biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.02 : 3.801-3.900

  1. Marčun-Varda Nataša; Gregorič Alojz
    Metabolic syndrome in the pediatric population: a short overview
  2. Nicula Florian A.; Anttila Ahti; Neamtiu Luciana; Primic-Žakelj Maja; Tachezy Ruth; Chil Arkadiusz; Grce Magdalena; Kesić Vesna
    Challenges in starting organised screening programmes for cervical cancer in the member states of the European Union
  3. Ronco Guglielmo; van Ballegoijen Marjolein; Becker Nicolas; Rebolj Matejka; Primic-Žakelj Maja
    Process performance of cervical screening programmes in Europe
  4. Burdett S.; Debevec Miha; Kovač Viljem
    Postoperative radiotherapy in non-small-cell lung cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data from nine randomised controlled trials
  5. Brožič Petra; Gobec Stanislav; Lanišnik-Rižner Tea
    Izoencimi aldo/keto-reduktaz iz poddružine 1C kot tarče za razvoj zdravilnih učinkovin
    [Aldo/keto reductase isozymes of the !C subfamily as new drug targets]
  6. Neubauer D; Osredkar D; Paro-Panjan D; Derganc M
    Neurophysiological studies during early life
  7. Korošec-Jagodič Helena; Jagodič Klemen; Pregelj Peter
    Obravnava bolnika z delirijem
    [Management of delirium]
  8. Gunde-Cimerman Nina; Ramos Jose; Plemenitaš Ana
    Halotolerant and halophilic fungi
  9. Parekh-Olmedo Hetal; Krainc Dimitri; Kmiec Eric B
    Targeted gene repair and its application to neurodegenerative disorders
  10. Bilban Marjan
    Obravnava bolnika s poklicno boleznijo - "poklicna anamneza"
    [Evaluation of patients with occupational diseases - occupational history]
  11. Fister Miša; Lindič Jelka
    Holesterolni embolizmi
    [Cholesterol embolism syndrome]
  12. Marovt Maruška
    Dermatološke manifestacije hiperezinofilnega sindroma
    [Dermatologic manifestations of the hypereosinophilic syndrome]
  13. Šavli Tomaž; Geršak Borut
    TEA v primerjavi s PTA pri zdravljenju stenoze karotidnih arterij
    [TEA in comparison to PTA in carotid artery stenosis]
  14. Grošičar Janja; Sok Mihael
    Pljučni zasevki
    [Pulmonary metastasis]
  15. Šušteršič Miha; Bunc Matjaž
    Perkutana zamenjava aortne zaklopke: nov način zdravljenja aortne stenoze
    [Percutaneous aortic valve replacement: new way of treating aortic stenosis]
  16. Rus Rina; Zakotnik Breda
    Cepljenje otrok z obolenji ledvic
    [Immunization of children with renal disease]
  17. Gregorič Matej; Koch Verena
    Prehranska kakovost zajtrka slovenskih srednješolcev
    [Nutritional quality of breakfast eaten by secondary school students in Slovenia]
  18. Sodja Eva; Matos Tadeja; Simčič Saša
    Mikrobiološka diagnostika invazivne kandidize
    [Microbiological diagnosis of invasive candidiasis]
  19. Slabe Nina; Košir Renata; Meden-Vrtovec Helena
    Sodobni pogled na etiopatogenezo endometrioze
    [Contemporary view on ethiopathogenesis of endometriosis]
  20. Japelj Igor; Lužnik Marijan; Pšeničnik Stanko
    Prednosti posebne kombinacije ultrazvočne STIC in TUI preiskave pri oceni plodovega srca
    [Advantages of a special combination of the ultrasound STIC and TUI examination in the evaluation of the fetal heart]
  21. Hamilton FL; Car J; Lyons C; Car M; Layton A; Majeed A
    Laser and other light therapies for the treatment of acne vulgaris: systematic review
  22. Perše Martina; Cerar Anton
    Telesna dejavnost in rak debelega črevesa in danke
    [Physical activity and colorectal cancer]
  23. Serša Gregor
    Biološke in molekularne značilnosti malignih celic ter njihove tarče pri zdravljenju raka
  24. Snoj Nataša; Bedard Philippe L.; De Azambuja Evandro; Cardoso Fatima; Piccart Martine
    Are we HER-ting for innovation in neoadjuvant breast cancer trial design?
  25. Jurčić Vesna; Hočevar Alojzija; Vizjak Alenka
    Kožni vaskulitisi in kožni pojavi pri sistemskih vaskulitisih
    [Cutaneous vasculitides and cutaneous manifestations of systemic vasculitides]
  26. Fon-Tacer Klementina
    Citokromi P450, jedrni receptorji in fibroblastni rastni dejavniki - nove endokribne osi kot potencialna prijemališča za zdravljenje presnovnih bolezni
    [Cytochromes P450, nuclear receptors, and fibroblast growth factors - new endocrine axes as potential drug targets to treat metabolic disorders]
  27. Vintar-Spreitzer M; Čižman M; Orel R
    Akutna driska pri otroku
    [Acute diarrhoea in children]
  28. Brunskole Mojca; Lanišnik-Rižner Tea; Stojan Jure
    Encimi iz naddružine kratkoverižnih dehidrogenaz/reduktaz kot nove farmakološke tarče
    [Enzymes of the short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase superfamily s new pharmacological targets]
  29. Peterlin B; Kobal J; Teran N; Flisar D; Lovrecic L
    Epidemiology of Huntington's disease in Slovenia
  30. Fister Petja; Gaberšček Simona; Zaletel Katja; Krhin Blaž; Geršak Ksenija; Hojker Sergej
    Thyroid volume changes during pregnancy and after delivery in an iodine-sufficient Republic of Slovenia
  31. Jurdana Mihaela
    Cancer cachexia-anorexia syndrome and skeletal muscle wasting
    [Sindrom rakave kaheksije-anoreksije in izguba skeletno mišične mase]
  32. Doehner Wolfram; von Haehling Stephan; Anker Stefan D; Lainščak Mitja
    Neurohormonal activation and inflammation in c hronic cardiopulmonary disease: a brief systematic review
  33. Perko Denis; Zaletel Marjan
    Farmakološko zdravljenje centralne bolečine po možganski kapi
    [Pharmacological treatment of central post-stroke pain]
  34. Bindas Alenka; Novak-Antolič Živa
    Porodniški izid po konzervativni terapiji intraepitelijskih ali zgodnjih invazivnih lezij materničnega vratu: pregled podatkov za Slovenijo od leta 2002 do 2005
    [Obstetric outcomes after conservative treatment for intraepitelial or early invasive cervical lesions: review for Slovenia, years 2002-2005]
  35. Hmeljak Julija; Cör Andrej
    Presence and role of Simian Virus 40 (SV40) in malignant pleural mesothelioma
  36. Ocvirk Janja
    Advances in the treatment of metastatic colorectal carcinoma
  37. Petričević Nikola; Čelebić Asja; Baučić-Božić Maja; Rener-Sitar Ksenija
    Oralno zdravlje i kvaliteta života: temelj suvremenog pristupa
    [Oral health and quality of life: important factor in patient treatment]
  38. Černelič-Bizjak Maša
    Asertivnost in zdravstvo
    [Assertiveness and health care]
  39. Grenc Damjan
    Ugrizi strupenih kač
    [BItes by Venomous Snakes]
  40. Kirbiš Simona; Sinkovič Andreja
    Zastrupitve z gobami
    [Mushroom Poisoning]
  41. Jamšek Marija; Šarc Lucija
    Diagnostika in zdravljenje zastrupitev z organskimi topili
    [Diagnostics and Treatment of Organic Solvents Poisoning]
  42. Lunder Mojca; Žiberna Lovro
    Toksikokinetika in toksikodinamika zastrupitev z organskimi topili
    [Toxicokinetics and Toxicodynamice of Organic Solvents]
  43. Jamšek Marija; Šarc Lucija
    Diagnostika in zdravljenje zastrupitev s kovinami
    [Diagnostics and Treatment of Metals Poisonings]
  44. Černe Katarina
    Toksikologija (težkih) kovin
    [Toxicology of (Heavy) Metals]
  45. Markota Andrej; Sinkovič Andreja
    Zastrupitev s pesticidi
    [Intoxication with Pesticides]
  46. Sinkovič Andreja
    Zastrupitve s plini
    [Gas poisoning]
  47. Šarc Lucija; Jamšek Marija
    Zastrupitve z neopioidnimi analgetiki
    [Poisoning with Nonopioid Analgesics]
  48. Brvar Miran
    Zastrupitve s heroinom, kokainom, amfetamini, kanabisom, gamahidroksibutiratom in dietilamidom lizergične kisline
    [Poisoning with Heroine, Cocaine, Amphetamines, Cannabis, Gamma-Hydroxybutirate and Lysergic Acid diethylamide]
  49. Grenc Damjan
    Zastrupitve s psihotropnimi zdravili
    [Poisoning with psychotropic drugs]
  50. Možina Martin; Grenc Damjan
  51. Možina Martin; Jamšek Marija
    Dekontaminacija in eliminacija strupov
    [Decontamination and elimination of poisons]
  52. Možina Martin
    Diagnostika in zdravljenje akutne zastrupitve
    [Diagnostics and treatment in acute poisoning]
  53. Špik Vesna; Grmek-Košnik Irena; Lorenčič Robnik Slavica; Žohar Čretnik Tjaša; Sarjanović Ljudmila; Kavčič Martina; Harlander Dušan; Štrumbelj Iztok; Tomič Viktorija; Piltaver-Vajdec Irena; Fišer Jerneja; Kolman Jana; Müller-Premru Manica
    Genetska opredelitev za meticilin občutljivih in proti meticilinu odpornih sevov Staphylococcus aureus, izoliranih iz hemokultur v slovenskih bolnišnicah, s tipizacijo SPA
    [Genetic characterization of methicillin-susceptible and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from bloodstream infections in slovene hospitals using SPA typing]
  54. Marušič Dorjan; Marušič Andrej; Temnik Sanja
    Psihokardiologija: zdravo srce, zdrava duša (in obratno)
    [Psychocardiology: a healthy heart is a healthy soul (and vice versa)]
  55. Bregant Tina; Širca-Čampa Andreja; Zupančič Neža; Neubauer David
    Ketogena dieta
    [Ketogenic diet]
  56. Miholič Petruša; Južnič Primož
    Socialna medicina v procesu znanstvenega komuniciranja: pregled del avtorjev s področja socialne medicine v Science citation index in Social sciences citation index
    [Social medicine in the process of scientific communication: the overview of the publications of the authors in the field of social medicine in Science citation index and Social sciences citation index]
  57. Košir Renata; Meden-Vrtovec Helena
    Vloga metformina pri obravnavi bolnic s sindromom policističnih jajčnikov
    [The role of metformin in the treatment of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome]
  58. Bajuk-Studen Katica; Preželj Janez; Kocjan Tomaž; Pfeifer Marija
    Mehanizmi srčno-žilne orgroženosti žensk s sindormom policističnih ovarijev
    [Mechanisms of cardiovascular disease risks in women with polycystic ovary syndrome]
  59. Pavlič A
    Vzroki in razvrstitev generaliziranih razvojnih okvar sklenine
    [Aetiology and classification of developmental enamel defects]
  60. Toni Janez; Knez Lea
    Morfin in fentanil: uporaba pri akutni bolečini?
    [Morphine and fentanyl: use in acute pain?]
  61. Mlakar Boštjan
    Anamneza in preiskave v proktologiji
    [Anorectal history taking and digitorectal examination]
  62. Mazej Barbara; Pelipenko Klara; Kersnik Janko
    Umirajoči bolnik in zdravnik družinske medicine
    [A dying patient and a family practitioner]
  63. Popović Mara; Gazič Barbara
    Proteinopatije - bolezni odlaganja napačno zvitih beljakovin
    [Proteinopathies - diseases involving deposition of misfolded proteins]
  64. Novak Živa; Fabjan-Vodušek Vesna; Steblovnik Lili; Kavšek Gorazd; Hrašovec Andreja; Štucin-Gantar Irena; Premru-Sršen Tanja; Blejec Tanja; Šajina-Stritar Barbara; Verdenik Ivan
    Zelo prezgodnji porod: presejalni testi za napovedovanje tveganja
    [Very preterm delivery: screening test for risk prediction]
  65. Novak Živa; Fabjan-Vodušek Vesna; Steblovnik Lili; Globevnik-Velikonja Vislava; Tul Nataša; Pušenjak Stanko; Sketelj Alenka; Cerar Vasilij; Babnik Janez; Verdenik Ivan
    Zelo prezgodnji porod: preprečevanje
    [Very preterm delivery: prevention]
  66. Jan Žiga; Virant-Klun Irma; Peterlin Borut; Zorn Branko
    Vpliv epigenskih modifikacij na razvoj in funkcijo moške gamete
    [Effects of epigenetic modifications on male gamete development and function]
  67. Smerdu Vika
    Bursa omentalis
    [Lesser sac (Bursa omentalis)]
  68. Šušteršič Miha; Bunc Matjaž
    Nova spoznanja o reninsko-angiotenzisko-aldosteronskem sistemu in nove strategije njegove zavore
    [New knowledge of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and new strategies of its blockade]
  69. Lapanja Aljoša; Blagojevič Stanka; Peterka-Novak Jožica
    Uporabnost podatkov o neželenih dogodkih na Psihiatrični kliniki Ljubljana
  70. Piškur Jure
    Inheritance of the yeast mitochondrial genome
  71. Farkaš-Lainščak Jerneja; Novak-Antolič Živa; Hlastan-Ribič Cirila; Zaletel-Kragelj Lijana
    Javnozdravstveni vidiki preprečevanja napak nevralne cevi s folno kislino
    [Public health perspectives of the prevention of neural tube defects with folic acid]
  72. Lainščak Mitja; Anker Stefan D
    Prognostic factors in chronic heart failure
  73. Kreft Marko; Potokar Maja; Stenovec Matjaž; Pangršič Tina; Zorec Robert
    Regulated exocytosis and vesicle trafficking in astrocytes
  74. Vardjan N; Stenovec M; Jorgačevski J; Kreft M; Grilc S; Zorec R
    The fusion pore and vesicle cargo discharge modulation
  75. Kores-Plesničar Blanka; Plesničar Andrej
    Depresija in telesna dejavnost
    [Depression and physical activity]
  76. Schiller Adalbert; Gusbeth-Tatomir Paul; Pavlovic Nikola; Ferluga Dušan; Spasovski Goce; Covic Adrian
    Balkan endemic nephropathy: a still unsolved puzzle
  77. Kogoj Aleš
    Etiologija Alzheimerjeve bolezni in drugih najpogostejših demenc
  78. Šarc Lucija; Lipnik-Štangelj Metoda
    Vpliv etanola in njegovega metabolita acetaldehida na osrednji živčni sistem
    [Influence of ethanol and its first methabolite acetaldehyde on the central nervous system]
  79. Pintar Tadeja; Gvardijančič Diana
    Hirschsprungova bolezen in kirurško zdravljenje
    [Hirschsprung's disease and surgical treatment]
  80. Bent Clare; Iyngkaran T; Power N; Matson M; Hajdinjak Tine; Buchholz Noor; Fotheringham T
    Urological injuries following trauma
  81. Arnež Tine; Ahčan Uroš G
    Plastična kirurgija: preteklost, sedanjost, prihodnost
    [Plastic surgery: past, present, future]
  82. Kobal Alfred Bogomir
    Možni vpliv živega srebra na patogenezo avtizma
    [Possible influence of mercury on pathogenesis of autism]
  83. Pregelj Peter
    Sodelovanje bolnikov s shizofrenijo pri zdravljenju z antipsihotiki
    [Adherence to antipsychotic medication in schizophrenia patients]
  84. Kastrin Andrej
    Metaanaliza v biomedicini: kratek zgodovinski pregled in možne smeri njenega razvoja
    [Meta-analysis in biomedicine: short chronological review and possibilities of application]
  85. Stojan Rok; Stojan Žiga; Stojan Jure
    Holin-esteraze: struktura, delovanje ter inhibicija z naravnimi in sintetičnimi strupi
    [Cholinesterases: structure, mechanism and inhibition by natural and synthetic poisons]
  86. Perko Denis; Zaletel Marjan
    Pomen astrocitov, obžilnih živčnih vlaken in možganskega žilnega endotelija pri regulaciji možganskega krvnega pretoka
    [Role of astrocytes, perivascular nerves and cerebrovascular endothelium in the regulation of cerebral blood flow]
  87. Batista-Napotnik Tina; Reberšek Matej; Kotnik Tade; Miklavčič Damijan
    Učinki visokonapetostnih nanosekundnih električnih pulzov na celice in tkiva
    [The effects of high-voltage nanosecond electrical pulses on cells and tissues]
  88. Resnik Nataša; Veranič Peter
    Dezmosomi - stabilni, a dinamični medcelični stiki
    [Desmosomes are stable, but dynamic cell junctions]
  89. Veranič Peter
    Uropatogena Escherichia coli - priložnostni znotrajcelični parazit
    [Uropathogenic Escherichia coli - an opportunistic intracellular parasite]
  90. Mavčič Blaž
    Poplitealna cista
    [Popliteal cysts]
  91. Letonja Mtja
    Alkohol in obolenja srca
    [Alcohol and heart disease]
  92. Venizelos ID; Tatsiou ZA; Mandala E
    Primary cutaneous T-cell-rich B-cell lymphoma: a case report and literature review
  93. Bayerl C
    Beta-carotene in dermatology: does it help?
  94. Nutanson I; Steen CJ; Schwartz RA; Janniger CK
    Pediculus humanus capitis: an update
  95. Beck Halfdan; Dobritzsch Doreen; Piškur Jure
    Saccharomyces kluyveri as a model organism to study pyrimidine degradation
  96. Komadina Radko
    The hip fracture is an injury and a disease at the same time
    [Zlom kolka je poškodba in bolezen hkrati]
  97. Erdani-Kreft Mateja; Jezernik Kristjan; Kreft Marko; Romih Rok
    Apical plasma membrane traffic in superficial cells of bladder urothelium
  98. von Haehling Stephan; Lainščak Mitja; Springer Jochen; Anker Stefan D
    Cardiac cachexia: a systematic overview
  99. Lainščak Mitja; von Haehling Stephan; Anker Stefan D
    Natriuretic peptides and other biomarkers in chronic heart failure: from BNP, NT-proBNP, and MR-proANP to routine biochemical markers
  100. Battelino Tadej; Bolinder Jan
    Clinical use of real-time continuous glucose monitoring

   3.301 3.401 3.501 3.601 3.701 3.801 3.901 4.001 4.101 4.201  

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