decays of the Z0 into b and c quark pairs using a neural network
  19. Zega A; Trampuš-Bakija A; Fortuna M; Stegnar M; Tschopp TB; Steiner B; Urleb U
    Novel thrombin inhibitors with azaphenylalanine scaffold
  20. Mavri Alenka; Gužič-Salobir Barbara; Salobir-Pajnič Barbara; Keber Irena; Stare Janez; Stegnar Mojca
    Seasonal variation of some metabolic and haemostatic risk factors in subjects with and without coronary artery disease
  21. Mavri A; Stegnar M; Šabovič M
    Do baseline serum leptin levels predict weight regain after dieting in obese women?
  22. Abreu P; Boštjančič Bojan; Golob Boštjan; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Evidence for Bs0 meson production in Z0 decays
  23. Abreu P; Boštjančič Bojan; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Bose-Einstein correlations in the hadronic decays of the Z0
  24. Uršič-Vrščaj M; Bebar S; Primic-Žakelj M
    Hormone replacement therapy after invasive ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma treatment: the effect on survival
  25. Adler R; Filipič Andrej; Mikuž Marko; Seljak Uroš; Zavrtanik Danilo
    First determination of CP violation parameters from Ko-(bar)Ko decay asymmetry
  26. Abreu P; Boštjančič Bojan; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Measurement of the Z0 branching fraction to b quark pairs using the boosted spherecity product
  27. Abreu P; Boštjančič Bojan; Zavrtanik Danilo
    A measurement of sin2 Theta w from the charge asymmetry of hadronic events in the Z0 peak
  28. Abreu P; Boštjančič Bojan; Zavrtanik Danilo
    A measurement of the bŠbarĆb forward backward asymmetry using the semileptonic decay into muons
  29. Abreu P; Boštjančič Bojan; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Multiplicity dependence of mean transverse momentum in e+ e-annihilations at LEP energies
  30. Uršič-Vrščaj M; Kovačič J; Bebar S; Djurišič A; Fras PA; Robič V
    Endometrial and other primary cancers after tamoxifen treatment of breast cancer - results of retrospective cohort study
  31. Abreu P; Boštjančič Bojan; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Production of strange particles in the hadronic decays of the Z0
  32. Abreu P; Boštjančič Bojan; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Search for scalar leptoquarks from Z0 decays
  33. Doljak B; Stegnar M; Urleb U; Kreft S; Umek A; Ciglarič M; Štrukelj B; Popovič T
    Screening for selective thrombin inhibitors in mushrooms
  34. Abreu P; Boštjančič Bojan; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Searches for heavy neutrinos from Z decays
  35. Eke-Okoro ST; Gregorič M; Larsson LE
    Alterations in gait resulting from deliberate changes of arm-swing amplitude and phase
  36. Dernovšek Mojca Z; Bah Bojana; Pintarič Leonarda; Tavčar Rok
    The knowledge of inpatients with schizophrenia on their medication at hospital discharge
  37. Meh D; Denišlič M
    Correlation between temperature and vibration thresholds and somatosensory evoked potentials
  38. Kotseva K; Wood D; De Backer G; De Bacquer D; Turk J; Keber I; Marn K; Salapura V; Škof E; Špan M
    Clinical reality of coronary prevention guidelines: a comparison of EUROASPIRE I and II in nine countries
  39. Kozak M; Keber D; Šabovič M
    Local and systemic changes of fibrinolytic parameters in blood during catheter-direct intra-arterial thrombolysis
  40. Žemva Aleš; Rogel Polona
    Gender differences in athlete's heart: association with 24-h blood pressure. A study of pairs in sport dancing
  41. Šabovič M; Keber D
    Factors influencing the lysis of ex vivo human thrombi
  42. Žemva Aleš; Žemva Žarka
    Ventricular ectopic activity, left ventricular mass, hyperinsulinemia, and intracellular magnesium in normotensive patients with obesity
  43. Šel Davorka; Hvala Nadja; Strmičnik Stanko; Milanič Srečko; Šuk-Lubej Boža
    Experimental testing of flexible recipe control based on a hybrid model
  44. Kralj-Cigić Irena; Plavec Janez; Smole-Možina Sonja; Zupančič-Kralj Lucija
    Characterisation of sorbate geometrical isomers
  45. Črnugelj Martin; Dukhan David; Barascut Jean-Louis; Imbach Jean-Louis; Plavec Janez
    How S-C-N anomeric effects and energetic preference across (S-C-C-O) fragments steer conformational equilibria in 4'-thionucleosides. 1H NMR and ab initio MO study
  46. Ješelnik Marjan; Plavec Janez; Polanc Slovenko; Kočevar Marijan
    Novobiocin-related compounds: synthesis of 3-benzoylamino-2-oxo-2H-1-benzopyran-7-yl d-glycopyranosides by the trichloroacetimidate methodology
  47. Popović Zora; Soldin Željka; Plavec Janez; Vikić-Topić Dražen
    Mecuration of thiophene-2-carboxylic acid, 2-thienylethanoic acid and 3-(2-thienyl)alanine: preparation and spectral characterization
  48. Prhavc Marija; Plavec Janez; Kobe Jože; Leban Ivan; Giester Gerald
    Synthesis of a novel pyrazolo(1,5-c)pyrimidine C-nucleoside and conformational analysis by NMR spectroscopy
  49. Polak Matjaž; Plavec Janez
    NMR study of the tuning of north=south equilibrium in nucleos(t)ides by metal ion interactions
  50. Polak Matjaž; Plavec Janez; Trifonova Ana; Foeldesi Andras; Chattopadhyaya Jyoti
    The change in the electronic character upon cisplatin binding to guanine nucleotide is transmitted to drive the conformation of the local sugar-phosphate backbone
  51. Kralj-Cigić Irena; Plavec Janez; Zupančič-Kralj Lucija
    Determination of the geometrical isomers of ethyl 2,4-decadienoate
  52. Dernovšek MZ; Tavčar R
    Age at onset of schizophrenia and neuroleptic dosage
  53. Polak Matjaž; Plavec Janez
    Multinuclear NMR study of the conformational changes in MepdG and dGpMe upon interaction with Mg(2+), Zn(2+) and Hg(2+) ions reveals the strengthening of the anomeric effect by soft M(2+) ions
  54. Vikić-Topić Dražen; Novak Predrag; Meić Zlatko; Plavec Janez; Kovaček Damir
    Intrinsic long range deuterium isotope effects on (13)C NMR chemical shifts as a conformational probe of benzene derivatives
  55. Tavčar R; Dernovšek MZ; Žvan V
    Choosing antipsychotic maintenance therapy--a naturalistic study
  56. Predrag Novak; Meić Zlatko; Vikić-Topić Dražen; Smrečki Vilko; Plavec Janez
    Structural dependence of isotope effects in 1H and (13)C nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of the trans-N-benzylideneaniline imino group
  57. Polak Matjaž; Plavec Janez
    What are the conformational changes induced by hard and soft metal ion bindining to 2'-deoxyguanosine?
  58. Plavec Janez; Roselt Peter; Foeldesi Andras; Chattopadhyaya Jyoti
    Pseudorotation of the sugar moiety in pyrimidine nucleosides occurs on the same time scale as the overall tumbling: 2H NMR relaxation time study
  59. Grabner Sabina; Plavec Janez; Bukovec Nataša
    Synthesis and structural characterization of platinum(II)-acyclovir complexes
  60. Thibaudeau Christophe; Plavec Janez; Chattopadhyaya Jyoti
    A new generalized Karplus-type equation relating vicinal proton-fluorine coupling constants to H-C-C-F torsion angles
  61. Polak Matjaž; Mohar Barbara; Kobe Jože; Plavec Janez
    Anomeric effect in purine nucleosides. Evaluation of the steric effect of a purinic aglycone from the pseudorotational equilibrium of cyclopentane in carbocyclic C-nucleoside 1
  62. Polak Matjaž; Doboszewski Bogdan; Herdewijn Piet; Plavec Janez
    Conformational studies on 2',3'-unsaturated pentopyranosyl nucleosides by 1H NMR spectroscopy. Impact of (pi) - (sigma)* interactions on the axial preference of the purine versus pyrimidine nucleobase
  63. Raić Silvana; Mintas Mladen; Danilovski Aleksandar; Vinković Mladen; Pongračić Mario; Plavec Janez; Vikić-Topić Dražen
    Acyclic purine nucleoside analogues: computational and NMR studies of conformational behaviour
  64. Gladović Nataša; Zupančič-Kralj Lucija; Plavec Janez
    Determination of primary oxidation products of linoleic acid and triacylglycerols
  65. Plavec Janez; Chattopadhyaya Jyoti
    Comparative assessment of structure and reactivity of Wyosine by chemistry, spectroscopy and ab initio calculations
  66. Plavec Janez; Thibaudeau Cristophe; Chattopadhyaya Jyoti
    How do the energetics of the stereoelectronic gauche and anomeric effects modulate the conformation of nucleos(t)ides?
  67. Thibaudeau Christophe; Plavec Janez; Chattopadhyaya Jyoti
    Quantitation of the pD dependent thermodynamics of the N = S pseudorotational equilibrium of the pentofuranose moiety in nucleosides gives a direct measurement of the strength of the tunable anomeric effect and the pKa of the nucleobase
  68. Plavec Janez; Thibaudeau Christhope; Viswanadham Garimella; Sund Cristian; Sandstroem Anders; Chattopadhyaya Jyoti
    The interaction of the 2'-OH group with the vicinal phosphate in ribonucleoside 3'-ethylphosphate drives the sugar-phosphate backbone into unique (S,(epsilon)-) conformational state
  69. Papchikhin Aleksander; Agback Peter; Plavec Janez; Chattopadhyaya Jyoti
    The diastereospecific synthesis of new 2',3'-cis-ŠalphaĆ-fused carbocyclic nucleosides
  70. Plavec Janez; Chattopadhyaya Jyoti
    Reparametrisation of Karplus equation relating 3J(C-C-O-P) to torsion angle
  71. Rong Jianhui; Roselt Peter; Plavec Janez; Chattopadhyaya Jyoti
    The synthesis and conformation of 2'- and 3'-hypermodified tricyclic nucleosides and their use in the synthesis of novel 2'- or 3'-isomeric 4(7)-substituted isoxazolidine-nucleosides
  72. Garg Neeraj; Hossain Nafizal; Plavec Janez; Chattopadhyaya Jyoti
    New synthesis of 3'-C-substituted-3'-nitromethyl -ribo-thymidines
  73. Plavec Janez; Thibaudeau Christhope; Viswanadham Garimella; Sund Christan; Chattopadhyaya Jyoti
    How does the 3'-phosphate drive the sugar conformation in DNA?
  74. Thibaudeau Christope; Plavec Janez; Watanabe KA; Chattopadhyaya Jyoti
    How do the aglycones drive the pseudorotational equilibrium of the pentofuranose moiety in C-nucleosides?
  75. Thibaudeau Christhope; Plavec Janez; Chattopadhyaya Jyoti
    Quantitation of the anomeric effect in adenosine and guanosine by comparison of the thermodynamics of the pseudorotational equilibrium of the pentofuranose moiety in N- and C-nucleosides
  76. Plavec Janez; Thibaudeau Christophe; Chattopahyaya Jyoti
    How does the 2'-hydroxy group drive the pseudorotational equilibrium in nucleoside and nucleotide by the tuning of the 3'-Gauche effect?
  77. Thibaudeau Christophe; Plavec Janez; Garg Neeraj; Papchikhin Aleksander; Chattopahyaya Jyoti
    How does the electronegativity of the substituent dictate the strength of the Gauche effect?
  78. Hossain Nafizal; Papchikhin Aleksander; Plavec Janez; Chattopahyaya Jyoti
    Synthesis of 2'- and 3'-spiro-isoxazolidine derivatives of thymidine and their conversion 2',3'-dideoxy-2',3'-didehydro-3'-C-substituted nucleosides by radical promoted fragmentation
  79. Hossain Nafizal; Plavec Janez; Thibaudeau Christope; Chattopahyaya Jyoti
    Diels-Alder reaction of 2',3'-unsaturated-3'nitro-thymidine. First chemical evidence of nitroxide radical formation in the radical-promoted denitration reaction
  80. Garg Neeraj; Plavec Janez; Chattopahyaya Jyoti
    New synthesis of 3'-C-substituted nucleosides
  81. Agback Peter; Glemarec Corine; Yin Lee; Sandstroem Anders; Plavec Janez; Sund Christian; Yamakage Shun-Ichi; Viswanadham Garimella; Rousse Bertrand; Puri Nitin
    The self-cleavage of lariat-RNA
  82. Plavec Janez; Garg Neeraj; Chattopahyaya Jyoti
    How does the steric effect drive the sugar conformation in the 3'-C-branched nucleosides?
  83. Plavec Janez; Tong Eeimin; Chattopadyaya Jyoti
    How do the Gauche and anomeric effect drive the pseudorotational equilibrium of the pentofuranose moiety of nucleosides?
  84. Papchikhin Alexander; Agback Peter; Plavec Janez; Chattopadhyaya Jyoti
    (4+2) and (3+2) cycloaddition reactions of 2',3'-dideoxy-3'-nitro-2',3'-didehydrothymidine with ethyl vinyl ether
  85. De Backer G; Ambrosio GB; Amouyel P; Cokkinos D; Deckers J; Erhardt L; Graham I; Keber I; Škof E; Špan M
    Lifestyle and risk factor management and use of drug therapies in coronary patients from 15 countries: principal results from EUROASPIRE II Euro heart survey programme
  86. Bešić N; Auersperg M; Us-Krašovec M; Golouh R; Frkovič-Grazio S; Vodnik A
    Effect of primary treatment on survival in anaplastic thyroid carcinoma
  87. Swaak AJG; van de Brink H; Smeenk RJT; Manger K; Kalden JR; Tosi S; Marchesoni A; Domljan Z; Rozman B; Logar D
    Incomplete lupus erythematosus: results of a multicentre study under the supervision of the EULAR standing committee on international clinical studies including therapeutic trials (ESCISIT)
  88. Swaak AJG; van den Brink HG; Smeenk RJT; Manger K; Kalden JR; Tosi S; Domljan Z; Rozman B; Logar D; Pokorny G
    Systemic lupus erythematosus. Disease outcome in patients with a disease duration of at least 10 years: second evaluation
  89. Križan Peter; Korpar Samo; Starič Marko; Stanovnik Aleš; Cindro Michel; Škrk Damijan; Zavrtanik Marko; Hamacher T; Michel E
    Tests of a large area MWPC with a CsI photocathode
  90. Šebeštjen Miran; Žegura Branka; Gužič-Salobir Barbara; Keber Irena
    Fibrinolytic parameters and insulin resistance in young survivors of myocardial infarction with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia
  91. Palmieri VG; Cindro Vladimir; Mikuž Marko; Zavrtanik Marko
    Radiation hard position-sensitive cryogenic silicon detectors
  92. Granata V; Cindro Vladimir; Mikuž Marko; Zavrtanik Marko
    Irradiated silicon detectors operated at cryogenic temperatures
  93. Collins P; Cindro Vladimir; Mikuž Marko; Zavrtanik Marko
    Cryogenic operation of silicon detectors
  94. Borer K; Cindro Vladimir; Mikuž Marko; Zavrtanik Marko
    Charge collection efficiency of irradiated silicon detector operated at cryogenic temperatures
  95. Lavrenčič Aleša; Gužič-Salobir Barbara; Keber Irena
    Physical training improves flow-mediated dilation in patients with the polymetabolic syndrome
  96. Mihailović Dragan; Stevens CJ; Podobnik Boštjan; Demšar Jure; Zavrtanik Marko; Smith D; Ryan JF
    Evidence for two-component superconductivity in the femtosecond optical and transient photoconducting response of YBa2Cu3O(7-delta)
  97. Vrtovec Bojan; Keber Irena; Gadžijev Andrej; Bardorfer Igor; Keber Dušan
    Carotid intima-media thickness of young coronary patients
  98. Demšar Jure; Zavrtanik Marko; Podobnik Boštjan; Dediu VI; Mihailović Dragan
    Photoresponse of Y-Ba-Cu-O thin films on the (mu)s time scale - evidence for localized states near EF
  99. Zavrtanik Marko
    Operational experience with the 4(pi) ring imaging Cherenkov detector of DELPHI
  100. Richet Herve M; Mohammed Jasmine; McDonald Clifford L; Jarvis William R; Gubina M
    Building communication networks: international network for the study and prevention of emerging antimicrobial resistance

   18.067 18.167 18.267 18.367 18.467 18.567 18.667 18.767 18.867 18.967  

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