biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.25 : 5.701-5.800

  1. Štabuc Borut
    Prehrana in rak. 8. seminar "In memoriam dr. Dušana Reje"; 2000; Ljubljana
  2. Dolenc Primož
    Zbornik 9. strokovni sestanek sekcije za arterijsko hipertenzijo; 2000 sep 15; Šmarješke toplice
  3. Štrancar Aleš
    Book of abstract of the 20th international symposium on the separation and analysis of proteins, peptides and polynucleotides; 2000 Nov 5-8; Ljubljana
  4. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik 14. republiškega strokovnega seminarja DZDS Rogaška Slatina 2000: strokovna doktrina stomatološke klinike; 2000 nov 9-11; Rogaška Slatina
  5. Velo Giampaolo; Perucca Emilio
    Abstracts of the joint meeting of 7th world conference on clinical pharmacology and therapeutics IUPHAR - division of clinical pharmacology and 4th congress of the European association for clinical pharmacology and therapeutics; 2000 Jul 15-20; Florence
  6. Anonymous ;
    Program, book of abstracts of the international conference on newborn hearing screening diagnosis and intervention; 2000 Oct 12-14; Milan
  7. Kokol Peter; Premik Marjan; Paulin Mojca; Tapajner Alojz; Zevnik Marija; Perhavec Bilka
    Zbornik referatov strokovnega srečanja Slovenskega društva za medicinsko informatiko MI-2000; 2000 nov 16-17; Bled
  8. Hawlina Marko; Stirn-Kranjc Branka
    Izvlečki prispevkov 3. slovenski oftalmološki kongres z mednarodno udeležbo; 2000 sep 7-9; Ljubljana, 26. mednarodni simpozij oftamologov Slovenije in Hrvaške; 2000 sep 8-9; Ljubljana
    [Book of abstracts of the 3rd Slovenian congress of ophthalmology with international participation: 2000 Sep 7-9; Ljubljana, 26th Symposium of ophthalmology of Slovenia and Croatia; 2000 Sep 8-9; Ljubljana]
  9. Žvan Bojana; Pogačnik Tomaž; Zaletel Marjan
    Sekundarni glavobol
  10. Žlender Božidar; Gašperlin Lea
    Antioksidanti v živilstvu. 20. Bitenčevi živilski dnevi; 2000 okt 26-27; Portorož
    [Antioxidants in food science and technology. 20th food technology days 2000 dedicated to prof. F. Bitenc]
  11. Fatur-Videtič Andrejka; Uršič Cveto
    Postupci funkcijskog ocjenjivanja preostale radne sposobnosti invalidnih osoba
  12. Anonymous ;
    Conference proceedings of the 2nd south eastern European conference on E-commerce; 2000 Oct 24-26; Sofia
  13. Grbec Nada
    1. kongres hematološkega društva laboratorijskih tehnikov z mednarodno udeležbo; 2000 okt 26-28
  14. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 11th international meeting on research advanced and rabies control in the Americas; 2000 Oct 18-21; Lima
  15. Škoda Irena Katja; Slabe Vlasta; Andoljšek Dušan; Sekne Damjana
    1. slovenski kongres medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov v hamato-onkologiji z mednarodno udeležbo "Zdravstvena nega v hamato-onkologiji, danes za jutri"; 2000 okt 26-28; Portorož
  16. Černelč Peter
    1. kongres hematologov in trasfuziologov Slovenije z mednarodno udeležbo; 2000 okt 26-28; Portorož
  17. Jardin A; Wagner G; Khoury S; Guiliano F; Padma-Nathan H; Rosen R
    Erectile dysfunction. 1st international consultation on erectile dysfunction; 1999 Jul 1-3; Paris
  18. Bertole Jože
    Zbornik predavanj Kolposkopski tečaj; 2000 mar 9-10; Ljubljana
  19. Okamoto M; Ishimura Y; Nawata H
    Molecular steroidogenesis. Proceedings of the Yamada conference LII on molecular steroidogenesis held: frontiers science series no. 29; 1999 Aug 25-28; Nara
  20. Anonymous ;
    MDO 2000. Final programme and abstracts of the 13th international symposium on microsomes and drug oxidations; 2000 Jul 10-14; Stresa, Italy
  21. Floegel Mirna
    Program i knjiga sažetaka. Kongres hrvatskih biokemičara i molekularnih biologa uz međunarodno sudjelovanje; 2000 lis 13-15; Zagreb
    [Programme and book of abstracts. Silver jubilee meeting of the Croatian biochemical society; 2000 Oct 13-15; Zagreb]
  22. Anonymous ;
    Miniposter book of the 11th European workshop on molecular and cellular endocrinology of the testis; 2000 May 13-17; Saint-Malo, France
  23. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the 2nd international meeting intensive cadiac care; 2000 Jun 18-21; Jerusalem
  24. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the 5 international symposium on P450 biodiversity; 2000 Jul 2-6; Elsinor
  25. Anonymous ;
    EGPRW. European general practice research workshop. Scientific and social program. Theme: Early diagnosis of cancer in primary care; 1997 Oct 16-19; Barcelona
  26. Anonymous ;
    Bančni sistemi in kapitalski trg Republike Slovenije in Obvladovanje stroškov - primer konkretnih rešitev iz javnih zavodov. 7. stokovno srečanje ekonomistov in poslovodnih delavcev v zdravstvu; 2000 apr 13-14; Portorož
  27. Kotnik Vladimir
    1. slovenski imunološki kongres z mednarodno udeležbo; 2000 okt 26-28; Portorož
  28. Kenda Miran F; Rakovec Peter
    Sodobna obravnava motenj srčnega ritma. 9. kardiološki dnevi; 2000 okt 20-21; Šmarješke toplice
  29. Blinc A; Fras Z; Poredoš P
    Abstract book of the scientific symposium Vascular function and morphology; 2000 Oct 5-7; Ljubljana
  30. Pentek Metka; Saksida Eva
    Sožitja v starosti: aktivnosti starejših in njihovih bližnjih v občini Medvode
  31. Anonymous ;
    Southern European defense ministerial (SEDM) follow-up environmental conference; 2000 apr 10-13; Bled
  32. Kersnik Janko
    Znanstveno utemeljena medicina.17. učne delavnice za zdravnike družinske medicine; 2000; Ljubljana
  33. Anonymous ;
    Osteoporoza in pomen zdrave prehrane. Povzetki referatov. Simpozij sekcije farmacevtskih tehnikov pri SFD; 1998 apr 24; Otočec
  34. Anonymous ;
    Toxins from animals, plants and microbes. 8th world congress of the international society on toxinology; 2000 Sep 18-22; Paris
  35. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstract book of the EUSUHM congress. Europe without borders: youth at risk; 1997 Sep 17-20; Leuven
  36. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts book with EUSUHM into the next millennium; 1999 Jun 16-19; Trondheim
  37. Repše Stane
    Zbornik simpozija Proktologija; 2000; Ljubljana
    [Proceedings of the symposium Proctology; 2000; Ljubljana]
  38. Vidmar Ivan; Derganc Metka; Neubauer David
    UMEMPS 2000. Programme, book of abstracts of the 26th congress of the Union of middle eastern and Mediterranean paediatric societies; 2000 Oct 4-6; Portorož
  39. Stanovnik Branko; Svete Jurij
    Program, abstracts of papers and list of participants of the 8th blue Danube symposium on heterocyclic chemistry; 2000 Sep 24-27; Bled
  40. Kržan Mojca; Stanovnik Lovro; Lipnik-Štangelj Metoda; Čarman-Kržan Marija
    Life sciences conference 1999 and congress of Slovenian pharmacological society dedicated to 25 years of activity; 1999 Sep 18-22; Gozd Martuljek
  41. Buturović-Ponikvar Jadranka
    Končni program in knjiga izvlečkov 2. slovenski nefrološki kongres z mednarodno udeležbo ob 30. letnici dialize in transplantacije ledvic v Sloveniji; 2000 sep 27-30; Brdo pri Kranju
    [Final program and book of abstracts 2nd Slovenian congress of nephrology with international participation celebrating 30 years of dialysis and renal transplantation in Slovenia; 2000 Sep 27-30; Brdo pri Kranju]
  42. Eržen Ida; Štiblar-Martinčič Draga
    Life science 2000: programme, abstract; 2000 Sep 28th - Okt 1st; Gozd Martuljek
  43. Glavič Peter; Brodnjak-Vončina Darinka
    Zbornik referatov s posvetovanja Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2000: 1. in 2. del; 2000 sep 28-29; Maribor
  44. Anonymous ;
    1st world water congress of the international water association; 2000 Jul 3-7; Paris
  45. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the 8th IAWQ conference on design, operation and economics of large wastewater treatment plants; 1999 Sep 6-9; Budapest
  46. Anonymous ;
    The satellite symposium 3 to the 49th annual meeting of the European association of animal production on "Principles and resolutions meeting new requirements of large scale pig farming in Europe"; 1998 Aug 23; Warsaw
  47. Drinovec Jože
    Koronarna bolezen, rakasta obolenja na rodilih in dojkah, poklicne bolezni dihal. 6. Krkini rehabilitacijski dnevi; 2000 sep 22-23; Otočec
  48. Ljubešić Nikola
    Zbornik sažetaka priopćenja 7. hrvatskog biološkog kongresa; 2000 sep 24-29; Hvar
    [Proceedings of abstracts of the papers of the 7th congress of Croatian biologists; 2000 Sep 24-29; Hvar]
  49. Anonymous ;
    PFT 2000. Program-Abstracts-Participant list of the 4th international workshop on pore-forming toxins meeting; 2000 Sep 14-17; Trento
  50. Anonymous ;
    1st joint meeting of the Slovenian society for microbiology and the Hungarian society for microbiology; 2000 Aug 24-26; Keszthely
  51. Dolinar Marko; Turk Boris; Turk Vito
    Book of abstracts of the international conference on cysteine proteinases and their inhibitors: the new millenium; 2000 Sep 9-13; Portorož
  52. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavan Otrok in mladostnik z nevrološko boleznijo; 2000 apr 6-7; Bled
  53. Romih Janez; Žmitek Andrej
    Zbornik Na stičiščih psihiatrije in ginekologije; 1999 okt 22-23; Begunje
  54. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the International symposium on telemedicine: including telecare, telehealth, e-health and distant learning focusing on developments in health care and health; 2000 Jun 27 - Jul 1; Gothenburg
  55. Anonymous ;
    Etika v otroškem zobozdravstvu. Zbornik povzetkov predavanj 6. slovenski pedontološki dnevi; 2000 okt 6-7; Ljubljana
  56. Anonymous ;
    Klinična nefrologija i arterijska hipertenzija - novosti na pragu milenija. Pregled sažetaka i dia-pozitiva ("syllabus") Tečaj trajnog usavršavanja liječnika s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem; 2000 svi 12-13; Zagreb
  57. Buturović-Ponikvar Jadranka; Bren Andrej F
    Zbornik 2. slovenski nefrološki kongres z mednarodno udeležbo ob 30. letnici dialize in transplantacije ledvic v Sloveniji; 2000 sep 27-30; Brdo pri Kranju
    [Proceedings of the 2nd Slovenian congress of nephrology with international participation celebrating 30 years of dialysis and renal transplantation in Slovenia; 2000 Sep 27-30; Brdo pri Kranju]
  58. Anonymous ;
    10th international meeting on Enzymology and molecular biology of carbonyl metabolism; 2000 Jul 1-5; Taos, New Mexico
  59. Glavač Damjan; Ravnik-Glavač Metka
    Congress proceedings of the 2nd congress of Genetic society of Slovenia with international participation; 2000 Sep 13-17; Bled
  60. Anonymous ;
    Schmerz und Inkontinenz in der Rehabilitation. Kurzfassungen 10. alpenlaendisch-adriatisches Symposium fuer internationale Zusammenarbeit in der Rehabilitation; 2000 Sep 13-16; Trieste
    [Bolečina in inkontinenca v rehabilitaciji. Povzetki. 10. alpsko-jadranski simpozij za mednarodno sodelovanje na področju rehabilitacije]
  61. Mrvar Andrej; Ferligoj Anuška
    Program and abstracts of the International conference on methodology and statistics; 2000 Sep 24-27; Preddvor
  62. Anonymous ;
    Immunophilins in the brain: FKBP-ligands as novel strategies for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders; 1999 Jul 9-11; Schlangenbad
  63. Tulumović Teufik
    Book of abstracts of the 1st world congress of perinatal medicine in developing countries; 2000 Sep 9-12; Tuzla
  64. Anonymous ;
    Final program and abstract book of the 3rd Mediterranean congress of physical medicine and rehabilitation; 2000 Sep 4-7; Athens
  65. Bećirović Ešref
    Book of abstracts of the 1st congress of physical medicine and rehabilitation physicians of Bosnia and Herzegovina (with international participation); 2000 Jul 31-Aug 2; Tuzla
  66. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the 7'th international meeting on Neural transplantation and repair INT-7; 1999 Aug 26-30; Odense
  67. Anonymous ;
    11th NECTAR (Netwotk European CNS transplantation and restoration) AGM (annual general meeting); 2000 Sep 15-17; Hannover
  68. Anonymous ;
    Schmerz und inkontinenz: schlussbericht. 10. alpenlaendisch-adriatisches Symposium fuer internationale Zusammenarbeit in der Rehabilitation; 2000 Sep 13-16; Trieste
    [Bolečina in inkontinenca v rehabilitaciji: sklepno poročilo. 10. alpsko-jadranski simpozij za mednarodno sodelovanje na področju rehabilitacije]
  69. Zajc Baldomir
    Zbornik 9. elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2000. Zvezek B. Računalništvo in informatika, umetna inteligenca, robotika, razpoznavanje vzorcev, biomedicinska tehnika, močnostna elektrotehnika, didaktika, študentski članki; 2000 sep 21-23; Portorož
    [Proceedings of the 9th electrotechnical and computer science conference ERK 2000. Vol B. Computer and information science, artificial intelligence, robotics, pattern recognition, biomedical engineering, didactis, student paper; 2000 Sep 21-23; Portorož]
  70. Predin Štefan
    Zbornik - mednarodni simpozij Ženska v farmaciji, medicini in naravoslovju; 2000 sep 16; Maribor
    [Proceedings - international symposium The woman in pharmacy, medicine and natural science; 2000 Sep 16; Maribor]
  71. Vidali Primož
    Zbornik predavanj Strokovni sestanek Združenja internistov SZD; 2000 sep 22-23; Ljubljana
  72. Lukarev Tihomir; Prodanov Risto; Dodovski Metodija
    Zbornik. Živinarski dnevovi; 1991 apr 24-26; Ohrid
    [Perutninarski dnevi; 1991 apr 24-26; Ohrid]
  73. Lindič Jelka; Kaplan-Pavlovčič Staša
    Zbornik prispevkov 1. slovenski nefrološki kongres z mednarodno udeležbo; 1996 okt 23-26; Portorož
    [Syllabus of the 1st Slovene congress of nephrology with international participation; 1996 Oct 23-26; Portorož]
  74. Radović Milutin
    Zbornik referatov 30. strokovni seminar iz DDD dejavnosti; 1999 jan 21-23; Moravske toplice
  75. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 18th international congress of biochemistry and molecular biology: beyond the genome; 2000 Jul 16-20; Birmingham
  76. Pirtošek Zvezdan
    Proceedings of the symposium on movement disorders, "The Alpine basal ganglia club" with the 16th dr. Janez Faganel memorial lecture; 2000 Sep 13-14; Ljubljana
  77. Anonymous ;
    Knjiga izvlečkov. 1. slovenska konferenca katastrofne in vojne medicine; 2000 sep 6-9; Portorož
    [Book of abstract of the 1st national conference on disaster and military medicine; 2000 Sep 6-9; Portorož]
  78. Anonymous ;
    International meeting River bottom 5; 2000 Jun 19-22; Lunz
  79. van Dijken Johannes; Scheffers Alexander W
    Abstract of the 10th International symposium on yeasts (ISY 2000): the rising power of yeasts in science industry; 2000 27 Aug - 1 Sep; Papendal
  80. Anonymous ;
    Anaerobe 2000. Abstract book of the international congress of the confederation of Anaerobe societies; 2000 Jul 10-12; Manchester
  81. Karba Renata
    Book of abstracts of the Slovenian - Israeli symposium on animal and plant genetics in biotechnology; 2000 Sep 4-5; Domžale
  82. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstract book of the international symposium High mountain lakes and streams: indicators of a changing world; 2000 Sep 4-8; Innsbruck
  83. Cristofor Sergiu; Sarbu Anca; Adamescu Mihai
    Proceedings of the International workshop and 10th macrophyte group meeting IAD-SIL; 1998 Aug 24-28; Danube Delta, Romania
  84. Anonymous ;
    Proffered papers of the 15th international meeting of the Adriatic society of pathology; 2000 Jun 23-25; Grado
  85. Čengić Midhat; Rašić Senija
    Book of abstracts of the 1st congress of nephrologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina; 2000 Sep 7-9; Sarajevo
  86. Anonymous ;
    Alergijske bolezni zgornjih dihalnih poti. Skupni sestanek Alergološko imunološke sekcije SZD in združenja otorinolaringologov SZD; 2000 apr 7-8; Kranjska Gora
  87. Lu Rushan; Mackay Judith; Niu Shiru; Peto Richard
    Tobacco: the growing epidemic. Proceedings of the 10th world conference on tobacco or health; 1997 Aug 24-28; Beijing
  88. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 11th international congress of the world veterinary poultry association; 1997 Aug 18-22; Budapest
  89. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 11th world conference on tobacco OR health: promoting a future without tobacco: vol 3; 2000 Aug 6-11; Chicago
  90. Beneš V; Janaček J; Saxl I
    Proceedings S4G. International conference on stereology, spatial statistics and stochastic geometry; 1999 Jun 21-24; Prague
  91. Anonymous ;
    La jonction neuromusculaire dans tous ses etats: journee thematique organisee en l'honneur de M. le professeur Rene Counteaux; 1999 Oct 6; Paris
  92. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj 11. slovenski parodontološki dnevi; 2000 apr 14-15; Terme Čatež
  93. Genne Inge
    Book of abstracts and posters of the Euromembrane 99: vol 2; 1999 Sep 19-22; Leuven
  94. Anonymous ;
    Biotherapy: news on cytokines, monoclonal antibodies and genetic vaccines: the course on biotheraphy, held 1999 Sep 10-11; Wiena
  95. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 13th international congress of the Hungarian society for microbiology; 1999 Aug 29 - Sep 1; Budapest
  96. Frey Manfred; Giovanoli Pietro; Koller Rupert
    Proceedings of the 5th international muscle symposium; 2000 May 19-21; Vienna
  97. Jakobsson Arne; van Loo John
    Abstracts of parallel session papers and posters presented at the 8th international congress on medical librarianship; 2000 Jul 2-5; London
  98. Anonymous ;
    Plant science Wales; Cardiff 1997
  99. Anonymous ;
    EEMS - 2000. Abstracts of the 30th annual meeting of European environmental mutagen society "Chalenges of mutation research for the 21st century"; 2000 Aug 22-26; Budapest
  100. Ferligoj Anuška; Mrvar Andrej
    New approaches in applied statistics. Metodološki zvezki 16

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