biomedicina slovenica

dr="Velika Britanija" : 2.124-2.223

  1. Marić Ivica; Živković B.; Lokar Lidija; Bricl Irena; Železnik Klara
    Severe adverse events in slovenian haemovigilance network from 2013 up to 2016
  2. Marić Ivica; Železnik Klara; Bricl Irena; Dovč Tadeja
    Targeted prophylaxis program for D-negative pregnant women based on genotyping fetal RHD from maternal blood
  3. Marić Ivica; Železnik Klara
    A negative indirect antiglobulin test in RHD negative pregnant woman with BMI 35 after two intramuscular injections of immunoglobulin anti-D - case report
  4. Marić Ivica; Petruša Katja; Železnik Klara; Bricl Irena
    Severe adverse transfusion reactions in slovenian haemovigilance network from 2013 up to 2016
  5. Knific Tamara; Vouk Katja; Vogler Andrej; Osredkar Joško; Gstöttner Manuela; Wenzl René; Lanišnik-Rižner Tea
    Models including serum CA-125, BMI, cyst pathology, dysmenorrhea or dyspareunia for diagnosis of endometriosis
  6. Zemljič Jokhadar Špela
    Optical tweezers as tool for determining stiffnes of epidermolysis bullosa simplex mutant keratinocytes
  7. Lauper Kim; Nordström Dan C.; Pavelka Karel; Hernández Maria Victoria; Kvien Tore K.; Kristianslund Eirik Klami; Santos Maria Jose; Rotar Žiga; Iannone Florenzo; Codreanu Catalin
    Comparative effectiveness of tocilizumab versus TNF inhibitors as monotherapy or in combination with conventional synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs in patients with rheumatoid arthritis after the use of at least one biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drug
  8. Sørensen Hjortshøj Cristel; Kempny Aleksander; Schophuus Jensen Annette; Sørensen Keld; Nagy Edit; Dellborg Mikael; Johansson Bengt; Rudiene Virginija; Gu Hong; Opotowsky Aleksander R.; Prokšelj Katja
    Past and current cause-specific mortality in Eisenmenger syndrome
  9. Cozzolino Mauro; Vitagliano Amerigo; Troiano Gianmarco; Di Giovanni Maria Valentina; Laganà Antonio Simone; Vitale Salvatore Giovanni; Blaganje Mija; Drusany Starič Kristina; Kobal Borut; Patrelli Tito Silvio; Noventa Marco
    Ultrasound-guided embryo transfer
  10. Rai M.; Ingle A. P.; Pandit R.; Paralikar P.; Gupta I.; Anasane N.; Dolenc-Voljč Mateja
    Nanotechnology for the treatment of fungal infections on human skin
  11. Dolenc-Voljč Mateja
    Diseases caused by Malassezia species in human beings
  12. Kon Katheryna
    The microbiology of skin, soft tissue, bone and joint infections
  13. Casali P. G.; Abecassis N.; Biagini R.; Bielack Stefan; Bonvalot S.; Boukovinas I.; Bovée Judith VMG; Brodowicz Thomas; Broto J. M.; Unk Mojca
    Gastrointestinal stromal tumours
  14. Levašič Vesna; Milošev Ingrid; Zadnik Vesna
    Risk of cancer after primary total hip replacement
  15. Pitt Bertram; Bushinsky David A.; Kitzman Delane W.; Ruschitzka Frank; Metra Marco; Filippatos Gerasimos; Rossignol Patrick; Du Mond Charles; Garza Dahlia; Berman Lance; Lainščak Mitja
    Evaluation of an individualized dose titration regimen of patiromer to prevent hyperkalaemia in patients with heart failure and chronic kidney disease
  16. Korošec Peter; Gibbs Bernhard F.; Rijavec Matija; Custovic Adnan; Turner Paul J.
    Important and specific role for basophils in acute allergic reactions
  17. Nature microbiology
  18. Emerging microbes & infections
  19. Drevenšek Gorazd
    Sex hormones in neurodegenerative processes and diseases
  20. Feyaerts D.; Kuret Tadeja; Cranenbroek B. van; Zeeuw-Hingrez S. van der; Van der Heijden O.W.H.; Van der Meer A.; Joosten I.; Van der Molen R.G.
    Endometrial natural killer (NK) cells reveal a tissue-specific receptor repertoire
  21. Senekovič Vladimir
    Management of irreparable cuff tears and retears
  22. Pal Emil; Korva Miša; Resman Rus Katarina; Kejžar Nataša; Bogovič Petra; Strle Franc; Avšič-Županc Tatjana
    Relationship between circulating vascular endothelial growth factor and its soluble receptor in patients with hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
  23. Grzech-Leśniak Kinga; Sculean Anton; Gašpirc Boris
    Laser reduction of specific microorganisms in the periodontal pocket using Er:YAG and Nd:YAG lasers
  24. Ghasemian Ehsan; Inic-Kanada Aleksandra; Collingro Astrid; Tagini Florian; Stein Elisabeth; Alchalabi Hadeel; Schuerer Nadine; Keše Darja; Babiker Balgesa Elkheir; Borel Nicole; Greub Gilbert; Barisani-Asenbauer Talin
    Detection of Chlamydiaceae and Chlamydia-like organisms on the ocular surface of children and adults from a trachoma-endemic region
  25. Senekovič Vladimir
    Subacromial inspace ballon interposition for massive irreparable rotatto cuff tears
  26. Papadopoulos Pericles; Boutsiadis Achilleas; Cottam Howard
    Shoulder surgery
  27. Haddock Elaine; Feldmann Friederike; Hawman Dawid W.; Zivcec Marko; Hanley Patrick W.; Saturday Greg; Scott Dana P.; Thomas Tina; Korva Miša; Avšič-Županc Tatjana
    A cynomolgus macaque model for Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever
  28. Sharma Rakesh
    Stem cells in clinical practice and tissue engineering
  29. Šalamun Vesna; Jensterle Sever Mojca; Janež Andrej; Vrtačnik-Bokal Eda
    Liraglutide increases IVF pregnancy rates in obese PCOS women with poor response to first-line reproductive treatments
  30. Fekonja Anita; Zupančič Hartner Tjaša; Čretnik Andrej
    Mandibular retrognathia correction using a fixed sagittal guidance appliance individually manufactured by selective laser melting manufacturing technology
  31. Sinkovič Andreja; Markota Andrej; Marinšek Martin; Svenšek Franc
    Independent predictors of 6-month mortality in patients successfully resuscitated for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
  32. Petek Tadej; Hertiš Tjaša; Marčun-Varda Nataša
    Health-related quality of life in paediatric arterial hypertension
  33. Rep Sebastijan; Hočevar Marko; Vaupotič Janja; Zdešar Urban; Zaletel Katja; Ležaič Luka
    [sup] 18 F-choline PET/CT for parathyroid scintigraphy
  34. Ovca Andrej; Jevšnik Mojca; Raspor Peter
    Food safety practices of future food handlers and their teachers, observed during practical lessons
  35. Pulcini Céline; Morel C. M.; Tacconelli Evelina; Beović Bojana; De With K.; Goossens Herman; Harbarth S.; Holmes Alison; Howard Philip
    Human resources estimates and funding for antibiotic stewardship teams are urgently needed
  36. Pulcini Céline; Beović Bojana; Beraud Guillaume; Carlet Jean; Cars Otto; Phillips Howard; Levy-Hara G.; Li Gang; Nathwani Dilip; Roblot F.; Sharland Mike
    Ensuring universal access to old antibiotics
  37. Dickstein Y.; Nir-Paz Ran; Pulcini Céline; Cookson Barry D.; Beović Bojana; Tacconelli Evelina; Nathwani Dilip; Vatcheva-Dobrevska R.; Rodríguez-Bano J.; Hell M.; Saenz H.
    Staffing for infectious diseases, clinical microbiology and infection control in hospitals in 2015
  38. Beraud Guillaume; Pulcini Céline; Pano Pardo José; Hoen B.; Beović Bojana; Nathwani Dilip
    How do physicians cope with controversial topics in existing guidelines for the management of infective endocarditis?
  39. Muthuri Stella G; Venkatesan Sudhir; Myles Puja R.; Leonardi-Bee Jo; Lim Wei Shen; Al Mamun Abdullah; Araujo Wildo N.; Azziz-Baumgartner Eduardo; Baez Clarisa; Beović Bojana
    Impact of neuraminidase inhibitors on influenza A(H1N1)pdm09-related pneumonia
  40. Dyar Oliver J.; Beović Bojana; Vlahović-Palčevski Vera; Verheij Theo; Pulcini Céline
    How can we improve antibiotic prescribing in primary care?
  41. Macheda Gabriel; Dyar Oliver J.; Luc Amandine; Beović Bojana; Beraud Guillaume; Castan Bernard; Gauzit Rémy; Lesprit Philippe; Tattevin Pierre; Thilly Nathalie; Pulcini Céline
    Are infection specialists recommending short antibiotic treatment durations?
  42. Howard Philip; Huttner Benedikt; Beović Bojana; Beraud Guillaume; Kofteridis Diamantis P; Pano Pardo José; Schouten Jeroen; Pulcini Céline
    ESGAP inventory of target indicators assessing antibiotic prescriptions
  43. Senbayrak Seniha; Ozkutuk Nuri; Erdem Hakan; Somuncu Johansen Isik; Civljak Rok; Seza Inal Ayse; Kayabas Uner; Kursun Ebru; Elaldi Nazif; Savic Branislava; Beović Bojana
    Antituberculosis drug resistance patterns in adults with tuberculous meningitis:
  44. Lazarus Jeffrey V.; Safreed-Harmon Kelly; Stumo Samya R.; Jauffret-Roustide M.; Matičič Mojca; Reic Tatjana; Schatz E.; Tallada J.; Harris Matthew
    Restrictions on access to direct-acting antivirals for people who inject drugs
  45. Lučovnik Miha; Blajić Iva; Verdenik Ivan; Mirković Tomislav; Stopar Pintarič Tatjana
    Impact of epidural analgesia on cesarean and operative vaginal delivery rates classified by the Ten Groups Classification System
  46. Bučar Pajek Maja; Pajek Jernej
    Characterization of deficits across the spectrum of motor abilities in dialysis patients and the impact of sarcopenic overweight and obesity
  47. Pusceddu Sara; Barretta Francesco; Trama Annalisa; Botta Laura; Milione Massimo; Buzzoni Roberto; Mazzaferro Vicenzo; Pastorino Ugo; Primic-Žakelj Maja; Žagar Tina
    A classification prognostic score to predict OS in stage IV well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumors
  48. Abstracts
  49. Škrgat Sabina; Korošec Peter; Kern Izidor; Šilar Mira; Šelb Julij; Fležar Matjaž; Marčun Robert
    Systemic and airway oxidative stress in competitive swimmers
  50. Ryška Ales; Berzinec Peter; Brcic Luka; Čufer Tanja; Dziadziuszko Rafal; Gottfried Maya; Kovalszky Ilona; Olszewski Włodzimierz; Oz Buge; Plank Lukas; Tímár József
    NSCLC molecular testing in Central and Eastern European countries
  51. Prime
  52. Železnik Danica; Blažun Helena; Kokol Peter
    A bibliometric analysis of the Journal of Advanced Nursing, 1976-2015
  53. Vardjan Nina; Zorec Robert
    Noradrenergic signaling and astroglia
  54. Tušek-Bunc Ksenija; Petek Davorina
    Management of patients with coronary heart disease in family medicine
  55. Brito-Zeron Pilar; Acar-Denizli Nihan; Zeher Margit; Rasmussen Astrid; Seror Raphaèle; Theander Elke; Li Xiaomei; Baldini Chiara; Gottenberg Jacques-Eric; Praprotnik Sonja
    Influence of geolocation and ethnicity on the phenotypic expression of primary Sjögren's syndrome at diagnosis in 8310 patients
  56. Rožman Primož; Švajger Urban
    The tolerogenic role of IFN-[gamma]
  57. Kuret Tadeja; Lakota Katja; Mali Polonca; Čučnik Saša; Praprotnik Sonja; Tomšič Matija; Sodin-Šemrl Snežna
    Autoantibodies against serum amyloid a reduce il-6 release from peripheral blood mononuclear cells
  58. Kuret Tadeja; Lakota Katja; Žigon Polona; Ogrič Manca; Sodin-Šemrl Snežna; Ješe Rok; Čučnik Saša; Tomšič Matija; Hočevar Alojzija
    Serum amyloid a can modulate neutrophil surface expression of l-selectin and integrin alpha M
  59. Maringe Camille; Pohar Perme Maja; Stare Janez; Rachet Bernard
    Explained variation of excess hazard models
  60. Zorec Robert; Kreft Marko; Vardjan Nina
    Adrenergic Ca2+ and cAMP excitability
  61. Zorec Robert; Vardjan Nina; Verkhratsky Alexei
    Locus coeruleus noradrenergic neurons and astroglia in health and disease
  62. Prešern Janez; Polajnar Jernej; De Groot Maarten; Zorović Maja; Virant-Doberlet Meta
    On the spot
  63. Janc Matevž; Schara Rok; Tomažič Marjeta; Skalerič Uroš
    Periodontal status of type 1 diabetes mellitus and healthy pregnant women
  64. Janc Matevž; Schara Rok; Tomažič Marjeta; Skalerič Uroš
    Periodontal status and pregnancy or delivery complications of type 1 diabetes mellitus and healthy pregnant women
  65. Sartelli Massimo; Baiocchi Gian L.; Saverio Salomone Di; Ferrara Francesco; Labricciosa Francesco M.; Ansaloni Luca; Coccolini Federico; Vijayan Deepak; Abbas Ashraf; Abongwa Hariscine K.; Pintar Tadeja
    Prospective Observational Study on acute Appendicitis Worldwide (POSAW)
  66. Valassi Elena; Holger Franz; Brue Thierry; Feelders Richard A.; Netea-Maier Romana; Tsagarakis Stylianos; Webb Susan M.; Yaneva Maria; Reincke Martin; Droste Michael; Pfeifer Marija
    Preoperative medical treatment in Cushing's syndrome
  67. Dovšak Tadej; Ihan Alojz; Didanovič Vojislav; Kansky Andrej; Verdenik Miha; Ihan Hren Nataša
    Effect of surgery and radiotherapy on complete blood count, lymphocyte subsets and inflammatory response in patients with advanced oral cancer
  68. Salmon Dominique; Thomas H. C.; Mondelli Mario; Matičič Mojca; Arends Joop E.
    The benefits of hepatitis C virus cure
  69. Franko Alenka
    The influence of food on cancer and ageing-an overview
  70. Kovanda Anja; Leonardis Lea; Zidar Janez; Koritnik Blaž; Dolenc-Grošelj Leja; Ristić Kovačič Stanislava; Curk Tomaž; Rogelj Boris
    Differential expression of microRNAs and other small RNAs in muscle tissue of patients with ALS and healthy age-matched controls
  71. Lorenzon Laura; Biondi Alberto; Carus Thomas; Dziki Adam; Espin Eloy; Figueiredo Nuno; Gomez Ruiz Marco; Mersich Tamas; Montroni Isacco; Grosek Jan; Tomažič Aleš
    Achieving high quality standards in laparoscopic colon resection for cancer
  72. Šmon Andraž; Grošelj Urh; Debeljak Maruša; Žerjav-Tanšek Mojca; Bertok Sara; Avbelj Magdalena; Trebušak Podkrajšek Katarina; Battelino Tadej; Repič-Lampret Barbka
    Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
  73. Rektor Ivan; Bohnen Nicolaas I.; Korczyn Amos D.; Gryb Viktoria; Kumar Hrishikesh; Gregorič Kramberger Milica; de Leeuw Frank-Erik; Pirtošek Zvezdan; Rektorova Irena; Schlesinger Ilana
    An updated diagnostic approach to subtype definition of vascular parkinsonism
  74. Panagopoulou Paraskevi; Georgakis Marios K.; Baka Margarita; Moschovi Maria; Papadakis Vassilios; Polychronopoulou Sophia; Kourti Maria; Hatzipantelis Emmanuel; Stiakaki Eftichia; Dana Helen; Žagar Tina
    Persisting inequalities in survival patterns of childhood neuroblastoma in Southern and Eastern Europe and the effect of socio-economic development compared with those of the US
  75. Ratoša Ivica; Žnidarič Tanja; Marinko Tanja; Gojkovič Andreja
    Breast cancer and brain metastases in women under 45 years of age
  76. Pahole Goličnik Jana; Ebert Moltara Maja; Červek Jožica; Žist Andrej; Ivanetič Maja; Vidali Gaja C.; Saje Andreja
    Last month of life
  77. Zlodej Nataša; Mehle Maria Gloria; Pahole Goličnik Jana; Ivanetič Maja; Zavratnik Boštjan; Ebert Moltara Maja
    A map of active palliative care providers in Slovenia
  78. Zavratnik Boštjan; Mehle Maria Gloria; Pahole Goličnik Jana; Ivanetič Maja; Zlodej Nataša; Ebert Moltara Maja
    A provision of palliative care information for patient and caregiveriin national language
  79. Mančić Srdjan; Homar Vesna; Žnidaršič Darja; Malačič Stanislav; Ebert Moltara Maja
    Burden of emergency medical service with palliative home visits in Slovenia
  80. Uršič Katja; Kos Špela; Kamenšek Urška; Čemažar Maja; Serša Gregor
    Peritumoral gene electrotransfer of interleukin-12 as an adjuvant immunotherapy to intratumoral electrochemotherapy for murine melanoma treatment
  81. Fortuna Lužar Marijana; Tavčar Petra; Sonc Monika; Virant Igor; Kovačevič Mina; Rožman Samo; Eberl Andreja; Dolenc Jure
    Evaluation of oxaliplatin - specific neurotoxicity based on total cumulative dose
  82. Matjačić Zlatko; Zadravec Matjaž; Olenšek Andrej
    Feasibility of robot-based perturbed-balance training during treadmill walking in a high-functioning chronic stroke subject
  83. Štiglic Gregor; Kocbek Primož; Cilar Leona; Fijačko Nino; Stožer Andraž; Zaletel Jelka; Sheikh Aziz; Povalej Bržan Petra
    Development of a screening tool using electronic health records for undiagnosed Type 2 diabetes mellitus and impaired fasting glucose detection in the Slovenian population
  84. Cytokine & growth factor reviews
  85. Stock Kristin; Estrada Marta F.; Vidic Suzana; Gjerde Kjersti; Rudisch Albin; Santo Vitor E.; Barbier Michaël; Blom Sami; Arundkar Sharath C.; Selvam Irwin
    Capturing tumor complexity in vitro
  86. Open forum infectious diseases
  87. Scientific data
  88. Human genomics
  89. Vogrin Bernarda; Rupnik Marjan; Mičetić-Turk Dušanka
    Increased augmentation index and central systolic arterial pressure are associated with lower school and motor performance in young adolescents
  90. Glavač Damjan; Delser Pierpaolo Maisano; Mezzavilla Massimo
    Genetic landscape of Slovenians
  91. Železnik Ramuta Taja; Erdani-Kreft Mateja
    Human amniotic membrane and amniotic membrane-derived cells
  92. Hoogt Ronald de; Estrada Marta F.; Vidic Suzana; Davies Emma J.; Osswald Annika; Barbier Michaël; Santo Vitor E.; Gjerde Kjersti; Zoggel Hanneke J. A. A. van; Blom Sami
    Protocols and characterization data for 2 D, 3 D, and slice-based tumor models from the PREDECT project
  93. Pavlič Klemen; Pohar Perme Maja
    Using pseudo-observations for estimation in relative survival
  94. Bellomo Carla; Korva Miša; Papa Anna; Mäkelä Satu; Mustonen Jukka; Avšič-Županc Tatjana; Vaheri Antti; Martinez Valeria P.; Strandin Tomas
    Differential regulation of PAI-1 in hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome and hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
  95. Kovačević Irena; Majerić-Kogler Višnja; Magdić Turković Tihana; Fumić Dunkić Lidija; Ivanec Željko; Petek Davorina
    Self-care of chronic musculoskeletal pain - experiences and attitudes of patients and health care providers
  96. Haluzi Martin; Kretowski Adam; Strojek Krzysztof; Czupryniak Leszek; Janež Andrej; Kempler Peter; Andel Michal; Tankova Tsvetalina; Boyanov Mihail; Smircic Duvnjak Lea
    Perspectives of patients with insulin-treated type 1 and type 2 diabetes on hypoglycemia
  97. Lionis Christos; Petelos Elena; Mechili Enkeleint Aggelos; Sifaki-Pistolla Dimitra; Chatzea Vasiliki-Eirini; Angelaki Agapi; Rurik Imre; Rotar-Pavlič Danica
    Assessing refugee healthcare needs in Europe and implementing educational interventions in primary care
  98. Dovšak Tadej; Ihan Alojz; Didanovič Vojislav; Kansky Andrej; Verdenik Miha; Ihan Hren Nataša
    Effect of surgery and radiotherapy on complete blood count, lymphocyte subsets and inflammatory response in patients with advanced oral cancer
  99. Keramidas Michail E.; Mekjavić Igor B.; Eiken Ola
  100. Oblak Čedomir; Kocjan Andraž; Jevnikar Peter; Kosmač Tomaž
    The effect of mechanical fatigue and accelerated ageing on fracture resistance of glazed monolithic zirconia dental bridges

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