biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.02 : 3.201-3.300

  1. Erdani-Kreft Mateja; Višnjar Tanja
    Golgijev aparat: zgradba, funkcija in bolezni
    [Golgi apparatus: organization, function and diseases]
  2. Bresjanac Mara
    Mehanizmi učinka placeba
    [Placebo effect mechanisms]
  3. Plankar Matej; Brežan Simon; Jerman Igor
    The principle of coherence in multi-level brain information processing
  4. Zorec Robert; Araque Alfonso; Carmignoto Giorgio; Haydon Philip G; Verhratsky Alexei; Parpura Vladimir
    Astroglial excitability and gliotransmission: an appraisal of Ca2+ as a signalling route
  5. Arbyn Marc; Ronco Guglielmo; Anttila Ahti; Meijer Chris JLM; Poljak Mario; Ogilvie Gina; Koliopoulos George; Naucler Pontus; Sankaranarayanan Rengaswamy; Peto Julian
    Evidence regarding human papillomavirus testing in secondary prevention of cervical cancer
  6. Poljak Mario
    Prophylactic human papillomavirus vaccination and primary prevention of cervical cancer: issues and challenges
  7. Kesić Vesna; Poljak Mario; Rogovskaya Svetlana
    Cervical cancer burden and prevention activities in Europe
  8. Hauptman Nina; Glavač Damjan
    Long non-coding RNA in cancer
  9. Boc Anja; Čebašek Vita
    Vene spodnjih udov - anatomija in nova terminologija
    [Veins of the lower limbs - anatomy and new terminology]
  10. Poljak Mario; Cuzick Jack; Kocjan Boštjan J; Iftner Thomas; Dillner Joakim; Arbyn Marc
    Nucleic acid tests for the detection of alpha human papillomaviruses
  11. Farkaš Jerneja; Albreht Tit; Zaletel-Kragelj Lijana
    Slovenian health care system performance in the light of Euro Health Consumer Index 2012
    [Zmogljivost sistema zdravstvenega varstva Slovenije z vidika Euro Health Consumer Index 2012]
  12. Selič Polona
    Complementary use of profiling and polygraph method in Slovenia during the period 1997-2004
  13. Goličnik Marko
    Die Kinetik der Invertinwirkung of L. Michaelis and M. L. Menten revisited after 100 years: closed-form solutions of genuine invertase-reaction dynamics
  14. Gradišek Michael Jožef; Gradišek Primož; Kremžar Boriana
    Akutna dihalna stiska po transfuziji
    [Acute respiratory distress after transfusion]
  15. Štamfelj I
    Endodontsko zdravljenje prvega spodnjega stalnega kočnika z nadštevilno korenino radix entomolaris
    [Endodontic treatment of the permanent mandibular first molar with a supernumerary root, radix entomolaris]
  16. Gašperšič D; Jan J; Štamfelj I
    Tvorba zobnih tkiv v kroni
    [Development of tissues in the tooth crown]
  17. Hvala Nataša; Kotar Viki; Zoronjič Erna; Peterec Kotar Darija; Lesar Irena
    Mladostnik in samopoškodba: možnosti in priložnosti za izvajanje preventivnega zdravstvenovzgojnega dela
    [Adolescent and self-injury epossibilities and opportunities for preventive health education]
  18. Mencej Bedrač Simona; Ostanek Barbara; Mlakar Vid; Zupan Janja; Kocjan Tomaž; Preželj Janez; Marc Janja
    Sodobni pogled na nastanek osteoporoze
    [Up-to-date insight on the development of osteoporosis]
  19. Mencej Bedrač Simona; Zupan Janja; Kocjan Tomaž; Mlakar Vid; Preželj Janez; Marc Janja; Ostanek Barbara
    Zdravljenje osteoporoze danes in jutri
    [Treatment of osteoporosis now and in the future]
  20. Košak Urban; Obreza Aleš
    Nikelj kot pomemben element v sledovih?
    [Nickel as important trace element?]
  21. Jaunig Senta; Zupanič-Slavec Zvonka
    Prikaz medicinske, javnozdravstvene in slovenske zgodovine tuberkuloze
    [Medical and public health perspectives in the general history of tuberculosis and the history of of tuberculosis among Slovenes]
  22. Kopčavar-Guček Nena; Mazej-Poredoš Barbara
    Simptomi in znaki s področja spodnjih dihal v ambulanti družinskega zdravnika
    [Lower respiratory tract symptoms in family practice]
  23. Čebašek Vita
    Anatomija pljuč
    [Anatomy of the lung]
  24. Stožer Andraž; Dolenšek Jurij; Rupnik Marjan
    Fiziologija pljuč - prvi del
    [Pulmonary physiology - part one]
  25. Stožer Andraž; Rupnik Marjan
    Fiziologija pljuč - drugi del
    [Pulmonary physiology - drugi del]
  26. Stožer Andraž; Dolenšek Jurij; Rupnik Marjan
    Fiziologija pljuč - tretji del
    [Pulmonary physiology - part three]
  27. Jerše Maja
  28. Jerše Maja
    Primarni tumorji plevre
    [Primary tumours of the pleura]
  29. Jerše Maja
    Epidemiologija, etiologija, preinvazivne lezije in klasifikacija primarnih pljučnih malignomov
    [Epidemiology, aetiology, preinvasive lesions and classification of primary pulmonary tumours]
  30. Alla Arben; Czabanowska Katarzyna; Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Roshi Enver; Burazeri Genc
    Abilities and competencies of family physicians in Albania: adaptation of a conceptual framework for quality improvement
  31. Farkaš-Lainščak J; Koprivnikar H; Kukec A; Košnik M
    Najpomembnejši dejavniki tveganja za bolezni dihal
    [The most important risk factors for respiratory diseases]
  32. Kržan Mojca
    Zdravila proti astmi
    [Antiasthmatic drugs]
  33. Jovanović Višnja; Doričić Robert
    Škrljevska bolezen v bolnišnici v Kraljevici na Hrvaškem (1818-1859)
    [The Skrljevo disease in the Hospital in Kraljevica in Croatia (1818-1859)]
  34. Virtič Tina; Bilban Marjan
    Alergija na lateks v zdravstvu
    [Latex allergy in health care]
  35. Takač Iztok; Kos Darjan; Arko Darja
    Spolna zloraba
    [Sexual abuse]
  36. Strojan Primož
    Contemporary management of lymph node metastases from an unknown primary to the neck: I. a review of diagnostic approaches
  37. Kavalar Rajko; Arko Darja; Fokter Dovnik Nina; Takač Iztok
    Subinvolution of placental bed vessels: case report and review of the literature
  38. Gluvajić Daša; Bilban Marjan; Hočevar-Boltežar Irena
    Ali je glasovna motnja lahko tudi poklicna bolezen?
    [Can a voice disorder be an occupational disease?]
  39. Jež Mojca; Veber Matija; Rožman Primož
    Pluripotentne matične celice v embrionalnem razvoju in pri odraslem
    [Pluripotent stem cells during embryo development and in the adult]
  40. Belisario Jose S Marcano; Bruggeling Michelle N; Gunn Laura H; Brusamento Serena; Car Josip
    Interventions for recruiting smokers into cessation programmes
  41. Lipnik-Štangelj Metoda; Zidarn Mihaela
    Mukolitiki, ekspektoransi in antitusiki
    [Mucolytics, expectorants and antitussives]
  42. Andriessen Karl; Beautrais Annette; Tekavčič-Grad Onja; Brockmann Elisabeth; Simkin Sue
    Current understandings of suicide survivor issues: research, practice, and plans. Report of the 1st International suicide postvention seminar, September 8, 2006, Portoroz, Slovenia
  43. Pavčnik Arnol Maja; Grošelj-Grenc Mojca; Gvardijančič Diana
    Nekrotizirajoči enterokolitis
    [Necrotizing enterocolitis]
  44. Kersnik-Levart Tanja; Battelino Nina; Kopač Matjaž; Rus Rina; Novljan Gregor; Meglič Anamarija; Sedlar Aleš; Marčun-Varda Nataša; Ključevšek Damjana
    Novosti pri obravnavi otrok s sumom na prirojene napake sečil
    [Updates on the evaluation of children with suspected urinary tract anomalies]
  45. Marčun-Varda Nataša
    Diagnosticiranje arterijske hipertenzije pri otroku in mladostniku
    [Diagnostic evaluation of the child and adolescent with hypertension]
  46. Homan Matjaž; Hojsak Iva; Kolaček Sanja
    Helicobacter pylori in pediatrics
  47. Gurol-Urganci Ipek; de Jongh Thyra; Vodopivec-Jamšek Vlasta; Car Josip; Atun Rifat
    Mobile phone messaging for communicating results of medical investigations
  48. Car Josip; Gurol-Urganci Ipek; de Jong Thyra; Vodopivec-Jamšek Vlasta; Atun Rifat
    Mobile phone messaging reminders for attendance at healthcare appointments
  49. Mavsar-Najdenov Brigita; Dežman Katja; Mrhar Aleš
    Spremljanje skladnosti uporabe protimikrobnih zdravil pri okužbah sečil s smernicami v Splošni bolnišnici Jesenice
    [Monitoring of compliance with guidelines for antimicrobial therapy of urinary tract infections in Jesenice general hospital]
  50. Atherton Helen; Sawmynaden Prescilla; Sheikh Aziz; Majeed Ayeem; Car Josip
    Email for clinical communication between patients/caregivers and healthcare professionals
  51. Sawmynaden Prescilla; Atherton Helen; Majeed Azeem; Car Josip
    Email for the provision of information on disease prevention and health promotion
  52. Trpković Andreja; Putniković Biljana; Sudar Emina; Velebit Jelena; Gluvić Zoran; Ilić Zelmira; Djurić Jovanka; Isenović Esma R
    Regulation of sodium pump by estradiol in vascular smooth muscle cells
    [Uloga estradiola u regulaciji netrijumove pumpe u vaskularnim glatkim mišićnim ćelijama]
  53. Keber Rok; Rozman Damjana; Horvat Simona
    Sterols in spermatogenesis and sperm maturation
  54. Radić Nataša; Štrukelj Borut
    Endophytic fungi - the treasure chest of antibacterial substances
  55. Petek-Šter Marija
    Epidemiologija in smernice zdravljenja kroničnih bolezni
    [Epidemiology and guidelines for the management of chronicle diseases]
  56. Perinetti Giuseppe; Primožič Jasmina; Manfredini Daniele; Di Lenarda Roberto; Contardo Luca
    The diagnostic potential of static body-sway recording in orthodontics: a systematic review
  57. Kovačec Simona; Krajnc Mitja; Čokolič Miro; Zavratnik Andrej
    Sladkorna bolezen in nosečnost
    [Diabetes in pregnancy]
  58. Dragin-Jerman Urška; Erdani-Kreft Mateja
    Od tkivnega inženirstva do regenerativne medicine - sodoben pristop k rekonstrukciji sečil
    [From tissue engineering to regenerative medicine - a modern approach to the reconstruction of the urinary tract]
  59. Večerić-Haler Željka; Kandus Aljoša; Bren Andrej
    Zdravljenje sekundarnega hiperparatiroidizma z analogi vitamina D pri bolnikih s kronično ledvično boleznijo: pomen selektivnosti aktivatorjev receptorjev za vitamin D
    [Vitamin D treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism in patients with chronic kidney disease: the significance of vitamin D receptor activator selectivity]
  60. Ferlež Mitja; Osredkar Joško
    Biološki potni list v boju proti dopingu
    [Biological passport in the fight against doping]
  61. Petek Davorina; Campbell Stephen; Serec Maša; Kersnik Janko
    Kazalniki kakovosti preventive srčno-žilnih bolezni v ambulanti družinske medicine
    [Quality indicators of cardiovascular disease prevention for primary care in Slovenia]
  62. Sedmak Marjeta; Homan Matjaž; Brecelj Jelka; Mičetić-Turk Dušanka; Fidler Mis Nataša; Širca-Čampa Andreja; Bigec Martin; Plevnik-Vodušek Vesna; Battelino Tadej; Orel Rok; Bratanič Borut; Vesel Tina; Avčin Tadej; Kržišnik Ciril
    Nove smernice za prehrano dojenčkov v Sloveniji
    [New infant feeding recommendations in Slovenia]
  63. Petre Maja
    Prilagajanje odmerjanja analgetikov glede na ledvično in jetrno funkcijo
    [Dosage adjustment of analgesics in kidney or liver impairment]
  64. Kolarič Barbara
    Zdravljenje bolečine pri revmatoidnem artritisu
    [Pain management in rheumatoid arthritis]
  65. Bousquet J; Schuenemann HJ; Samolinski B; Zidarn M
    Allergic rhinitis and its impact on asthma (ARIA): achievements in 10 years and future needs
  66. Potočnik Hubert; Krofel Miha; Smole Irena; Vrezec Al; Kos Ivan
    Mrhovina kot prispevek k biotski pestrosti slovenskega živalstva
    [Carrion can contribute to biodiversity of Slovenian fauna]
  67. Hrašovec Sonja; Glavač Damjan
    MicroRNAs as novel biomarkers in colorectal cancer
  68. Drobnič-Radobuljac Maja; Bratina Nataša; Tomori Martina; Battelino Tadej
    Sladkorna bolezen tip 1 in psihosocialni dejavniki tveganja v mladostništvu
    [Type 1 diabetes and psychosocial risk factors in adolescence]
  69. Lunder Mojca; Janić Miodrag; Skralovnik Ajda; Turk Martina; Habjan Sara; Šabovič Mišo
    Staranje arterijskega sistema
    [Arterial aging]
  70. Šimc Mojca; Strbad Marko; Jež Mojca; Rožman Primož
    Zdravljenje z matičnimi celicami
    [Stem cell therapy]
  71. Artenjak Andrej; Lakota Katja; Frank Mojca; Čučnik Saša; Rozman Blaž; Božič Borut; Shoenfeld Yehuda; Sodin-Šemrl Snežna
    Antiphospholipid antibodies as non-traditional risk factors in atherosclerosis based cardiovascular diseases without overt autoimmunity. A critical updated review
  72. Perinetti G; Primožič J; Castaldo A; Di Lenarda R; Contardo L
    Is gingival crevicular fluid volume sensitive to orthodontic tooth movement? A systematic review of split-mouth longitudinal studies
  73. Bon Jurij; Žmitek Andrej
    Sodobni biološki načini zdravljenja depresivne motnje
    [Modern biological treatments of depression]
  74. Pleskovič Alojz; Gradišek Primož; Kremžar Boriana
    Novosti pri zdravljenju bolnikov po topih poškodbah trebuha
    [Up-tp-date management of patients with blunt abdominal trauma]
  75. Šeruga Boštjan; Novak Šarotar Brigita; Knez Lea; Borštnar Simona; Janša Rado; Kocmur Marga; Čufer Tanja
    Sočasno zdravljenje s tamoksifenom in z zaviralci CYP2D6: klinični pomen interakcij zdravil
    [Concurrent treatment with tamoxifen and CYP2D6 inhibitors: clinical significance of drug interactions]
  76. Bukovnik Nejc; Bizjak Anja; Pernat-Drobež Cvetka; Skalicky Marjan; Dinevski Dejan
    Telemedicinsko spremljanje bolnikov s kronično vnetno črevesno boleznijo
    [Telemedical monitoring of patients with inflammatory bowel disease]
  77. Breskvar Marko; Maček-Kvanka Marjeta; Tonejc Mihael; Vavpotič Mitja
    Novi telemedicinski sistem v slovenski transfuzijski službi
    [The new telemedicine system in Slovenian blood transfusion service]
  78. Ihan Alojz; Pinchuk Irina V; Beswick Ellen J
    Inflammation, immunity, and vaccines for Helicobacter pylori infection
  79. Rudel Drago; Jenko Tine; Fisk Malcom; Rose Roberts
    Telescope - telehealth services code of practice for Europe
    [Telescope - Kodeks storitev zdravja na daljavo za Evropo]
  80. Leskošek Branimir; Rudel Drago
    BioModUE_PTL - biophysical modelling of the uterine electrical activity for understanding and preventing PreTerm labour
    [BioModUE_PTL - biofizikalni model električne aktivnosti maternice za razumevanje in preprečevanje prezgodnjega poroda]
  81. Milisav Irina; Poljšak Borut; Šuput Dušan
    Adaptive response, evidence of cross-resistance and its potential clinical use
  82. Simonič Anja; Furlan Maja; Ravnjak Tanja; Dirkse Dale
    Caring for caregivers: a right way to do it?
  83. Poljšak Borut; Glavan Uroš; Dahmane Raja
    Skin cancer, free radicals and antioxidants
  84. Jakovljević Miroljub; Šćepanović Darija; Hlebš Sonja; Puh Urška
    Ocenjevanje motoričnih funkcij bolnikov z multiplo sklerozo
    [Assessment of motor functions in multiple sclerosis patients]
  85. Bogerd Nina
    Lajšanje simptomov multiple skleroze s hlajenjem
    [Using cooling strategies to relieve the symptoms of multiple sclerosis]
  86. Simončič Špela; Hlebš Sonja
    Z dokazi podprta fizioterapija po operaciji hernie disci v ledveni hrbtenici
    [Evidence based physiotherapy after disc hernation surgery in the lumbar spine]
  87. Nežič Evelin; Puh Urška; Hlebš Sonja
    Izvedba testa stoje na eni nogi
    [Procedure of the one leg standing test]
  88. Kralj-Iglič Veronika
    Stability of membranous nanostructures: a possible key mechanism in cancer progression
  89. Kariž Stojan; Rupnik Erik; Košnik Mitja
    Acute myocardial infarction associated with hypersensitivity to wasp sting
    [Akutni miokardni infarkt in preobčutljivostna reakcija po piku ose]
  90. Zaletel Katja; Gaberšček Simona; Doma Andrej; Hojker Sergej
    Huda hipotiroza zaradi pomanjkanja joda ob neslani presni vegetarijanski prehrani
    [Severe hypothyroidism caused by iodine deficiency related to the consumption of unslated uncooked vegetarian food]
  91. Gaberšček Simona; Zaletel Katja
    Jod in ščitnica
    [Iodine and the thyroid gland]
  92. Avsenik Jernej; Podnar Simon
    Meralgija parestetika: diagnostika in zdravljenje
    [Meralgia paresthetica: diagnosis and treatment]
  93. Ciringer Miha; Smrke Dragica
    Kronična rana-sodobni pristopi zdravljenja
    [Chronic wound-modern treatment modalities]
  94. Kelc Robi; Topolovec Janja
    Trendi uporabe in razvoja bioloških zdravil za zdravljenje malignih obolenj
    [Trends of usage and development of biological drugs for treatment of malignancies]
  95. Strojan-Fležar Margareta; Gutnik Helena
    Biološka označevalca p16 in Ki-67 za opredelitev cervikalne intraepitelijske neoplazije v biopsijskih vzorcih mateničnega vratu
    [Biological markers p16 and Ki-67 for defining cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in biopsy samples of the cervix]
  96. Meyer Barbara; Atherton Helen; Sawmynaden Prescilla; Car Josip
    Email for communicating results of diagnostic medical investigations to patients
  97. Atherton Helen; Sawmynaden Prescilla; Meyer Barbara; Car Josip
    Email for the coordination of healthcare appointments and attendance reminders
  98. Globočnik-Petrovič Mojca; Štunf Špela
    Toksični sindrom sprednjega segmenta-vzroki in priporočila za preprečevanje
    [Toxic anterior segment syndrome-causes and resomendations for prevention]
  99. Dobovšek Darja; Novak-Andrejčič Katrina; Vidovič-Valentinčič Nataša
    Očesne spremembe v nosečnosti
    [Ocular changes during pregnancy]
  100. Jaki Polona
    Zapora centralne vene mrežnice na edinem funkcionalnem očesu: učinek zdravljenja z bevacizumabom
    [Central retinal vein occlusion in the only functional eye: the effect of bevacizumab treatment]

   2.701 2.801 2.901 3.001 3.101 3.201 3.301 3.401 3.501 3.601  

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