biomedicina slovenica

dr="Združene države Amerike" : 4.501-4.600

  1. Geršak Borut; Pernat Andrej; Robič Boris; Šinkovec Matjaž
    Low rate of atrial fibrillation recurrence verified by implantable loop recorder monitoring following a convergent epicardial and endocardial ablation of atrial fibrillation
  2. Lučovnik Miha; Maner William; Chambliss Linda; Blumrick Richard; Balducci James; Novak-Antolič Živa; Garfield Robert
    Noninvasive uterine electromyography for prediction of preterm delivery
  3. Wang Zongwei; Strle Klemen
    Inhibition of TNF-[alpha] improves the bladder dysfunction that is associated With type 2 diabetes
  4. Žerjav-Tanšek Mojca; Grošelj Urh; Murko Simona; Kobe Helena; Repič-Lampret Barbka; Battelino Tadej
    Assessment of tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4)-responsiveness and spontaneous phenylalanine reduction in a phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency population
  5. Martinez-Biarge Miriam; Bregant Tina
    White matter and cortical injury in hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy: antecedent factors and 2-year outcome
  6. Markelc Boštjan; Bellard Elisabeth; Serša Gregor; Pelofy Sandrine; Teissie Justin; Cör Andrej; Golzio Muriel; Čemažar Maja
    In vivo molecular imaging and histological analysis of changes induced by electric pulses used for plasmid DNA electrotransfer to the skin: a study in a dorsal window chamber in mice
  7. Amir Eitan; Bedard Philippe L.; Ocaña Alberto; Šeruga Boštjan
    Benefits and harms of detecting clinically occult breast cancer
  8. Novak-Jankovič Vesna; Zoka Milan; Potočnik Iztok; Štupnik Tomaž; Marić Stela; Stopar Tatjana; Kremžar Boriana
    A prospective, randomized, double-blinded comparison between multimodal thoracic paravertebral bupivacaine and levobupivacaine analgesia in patients undergoing lung surgery
  9. Pavčnik Arnol Maja; Grošelj-Grenc Mojca; Gvardijančič Diana
    Nekrotizirajoči enterokolitis
    [Necrotizing enterocolitis]
  10. Haigentz Missak; Cohen Ezra EW; Wolf Gregory T; Strojan Primož; Eisbruch Avraham; Ferlito Alfio
    The future of induction chemotherapy for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
  11. Strojan Primož
    Reply to the letter to the editor by Straetmans et al
  12. Orr Nick; Novaković Srdjan; Krajc Mateja
    Genome-wide association study identifies a common variant in RAD51B associated with male breast cancer risk
  13. The Bertram; Hosman Anton; Kootstra Johan; Kralj-Iglič Veronika; Flivik Gunnar; Verdonschot Nico; Diercks Ron
    Association between contact hip stress and RSA-measured wear rates in total hip arthroplasties of 31 patients
  14. Košak Robert; Kralj-Iglič Veronika; Iglič Aleš; Daniel Matej
    Polyethylene wear is related to patient-specific contact stress in THA
  15. Bernal Patricia; Stare Janez; Vidmar Gaj; Chau Trinh Thi Minh
    International Atomic Energy Agency-sponsored multination study of intra-arterial rhenium-188-labeled lipiodol in the treatment of inoperable hepatocellular carcinoma: results with special emphasis on prognostic value of dosimetric study
  16. Homan Matjaž; Hojsak Iva; Kolaček Sanja
    Helicobacter pylori in pediatrics
  17. Tomiyasu Akiyuki; Kobal Jan
    Novel pathogenic mutations and copy number variations in the VPS13A Gene in patients with chorea-acanthocytosis
  18. Zupan A; Vrabec K; Dovč-Drnovšek T; Glavač D
    The genetic aspect of the Slavic settlement in the East Alps region
  19. Anonymous ;
    Poster abstracts of the 62nd Annual meeting American society of human genetics; 2012 Nov 6-10; San Francisco
  20. Lah Ljerka
    NextGen voices: ... i work with different species of fungi, many of which are pathogens ...
  21. Fajs Luka; Durmiši Emina; Knap Nataša; Strle Franc; Avšič-Županc Tatjana
    Phylogeographic characterization of tick-borne encephalitis virus from patients, rodents and ticks in Slovenia
  22. Keber Rok; Rozman Damjana; Horvat Simona
    Sterols in spermatogenesis and sperm maturation
  23. Zorec R; Jorgačevski J; Potokar M; Grilc S; Kreft M
    The effect of Munc18-1 on unitary exocytotic events of peptidergic vesicles
  24. Vardjan N; Gabrijel M; Potokar M; Švajger U; Kreft M; Jeras M; Pekny M; Zorec R
    Mobility of late endosomes/lysosomes in interferon-gamma activated astrocytes
  25. Anonymous ;
    42nd annual meeting of the Neuroscience 2012; 2012 Oct 13-17; New Orlans
  26. Černilec Maja; Dvorakova Eva; Janouskova Olga; Vranac tanja; Lukan Anja; Hobzova Kristyna; Čurin-Šerbec Vladka; Holada Karel
    PrP226*, the truncated form of PrP, as a marker for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
  27. Vardjan Nina; Jorgačevski Jernej; Zorec Robert
    Fusion pores, SNAREs, and exocytosis
  28. Lah Ljerka; Haridas Sajeet; Bohlmann Joerg; Breuil Colette
    The cytochromes P450 of Grosmannia clavigera: genome organization, phylogeny, and expression in response to pine host chemicals
  29. Berne Sabina; Podobnik Barbara; Zupanec Neja; Novak Metka; Kraševec Nada; Turk Samo; Korošec Branka; Lah Ljerka; Šuligoj Erika; Stojan Jure; Gobec Stanislav; Komel Radovan
    Virtual screening yields inhibitors of novel antifungal drug target, benzoate 4-monooxygenase
  30. Gunde-Cimerman Nina
    Dishwashers may harbor toxic fungi
  31. Korenčič Anja; Bordyugov Grigory; Košir Rok; Rozman Damjana; Goličnik Marko; Herzel Hanspeter
    The interplay of cis-regulatory elements rules circadian rhythms in mouse liver
  32. Kucharcyzk Pavel; Otgonyu Onon; Kitano Takeshi; Gregorova Adriana; Kreuh Darij; Cvelbar Uroš; Sedlarik Vladimir; Saha Petr
    Correlation of morphology and viscoelastic properties of partially biodegradable polymer blends based on polyamide 6 and polylactide copolyester
  33. Čepič Mojca; Žekš Boštjan
    Polar and tilt modes in the ferroelectric SmC* phase in liquid crystals
  34. Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Tomazin Iztok; Kersnik Janko
    HEMS in Slovenia: one country, four models, different quality outcomes
  35. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the fundamental and applied bioelectrics; 2012 Jul 23-27; Norfolk
  36. Serša Gregor
    Overview of clinical uses of electrochemotherapy
  37. Čemažar Maja; Pavlin Darja; Serša Gregor; Tozon Nataša
    Electrogene therapy in veterinary oncology
  38. Kostanjevec Tomaž
    Product development with multicriterial approach and investment possibilities in public sector
  39. Szajewska Hania; Weizman Zvi; Abu-Zekry Mona; Jaklin Kekez Alemka; Braegger Christian P.; Kolaček Sanja; Mičetić-Turk Dušanka; Ruszczyński Marek; Vukavic Tamara
    Inulin and fructo-oligosaccharides for the prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea in children: report by the ESPGHAN working group on probiotics and prebiotics
  40. Kovačič Borut
    Culture systems: low-oxygen culture
  41. Starc Andrej; Morjane Abdelwaheb; Dahmane Raja
    Anatomical approach to the liver mobilization: a study on cadaveric livers
  42. Bousquet J; Schuenemann HJ; Samolinski B; Zidarn M
    Allergic rhinitis and its impact on asthma (ARIA): achievements in 10 years and future needs
  43. Kocjan Boštjan; Gale Nina; Hočevar-Boltežar Irena; Seme Katja; Poljak mario
    Persistence of human papillomavirus genomic variants in revurrent respiratory papillomatosis
  44. Anonymous ;
    The 2010 molecular biology of DNA tumor viruses conference; 2010 Jul 13-18; Madison
  45. Lenassi Metka; Gostinčar Cene; Sadowski Ivan; Gunde-Cimerman Nina; Plemenitaš Ana
    The mechanisms of adaptation to extremely salty environments based on the new Hortaea werneckii genome data
  46. Anonymous ;
    Yeast genetics and molecular biology meeting, genetics society of America conferences; 2012 Jul 31 - Aug 5; Princeton
  47. Richardson LE; Dorleijn DM; Verhagen AP; Sajovic Matjaž
    Autograft hamstring vs patellar tendon ACL reconstruction
  48. Robson Antony G; Lenassi Eva; Saihan Zubin; Luong Vy A; Fitzke Fred W; Holder Graham E; Webster Aandrew R
    Comparison of fundus autofluorescence with photopic and scotopic fine matrix mapping in patients with retinitis pigmentosa: 4- to 8-year follow-up
  49. Lenassi Eva; Troeger Eric; Wilke Robert; Tufail Adnan; Hawlina Marko; Jeffery Glen; Webster Andrew R
    Laser clearance of drusen deposit in patients with autosomal dominant drusen (p.Arg345Trp in EFEMP1)
  50. Zupančič T; Ozir M; Bolshakov VN; Lane BE; Serša G; Thoerma H; Liović M
    Death receptor signaling and DNA damage response mechanisms are altered in EBS Dowling-Meara keratinocytes
  51. Korošec Peter; Košnik Mitja
    Reply: to the editor
  52. Primožič Jasmina; Perinetti Giuseppe; Contardo Luca; Ovsenik Maja
    Diagnostic performance of 3-dimensional evaluation of palatal vault changes in assessing successful treatment of constricted maxilla in growing subjects
  53. Sajovic Matjaž; Lešničar Gorazd; Dernovšek Mojca Z
    Septic arthritis of the knee following arthroscopic anterior cruicate ligament reconstruction
  54. Sajovic Matjaž; Demšar Saška; Sajovic Romana
    One stage bilateral anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction - evaluation of cost and mind-term functional results
  55. Alibegović Armin; Balažic Jože; Petrovič Danijel; Kregar-Velikonja Nevenka; Blagus Rok; Šuput Dušan; Drobnič Matej
    The optimal combination of cartilage source and apparatus for long-term In vitro chondrocyte viability analysis
  56. Wilhelmsson Ulrika; Faiz Maryam; Potokar Maja; Stenovec Matjaž; Zorec Robert
    Astrocytes negatively regulate neurogenesis through the JAGGED1-mediated notch pathway
  57. Schuller-Petrović S; Adamič M; Pavlović MD
    Simple external manual manoeuvres to pass the radiofrequency catheter through a bending segment of a saphenous vein
  58. Pavlović MD; Adamič M; Schuller-Petrović S
    Secondary telangiectasia after radiofrequency closure of saphenous vein: a result of blocked outflow of a feeding vein?
  59. Schuller-Petrović S; Pavlović MD; Schuller S; Schuller-Lukic B; Adamič M
    Telangiectasias resistant to sclerotherapy are commonly connected to a perforating vessel
  60. Marolt Darja; Campos Ivan Marcos; Bhumiratana Sarindr; Koren Ana; Petridis Petros; Zhang Geping; Spitalnik Patrice F; Grayson Warren L; Vunjak-Novakovič Gordana
    Engineering bone tissue from human embryonic stem cells
  61. Czabanowska Katarzyna; Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Potter Amanda; Rochfort Andree; Tomasik Tomasz; Csiszar Judit; Van den Bussche Piet
    Development of a competency framework for quality improvement in family medicine: a qualitative study
  62. Jentschke Matthias; Soergel Philipp; Lange Victoria; Kocjan Boštjan; Doerk Thilo; Luyten Alexander; Petry Karl Urlich; Poljak Mario; Hillemanns Peter
    Evaluation of a new multiplex real-time polymerase chain reaction assay for the detection of human papillomavirus infections in a referral population
  63. Jusufović Edin; Rijavec Matija; Keser Dragan; Korošec Peter; Sodja Eva; Iljazović Ermina; Radojević Zorica; Košnik Mitja
    Iet-7b and miR-126 are down-regulated in tumor tissue and correlate with microvessel density and survival outcomes in non-small-cell lung cancer
  64. Anonymous ;
    Biochemistry for tomorrow's medicine. Abstracts of the 36th FEBS congress; 2011 Jun 25-30; Torino
  65. Kocjan BJ; Homan M; Šterbenc A; Poljak M
    Development of a novel Helicobacter pylori babA2 gene-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay
  66. Šterbenc A; Homan M; Kocjan BJ; Luzar B; Zidar N; Poljak M
    Prevalence and clinical significance of homa and homb, two novel Helicobacter pylori virulence markers, in Slovenian paediatzric population
  67. Istenič Darja; Arias Carlos A; Vollersten Jes; Nielsen Asbjorn H
    Improved urban stormwater treatment and pollutant removal pathways in amended wet detention ponds
  68. Ribarič Samo
    Diet and aging
  69. Ihan Alojz; Pinchuk Irina V; Beswick Ellen J
    Inflammation, immunity, and vaccines for Helicobacter pylori infection
  70. Spruit Martijn A; Polkey Michael I; Celli Bartolome; Košnik Mitja
    Predicting outcomes from 6-minute walk distance in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  71. Qiu Weiliang; Cho Michael H; Riley John H; Košnik Mitja
    Genetics of sputum gene expression in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  72. Hurst John R; Vestbo Joergen; Anzueto Antonio; Košnik Mitja
    Susceptibility to exacerbation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  73. Sin Don D; Miller Bruce E; Duvoix Annelyse; Košnik Mitja
    Serum PARC/CCL-18 concentrations and health outcomes in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  74. Agusti Alvar; Edwards Lisa D; Rennard Stephen I; Košnik Mitja
    Persistent systemic inflammation is associated with poor clinical outcomes in COPD: a novel phenotype
  75. Kovačič Dragan; Glavnik Nina; Marinsek Matej; Zagožen Petra; Rovan Ksenija; Goslar Tomaž; Marš Tomaž; Podbregar Matej
    Total plasma sulfide in congestive heart failure
  76. Simonič Anja; Furlan Maja; Ravnjak Tanja; Dirkse Dale
    Caring for caregivers: a right way to do it?
  77. Uher Rudolf; Perlis Roy H; Placentino Anna; Dernovšek Mojca Zvezdana; Henigsberg Neven; Mors Ole; Maier Wolfgang; McGuffin Peter; Farmer Anne
    Self-report and clinician-rated measures of depression severty: can one replace the other?
  78. Ferguson Gary William; Us-Krašovec Marija; Fležar Margareta; Zganec Mario; Lavrenčak Jaka; Palcic Branko M
    Method of depositing material and density gradients of material from sample suspensions and filter devices for same
  79. Strojan-Fležar Margareta
    Slovenian society of cytopathology celebrating prof. Marija Us-Krašovec's jubilee
  80. Burri Caroline; Korva Miša; Bastic Viktoria; Knap Nataša; Avšič-Županc Tatjana; Gern Lise
    Serological evidence of tick-borne encephalitis virus infection in rodents captured at four sites in Switzerland
  81. Poljšak Borut; Glavan Uroš; Dahmane Raja
    Skin cancer, free radicals and antioxidants
  82. Delneri A; Franca R; Terdoslavich M; Montanič S; Čurin-Šerbec V; Tramer F; Francese M; Passamonti S
    Identification and functional characterization of bilitranslocase in sea-bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) hepatopancreas
  83. Zhou Ge; Liang Feng-Xia; Romih Rok; Wang Zefang; Liao Yi; Ghiso Jorge; Luque-Garcia Jose L; Neubert Thomas A; Kreibich Gert; Alonso Miguel A; Schaeren-Wiemers Nicole; Sun Tung-Tien
    MAL facilitates the incorporation of exocytic uroplakin-delivering vesicles into the apical membrane of urothelial umbrella cells
  84. Hudoklin Samo; Jezernik Kristijan; Neumuller Josef; Pavelka Margit; Romih Rok
    Electron tomography of fusiform vesicles and their organization in urothelial cells
  85. Poljšak Borut; Bučar-Miklavčič Milena; Glavan Uroš; Butinar Bojan
    Pro-oxidant effects of vitamin E
  86. Jeriček Klanšček Helena; Koprivnikar Helena; Zupanič Tina; Pucelj Vesna; Bajt Maja; Artnik Barbara; Drev Andreja; Drglin Zalka; Fajdiga Turk Vida; Gregorič Matej; Hočevar Tadeja; Mihevc Ponikvar Barbara; Rok-Simon Mateja; Scagnetti Nina; Vidmar Maša; Zorko Maja; Žiberna Janina
    Spremembe v vedenjih, povezanih z zdravjem mladostnikov v Sloveniji v obdobju 2002-2010
  87. Brožič Petra; Turk Samo; Adeniji Adegoke O; Konc Janez; Janežič Dušanka; Penning Trevor M; Lanišnik-Rižner tea; Gobec Stanislav
    Selective inhibitors of aldo-keto reductases AKR1C1 and AKR1C3 discovered by virtual screening of a fragment library
  88. Primožič Jasmina; Perinetti Giuseppe; Richmond Stephen; Ovsenik Maja
    Three-dimensional evaluation of facial asymmetry in association with unilateral functional crossbite in the primary, early, and late mixed dentition phases
  89. Ačimovič Jure; Lovgren-Sandblom Anita; Eriksson Lennart C; Bjorkhem-Bergman Linda
    The anti-carcinogenic effect of statins in a rat model correlates with levels and synthesis of ubiquinone
  90. Jereb Matjaž; Pečaver Blaž; Tomažič Janez; Muzlovič Igor; Avšič-Županc Tatjana; Premru-Sršen Tanja; Levičnik-Stezinar Snežna; Karner Primož; Strle Franc
    Severe human granulocytic anaplasmosis transmitted by blood transfusion
  91. Lunar Maja M; Zidovec-Lepej Snježana; Abecasis Ana B; Tomažič Janez; Vidmar Ludvik; Karner Primož; Vovko Tomaž D; Pečavar Blaž; Maver Polona J; Seme Katja; Poljak Mario
    Prevalence of HIV-1 transmitted drug resistance in Slovenia: 2005-2010
  92. Fujs-Komloš Kristina; Kocjan Boštjan J; Košorok Pavle; Luzar Boštjan; Meglič Leon; Potočnik Marko; Hočevar-Boltežar Irena; Gale Nina; Seme Katja; Poljak Mario
    Tumor-specific and gender-specific pre-vaccination distribution of human papillomavirus types 6 and 11 in anogenital warts and laryngeal papillomas: a study on 574 tissue specimens
  93. Trkov Saša; Stenovec Matjaž; Kreft Marko; Potokar Maja; Parpura Vladimir; Davletov Bazbek; Zorec Robert
    Fingolimod-A sphingosine-like molecule inhibits vesicle mobility and secretion in astrocytes
  94. Zupančič Gregor; Rudolf Jerneja; Meglič Andrej
    Maturation and functional plasticity of cellular respiratory apparatus in flies' eyes
  95. Belušič Gregor; Zupančič Gregor
    Physiology with the singing greeting card beeper
  96. Kastelic Damjana; He Mingyue
    Ribosome display and screening for protein therapeutics
  97. Voynov Vladimir; Caravella Justin A
    Therapeutic proteins: methods and protocols
  98. Prosenc-Zmrzljak Uršula; Rozman Damjana
    Circadian regulation of the hepatic endobiotic and xenobitoic detoxification pathways: the time matters
  99. Guček Alenka; Vardjan Nina; Zorec Robert
    Exocytosis in astrocytes: transmitter release and membrane signal regulation
  100. Dolžan Vita
    Pharmacogenetics in drug metabolism: role of phase I enzymes

   4.001 4.101 4.201 4.301 4.401 4.501 4.601 4.701 4.801 4.901  

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