biomedicina slovenica

dr="Velika Britanija" : 6.624-6.723

  1. Filipovič T; Rodi Z; Meznarič-Petruša M; Zidar J
    Critical illness myopathy in patients with primary central nervous system disorders
  2. Liscić RM; Brecelj J
    VEP in RRMS patients before and after 1-year treatment with interferon beta-1a
  3. Podnar S
    Clinical and electrophysiologic testing of the sacral reflex
  4. Zaletel M; Štrucl M; Rodi Z; Žvan B; Pogačnik T
    The relationship between visually evoked cerebrel blood flow response and visually evoked potentials in migraine
  5. Peterlin B; Hruškovičova H; Milanez T; Kobal J; Peterlin-Potisk K; Petrovič D
    Mutations in the hemocromatosis gene (HFE) are not risk factors for atherothrombotic cerebral infarction
  6. Butinar D; Starr A; Zidar J; Georgiou D-M; Vatovec J
    Auditory neuropathy is asymptomatic in one of two forms of autosomal dominant axonal Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease linked to 8P21 chromosome
  7. Schmidt I; Schmidt M; Iagran B
    Intelligence in children with coeliac disease
  8. Sočan Maja; Frelih Tatjana; Janet Evgen; Petraš Teodora; Peternelj Brigita
    Reactions after pneumococcal vaccine alone or in combination with influenza vaccine
  9. Luzar B; Poljak M; Marin IJ; Eberlinc A; Klopčič U; Gale N
    Human telomerase catalytic subunit gene re-expression is an early event in oral carcinogenesis
  10. Brvar M; Koželj G; Osredkar J; Možina M; Gričar M; Bunc M
    Polydipsia as another mechanism of hyponatremia after 'ecstasy' (3,4 methyldioxymethamphetamine) ingestion
  11. Rozman Janez; Bunc Matjaž
    Modulation of visceral function by selective stimulation of the left vagus nerve in dogs
  12. Stojan Jure; Goličnik Marko
    Significance of parameters in various kinetic schemes for cholinesterases
  13. Simeon-Rudolf Vera; Šinko Goran; Štuglin Anita; Stojan Jure; Goličnik Marko; Reiner Elsa
    Comparison of two reaction schemes for the hydrolysis of acetylthiocholine by butyrylcholinesterase
  14. Kunej Tanja; Teran Nataša; Zorn Branko; Peterlin Borut
    CTG amplification in the DM1PK gene is not associated with idiopathic male subfertility
  15. Cotman M; Ježek D; Frangež R
    Intracellular transport of CYP51 protein in mammalian cells
  16. Makuc Jana; Mašera Andrej; Tršinar Bojan; Jezernik Kristijan
    Differentiation-dependet localisation of tissue-type plasminogen activator in human bladder urothelium
  17. Kopač Štefan; Jereb Berta
    Medulloblastoma in children 0-3 years old: forty years' experience in Slovenia
  18. Bremberg Stefan; Nilstun Tore; Kovač Vili; Zwitter Matjaž
    GPs facing reluctant and demanding patients: analysing ethical justifications
  19. Pohar-Marinšek Ž; Pogačnik A
    Cytopathology in Slovenia
  20. Burger Helena; Brezovar Darinka; Marinček Črt
    Comparison of clinical test and questionnaires for the evaluation of upper limb prosthetic use in children
  21. Pižem J; Coer A; Gale N
    Survivin expression is a negative prognostic marker in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma and is associated with p53 accumulation
  22. Paridaens R; Therasse P; Dirix L; Beex L; Piccart MJ; Cameron D; Čufer T; Roozendael K; Nooy M; Mattiacci MR
    First results of a randomized phase III trial comparing exemestane versus tamoxifen as first-line hormone therapy (HT) for postmenopausal women with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) - EORTC 10951 in collaboration with the exemestane working group and NCIC clinical trials group
  23. Matos E; Borstnar S; Vrhovec I; Svetič B; Čufer T
    PAI-1 and PAI-2 as predictive factors in breast cancer
  24. Drev P; Golouh R; Snoj Nataša; Čufer T
    Correlation between Her-2 status in primary tumour and response to anastrozole in patients with metastatic breast cancer
  25. Pajk B; Borštnar S; Snoj Nataša; Čufer T
    Disease free survival (DFS) in breast cancer patients older than 70 years compered to younger patients groups
  26. Paridaens R; Dyczka J; Rutgers EJT; Coleman R; Čufer T; Jassem J; Nortier JRW; Morales L; Mattiacci MR; Therasse P; Gasthuisberg UZ
    Postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy folowed by adjuvant tamoxifen versus nil for patients with operable breast cancer. First results of a randomized phase III trial EORTC 10901
  27. Snoj Nataša; Pajk B; Borštnar S; Čufer T
    The benefits of adjuvant hormonal therapy in patients with early breast cancer 35 years old or younger
  28. Piškur P; Sonc M; Čufer T; Borštnar S; Mrhar A
    Pharmacoeconomics aspects of adjuvant early breast cancer treatment in postmenopausal women with anastrozole or tamoxifen: a Slovenian perspective
  29. Marušič Andrej
    Definition and genetic aspects of suicidality
  30. Anonymous ;
    Bridging the gap. Speaker abstracts of the 1st international mental healt (IMH) at the IOP annual conference; 2004 Jul 26-27; London
  31. Ekart R; Hojs R; Bevc S; Pečovnik-Balon B
    Atherosclerosis and hypertension in patients with chronic kidney disease
  32. Plešivčnik-Novljan M; Rozman B; Hočevar A; Grmek M; Kveder T; Tomšič M
    Incidence of primary Sjoegren's syndrome in Slovenia
  33. McKee Martin; MacLehose Laura; Nolte Ellen
    Health policy and European union enlargement
  34. McKee Martin; MacLehose Laura; Albreht Tit
    Free movement of patients
  35. Rozman B; Božič B; Kveder T
    Interstitial lung disease, a common manifestation of newly diagnosed polymyositis and dermatomyositis
  36. Ambrožič A; Kveder T; Božič B; Rozman B
    Comparison of different kits in the detection of autologous to cardiolipin and beta2-glycoprotein 1: comment on the article by Audrain et al.
  37. Gavrič-Lovrec V; Vlaisavljević V; Čižek-Sajko M; Reljič M; Kovačič B; Kovač V
    Factors influencing clinical touch embryo transfer effectivness
  38. Vlaisavljević V; Čižek-Sajko M; Reljič M; Gavrič-Lovrec V; Kovač V; Kovačič B
    Analysis of prognostic factors influencing multiple pregnancy
  39. Fink M; Tanšek N; Rozman D
    cAMP-dependent agents activate CYP51 gene transcription independently of the cellular lipid level
  40. Anderluh Gregor; Kristan Katarina; Maček Peter
    Conformational changes during pore-formation by equinatoxin, a potent sea anemone cytolysin
  41. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the Bioscience 2004 - from molecules to organisms; 2004 Jul 18-22; Glasgow
  42. Žakelj-Mavrič Marija; Križančič Lidija; Žigon Dušan
    Biotransformation of progesterone and 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase from the halophylic black yeast Hortaea werneckii
  43. Matis Maja; Peter-Katalinič Jasna; Žakelj-Mavrič Marija
    Analysis of fungal steroid transforming enzymes by mass spectrometry
  44. Lanišnik-Rižner Tea; Buedefeld Tomaž; Cassetta Alberto; Kristan Katja; Stojan Jure; Lamba Doriano
    Purification crystallization and X-ray analysis of the fungal 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
  45. Kristan Katja; Kovačič Brina; Stojan Jure; Lanišnik-Rižner Tea
    Further insight into coenzyme and substrate specificity of fungal 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
  46. Anonymous ;
    12th international meeting of the Enzymology and molecular biology of carbonyl metabolism; 2004 Jul 6-10; Burlington
  47. Marušič Andrej; Roškar S; Zorko M
    High suicide rate in Slovenia: interplay of environmental and genetic risk factors
  48. Križan-Hergouth V; Mueller-Premru M; Žohar-Čretnik T; Lorenčič-Robnik S; Štrumbelj I; Grmek-Košnik I; Harlander T; Fišer J; Kavčič M; Ribič H
    Genotypes of methicillin-resistant S. aureus blood culture isolates in Slovenia
  49. Lešničar G; Blatnik J; Šibanc B
    Sepsis in a department of infectious diseases in a general hospital, Celje, 2000-2003
  50. Zabukovnik P; Andlovic A; Zore A
    Shiga toxin-producing Escheriscia coli O157 in Slovenia
  51. Uzunović-Kamberović S; Zorman T; Herman L; Berce I; Smole-Možina S
    Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli reistance in humans, poultry products and farm chickens: an epidemiological and laboratory study
  52. Alikadič N; Smrke D
    Linezolid in the treatment of skin and soft tissue infections caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
  53. Lotrič-Furlan S; Logar M; Maraspin V; Cimperman J; Jurca T; Strle F
    Comparison of azithromycin and amoxicillin for tratment of adult patients with solitary erythema migrans
  54. Kolšek Marko; Švab Igor; Rotar-Pavlič Danica; Bulc Mateja
    Introducing performance-based assessment of family physicians
  55. Wilharm Gottfried; Lehmann Verena; Neumayer Wibke; Trček Janja; Heesemann Juergen
    Yersinia enterocolitica type III secretion: evidence for the ability to transport proteins folded prior to secretion
  56. Šćepanović D; Hlebš S; Žgur L
    Back pain during pregnancy
  57. Klopčič-Spevak Milica; Klopčar Nives; Bajuk Slavica; Lenarčič Jadran
    Computer aided tool for arm's workspace display based on shoulder range of movement. Use in shoulder pain patients
  58. Gokce Isa; Anderluh Gregor; Lakey Jeremy, Hugh
    Fusion proteins
  59. Logar D; Hočevar A; Praprotnik S; Vidmar G; Tomšič M
    Evaluation of joint inflammation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis treated with infliximab (Remicade) by simple measurement of the joint effusion area by means of high-resolution ultrasonography
  60. Hočevar A; Ambrožič A; Rozman B; Kveder T; Tomšič M
    Can diagnosis of Sjoergen's syndrome be established by ultrasound examination of salivary glands?
  61. Skaza K; Hlebš S
    Relationship between isokinetic knee muscle strenght and functional performance tests after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
  62. Sevšek F; Jakovljević M; Felc T
    Influence of body mass on the results of step test
  63. Lisatc B; Rusjan S
    Correction of hemiplegic gait by two-channel programmed electrical stimulation
  64. Obreza P; Munih M; Petrica K; Bajd T; Šavrin R
    Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation combined with functional electrical stimulation
  65. Bajuk S; Klopčič-Spevak M
    The effects of electrical stimulation on normal quadriceps femoris muscle strength
  66. Anonymous ;
    World physical therapy. Abstracts of the 14th international congress of WCPT congress; 2003 Jun 7-12; Barcelona
  67. Ovsenik M; Farčnik FM; Verdenik I
    Intraoral assessment of malocclusion in 14-year olds
  68. Drevenšek M; Farčnik F; Štefanac-Papič J
    Lip incompentence influences oral health
  69. Anonymous ;
    80th EOS (European orthodontic society) congress; 2004 Jun 7-11; Aarhus, Denmark
  70. Marchetti A; Magar R; Martin J; Ahmed F; Findley L; Larsen JP; Pirtošek Z; Ružička E; Slawek J
    Retrospective evaluation of the dose of dysport and BOTOX in the clinical management of cervical dystonia or blepharospasm - the real dose study
  71. Olenšek Andrej; Matjačić Zlatko; Bajd Tadej
    Kinametics and kinetics in artifically constrained gait
  72. Obreza Pavla; Petrica Klavdija; Kočar Barbara; Škorjanc Tatjana
    Can be gait pattern still improved in chronic stage?
  73. Vauhnik Renata; Morrissey Matthew; Turk Zmago
    Risk factors for anterior cruciate ligament injury among sportswomen
  74. Sok H; Hlebš S
    Comparison of patellar tendon and hamstring tendon cruciate ligament reconstruction
  75. Radonjić-Miholič Vesna
    Characteristics of reintegration of drivers with traumatic brain injury caused by road accidents into road traffic
  76. Grčar Liza Lea; Kodrič Jana; Osredkar Damjan; Paro-Panjan Darja; Derganc Metka; Neubauer David
    Classical neurological examinations compared to video evaluation of general movements in the first year of life
  77. Zavrl Nevenka; Šušteršič Breda; Groleger Katja; Vrečar Irena
    Qualitative assessment of general movements - predictive value of late onset fidgety
  78. Groleger Katja
    The gross motor function classification system for cerebral palsy: a possible tool for collaborative partnership between services and parents
  79. Turk Zmago; Barovič Jože; Vauhnik Renata
    Comprehensive treatment of women urinary incontinence
  80. Zupan Anton; Pražnikar Aleš; Kumar Erika
    Effects of the coenzyme Q10 on the functional testing in persons with neuromuscular diseases
  81. Zupanc Vlasta I; Pirtošek Zvezdan; Ocepek Lidija
    Parkinson's disease - communication and swallowing problems
  82. Rečnik G; Avberšek A; Pirtošek Z; Ocepek L
    Motor impairment - the main factor influencing quality of life in patients with parkisonism?
  83. Tominc Matjaž
    Adaptational strategies of persons after spinal cord injury
  84. Radonjić-Miholič Vesna; Ogrin M; Štefančič T
    A program of assistance for reintegration of young persons with brain injury into educational programs
  85. Kobal Alenka; Dolničar Alenka; Tovornik Nataša; Merzel Tanja
    The recovery process of motor function with patients after acute ischemic stroke
  86. Vatovec Jagoda; Gros Anton; Žargi Miha; Alčin Branka
    Auditory preformance of cochlear implant users
  87. Grča-Zidar Staša; Kosmatin Marina
    Augmentative communication and school work
  88. Šereg-Bahar Maja; Hočevar Irena; Žargi Miha
    The quality of oesophageal speach in patients with laryngeal and hypopharyngeal carcinoma
  89. Pustišek Matevž; Humar Iztok; Radonjič-Miholič Vesna; Bešter Janez
    Electronic communication services for inclusive information society
  90. Vehar Slavi
    The heart operation and changes of lung volumes
  91. Perović Dejan
    The effectiveness of the breathing exercise according to the principles of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
  92. Grabljevec K; Šimunič B; Kerševan K; Križaj D; Košorok V; Gregorič M
    Detection of contractile properties of chronically spastic muscles in subjects after traumatic brain injury with Tensiomyographic (TMG) method
  93. Šimunič B; Kerševan K; Žagar T; Grabljevec K; Gregorič M; Križaj D
    Tensiomyographic measurement of spastic muscle's contractile properties
  94. Prešern-Štrukelj Metka
    The influence of electrostimulation on the arterial circulation in patients with one sided amputation
  95. Šega Saša; Vodušek David B
    Effect of tolterodin treatment on bladder emptying in multiple sclerosis patients
  96. Podnar Simon
    Lower urinary tract dysfunction in patients with cauda equina lesions
  97. Vodušek David B
    Assessment of patients with neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction
  98. Keršič-Ramšak Irena; Jones Dianne
    Managment of neurogenic bladder and urinary incontinence in children with spina bifida in the children's centre for rehabilitation and education, Kamnik, Slovenia - retrospective analysis of 10-year programme
  99. Antonin Bernarda; Slapar Veronika
    Technical aids-functionally chosen to enable maximal independence for people with severe motor impairments
  100. Gregorič Milan; Damjan Hermina; Gros Nuša; Klemen Ana; Tomšič Igor
    Analysis of the effects of functional electrical stimulation on gait in cerebral palsy following botulinum toxin therapy

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