biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.02 : 3.159-3.258

  1. Legido-Quigley Helena; Panteli Dimitra; Brusamento Serena; Knai Cecile; Saliba Vanessa; Turk Eva; Solé Meritxell; Augustin Uta; Car Josip; McKee Martin; Busse Reinhard
    Clinical guidelines in the European Union
  2. Brusamento Serena; Legido-Quigley Helena; Panteli Dimitra; Turk Eva; Knai Cecile; Saliba Vanessa; Car Josip; McKee Martin; Busse Reinhard
    Assessing the effectiveness of strategies to implement clinical guidelines for the management of chronic diseases at primary care level in EU Member States
  3. Knai Cécile; Brusamento Serena; Legido-Quigley Helena; Saliba Vanessa; Panteli Dimitra; Turk Eva; Car Josip; McKee Martin; Busse Reinhard
    Systematic review of the methodological quality of clinical guideline development for the management of chronic disease in Europe
  4. Osredkar Joško
    Podeljevanje terapevtskih izjem slovenskim športnikom v obdobju 2007-2011
    [Therapeutic use exemption granting to Slovenian athletes in the period 2007-2011]
  5. Kočevar Glavač Nina; Stojilkovski Katja
    Klinične raziskave v fitoterapiji
    [Clinical trials in phytotherapy]
  6. Janeš Damjan
    Sodobna uporaba zdravilnih rastlin v Evropski uniji
    [Modern use od medicinal herbs in EU]
  7. Režonja Renata; Knez Lea; Čufer Tanja; Mrhar Aleš
    Oral treatment with etoposide in small cell lung cancer - dilemmas and solution
  8. Sajko Sara; Sollner Dolenc Marija
    Vzroki in posledice pomanjkanja vitamina D
    [Causes and consequences of vitamin D deficiency]
  9. Košak Urban; Obreza Aleš
    Nikelj kot pomemben element v sledovih?
    [Nickel as important trace element?]
  10. Makivić Irena; Kersnik Janko; Kolšek Marko
    Ukrepi za zmanjšanje tveganega in škodljivega pitja alkohola v populaciji študentov
    [Measures to reduce risky and heavy alcohol drinking in the population of students]
  11. Zupan Anton; Jenko Mojca
    Assistive technology for people with cerebral palsy
  12. Groleger Katja
    Evaluation measures for children with cerebral palsy
  13. Vidmar Gaj
    Poissonova porazdelitev - osnove, uporaba, nadgradnja
    [Poisson distribution - fundamentals, applications, extensions]
  14. Čufer Tanja; Šeruga Boštjan
    Ovire in izzivi v kliničnem raziskovanju v onkologiji
  15. Velenik Vaneja
    Teleradioterapija kostnih zasevkov
  16. Gugić Kevo Jasenka; Strojan Primož
    Squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck in the elderly
  17. Strojan Primož; Jereb Simona; Boršoš Imre; But Hadžić Jasna; Zidar Nina
    Radiotherapy for inverted papilloma
  18. Vrdoljak Eduard; Ciuleanu Tudor; Kharkevich Galina; Mardiak Jozef; Mego Michal; Padrik Peeter; Petruželka Luboš; Purkalne Gunta; Shparyk Yaroslav; Škrbinc Breda; Szczylik Cezary; Torday Laszlo
    Optimizing treatment for patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma in the central and Eastern European region
  19. Zorko Nika; Roš-Opaškar Tanja
    Kortikosteroidi pri možganskih tumorjih
  20. Kovač Viljem
  21. Stirn-Kranjc Branka
    Ocular abnormalities and systemic disease in Down syndrome
  22. Oblak Čedomir; Ovsenik Maja; Ihan Hren Nataša
    Interdisciplinarno zdravljenje ektodermalne displazije z oligodontijo
    [Interdisciplinary treatment of ectodermal dysplasia with oligodontia]
  23. Žvan Bojana
    Functional transcranial doppler sonography
  24. Štukovnik Vita; Dolenc-Grošelj Leja
    Nefarmakološki pristopi pri obravnavi kronične nespečnosti
    [Non-pharmacological approaches to the treatmen of chronical insomnia]
  25. Salihović Mensur; Bajrović Fajko
    Protibolečinska učinkovitost transkutane električne nevrostimulacije (TENS) naživalskih modelih in mehanizem njenega delovanja
    [Analgesic effectiveness of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (tenS) in animal models and its mechanism of action]
  26. Riccardi Enzo; Jakimovska Marina; Maniglio Paolo; Schimberni Mauro; Frega Antonio; Kobal Borut; Moscarini Massimo
    Laparoscopic injury of the obturator nerve during fertility-sparing procedure for cervical cancer
  27. Šinkovec Matjaž; Marn-Pernat Andreja; Jan Matevž; Antolič Bor; Kovač Jernej; Trebušak Podkrajšek Katarina; Debeljak Maruša
    Nova mutacija kanalčka KCNJ2 pri bolnici s sindromom Andersen-Tawil
    [Novel KCNJ2 mutation associated with Andersen-Tawil syndrome]
  28. Craig Ronald G.; Marn-Pernat Andreja
    Periodontal diseases and systemic inflammation
  29. Podnar Simon; Harlander Matevž
    Phrenic nerve conduction studies in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  30. Perme Tina; Mali Senja; Vidmar Ivan; Gvardijančič Diana; Blumauer Robert; Mishaly David; Grabnar Iztok; Nemec Gregor; Grosek Štefan
    Prolonged prostaglandin E1 therapy in a neonate with pulmonary atresia and ventricular septal defect and the development of antral foveolar hyperplasia and hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
  31. Popović Peter; Lukic S.; Mijailović Miroslav; Salapura Vladka; Garbajs Manca; Šurlan Popović Katarina
    Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of small renal cell carcinoma: technique,complications, and outcomes
  32. Benedik-Dolničar Majda; Homan Matjaž; Brecelj Jelka
    JAK2V617F mutation in a 9-year-old girl with polycythemia vera and Budd-Chiari syndrome
  33. Zidanšek Anja; Rifel Janez; Švab Igor
    Poučevanje sporazumevanja s pomočjo videa in simuliranih bolnikov 15 let izkušenj Medicinske fakultete v Ljubljani
    [Teaching communication with the help of video and simulated patients 15 years of experience of the Medical faculty of Ljubljana]
  34. Košir Rok; Španinger Klemen; Rozman Damjana
    Circadian events in human diseases and in cytochrome P450-related drug metabolism and therapy
  35. Ačimovič Jure; Rozman Damjana
    Steroidal triterpenes of cholesterol synthesis
  36. Naik Adviti; Košir Rok; Rozman Damjana
    Genomic aspects of NAFLD pathogenesis
  37. Meh Duška; Georgiev Dejan
    Osnove zaznavanja, dojemanja (spoznavanja) in prepoznavanja bolečine
    [Principles of pain sensation, perception and recognition]
  38. Sonc Momika
    Zdravljenje bolečine paliativnega bolnika
    [Pain treatment in the palliative patient]
  39. Čižek-Sajko Mojca; Sajko Uršula Julija; Jereb Berta
    Samomori med osebami, zbolelimi za levkemijo v otroštvu, v Sloveniji
  40. Strojan primož; Ferlito Alfio; Langendijk Johannes A; Corry June
    Contemporary management of lymph node metastases from an unknown primary to the neck: II. a review of therapeutic options
  41. Černe Jasmina-Živa; Novaković Srdjan; Geršak Ksenija
    Estrogeni kot kancerogeni dejavniki pri raku dojk
    [Breast cancer: estrogens as carcinogens]
  42. Klempa Boris; Avšič-Županc Tatjana; Clement Jan; Dzagurova Tamara K
    Complex evolution and epidemiology of Dobrava-Belgrade hantavirus: definition of genotypes and their characteristics
  43. Erdani-Kreft Mateja; Višnjar Tanja
    Golgijev aparat: zgradba, funkcija in bolezni
    [Golgi apparatus: organization, function and diseases]
  44. Bresjanac Mara
    Mehanizmi učinka placeba
    [Placebo effect mechanisms]
  45. Plankar Matej; Brežan Simon; Jerman Igor
    The principle of coherence in multi-level brain information processing
  46. Zorec Robert; Araque Alfonso; Carmignoto Giorgio; Haydon Philip G; Verhratsky Alexei; Parpura Vladimir
    Astroglial excitability and gliotransmission: an appraisal of Ca2+ as a signalling route
  47. Arbyn Marc; Ronco Guglielmo; Anttila Ahti; Meijer Chris JLM; Poljak Mario; Ogilvie Gina; Koliopoulos George; Naucler Pontus; Sankaranarayanan Rengaswamy; Peto Julian
    Evidence regarding human papillomavirus testing in secondary prevention of cervical cancer
  48. Poljak Mario
    Prophylactic human papillomavirus vaccination and primary prevention of cervical cancer: issues and challenges
  49. Kesić Vesna; Poljak Mario; Rogovskaya Svetlana
    Cervical cancer burden and prevention activities in Europe
  50. Hauptman Nina; Glavač Damjan
    Long non-coding RNA in cancer
  51. Boc Anja; Čebašek Vita
    Vene spodnjih udov - anatomija in nova terminologija
    [Veins of the lower limbs - anatomy and new terminology]
  52. Poljak Mario; Cuzick Jack; Kocjan Boštjan J; Iftner Thomas; Dillner Joakim; Arbyn Marc
    Nucleic acid tests for the detection of alpha human papillomaviruses
  53. Farkaš Jerneja; Albreht Tit; Zaletel-Kragelj Lijana
    Slovenian health care system performance in the light of Euro Health Consumer Index 2012
    [Zmogljivost sistema zdravstvenega varstva Slovenije z vidika Euro Health Consumer Index 2012]
  54. Selič Polona
    Complementary use of profiling and polygraph method in Slovenia during the period 1997-2004
  55. Goličnik Marko
    Die Kinetik der Invertinwirkung of L. Michaelis and M. L. Menten revisited after 100 years: closed-form solutions of genuine invertase-reaction dynamics
  56. Gradišek Michael Jožef; Gradišek Primož; Kremžar Boriana
    Akutna dihalna stiska po transfuziji
    [Acute respiratory distress after transfusion]
  57. Štamfelj I
    Endodontsko zdravljenje prvega spodnjega stalnega kočnika z nadštevilno korenino radix entomolaris
    [Endodontic treatment of the permanent mandibular first molar with a supernumerary root, radix entomolaris]
  58. Gašperšič D; Jan J; Štamfelj I
    Tvorba zobnih tkiv v kroni
    [Development of tissues in the tooth crown]
  59. Hvala Nataša; Kotar Viki; Zoronjič Erna; Peterec Kotar Darija; Lesar Irena
    Mladostnik in samopoškodba: možnosti in priložnosti za izvajanje preventivnega zdravstvenovzgojnega dela
    [Adolescent and self-injury epossibilities and opportunities for preventive health education]
  60. Mencej Bedrač Simona; Ostanek Barbara; Mlakar Vid; Zupan Janja; Kocjan Tomaž; Preželj Janez; Marc Janja
    Sodobni pogled na nastanek osteoporoze
    [Up-to-date insight on the development of osteoporosis]
  61. Mencej Bedrač Simona; Zupan Janja; Kocjan Tomaž; Mlakar Vid; Preželj Janez; Marc Janja; Ostanek Barbara
    Zdravljenje osteoporoze danes in jutri
    [Treatment of osteoporosis now and in the future]
  62. Košak Urban; Obreza Aleš
    Nikelj kot pomemben element v sledovih?
    [Nickel as important trace element?]
  63. Jaunig Senta; Zupanič-Slavec Zvonka
    Prikaz medicinske, javnozdravstvene in slovenske zgodovine tuberkuloze
    [Medical and public health perspectives in the general history of tuberculosis and the history of of tuberculosis among Slovenes]
  64. Kopčavar-Guček Nena; Mazej-Poredoš Barbara
    Simptomi in znaki s področja spodnjih dihal v ambulanti družinskega zdravnika
    [Lower respiratory tract symptoms in family practice]
  65. Čebašek Vita
    Anatomija pljuč
    [Anatomy of the lung]
  66. Stožer Andraž; Dolenšek Jurij; Rupnik Marjan
    Fiziologija pljuč - prvi del
    [Pulmonary physiology - part one]
  67. Stožer Andraž; Rupnik Marjan
    Fiziologija pljuč - drugi del
    [Pulmonary physiology - drugi del]
  68. Stožer Andraž; Dolenšek Jurij; Rupnik Marjan
    Fiziologija pljuč - tretji del
    [Pulmonary physiology - part three]
  69. Jerše Maja
  70. Jerše Maja
    Primarni tumorji plevre
    [Primary tumours of the pleura]
  71. Jerše Maja
    Epidemiologija, etiologija, preinvazivne lezije in klasifikacija primarnih pljučnih malignomov
    [Epidemiology, aetiology, preinvasive lesions and classification of primary pulmonary tumours]
  72. Alla Arben; Czabanowska Katarzyna; Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Roshi Enver; Burazeri Genc
    Abilities and competencies of family physicians in Albania: adaptation of a conceptual framework for quality improvement
  73. Farkaš-Lainščak J; Koprivnikar H; Kukec A; Košnik M
    Najpomembnejši dejavniki tveganja za bolezni dihal
    [The most important risk factors for respiratory diseases]
  74. Kržan Mojca
    Zdravila proti astmi
    [Antiasthmatic drugs]
  75. Jovanović Višnja; Doričić Robert
    Škrljevska bolezen v bolnišnici v Kraljevici na Hrvaškem (1818-1859)
    [The Skrljevo disease in the Hospital in Kraljevica in Croatia (1818-1859)]
  76. Virtič Tina; Bilban Marjan
    Alergija na lateks v zdravstvu
    [Latex allergy in health care]
  77. Takač Iztok; Kos Darjan; Arko Darja
    Spolna zloraba
    [Sexual abuse]
  78. Strojan Primož
    Contemporary management of lymph node metastases from an unknown primary to the neck: I. a review of diagnostic approaches
  79. Kavalar Rajko; Arko Darja; Fokter Dovnik Nina; Takač Iztok
    Subinvolution of placental bed vessels: case report and review of the literature
  80. Gluvajić Daša; Bilban Marjan; Hočevar-Boltežar Irena
    Ali je glasovna motnja lahko tudi poklicna bolezen?
    [Can a voice disorder be an occupational disease?]
  81. Jež Mojca; Veber Matija; Rožman Primož
    Pluripotentne matične celice v embrionalnem razvoju in pri odraslem
    [Pluripotent stem cells during embryo development and in the adult]
  82. Belisario Jose S Marcano; Bruggeling Michelle N; Gunn Laura H; Brusamento Serena; Car Josip
    Interventions for recruiting smokers into cessation programmes
  83. Lipnik-Štangelj Metoda; Zidarn Mihaela
    Mukolitiki, ekspektoransi in antitusiki
    [Mucolytics, expectorants and antitussives]
  84. Andriessen Karl; Beautrais Annette; Tekavčič-Grad Onja; Brockmann Elisabeth; Simkin Sue
    Current understandings of suicide survivor issues: research, practice, and plans. Report of the 1st International suicide postvention seminar, September 8, 2006, Portoroz, Slovenia
  85. Pavčnik Arnol Maja; Grošelj-Grenc Mojca; Gvardijančič Diana
    Nekrotizirajoči enterokolitis
    [Necrotizing enterocolitis]
  86. Kersnik-Levart Tanja; Battelino Nina; Kopač Matjaž; Rus Rina; Novljan Gregor; Meglič Anamarija; Sedlar Aleš; Marčun-Varda Nataša; Ključevšek Damjana
    Novosti pri obravnavi otrok s sumom na prirojene napake sečil
    [Updates on the evaluation of children with suspected urinary tract anomalies]
  87. Marčun-Varda Nataša
    Diagnosticiranje arterijske hipertenzije pri otroku in mladostniku
    [Diagnostic evaluation of the child and adolescent with hypertension]
  88. Homan Matjaž; Hojsak Iva; Kolaček Sanja
    Helicobacter pylori in pediatrics
  89. Gurol-Urganci Ipek; de Jongh Thyra; Vodopivec-Jamšek Vlasta; Car Josip; Atun Rifat
    Mobile phone messaging for communicating results of medical investigations
  90. Car Josip; Gurol-Urganci Ipek; de Jong Thyra; Vodopivec-Jamšek Vlasta; Atun Rifat
    Mobile phone messaging reminders for attendance at healthcare appointments
  91. Mavsar-Najdenov Brigita; Dežman Katja; Mrhar Aleš
    Spremljanje skladnosti uporabe protimikrobnih zdravil pri okužbah sečil s smernicami v Splošni bolnišnici Jesenice
    [Monitoring of compliance with guidelines for antimicrobial therapy of urinary tract infections in Jesenice general hospital]
  92. Atherton Helen; Sawmynaden Prescilla; Sheikh Aziz; Majeed Ayeem; Car Josip
    Email for clinical communication between patients/caregivers and healthcare professionals
  93. Sawmynaden Prescilla; Atherton Helen; Majeed Azeem; Car Josip
    Email for the provision of information on disease prevention and health promotion
  94. Trpković Andreja; Putniković Biljana; Sudar Emina; Velebit Jelena; Gluvić Zoran; Ilić Zelmira; Djurić Jovanka; Isenović Esma R
    Regulation of sodium pump by estradiol in vascular smooth muscle cells
    [Uloga estradiola u regulaciji netrijumove pumpe u vaskularnim glatkim mišićnim ćelijama]
  95. Keber Rok; Rozman Damjana; Horvat Simona
    Sterols in spermatogenesis and sperm maturation
  96. Radić Nataša; Štrukelj Borut
    Endophytic fungi - the treasure chest of antibacterial substances
  97. Petek-Šter Marija
    Epidemiologija in smernice zdravljenja kroničnih bolezni
    [Epidemiology and guidelines for the management of chronicle diseases]
  98. Perinetti Giuseppe; Primožič Jasmina; Manfredini Daniele; Di Lenarda Roberto; Contardo Luca
    The diagnostic potential of static body-sway recording in orthodontics: a systematic review
  99. Kovačec Simona; Krajnc Mitja; Čokolič Miro; Zavratnik Andrej
    Sladkorna bolezen in nosečnost
    [Diabetes in pregnancy]
  100. Dragin-Jerman Urška; Erdani-Kreft Mateja
    Od tkivnega inženirstva do regenerativne medicine - sodoben pristop k rekonstrukciji sečil
    [From tissue engineering to regenerative medicine - a modern approach to the reconstruction of the urinary tract]

   2.659 2.759 2.859 2.959 3.059 3.159 3.259 3.359 3.459 3.559  

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