biomedicina slovenica

dr="Nizozemska" : 751-850

  1. Hendrikx Marc; Fanton Yanick; Willems Leen; Daniëls Annick; Declercq Jeroen; Windmolders Severina; Hensen Karen; Koninckx Remco; Jamaer Luc; Dubois Jasperina; Robič Boris
    From bone marrow to cardiac atrial appendage stem cells for cardiac repair
  2. Fanton Yanick; Robič Boris; Rummens Jean-Luc; Daniëls Annick; Windmolders Severina; Willems Leen; Jamaer Luc; Dubois Jasperina; Bijnens Eric; Heuts Nic
    Cardiac atrial appendage stem cells engraft and differentiate into cardiomyocytes in vivo
  3. Štor Zdravko; Hanžel Jurij
    Gastric ectopic pancreas mimicking a gastrointestinal stromal tumour
  4. Veldhuijzen van Zanten Sophie E. M.; Baugh Joshua; Chaney Brooklyn; De Jongh Dennis; Sanchez Aliaga Esther; Barkhof Frederik; Noltes Johan; De Wolf Ruben; Van Dijk Jet; Cannarozzo Antonio; Kitanovski Lidija
    Development of the SIOPE DIPG network, registry and imaging repository
  5. Grošelj Urh; Kovač Jernej; Šuštar Urša; Mlinarič Matej; Fras Zlatko; Trebušak Podkrajšek Katarina; Battelino Tadej
    Universal screening for familial hypercholesterolemia in children
  6. Hočevar Keli; Peterlin Ana; Mitrović-Jovanović Ana; Ristanović Momčilo; Tul Nataša; Peterlin Borut
    Association between angiotensin-converting enzyme gene insertion/deletion polymorphism and susceptibility to preterm birth
  7. Casali P. G.; Bielack Stefan; Abecassis N.; Aro Hannu T.; Bauer Simone; Biagini R.; Bonvalot S.; Boukovinas I.; Bovée Judith VMG; Unk Mojca
    Bone sarcomas
  8. Rotar-Pavlič Danica; Treven Marta; Maksuti Alem; Švab Igor; Tekavčič-Grad Onja
    General practitioners' needs for support after the suicide of patient
  9. Kastrin Andrej; Klisara Jelena; Lužar Borut; Povh Janez
    Is science driven by principal investigators?
  10. Perharič Lucija; Martinčič Marjan; Zadnik Vesna; Uršič Simona; Mazej Darja; Šlejkovec Zdenka; Šter M.; France Štiglic Alenka; Kukec Andreja
    A refuted association between soil contamination from past antimony mining and exposure of children to inorganic arsenic
  11. Markowicz Mateusz; Schötta Anna; Kundi Michael; Bogovič Petra; Ogrinc Katarina; Strle Franc; Stanek Gerold
    CXCL13 concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with Lyme neuroborreliosis and other neurological disorders determined by Luminex and ELISA
  12. Vallejo-Vaza Antonio J.; De Marco Martina; Stevens Christophe A. T.; Akram Asif; Freiberger Tomas; Hovingh G. Kees; Kastelein John J. P.; Mata Pedro; Raal Frederick J.; Santos Raul D.; Fras Zlatko; Grošelj Urh; Car Josip; Battelino Tadej; Cevc Matija; Jug Borut; Kovač Jernej; Trebušak Podkrajšek Katarina; Šuštar Urša; Janša-Trontelj Katja
    Overview of the current status of familial hypercholesterolaemia care in over 60 countries
  13. Poredoš Pavel; Poredoš Peter; Ježovnik Mateja
    Structure of atherosclerotic plaques in different vascular territories
  14. Valencic Erica; Šmid Alenka; Jakopin Žiga; Tommasini Alberto; Mlinarič-Raščan Irena
    Repositioning drugs for rare immune diseases
  15. Perharič Lucija; Martinčič Maja; Zadnik Vesna; Uršič Simona; Mazej Darja; Šlejkovec Zdenka; Šter Mateja; France Štiglic Alenka; Kukec Andreja
    A refuted association between soil contamination from past antimony mining and exposure of children to inorganic arsenic
  16. Galimberti Viviana; Cole Bernard F.; Viale Giuseppe; Vicini Elisa; Intra Mattia; Mazzarol Giovanni; Massarut Samuele; Žgajnar Janez; Taffurelli Mario; Knauer Michael
    Axillary dissection versus no axillary dissection in patients with breast cancer and sentinel-node micrometastases (IBCSG 23-01)
  17. Smet Stéphanie; Pötter Richard; Haie-Meder Christine; Lindegaard Jacob Christian; Jürgenliemk-Schulz Ina Maria; Mahantshetty Umesh; Šegedin Barbara; Bruheim Kjesti; Hoskin Peter J.; Rai Bhavana
    Fatigue, insomnia and hot flashes after definitive radiochemotherapy and image-guided adaptive brachytherapy for locally advanced cervical cancer
  18. Najjari Jamal Dina; Pötter Richard; Haie-Meder Christine; Lindegaard Jacob Christian; Jürgenliemk-Schulz Ina Maria; Mahantshetty Umesh; Šegedin Barbara; Bruheim Kjesti; Hoskin Peter J.; Rai Bhavana
    Physician assessed and patient reported lower limb edema after defnitive radio(chemo)therapy and image-guided adaptive brachytherapy for locally advanced cervical cancer
  19. Fokdal Lars U.; Pötter Richard; Kirchheiner Kathrin; Lindegaard Jacob Christian; Kibsgaard Jensen Nina Boje; Kirisits Christian; Chagari Cyrus; Mahantshetty Umesh; Jürgenliemk-Schulz Ina Maria; Šegedin Barbara
    Physician assessed and patient reported urinary morbidity after radio-chemotherapy and image guided adaptive brachytherapy for locally advanced cervical cancer
  20. Kibsgaard Jensen Nina Boje; Pötter Richard; Kirchheiner Kathrin; Fokdal Lars U.; Lindegaard Jacob Christian; Kirisits Christian; Mazeron Renaud; Mahantshetty Umesh; Jürgenliemk-Schulz Ina Maria; Šegedin Barbara
    Bowel morbidity following radiochemotherapy and image-guided adaptive brachytherapy for cervical cancer
  21. Isaković-Vidović Suzana
    Late toxicity in patients with locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer treated with combined radiochemotherapy
  22. Rebolj Katja; Veber Matija; Drobnič Matej; Maličev Elvira
    Hematopoietic stem cell and mesenchymal stem cell population size in bone marrow samples depends on patient's age and harvesting technique
  23. Harvala Heli; Broberg Eeva; Benschop Kimberley; Berginc Nataša; Ladhani Shamez; Susi Petri; Christiansen Claus; McKenna James J.; Makiello Phoebe; McAllister Georgina
    Recommendations for enterovirus diagnostics and characterisation within and beyond Europe
  24. Poelman Randy; Schuffenecker Isabelle; Van Leer-Buter Coretta; Josset Laurence; Niesters Hubert G.M.; Lina Bruno; Berginc Nataša
    European surveillance for enterovirus D68 during the emerging North-American outbreak in 2014
  25. Poljak Mario
    Professor Peter J. F. Snijders, PhD (5 August 1961 - 27 May 2018)
  26. Xu Lan; Oštrbenk Anja; Poljak Mario; Arbyn Marc
    Assessment of the Roche linear array HPV genotyping test within the VALGENT framework
  27. Winer Rachel L.; Gheit Tarik; Cherne Stephen; Lin John; Stern Joshua E.; Poljak Mario; Feng Qinghua; Tommasino Massimo
    Prevalence and correlates of beta human papillomavirus detection in fingernail samples from mid-adult women
  28. Vermeulen Lisa; Schäfer Willemijn; Rotar-Pavlič Danica; Groenewegen Peter
    Community orientation of general practitioners in 34 countries
  29. Romette J. L.; Prat C. M.; Gould E.A.; de Lamballerie X.; Charrel R.; Coutard B.; Fooks A.R.; Bardsley Martin; Avšič-Županc Tatjana
    The European Virus Archive goes global
  30. Zorec Robert; Avšič-Županc Tatjana; Verkhratsky Alexei
    Astrogliopathology in the infectious insults of the brain
  31. Kassavetis Panagiotis; Sadnicka Anna; Saifee Tabish A.; Pareés Isabel; Kojović Maja; Bhatia Kailash P.; Rothwell John C.; Edwards Mark J.
    Reappraising the role of motor surround inhibition in dystonia
  32. Stanimirović Dalibor; Savic Dusan
    Two years of ePrescription in Slovenia - applications and potentials
  33. Ugon Adrien
    Building continents of knowledge in oceans of data
  34. Charbit-Henrion Fabienne; Parlato Marianna; Hanein Sylvain; Duclaux-Loras Rémi; Nowak Jan; Bègue Bernadette; Rakotobe Sabine; Bruneau Julie; Fourrage Cécile; Alibeu Olivier; Homan Matjaž
    Diagnostic yield of next-generation sequencing in very early-onset inflammatory bowel diseases
  35. Mirandola Massimo; Klavs Irena; Kustec Tanja; Adamič Claudia; Poljak Mario; Krošelj Robert; Mlakar Jana
    Socio-demographic characteristics, sexual and test-seeking behaviours amongst men who have sex with both men and women
  36. Milek Miha; Šmid Alenka; Tamm Riin; Karas Kuželički Nataša; Metspalu Andres; Mlinarič-Raščan Irena
    Post-translational stabilization of thiopurine S-methyltransferase by S-adenosyl-L-methionine reveals regulation of TPMT*1 and *3C allozymes
  37. Aids and behavior
  38. Gabrovec Branko; Veninšek Gregor; López Samaniego Luz; Carriazo Ana Maria; Antoniadou Eleftheria; Jelenc Marjetka
    The role of nutrition in ageing
  39. Verkhratsky Alexei; Zorec Robert
    Astroglial signalling in health and disease
  40. Kocjan Tomaž
    Approach to the postmenopausal woman with osteoporosis in Slovenia
  41. Senekovič Vladimir
    Arthroscopic repair of massive rotator cuff tears
  42. Senekovič Vladimir
    Shoulder dislocation in professional athletes
  43. European Journal of Internal Medicine
  44. Hojs-Fabjan Tanja; Penko Meta; Hojs Radovan
    Newer glomerular filtration rate estimating equations for the full age spectrum based on serum creatinine and cystatin C in predicting mortality in patients with ischemic stroke
  45. Hojs-Fabjan Tanja; Penko Meta; Hojs Radovan
    Renal dysfunction predicts mortality in type 2 diabetic patients suffering from an acute ischemic stroke
  46. Omejec Gregor; Podnar Simon
    Long-term outcomes in patients with ulnar neuropathy at the elbow treated according to the presumed aetiology
  47. Cvenkel Barbara; Šuštar Maja; Perovšek Darko
    Ganglion cell loss in early glaucoma, as assessed by photopic negative response, pattern electroretinogram, and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography
  48. Šuštar Maja; Holder Graham; Kremers Jan; Barnes Claire S.; Lei Bo; Khan Naheed W.; Robson Anthony G.
    ISCEV extended protocol for the photopic On-Off ERG
  49. Frishman Laura; Šuštar Maja; Kremers Jan; McAnany J. Jason; Sarossy Marc; Tzekov Radouil; Viswanathan Suresh
    ISCEV extended protocol for the photopic negative response (PhNR) of the full-field electroretinogram
  50. Momin Sheikh; Mahlknecht Philipp; Georgiev Dejan; Foltynie Thomas; Zrinzo Ludvic; Hariz Marwan; Zacharia André; Limousin Patricia
    Impact of subthalamic deep brain stimulation frequency on upper limb motor function in Parkinson's disease
  51. Abstracts
  52. Current pharmaceutical biotechnology
  53. Simonovic Nina; Jakovljević Vladimir Lj; Jeremic Jovana; Finderle Žarko; Srejovic Ivan; Nikolic Turnic Tamara; Milosavljevic Isidora; Zivkovic Vladimir
    Comparative effects of calcium and potassium channel modulators on ischemia/reperfusion injury in the isolated rat heart
  54. Ignjatovic Janko; Švajger Urban; Ravnikar Matjaž; Molek Peter; Zadravec Darko; Pariš Alenka; Štrukelj Borut
    Aggregation of recombinant monoclonal antibodies and its role in potential immunogenicity
  55. Sievert Karl-Dietrich; Abufaraj Mohammad; Kernig Karoline; Dräger Karoline; Blaganje Mija; Hakenberg Oliver; Mansy Karim; Liedl Bernhard; Turcan Tufan; De Ridderg Dirk
    Sling sling surgery for female incontinence
  56. Prevc Ajda; Nikšić Žakelj Martina; Kranjc Simona; Čemažar Maja; Ščančar Janez; Kosjek Tina; Strojan Primož; Serša Gregor
    Electrochemotherapy with cisplatin or bleomycin in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
  57. Pohar Perme Maja
    Estimating the number of years saved compared to the general population - the French Olympians data
  58. Pavlič Klemen; Martinussen Torben; Andersen Kragh Per
    Goodness of fit test for regression models based on psaudo observations
  59. Pohar Perme Maja
    Simplifying survival analysis with pseudo-observations
  60. Survival analysis for junior researchers conference, Leiden, 24-26 April 2018
  61. Blagotinšek Cokan Kaja; Jeruc Jera; Perše Martina; Lorbek Gregor; Urlep Žiga; Juvan Peter; Nadižar Nejc; Prosenc Uršula; Rozman Damjana
    Disrupted cholesterol synthesis leads to female prevalent hepatocellular carcinoma in transgenic mice
  62. Pulcini Céline; Mohrs Simone; Beović Bojana; Gyssens Inge; Theuretzbacher Ursula; Cars Otto
    Forgotten antibiotics
  63. Toplak Nataša; Avčin Tadej
    Paediatric antiphospholipid syndrome
  64. Cervera Ricard
    Antiphospholipid syndrome in systemic autoimmune diseases
  65. Štuhec Matej; Locatelli Igor
    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder pharmacotherapy in Slovenian adults
  66. Hofheinz Ralf-Dieter; Lorenzen Sylvie; Trojan Jörg; Ocvirk Janja; Ettrich Thomas J.; Al-Batran Salah Eddin; Schulz Holger; Homann Nils; Feustel H. P.; Schatz Marlene
  67. Gennari Alessandra; Sun Z.; Hasler-Strub U.; Colleoni Marco; Moos Roger von; Cortes Jorge; Walshe J.; Ribi K.; Bernhard Jürg; Borštnar Simona
    A randomized phase II study evaluating different maintenance schedules of nab-Paclitaxel in the first-line treatment of metastatic breast cancer
  68. Journal of hepatology
  69. Kenig Saša; Baruca Arbeiter Alenka; Mohorko Nina; Bizjak Mojca; Černelič Bizjak Maša; Bandelj Dunja; Jenko Pražnikar Zala; Petelin Ana
    Moderate but not high daily intake of chili pepper sauce improves serum glucose and cholesterol levels
  70. Peterlin Ana; Petrovič Danijel; Peterlin Borut
    Screening for rare genetic variants associated with atherosclerosis
  71. Mankoč Ramuš Sara; Petrovič Danijel
    Genetic variations and subclinical markers of carotid atherosclerosis in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
  72. Macedoni Maddalena; Hovnik Tinka; Plesnik Emil; Kotnik Primož; Bratina Nataša; Battelino Tadej; Grošelj Urh
    Metabolic control, ApoE genotypes, and dyslipidemia in children, adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes
  73. Ruiz-Zapata Alejandra M.; Feola Andrew J.; Heesakkers John; De Graaf Petra; Blaganje Mija; Sievert Karl-Dietrich
    Biomechanical properties of the pelvic floor and its relation to pelvic floor disorders
  74. Omejec Gregor; Žgur Tomaž; Podnar Simon
    Can neurologic examination predict pathophysiology of ulnar neuropathy at the elbow?
  75. Marshall Alison D.; Cunningham Evan B.; Nielsen Stine; Aghemo Alessio; Alho Hannu; Backmund Markus; Bruggmann Philip; Dalgard Olav; Seguin-Devaux Carole; Matičič Mojca
    Restrictions for reimbursement of interferon-free direct-acting antiviral drugs for HCV infection in Europe
  76. Leblebicioglu Hakan; Arends Joop E.; Ozaras Resat; Corti Giampaolo; Santos Lurdes; Boesecke Christoph; Matičič Mojca
    Availability of hepatitis C diagnostics and therapeutics in European and Eurasia countries
  77. Ebert Moltara Maja
    The time frame of palliative care referrals
  78. Offersen Birgitte V.; Boersma Liesbeth J.; Kirkove Carine; Hol Sandra; Aznar Marianne C.; Sola Albert Biete; Kirova Youlia M.; Pignol Jean-Philippe; Remouchamps Vincent; Verhoeven Karolien; Marinko Tanja
    ESTRO consensus guideline on target volume delineation for elective radiation therapy of early stage breast cancer
  79. Čemažar Maja; Serša Gregor; Frey Wolfgang; Miklavčič Damijan; Teissié Justin
    Recommendations and requirements for reporting on applications of electric pulse delivery for electroporation of biological samples
  80. Vrhovec Saša; Božič Bojan; Derganc Jure
    Migration of blood cells and phospholipid vesicles induced by concentration gradients in microcavities
  81. Pužar Dominkuš Pia; Stenovec Matjaž; Sitar Simona; Lasič Eva; Zorec Robert; Plemenitaš Ana; Žagar Ema; Kreft Marko; Lenassi Metka
    PKH26 labeling of extracellular vesicles
  82. Horvat Anemari; Vardjan Nina; Zorec Robert
    Targeting astrocytes for treating neurological disorders
  83. Uršič Katarina; Zupanc Tomaž; Videtič Paska Alja
    Analysis of promoter polymorphism in monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene in completed suicide on Slovenian population
  84. Novaković Marko; Prokšelj Katja; Rajkovič Uroš; Vižintin Cuderman Tjaša; Janša-Trontelj Katja; Fras Zlatko; Jug Borut
    Exercise training in adults with repaired tetralogy of Fallot
  85. Krebs Bojan; Jagrič Tomaž
    Does negative-pressure wound therapy for the open abdomen benefit the patient?
  86. Kozar Nejc; Kruusmaa Kristi; Bitenc Marko; Argamasilla Rosa; Adsuar Antonio; Goswami Nandu; Arko Darja; Takač Iztok
    Metabolomic profiling suggests long chain ceramides and sphingomyelins as a possible diagnostic biomarker of epithelial ovarian cancer
  87. Bevc Sebastjan; Ekart Robert; Hojs Radovan
    The assessment of acute kidney injury in critically ill patients
  88. Canepa Marco; Straburzynska-Migaj Ewa; Drozdz Jaroslaw; Garcia Pinilla Jose Manue; Nyolczas Noemi; Temporelli Pier Luigi; Mebazaa Alexandre; Lainščak Mitja; Laroche Cécile; Maggioni Aldo P.
    Characteristics, treatments and 1-year prognosis of hospitalized and ambulatory heart failure patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the European Society of Cardiology Heart Failure Long-Term Registry
  89. Gorter Thomas M.; Veldhuisen Dirk J. van; Bauersachs Johann; Borlaug Barry A.; Celutkiene Jelena; Coats Andrew J.; Crespo-Leiro Maria G.; Guazzi Marco; Harjola Veli-Pekka; Lainščak Mitja
    Right heart dysfunction and failure in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
  90. Pavlič Klemen; Martinussen Torben; Andersen Kragh Per
    Goodness of fit tests for estimating equations based on pseudo-observations
  91. Burja Blaž; Kuret Tadeja; Sodin-Šemrl Snežna; Lakota Katja; Rotar Žiga; Ješe Rok; Mrak Poljšak Katjuša; Žigon Polona; Thallinger Gerhard G.; Feichtinger J.; Čučnik Saša; Tomšič Matija; Praprotnik Sonja; Hočevar Alojzija
    A concise review of significantly modified serological biomarkers in giant cell arteritis, as detected by different methods
  92. Ješe Rok; Rotar Žiga; Tomšič Matija; Hočevar Alojzija
    The role of colour doppler ultrasonography of facial and occipital arteries in patients with giant cell arteritis
  93. Schwarz Carsten; Bouchara Jean-Philippe; Buzina Walter; Chrenkova Vanda; Dmeńska Hanna; Gomez Garcia de la Pedrosa Elia; Cantón Rafael; Fiscarelli Ersilia; Le Govic Yohann; Matos Tadeja
    Organization of patient management and fungal epidemiology in cystic fibrosis
  94. Tomazin Rok; Matos Tadeja; Meis Jacques F.; Hagen Ferry
    Molecular characterization and antifungal susceptibility testing of sequentially obtained clinical cryptococcus deneoformans and cryptococcus neoformans isolates from Ljubljana, Slovenia
  95. Onorati Marco; Li Zhen; Liu Fuchen; Sousa André M.M.; Nakagawa Naoki; Li Mingfeng; Dell'Anno Maria Teresa; Gulden Forrest O.; Mlakar Jernej; Popović Mara
    Zika virus disrupts phospho-TBK1 localization and mitosis in human neuroepithelial stem cells and radial glia
  96. Bogovič Petra; Stupica Daša; Rojko Tereza; Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Avšič-Županc Tatjana; Kastrin Andrej; Lusa Lara; Strle Franc
    The long-term outcome of tick-borne encephalitis in Central Europe
  97. Cell reports
  98. Homšak Evgenija; Ekart Robert
    ST2 as a novel prognostic marker in end-stage renal disease patients on hemodiafiltration
  99. Rakuša Martin; Busan Pierpaolo; Battaglini Piero Paolo; Zidar Janez
    Separating the idea from the action
  100. Ridker Paul M.; MacFadyen Jean G.; Everett Brendan M.; Libby Peter; Thuren Tom; Glynn Robert J.; Lainščak Mitja
    Relationship of C-reactive protein reduction to cardiovascular event reduction following treatment with canakinumab

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