biomedicina slovenica

dr="Nizozemska" : 1.751-1.850

  1. Mekiš Dušan
    How to predict difficult ventilation and orotracheal intubation
  2. Needham Ian; Nijman Henk; Palmstierna Tom; Almvik Roger; Oud Nico
    Violence in clinical psychiatry. Proceedings of the 7th European congress on violence in clinical psychiatry; 2011 Oct 19-22; Prague
  3. Benedičič Mitja; Bošnjak Roman
    Optic nerve potentials and cortical potentials after stimulation of the anterior visual pathway during neurosurgery
  4. Midgley Sofie E; Banyai Krisytian; Buesa Javier; Halaihel Nabil; Hjulsager Charlotte K; Jakab Ferenc; Kaplon Jerome; Larsen Lars E; Monini Marina; Poljšak-Prijatelj Mateja; Pothier Pierre; Ruggeri Franco M; Steyer Andrej
    Diversity and zoonotic potential of rotaviruses in swine and cattle across Europe
  5. Corbetta Sara; D'Adamo Patrizia; Gualdoni Sara; Braschi Chiara; Berardi Nicoletta; de Curtis Ivan
    Hyperactivity and novelty-induced hyperreactivity in mice lacking Rac3
  6. Usonis Vytautas; Anca Ioana; Andre Francis; Čižman Milan; Pokorn Marko
    Rubella revisited: Where are we on the road to disease elimination in Central Europe?
  7. Welzl Hans; D'Adamo Patrizia; Lipp Hans-Peter
    Conditioned taste aversion as a learning and memory paradigm
  8. Zaletel Katja
    Thyroid: from genes to the disease
  9. Zaletel Katja; Gaberšček Simona
    Hashimoto's thyroiditis: from genes to the disease
  10. Umbricht Daniel; Vyssotky Dimitri; Latanov Alexander; Nitsch Roger; Brambilla Riccardo; D'Adamo Patrizia; Lipp Hans-Peter
    Midlatency auditory event-related potentials in mice: comparison to midlatency auditory ERPs in humans
  11. Sirri Alessandra; Bianchi Veronica; Pelizzola Mattia; Mayhaus Manuel; Ricciardi-Castagnoli Paola; Toniolo Daniela; D'Adamo Patrizia
    Temporal gene expression profile of the hippocampus following trace fear conditioning
  12. Černe Jasmina-Živa; Geršak Ksenija; Novaković Srdjan
    The influence of the genetic variant within miRNA-binding site in estrogen receptor alpha gene on the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women on hormone replacement therapy
  13. Mandelc-Mazaj MJ; Černelč P; Podgornik H
    Expression of pituitary tumor transforming gene 1 (PTTG1) in multiple myeloma patients
  14. Reberšek K; Turnšek U; Černelč P; Podgornik H
    Evaluation of arsenic trioxide-induced apoptosis in primary multiple myeloma cells
  15. Anonymous ;
    SIP-14. Programme and abstracts of the 14th symposium on insect-plant interactions; 2011 Aug 13-18; Wageningen
  16. Petek Marko; Turnšek Neža; Slapar Nina; Buh-Gašparič Meti; Pompe-Novak Maruša; Štrukelj Borut; Jongsma Maarten A; Gruden Kristina
    Evidence of diverse genes involved in Leptinotarsa decemlineata larvae adaptation to potato defence
  17. Murko S; Repič-Lampret B; Battelino T
    The potential of tandem mass spectrometry at the field of metabolic disorders
  18. Keše Darja; Potočnik Marko; Matičič Mojca; Kogoj Rok
    Genotyping of Chlamydia trachomatis directly from urogenital and conjunctiva samples using an ompA gene pyrosequencing-based assay
  19. Lakota Katja; Žigon Polona; Mrak-Poljšak Katjuša; Rozman Blaž; Shoenfeld Yehuda; Sodin-Šemrl Snežna
    Antibodies against acute phase proteins and their functions in the pathogenesis of disease: a collective profile of 25 different antibodies
  20. Gelderblom Gert Jan
    Everyday technology for independence and care: AAATE 2011
  21. Jenko Mojca; Vidmar Gaj; Matjačić Zlatko; Zupan Anton
    Choosing an appropriate computer access assistive technology for users with muscular and neuromuscular diseases
  22. Peternel Špela
    Bacterial cell disruption: a crucial step in protein production
  23. Tomasik Tomasz; Windak Adam; Seifert Bohumil; Kersnik Janko; Palka Malgorzata; Margas Grzegorz; Svatopluk Byma
    The self-perceived role of general practitioners in care of patients with cardiovascular diseases. A survey in Central and Eastern European countries following health care reforms
  24. Gregorič Minja; Flis Vojko; Milotić Franko; Mrđa Božidar; Štirn Barbara; Arnež Zoran M
    Delaying the superficial inferior epigastric artery flap: a solution to the problem of the small calibre of the donor artery
  25. Nadal Anna; Coll Anna; Cook Nigel; Pla Maria
    A molecular beacon-based real time NASBA assay for detection of Listeria monocytogenes in food products: role of target mRNA secondary structure on NASBA design
  26. Coll Anna; Nadal Anna; Palaudelmas Montserrat; Messeguer Joaquima; Mele Enric; Puigdomenech Pere; Pla Maria
    Lack of repeatable differential expression patterns between MON810 and comparable commercial varieties of maize
  27. Coll Anna; Nadal Anna; Collado Rosa; Capellades Gemma; Kubista Mikael; Messeguer Joaquima; Pla Maria
    Natural variation explains most transcriptomic changes among maize plants of MON810 and comparable non-GM varieties subjected to two N-fertilization farming practices
  28. Keller Simona; Sarchiapone Marco; Zarrilli Federica; Tomaiuolo Rossella; Carli Vladimir; Angrisano Tiziana; Videtič Alja; Amato Felice; Pero Raffaela; di Giannantonio Massimo
    TrkB gene expression and DNA methylation state in Wernicke area does not associate with suicidal behavior
  29. Valleron AJ; Macdonald PDM
    Biomathematics and cell kinetics: based on workshop held at Universite Paris; 1978 Feb 27-28; Paris
  30. Leonardis Lea; Zidar Janez; Le Bail Anne; Sternberg Damien
    Relapses and remissions of hypokalaemic periodic paralysis and multiple sclerosis in the same patient
  31. Smith IE; Borštnar Simona
    First-line bevacizumab plus taxane-based chemotherapy for locally recurrent or metastatic breast cancer: safety and efficacy in an open-label study in 2251 patients
  32. Škodlar Borut; Welz Claudia
    How a therapist survives the suicide of a patient with a special focus on patients with psychosis
  33. Beekwilder Jules; Cankar Katja; Bosch Dirk
    Planr genes for production of flavour molecules in microbial systems
  34. Anonymous ;
    Programme & abstract book of the 2nd European yeast flavour workshop (Cost action FA0907); 2011 May 26-27; Delft
  35. Erčulj N; Kovač V; Hmeljak J; Dolžan V
    The influence of platinum pathway polymorphisms on the outcome in patients with malignant mesothelioma
  36. Poredoš Pavel
    Markers of preclinical atherosclerosis and their clinical relevance
  37. Giese R
    Selected Papers of the 4th Summer School of Monolith Technology for Biochromatography, Bioconversion and Phase State Synthesis; 2010 May 30-Jun 2; Portorož
  38. Steyer Andrej; Naglič Tina; Močilnik Tina; Poljšak-Prijatelj Mateha; Poljak Mario
    Hepatitis E virus in domestic pigs and surface waters in Slovenia: prevalence and molecular characterization of a novel genotype 3 lineage
  39. Gutierrez-Aguirre I; Steyer A; Banjac M; Kramberger P; Poljšak-Prijatelj M; Ravnikar M
    On-site reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction detection of rotaviruses concentrated from environmental water samples using methacrylate monolithic supports
  40. But Igor; Pakiž Maja; Rakić Saša
    Overactive bladder symptoms and uterine adenomyosis-is there any connection?
  41. Lešnik Damjan; Lešnik Bojan; Golub Jerneja; Križmarić Miljenko; Mally Štefan; Grmec Štefek
    Impact of additional module training on the level of basic life support knowledge of first year students at the University of Maribor
  42. Poličnik Rok
    Politieke maatregelen: tegen overgewicht en obesitas in Slovenie
  43. Koritnik B; Jordan T; Vipotnik S; Pečarič-Meglič N; Zidar J
    Relationship between cortical fMRI activity and functional measures in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  44. Arnež Maja; Avšič-Županc Tatjana; Ružić-Sabljić Eva
    Acute myositis associated with the initial phase of tick-borne encephalitis
  45. Geršak Borut; Kiser Andy C; Bartus Krzyszof; Sadowski Jerzy; Harringer Wolfgang; Knaut Michael; Wimmer-Greinecker Gerhard; Pernat Andrej
    Importance of evaluating conduction block in radiofrequency ablation for atrial fibrillation
  46. Rotar-Pavlič D; Visentin D; Peris D
    European forum for primary care - workshop primary care teams are important part of the chain
  47. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book Ca-PRI 2011: new pathways in cancer care: substitution from secondary to primary care?; 2011 May 25-27; Noordwijkerhout
  48. Cooper TJ; Dickstein K; Hasselberg N; Comin-Colet J; Filippatos G; Lainščak M; Luscher TF; Ponikowski P; Willenheimer R; Anker S
    Changes in symptom and quality-of-life assessments correlate strongly and consistently with changes in functional capacity in patients with heart failure
  49. Rau T; Duengen HD; Edelmann F; Waagstein F; Lainščak M; Dimkovic S; Apostolovic S; Neskovic A; Gelbrich G; Eschenhagen T
    The beta1-adrenoceptor Arg389Gly-polymorphism modulates heart-rate-lowering effects of carvedilol in heart failure patients with atrial fibrillation - a CIBIS-ELD substudy
  50. Deželak Matjaž; Bavec Aljoša
    Third intracellular loop of glucagon like-peptide-1 receptor is coupled with endogenous mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase - Novel type of receptor regulation?
  51. Lainščak Mitja; Farkaš Jerneja; Inkrot Simone; Gelbrich Goetz; Nešković Aleksander N; Rau Thomas; Tahirović Elvis; Toepper Agnieszka; Apostolović Svetlana; Haverkamp Wilhelm; Herrmann-Lingen Christoph; Anker Stefan D; Duengen Hans-Dirk
    Self-rated health predicts adverse events during beta-blocker treatment: the CIBIS-ELD randomised trial analysis
  52. Kocjan Boštjan J; Seme Katja; Poljak Mario
    Comparison of the Abbott RealTime high risk HPV test and INNO-LiPA HPV Genotyping Extra Test for the detection of human papillomaviruses in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded cervical cancer specimens
  53. Kovanda Anja; Poljak Mario
    Real-time polymerase chain reaction assay based on high-resolution melting analysis for the determination of the rs12979860 polymorphism involved in hepatitis C treatment response
  54. Paradiž J; Veber M; Druškovič B
    Alpha bromonaphthalene in the control of the Allium test
  55. Druškovič B; Šolar M; Paradiž J; Bavcon J
    A comparison of cytogenetically and visually observed damage to the Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in Slovenia
  56. Paradiž J; Škrk J; Druškovič B; Lovka M
    Biodosimetry with plant cell system ?
  57. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts book of the 25rd Annual meeting of the European environmental mutagen society; 1995 Jun 18-23; Noordwijkerhout
  58. Pregelj Rado; Tomori Martina; Balažic Jože; Zupanc Tomaž
    Negative life events and genes of the serotonergic pathway of suicide victims with previous aggressive behaviour
  59. Anonymous ;
    22nd Congress of the European college of neuropsychopharmacology; 2009 Sep 12-16; Istanbul
  60. Edelmann F; Wachter R; Inkrot S; Tahirović E; Toepper A; Doehner W; Apostolović S; Lainščak M; Duengen H-D
    Differential effects of beta-blockade in elderly patients with systolic vs. diastolic heart failure
  61. Gelbrich G; Edelmann F; Inkrot S; Tahirović E; Toepper A; Apostolović S; Lainščak M; Rau T; Eschenhagen T; Duengen H-D
    No more target dose, long live target heart rate? - A suggestion from the CIBIS-ELD trial
  62. Comin-Colet J; Lainscak M; Dickstein K; Filippatos G; Johnson P; Luscher TF; Mori C; Willenheimer R; Ponikowski P; Anker SD
    Influence of intravenous ferric carboxymaltose on health-related quality of life measures in patients with chronic heart failure and iron deficiency: an analysis from the FAIR-HF study
  63. Sarc I; Jerič T; Ziherl K; Šuškovič S; Košnik M; Doehner W; Von Haehling S; Anker SD; Lainščak M
    Chronic heart failure in patients hospitalized for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: prevalence, treatment and mortality
  64. Hermann-Lingen C; Scherer M; Inkort S; Tahirović E; Lainščak M; Doehner W; Edelmann F; Apostolović S; Gelbrich G; Duengen HD
    Determinants of change in quality of life in the randomized controlled cardiac insufficiency bisoprolol study in elderly (CIBIS-ELD)
  65. Lainščak M; Gelbrich G; Inkrot S; Tahirović E; Edelmann F; Doehner W; Nesković A; Apostolović S; Anker SD; Duengen HD
    Beta blockers and pulmonary function in elderly patients with heart failure: insight from CIBIS-ELD
  66. Marčun Robert; Šustić Alen; Meško-Brguljan Pika; Kadivec Saša; Farkaš-Lainščak Jerneja; Košnik Mitja; Lainščak Mitja
    NT-proBNP and left ventricular function in patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  67. Maver Polona J; Poljak Mario; Seme Katja; Kocjan Boštjan J
    Detection and typing of low-risk human papillomavirus genotypes HPV 6, HPV 11, HPV 42, HPV 43 and HPV 44 by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism
  68. Jekovec-Vrhovšek Maja
    An infant with congenital cytomegaloviral infection and additional disorders
  69. Avsenik Marija
    A case of the orofaciodigital syndrome type 1
  70. McDonagh Theresa A; Blue Lynda; Clark Andrew L; Dahlstroem Ulf; Ekman Inger; Lainščak Mitja; McDonald Kenneth; Ryder Mary; Stromberg Anna; Jaarsma Tiny
    European society of cardiology heart failure association standards for delivering heart failure care
  71. Lainščak Mitja; Blue Lynda; Clark Andrew L; Dahlstrom Ulf; Dickstein Kenneth; Ekman Inger; McDonagh Theresa; McMurray John J; Ryder Mary; Stewart Simon
    Self-care management of heart failure: practical recommendations from the Patient care committee of the Heart failure association of the European society of cardiology
  72. Dungen Hans Dirk; Apostolović Svetlana; Inkrot Simone; Lainščak Mitja
    Titration to target dose of bisoprolol vs. carvedilol in elderly patients with heart failure: the CIBIS-ELD trial
  73. Hafner Mateja; Režen Tadeja; Rozman Damjana
    Regulation of hepatic cytochromes p450 by lipids and cholesterol
  74. Seme Katja; Močilnik Tina; Poljak Mario
    Twenty-four mini-pool HCV RNA screening in a routine clinical virology laboratory setting: a six-year prospective study
  75. Prebil Mateja; Jensen Jorgen; Zorec Robert; Kreft Marko
    Astrocytes and energy metabolism
  76. Geršak K; Veble A
    Low-level X chromosome mosaicism in women with sporadic premature ovarian failure
  77. Kokalj-Steinbacher Tina; Rejc Barbara; Geršak Ksenija
    Incidence and prevention of neural tube defects in Slovenia
  78. Šuštar M; Hawlina M; Brecelj J
    Electroretinographic features in patients with enhanced s-cone syndrome
  79. Šuštar M; Brecelj J
    Assessing the function of the retinal s-cone system
  80. Ravnik Urška; Tozon Nataša; Strašek-Smrdel Katja; Avšič-Županc Tatjana
    Anaplasmosis in dogs: the relation of haematological, biochemical and clinical alterations to antibody titre and PCR confirmed infection
  81. Malovrh Marko
    Techniques of ultrasound evaluation of vascular access
  82. Tordoir Jan
    Techniques of vascular access creation and maintainance
  83. Knez Lea
    A look into the future - where is hospital pharmacy heading?
  84. Rozman Janez; Mrvar Primož; Drevenšek Martina; Pečlin Polona
    Evaluation of NiTi superelastic retraction coil springs for orthodontic tooth movement in rats
  85. Bunc Gorazd; Voršič Matjaž; Ravnik Janez; Velnar Tomaž
    Proximal migration of a lumboperitoneal shunt into the prepontine and ambiens cisterns
  86. Mujezinović Faris; Takač Iztok
    Pelvic lymph node dissection in early ovarian cancer: success of retrieval of lymph nodes by individual lymph node groups in respect to pelvic laterality
  87. Paulsen Hellebust Taran; Hudej Robert
    Recommendations from Gynaecological (GYN) GEC-ESTRO Working Group: considerations and pitfalls in commissioning and applicator reconstruction in 3D image-based treatment planning of cervix cancer brachytherapy
  88. Sóki J.; Edwards R.; Hedberg Maria; Kolman Jana
    Examination of cfiA-mediated carbapenem resistance in Bacteroides fragilis strains from a European antibiotic suscepibility survey
  89. Stopinšek Sanja; Ihan Alojz; Wraber Branka; Terčelj Marjeta; Salobir Barbara; Rylander Ragnar; Simčič Saša
    Fungal cell wall agents suppress the innate inflammatory cytokine responses of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells challenged with lipopolysaccharide in vitro
  90. Boerma Wienke; Brok Erna; Rotar-Pavlič Danica; Vajd Rajko
    Final technical report Project PHAMEU primary care activity monitor for Europe: period 1 November 2007 - 31 October 2010
  91. Dolinar Nataša; Šraj Nina; Pongrac Paula; Regvar Marjana; Gaberščik Alenka
    The Presence of Mycorrhiza in Different GHabitats of an Intermittent Aquatic Ecosystem
  92. Dolinar Nataša; Šraj Nina; Gaberščik Alenka
    Water Regime Changes and the Function of an Intermittent Wetland
  93. Dovč-Drnovšek Tadeja; Toplak Nataša; Bricl Irena; Blejec Tanja; Kovač Minka; Rožman Primož
    An Additional Pre-amplification Step for the Early Determination of Fetal RHD from Maternal Plasma
  94. Gahan Peter B
    Circulating nucleic acids in plasma and serum. Proceedings of the 6th International conference on circulating nucleic acids in plasma and serum; 2009 Nov 9-11; Hong Kong
  95. Maver A; Medica I; Salobir B; Terčelj M; Peterlin B
    Genetic variation in osteopontin gene is associated with susceptibility to sarcoidosis in Slovenian population
  96. Kobal J; Melik Z; Cankar K; Štrucl M
    Cerebral cortex regulates autonomic function in Huntington's disease
  97. Kuhar Urška; Germ Mateja; Gaberščik Alenka
    Habitat characteristics of the alien species Elodea canadensis in Slovenian watercourses
  98. Gutierrez-Aguirre Ion; Banjac Marko; Steyer Andrej; Poljšak-Prijatelj Mateja; Peterka Matjaž; Štrancar Aleš; Ravnikar Maja
    Concentrating rotaviruses from water samples using monolithic chromatographic supports
  99. Peternel Špela; Liović Mirjana
    Production of recombinant proteins in bacteria: the inclusion bodies formation and their use in biomedicine
  100. Rotter Ana; Hren Matjaž; Usadel Bjoern; Gruden Kristina
    Visualisation of transcriptomics data in metabolic pathways

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