biomedicina slovenica

dr="Velika Britanija" : 7.024-7.123

  1. Božič B; Čučnik S; Ambrožič A; Kveder T
    Detection of antiprothrombin antibodies
  2. Čučnik S; Križaj I; Rozman B; Kveder T; Božič B
    Isolation of beta2-glycoprotein I (beta2GPI) yields also protein C inhibitor - a possible player in anti-beta2GPI antibody mediated thrombosis
  3. Černič-Šuligoj Nataša; Marušič Dorjan; Marušič Andrej
    Evaluation of the prognostic values of echocardiographic measurements and serum levels of troponin I in patients with acute myocardial infarction
  4. Logar D; Vidan-Jeras B; Ambrožič A; Dolžan V; Hojnik M; Božič B; Rozman B
    The association of HLA-DR/DQ coding and QBP promoter allelic polymorphism with antiphospholipid antibody response in SLE
  5. Čučnik S; Kveder T; Ambrožič A; Božič B
    High-affinity antibodies against beta2-glycoprotein I
  6. Čučnik S; Kveder T; Božič B
    Paratope diversity of anti-prothrombin antibodies
  7. Kocmur Margareta; Dernovšek Mojca Z
    Attitudes towards suicide in Slovenia: a cross-sectional survey
  8. Buturović-Ponikvar Jadranka
    Renal replacement therapy in Slovenia: annual report 2001
  9. Buturović-Ponikvar Jadranka
    Renal transplant artery stenosis
  10. Ponikvar Rafael
    Blood purification in the intensive care unit
  11. Dernovšek Mojca Z; Marušič Andrej; Tavčar Rok
    How to avoid community psychiatry?
  12. Car Josip; Švab Igor; Kersnik Janko; Vegnuti Miljana
    Management of lower urinary tract infection in women by Slovene GPs
  13. Klavs I; Bufon-Lužnik T; Škerl M; Grgič-Vitek M; Lejko-Zupanc T; Dolinšek M; Prodan V; Vegnuti M; Kraigher A; Arnež Z
    Prevalence of and risk factors for hospital-acquired infections in Slovenia - results of the first national survey, 2001
  14. Hedberg Maria; Nord Carl Erik; Kolman Jana
    Antimicrobial susceptibility of Bacteroides fragilis group isolates in Europe
  15. Pahor D
    Retinal light sensitivity in haemodialysis patients
  16. Flis V; Matela J; Gadžijev E
    Portal vein aneurysm: when to operate?
  17. Hočevar A; Tomšič M; Praprotnik S; Hojnik M; Kveder T; Rozman B
    Parasympathetic nervous system dysfunction in primary Sjoegren's syndrome
  18. Petkovšek M; Nastran J; Vončina D; Zajec P; Miklavčič D; Serša G
    High voltage pulse generation
  19. Mekid H; Tounekti O; Spatz A; Čemažar M; El-Kebir FZ; Mir LM
    In vivo evolution of tumour cells after the generation of double-strand DNA breaks
  20. Volavšek Metka; Bračko Matej; Gale Nina
    Distribution and prognostic significance of cell cycle proteins in squamous carcinoma of the larynx, hypopharynx and adjacent epithelial hyperplastic lesions
  21. Bozdogan B; Appelbaum PC; Kelly LM; Hoellman DB; Tambić-Andrašević A; Dtukalska L; Hryniewicz W; Hupkova H; Jacobs MR; Kolman J
    Activity of telithromycin and seven other agents against 1034 pediatric Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates from ten central and eastern European centers
  22. Bozdogan B; Appelbaum PC; Kelly LM; Hoellman DB; Tambić-Andrašević A; Drukalska L; Hryniewicz W; Hupkova H; Jacobs MR; Kolman J
    Activity of telithromycin compared with seven other agents against 1039 Streptococcus pyogenes pediatric isolates from ten centers in central and eastern Europe
  23. Malovrh Marko
    Early arteriovenous fistula construction delay deteoriation of renal function
  24. Salobir-Pajnič B; Hojnik M; Rozman B; Peternel P; Stegnar M
    Anticardiolipin antibodies are associated with monocytes, metabolic and fibrinolytic parameters in young women with a history of myocardial infarction
  25. Raspor Peter; Poljšak Borut; Pesti Miklos; Plesničar Stojan
    Yeast response to chromium on genome and proteome level
  26. Petrovič Uroš; Križaj Igor; Gubenšek Franc
    Yeast cell - a system to study the action of a neurotoxic phospholipase A2
  27. Plemenitaš Ana; Gorjan Alenka; Gunde-Cimerman Nina; Turk Martina
    HOG signaling pathway in halophilic black yeast Hortaea werneckii
  28. Gorjan Alenka; Plemenitaš Ana
    Identification of salt stress responsive genes, encoding glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and putative ENA-ATPase in halophilic black yeast Hortaea werneckii
  29. Zagradišnik Boštjan; Marčun-Varda Nataš; Kokalj-Vokač Nadja; Bračič Katarina; Gregorič Alojz
    G protein b3 subunit gene C825T polymorphism in patients with vesico-ureteric reflux
  30. Gregorič Alojz; van Amstel Ploos JK; Kokalj-Vokač Nadja; Marčun-Varda Nataša; Bračič Katarina; Zagradišnik Boštjan
    A new point mutation in a patient with partial hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase deficiency
  31. Hojs Radovan; Ekart Robert; Hojs-Fabjan Tanja
    Predictive value of carotid intima media thickness for cardiovascular mortality in non-diabetic hemodialysis patients
  32. Glaser M
    Hemostatic alterations in patients with brain tumors
  33. Malovrh Marko
    Approach to patients with end-stage renal disease who need and arteriovenous fistula
  34. Škrbinc B; Babič A; Čufer T; Us-Krašovec M
    Cytological grading of breast cancer in Giemsa-stained fine needle aspiration smears
  35. Cankar Ksenija; Finderle Žare
    Gender differences in cutaneous vascular and autonomic nervous response to local cooling
  36. Mekiš D; Kamenik M; Pečan M
    Haemodynamics during skin incision and sternotomy in CABG surgery: remifentanil versus fentanyl
  37. Tomič V; Svetina-Šorli P; Trinkaus D; Widmer A; Trampuž A
    Sucessful infection control practices for reducting the nosocomial transmission of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a university hospital
  38. Vidan-Jeras B; Galvani V; Dolžan V
    The influence of QBP5.11 and QBP5.12 promoters on the level of expression of DQBI1*0501 and DQB1*0502 molecules
  39. Pinter MM; Gesterbrand F; Dimitrijević MR
    Epidural electrical stimulation of posterior structures of the human lumbosacral cord: 3. control of spasticity
  40. Murg M; Binder H; Dimitrijević MR
    Epidural electric stimulation of posterior structures of the human lumbar spinal cord: 1. muscle twitches - a functional method to define the site of stimulation
  41. Pinter MM; Dimitrijević MR
    Gait after spinal cord injury and the central pattern generator for locomotion
  42. Jacobs MAJM; Salobir B; Popp-Snijders C; Ader H; Heine RJ
    Counterregulatory hormone responses and symptoms during hypoglycaemia induced by porcine, human regular insulin, and Lys(B28), Pro(B29) human insulin analogue (insulin Lispro) in healthy male volunteers
  43. Rutkowski Boleslaw; Ciocalteu Alexandru; Djukanovic Ljubica; Kiss Istvan; Kovac Aleksander; Krivoshiev Stefan; Kveder Rado; Polenakovic Momir; Puretic Zvonimir
    Evolution of renal replacement therapy in Central and Eastern Europe 7 years after political and economical liberation
  44. Kveder Radoslav
    Therapy-resistant focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis
  45. Kaplan-Pavlovčič Staša; Cerk Kristina; Kveder Radoslav; Lindič Jelka; Vizjak Alenka
    Clinical prognostic factors of renal outcome in anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody (ANCA)-associated glomerulonephritis in elderly patients
  46. Geršak Ksenija; Meden-Vrtovec Helena; Peterlin Borut
    Fragile X premutation in women with sporadic premature ovarian failure in Slovenia
  47. Rattay F; Minassian K; Dimitrijević MR
    Epidural electrical stimulation of posterior structures of the human lumbosacral cord: 2. quantitative analysis by computer modeling.
  48. O'Quigley John; Xu Ronghui
    Goodness of fit in survival analysis
  49. Armitage Peter; Colton Theodore
    Encyclopedia of biostatistics
  50. Podgornik Helena; Stegu Matej; Žibert Ema; Perdih Anton
    Laccase production by Phanerochaete chrysosporium - an artefact caused by Mn(III)?
  51. Grgič Irena; Podgornik Helena; Berovič Marin; Perdih Anton
    Improvements in the determination of manganese peroxide activity
  52. Podgornik Helena; Grgič Irena; Perdih Anton
    Decolorization rate of dyes using lignin peroxidases of Phanerochaete chrysosporium
  53. Šabovič Mišo; Lavre Janez; Vujkovac Bojan
    Tranexamic acid is beneficial as adjunctive therapy in treating major upper gastrointestinal bleeding in dialysis patients
  54. Blinc A; Magdič J; Fric J; Muševič I
    Atomic force microscopy of fibrin networks and plasma clots during fibrinolysis
  55. O'Quigley J; Flandre P; Reiner E
    Large sample theory for Schemper's measures of explained variation in the Cox model
  56. O'Quigley J; Reiner E
    A stopping rule for the continual reassessment method
  57. Shen LZ; O'Quigley J
    Consistency of continual reassessment method in dose finding studies
  58. O'Quigley J
    Daniels association measures under right censoring
  59. O'Quigley J
    Two sided tests for crossing hazards
  60. Xu Ronghui; O'Quigley J
    Estimating average regression effect in non proportional hazards regression
  61. Xu Ronghui; O'Quigley J
    Proportional hazards estimate of the conditional survival function
  62. O'Quigley J; Paoletti X; Maccario J
    Non-parametric optimal design in dose finding studies
  63. O'Quigley J
    Continual reassessment designs with early termination
  64. Natarajan L; O'Quigley J
    Predictive capability of stratifed proportional hazards models
  65. Natarajan Loki; O'Quigley John
    Interval estimates of the probability of toxicity at the maximum tolerated dose for small samples
  66. O'Quigley J
    Another look at two phase I clinical trial designs
  67. Rožman Primož
    Platelet antigens. The role of human platelet alloantigens (HPA) in blood transfusion and transplantation
  68. Rožman P; Karas M; Košir A; Labar B; Madrigal A; Middleton D; Navarrete C; Oudshoorn M; Schemmach H; Vitek A; Bohinjec M
    Are human platelet alloantigens (HPA) minor transplantation antigens in clinical bone marrow transplantation?
  69. Grisold Wolfgang; Afra Judit; Donaghy Michael; Galvin Roderick; Kalvach Pavel; Lopes Jose M; Mueller Lisa; Sipido Evelyn; Vodušek David
    The education committee of the EFNS: activities and work in progress
  70. Bohinjec Mateja; Rožman Primož
  71. Potokar M; Milisav I; Kreft M; Stenovec M; Zorec R
    Subcellular localisation of caspase-9 in somatotrophs
  72. Anonymous ;
    Biochemical aspects of health and disease. Poster abstracts of the Biochemical society meeting 678; 2002 Dec 16-18; London
  73. Sket Boris
    Groundwater quantity, groundwater quality, deforestation
  74. Anonymous ;
    Summaries and abstracts of the 5th ICEF: environmental future of aquatic ecosystems; 2003 Mar 23-27; Zurich
  75. Lanišnik-Rižner T; Penning TM
    Directionality of human 20alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (AKR1C1) in COS-1 cells
  76. Anonymous ;
    Oral presentations abstracts of the molecular steroidogenesis wokshop; 2003 Apr 24-27; Bath
  77. Anderluh Gregor; Maček Peter
    Mechanism of action of equinatoxin II, a pore-forming protein from the sea anemone Actinia equina
  78. Šlajpah M; Bavec A; Lenasi H; Zorko M; Breskvar K
    Progesterone receptors coupled to G-proteins in the plasma membrane of the fungus Rhizopus nigricans
  79. Černila Boštjan; Črešnar Bronislava; Breskvar Katja
    Expression of hsp70 genes in the fungus Rhizopus nigricans
  80. Serša G; Kržič M; Šentjurc M; Ivanuša T; Beravs K; Kotnik V; Coer A; Swartz HM; Čemažar M
    Reduced blood flow and oxygenation in SA-I tumours after electrochemotherapy with cisplatin
  81. Čemažar M; Auersperg M; Ščančar J; Srebotnik-Kirbiš I; Pogačnik A; Serša G
    Interactions between vinblastine and cisplatin in EAT tumours in mice: schedule dependency
  82. Fležar Margareta
    Warthin's tumour: unusual vs. common morphological findings in fine needle aspiration biopsies
  83. Pompe Borut; Daniel Matej; Sochor Miroslav; Vengust Rok; Kralj-Iglič Veronika; Iglič Aleš
    Gradient of contact stress in normal and dysplastic human hips
  84. Simčič Tatjana; Brancelj Anton
    Estimation of the proportion of metabolically active mass in the amphipod Gammarus fossarum
  85. Taioli E; Gaspari L; Benhamou S; Boffetta P; Brockmoller J; Butkiewicz D; Cascorbi I; Clapper ML; Dolžan V; Haugen A
    Polymorphisms in CYP1A1, GSTM1, GSTT1 and lung cancer below the age of 45 years
  86. Kovač D; Lindič J; Kandus A; Bren FA
    Quantitative ultrasound of the calcaneus and dual X-ray absorptiometry of the lumbar spine in assessment and follow-up of skeletal status in patients after kidney transplantation
  87. Makovec Tomaž; Breskvar Katja
    Catalytic and immunochemical properties of NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase from fungus Rhizopus nigricans
  88. Strojnik Tadej
    Central venous pressure monitoring in patients with severe traumatic brain injury
  89. Mendelow Ad; Chambers IR; Crawford PJ; Gregson BA; Barnes MA; von Wild KRH
    Evidence based neurotrauma. Proceedings of the 7th Euroacademia multidisciplinaria neurotraumatologica (EMN) congress; 2002 Jun 26-29; Newcastle upon Tyne
  90. Abrams Paul; Cardozo Linda; Khoury Saad; Wein Alan
    Incontinence. 2nd international consultation on incontinence; 2001 Jul 1-3; Paris
  91. Duh D; Petrovec M; Trilar T; Avšič-Županc T
    The molecular evidence of Babesia microti infection in small mammals collected in Slovenia
  92. Guarniero Ilaria; Garoia Flavio; di Placido Raffaele; Ramšak Andreja; Mannini Piero; Tinti Fausto
    Species-specific microsatellite loci for the European squid (Loligo vulgaris)
  93. Bjarnason Thoroddur; Davidavicene Aleksandra G; Miller Patrick; Nociar Alojz; Pavlakis Andreas; Stergar Eva
    Family structure and adolescent cigarette smoking in eleven European countries
  94. Albreht Tit
    Opportunities and challenges in the provision of cross border care: view from Slovenia
  95. Goodwin Renee D; Marušič Andrej; Hoven Christina W
    Suicide attempts in the United States: the role of physical illness
  96. Klavs I; Rodrigues LC; Wellings K; Keše D; Švab I
    Feasibility of testing for Chlamydia trachomatis in a general population sexual behaviour survey in Slovenia
  97. Grgič-Vitek M; Klavs I; Potočnik M; Rogl-Butina M
    Syphilis epidemic in Slovenia influenced by syphilis epidemic in the Russian Federation and other newly independent states
  98. Vujkovac Bojan; Šabovič Mišo
    Treatment of subdural and intracerebral haematomas in a haemodialysis patient with tranexamic acid
  99. Šabovič M
    Treatment of chronic ischaemia of a replanted thumb with iloprost
  100. Arnež ZM; Tyler MPH; Khan U
    Describing severe limb trauma

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