biomedicina slovenica

dr="Nizozemska" : 1.851-1.950

  1. Hren Matjaž; Dreo Tanja; Erjavec Jana; Nikolić Petra; Boben Jana; Gruden Kristina; Dermastia Marina; Camloh Marjana; Ravnikar Maja
    Real-time PCR detection methods for economically important grapevine related bacteria
  2. Delrot Serge; Medrano Hipolito; Or Etti; Bavarescio Luigi; Grando Stella
    Methodologies and results in grapevine research
  3. Štupnik Tomaž; Vidmar Stanko; Hari Petra
    Spontaneous rupture of a normal spleen following bronchoplastic left lung lower lobectomy
  4. Vogelsang M; Komel R
    Non-truncating hMLH1 variants identified in Slovenian gastric cancer patients are not associated with Lynch syndrome: a functional analysis report
  5. Štukovnik Vita; Zidar Janez; Podnar Simon; Repovš Grega
    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients show executive impairments on standard neuropsychological measures and an ecologically valid motor-free test of executive functions
  6. Knez Lea; Režonja Renata; Šuškovič Stanislav; Košnik Mitja; Mrhar Aleš
    The basel statement on medication reconciliation: basis for a study in a Slovenian hospital
  7. Vranac Tanja; Bresjanac Mara
    Metabolic aspects of prion diseases: an overview
  8. Koritnik B; Jeran D; Zidar I; Belič A; Korošec M; Zidar J
    Scalp topography of sniffing-related cortical potentials
  9. Podnar S
    The penilo-cavernosus reflex in spinal cord lesion patients: a neurophysiologic study
  10. Rakuša M; Golez A; Rodi Z
    Recognition of the muscle responses after transcutaneous magnetic stimulation of cauda equina with the use of the collision technique
  11. Podnar S
    Pneumotorax after needle electromyography of the diaphragm: a case report and critical analysis
  12. Rotar M; Vodušek DB
    Uroneurophysiologic findings in 341 consecutive patients referred because of sphincter dysfunction
  13. Podnar S
    Quantitative EMG of the diaphragm and genioglossus muscles
  14. Vodušek DB
    Clinical study - neurophysiological tests in uroneurology
  15. Petric Š; Hakki T; Bernhardt R; Žigon D; Črešnar B
    Discovery of a steroid 11alpha-hydroxylase from Rhizopus oryzae and its biotechnological application
  16. Črešnar B; Petrič Š
    Cytochrome P450 enzymes in the fungal kingdom
  17. Šergec N; Delić M; Pregelj P
    Psychopharmacotherapy and suicidal behaviour of patients with anxiety and stress related disorders
  18. Goličnik M
    Evaluation of enzyme kinetic parameters using explicit analytic approximations to the solution of the Michaelis-Menten equation
  19. Bogovič Petra; Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Strle Franc
    What tick-borne encephalitis may look like: clinical signs and symptoms
  20. Pregelj Peter; Videtič Alja
    Possible involvement of epigenetic mechanisms in the neurobiology of PTSD
  21. Wiederhold Brenda K
    Coping with posttraumatic stress disorder in returning troups: wounds of war II
  22. Kovačič Jasna; Božič Bojan; Svetina Saša
    Budding of giant unilamellar vesicles induced by an amphitropic protein beta2-glycoprotein I
  23. Žiberna L; Lunder M; Drevenšek G; Passamonti S
    Anti-ischemic activity of anthocyanins in the isolated rat heart is bilitranslocase-mediated
  24. Akopian Abram; Križaj David; Witkovsky Paul
    Both high- and low voltage-activated calcium currents contribute to the light-evoked responses of luminosity horizontal cells in the Xenopus retina
  25. Resnik Nataša; Veranič Peter; Manders Erik
    Are desmosomes dependent on cholesterol?
  26. Anonymous ;
    Nederlandse vereniging voor microscopie. Jaarboek 2009 of the proceedings of the annual meeting in Nemo, 2009 Dec 1; Amsterdam
  27. Šeruga Boštjan; Hertz PC; Wang L; Booth CM; Cescon David W; Krzyzanowska M; Tannock Ian
    Absolute benefits of medical therapies in phase III clinical trials for breast and colorectal cancer
  28. Šeruga Boštjan; Hertz PC; Le LW; Tannock Ian
    Global drug development in cancer: a cross-sectional study of clinical trial registries
  29. Šeruga Boštjan; Amir Eitan
    Cytochrome P450 2D6 and outcomes of adjuvant tamoxifen therapy: results of a meta-analysis
  30. Žele Tilen; Sketelj Janez; Bajrović Fajko F
    Efficacy of fluorescent tracers in retrograde labeling of cutaneous afferent neurons in the rat
  31. Gagnon MP; Pluye P; Desmartis M; Car J
    A systematic review of interventions promoting clinical information retrieval technology (CIRT) adoption by healthcare professionals
  32. Caffrey JM; Dutartre A; Haury J; Murphy KJ; Wade PM
    Macrophytes in aquatic ecosystems: from biology to management. Proceedings of the 11th international symposium on aquatic weeds, European weed research society
  33. Germ Mateja; Mazej Zdenka; Gaberščik Alenka; Trošt-Sedej Tadeja
    The response of Ceratophyllum demersum L. and Myriophyllum spicatum L. to reduced, ambient, and enhanced ultraviolet-B radiation
  34. Germ Mateja; Mazej Zdenka; Gaberščik Alenka; Trošt-Sedej Tadeja
    The response of Ceratophyllum demersum L. and Myriophyllum spicatum L. to reduced, ambient, and enhanced ultraviolet-B radiation
  35. Lenasi Helena; Štrucl Martin
    Regular physical activity alters the postocclusive reactive hyperemia of the cutaneous microcirculation
  36. Zidar Nina; Zver Samo; Jurčić Vesna
    Extraosseus plasmacytoma of the pharynx with localized light chain deposition. Case report
  37. Stoevesandt Oda; Vetter Maike; Kastelic Damjana; Palmer Elizabeth A; He Mingyue; Taussig Michael J
    Cell free expression put on the spot: Advances in repeatable protein arraying from DNA (DAPA)
  38. Brežan S; Logar V; Belic A
    Mind-reading with EEG-phase decoding (theta phase demodulation) of brain working memory (WM) and decision-making processes
  39. Anonymous ;
    FENS forum abstracts. 7th FENS Forum of European Neuroscience; 2010 Jul 3-7; Amsterdam
  40. Svetina Saša
    The primary characteristic of early cells is very likely to be the cell cycle
  41. Velikonja Orjana; Čurić Katarina; Ožura Ana; Šega-Jazbec Saša
    Influence of sports climbing and yoga on spasticity, cognitive function, mood and fatigue in patients with multiple sclerosis
  42. Čemažar Maja; Jarm Tomaž; Serša Gregor
    Cancer electrogene therapy with interleukin-12
  43. Borštnar Simona; Sadikov Aleksander; Možina Barbara; Čufer Tanja
    High levels of uPA and PAI-1 predict a good response to anthracyclines
  44. Stražišar BG; Neubauer D; Claustrat B; Brun J
    The ontogeny of melatonin production in infants with an apparent life threatening event
  45. Steyer Andrej; Bajželj Mojca; Iturriza-Gomara Miren; Mladenova Zornitsa; Korsun Neli; Poljšak-Prijatelj Mateja
    Molecular analysis of human group A rotavirus G10P[14] genotype in Slovenia
  46. Grabnar Iztok; Pirnat Edvard; Tomše Petra; Stopar Tanja; Mrhar Aleš; Hojker Sergej
    Population pharmacokinetic modelling of radioiodine turnover in patients with graves disease
  47. Anonymous ;
    Optimising Drug Therapy: an imperative for World Health. 3rd world congress of the Board of Pharmaceutical Sciences of FIP (PSWC2007); 2007 Apr 22-25; Amsterdam
  48. Ožura Ana; Erdberg Philip; Šega Saša
    Personality characteristics of multiple sclerosis patients: a rorschach investigation
  49. Vukojevic Katarina; Petrovič Danijel; Saraga-Babic Mirna
    Nestin expression in glial and neuronal progenitors of the developing human spinal ganglia
  50. Pregelj Peter; Nedic Gordana; Videtič-Paska Alja; Zupanc Tomaž; Nikolac Matea; Balažic Jože; Tomori Martina; Komel Radovan; Muck-Seler Dorotea; Pivac Nela
    The association between brain-derived neurotrophic factor polymorphism 3 (BDNF Val66Met) and suicide
  51. Ferdin Jana; Cerar Tjaša; Strle Franc; Ružić-Sabljić Eva
    Evaluation of real-time PCR targeting hbb gene for Borrelia species identification
  52. Bordukalo-Niksic Tatjana; Mokrovic Gordana; Stefulj Jasminka; Živin Markož; Jernej Branimir; Cicin-Sain Lipa
    5HT-1A receptors and anxiety-like behaviours: studies in rats with constitutionally upregulated/downregulated serotonin transporter
  53. Emmerich Petra; Avšič-Županc Tatjana; Chinikar Ssdegh; Saksida Ana
    Early serodiagnosis of acute human Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus infections by novel capture assays
  54. Režen T; Rozman D; Pascussi JM; Monostory K
    Interplay between cholesterol and drug metabolism
  55. Zorn B; Ihan A; Kopitar AN; Kolbezen M; Sešek-Briški A; Meden-Vrtovec H
    Changes in sperm apoptotic markers as related to seminal leukocytes and elastase
  56. Peterlin Primož
    Frequency-dependent electrodeformation of giant phospholipid vesicles in AC electric field
  57. Petkovšek Živa; Čitar M; Žgur-Bertok D; Starčič-Erjavec M
    Colicinogenic Escherichia coli isolates from healthy individuals exhibit a similar extra-intestinal virulence profile as non-colicinogenic strains
  58. Kamenšek Simona; Podlesek Z; Gillor O; Žgur-Bertok D
    Expression of DNA damage inducible genes in Escherichia coli at the single cell and population levels
  59. Hummers-Pradier Eva; Beyer Martin; Chevallier Patrick; Petek Davorina
    Research agenda for general practice / Family medicine and primary health care in Europe
  60. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and abstracts of lectures and posters of the 2nd TNO beneficial microbes conference: international conference on the health impact and future potential of beneficial microbes; 2010 Mar 15-17; Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands
  61. Inkrot S; Tahirović E; Lainščak M; Farkaš J; Toepper A; Radlach H-H; Edelmann F; Hermann-Lingen C; Dassen T; Duengen H-D
    Self-rated health in elderly patients with heart failure: influence of beta-blocker titration
  62. Kogej Tina; Gostinčar Cene; Gunder-Cimerman Nina
    Identification of the putative glycerol transporter of the halophilic black yeast Hortaea werneckii
  63. Lakota Katja; Mrak-Poljšak Katjuša; Rozman Blaž; Sodin-Šemrl Snežna
    Serum Amyloid A and its potential physiological/pathological functions - an overview of patents
  64. Bouvier Anne-Marie; Pompe-Kirn Vera
    What reasons lie behind long-term survival differences for gastric cancer within Europe?
  65. Erjavec Jana; Guitierrez-Aquirre I; Kramberger P; Dreo T; Seljak G; Ravnikar M
    Development and implementation of new methods for on-site detection of bacterial and viral pathogens
  66. Anonymous ;
    Rapid methods Europe 2010. Final programme and abstract of lectures and posters of the International conference, marketplace and matchmaking event Analytical methods and instrumentation for food and feed safety and quality; 2010 Jan 25-27; Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands
  67. Parpura Vladimir; Zorec Robert
    Gliotransmission: exocytotic release from astrocytes
  68. Calejo Ana I; Rodriguez Eleazar; Silva Virgilia S; Jorgačevski Jernej; Stenovec Matjaž; Kreft Marko; Santos Conceicao; Zorec Robert; Goncalves Paula P
    Life and death in aluminium-exposed cultures of rat lactotrophs studied by flow cytometry
  69. Kapović Miljenko; Rukavina Daniel
    Reactivity to alloantigens and polyclonal mitogens and CD4+/CD8+ cell ratio shifts of cervical lymph node and spleen cells during pregnancy in rats
  70. Kapović Miljenko; Rukavina Daniel
    Kinetics of lymphoproliferative responses of lymphocytes harvested from the uterine draining lymph nodes during pregnancy in rats
  71. Petrovič D
    The role of vascular endothelial growth factor gene as the genetic marker of atherothrombotic disorders and in the gene therapy of coronary artery disease
  72. Hristovski Dimitar; Friedman Carol; Rindflesch Thomas C
    Implementing literature-based discovery system using semantic relations
  73. Kovač Katarina; Gutierrez-Aguirre Ion; Banjac Marko; Peterka Matjaž; Poljšak-Prijatelj Mateja; Ravnikar Maja; Zimšek-Mijovski Janet; Schultz Anna Charlotte; Raspor Peter
    A novel method for concentrating hepatitis A virus and caliciviruses from bottled water
  74. Belič A; Škrjanc I; Božič-Zupančič D; Karba R; Vrečer F
    Minimisation of the capping tendency by tableting process optimisation with the application of artificial neural networks and fuzzy models
  75. Belič Aleš; Temesvari Manna; Kohalmy Krisztina; Vrzal Radim; Dvorak Zdenek; Rozman Damjana; Monostory Katalin
    Investigation of the CYP2C9 induction profile in human hepatocytes by combining experimental and modelling approaches
  76. Paro-Panjan Darja
    Benign neonatal sleep myoclonus
  77. Geuna Stefano; Tos Pierluigi; Battiston Bruno
    Essays on peripheral nerve repair and regeneration. International review of neurobiology; vol 87
  78. Pongrac-Barlovič Draženka; Thomas Merlin C; Jandeleit-Dahm Karin
    Cardiovascular disease: what's all the AGE/RAGE about?
  79. Sobh Tarek
    Innovations and advanced techniques in computer and information sciences and engineering
  80. Dahmane Raja
    Histochemical and mechanomyographical evaluation of the adaptive potential of human biceps femoris muscle
  81. Puh Urška
    Age-related and sex-related differences in hand and pinch grip strenght in adults
  82. Šabovič Mišo; Safar Michel E; Blacher Jacques
    Is there any additional prognostic value of central blood pressure wave forms beyond peripheral blood pressure?
  83. Lenasi H; Štrucl M
    Regular physical activity alters the postocclusive reactive hyperemia of the cutaneous microcirculation
  84. Perhavec Andrež; Pohar-Perme Maja; Hočevar Marko; Bešić Nikola; Žgajnar Janez
    Ljubljana nomograms for predicting the likelihood of non-sentinel lymph node metastases in breast cancer patients with a positive sentinel lymph node
  85. Zimšek-Mijovski Janet; Poljšak-Prijatelj Mateja; Steyer Andrej; Barlič-Maganja Darja; Koren Srečko
    Detection and molecular characterisation of noroviruses and sapoviruses in asymptomatic swine and cattle in Slovenian farms
  86. Vintar N; Pevec-Gašperin M; Šoštaric M
    The influence of postoperative pain management on outcome after nephrectomies: comparison of continuous epidural and continuous intravenous analgesia
  87. Vintar N; Pevec-Gasperin M
    Spinal anaesthesia for endoscopic urologic procedures in tetraplegic patients
  88. Solaimanzadeh I; Schlegel TT; Feiveson AH; Greco EC; DePalma JL; Starc V; Marthol H; Tutaj M; Buechner S; Axelrod FB; Hilz MJ
    Advanced electrocardiographic predictors of mortality in familial dysautonomia
  89. Rot U; Šega S; Horvat A
    Clinically isolated syndrome patients with high brain MRI lesion load have distinctive cerebrospinal fluid profile
  90. Berginc Gašper; Glavač Damjan
    Rapid and accurate approach for screening of microsatellite unstable tumours using quasimonomorphic mononucleotide repeats and denaturating high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC)
  91. Boštjančič Emanuela; Zidar Nina; Glavač Damjan
    MicroRNA microarray expression profiling in human myocardial infarction
  92. Švajger Urban; Vidmar Alenka; Jeras Matjaž
    Niflumic acid renders dendritic cells tolerogenic and up-regulates inhibitory molecules ILT3 and ILT4
  93. Jaki-Mekjavić P; Beltram M
    Dysthyroid optic neuropathy in a patient with multiple sclerosis
  94. Anonymous ;
    Thyroid - orbit. Program and abstract book of the International symposium on Graves' orbitopathy; 2009 Oct 29-30; Amsterdam
  95. Kališnik J; Avbelj V; Vidmar G; Trobec R; Geršak B
    Comparison of electrophysiological properties of the heart after off-pump and on-pump myocardial revascularization
  96. Suwalski G; Kališnik JM; Sledz M; Czachor M; Switaj J; Geršak B; Suwalski KB
    Successful off-pump pilmonary vein isolation for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation protects against autonomic nervous system imbalance
  97. Kališnik JM; Suwalski P; Suwalski G; Avbelj V; Vidmar G; Suwalski K; Geršak B
    Similar cardiac autonomic regulation in sinus rhythm following successful ablation of permanent and paroxysmal atrial fibrilation: what can we see on the level of structural electrophysiological substrate of the heart?
  98. Kališnik JM; Ksela J; Suwalski P; Suwalski G; Avbelj V; Vidmar G; Suwalski K; Geršak B
    Sinus rhythm before operation differentiates patients developing atrial fibrillation from the patients that remain in sinus rhythm after cardiac revascularization
  99. Lainščak Mitja; Coletta Alison P; Sherwi Nasser; Cleland John G
    Clinical trials update from the Heart failure society of America meeting 2009: FAST, IMPROVE-HF, COACH galectin-3 substudy, HF-ACTION nuclear substudy, DAD-HF, and MARVEL-1
  100. Matjačić Zlatko
    Gait analysis and synthesis: biomechanics, orthotics, prosthetics

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