biomedicina slovenica |
re="Health care" : 145
Rotar-Pavlič Danica
Violent behaviour against doctors
2012 ►
Schaefer Willemijn; Rotar-Pavlič Danica; Seghieri Chiara; De Ryck Evelyne
Preliminary results of the QUALICOPC project: a study on quality, equity and costs of primary care in 34 countries
2012 ►
Sonc Monika
Informatizacija zdravljenja bolnikov s protitumornimi zdravili
[The informatization of patient treatment with antitumor drugs]
2011 ►
Peterka-Novak Jožica; Kulaš Franka
Zadovoljstvo vodstva zdravstvene nege z zaposlenimi
[Satisfaction of nursing care managers with their employees]
2011 ►
Lokajner Gordana; Sima Ðurđa
Vrtinec osebnostnih vrednot medicinskih sester ter babic in profesionalnih vrednot zdravstvene in babiške nege
[Maelstorm of personal and professional values of nurses and midwives]
2011 ►
Švab Igor
Changes in health systems in south eastern Europe since 1989
2011 ►
Sancin Dubravka
Interaktivno delo s študenti Fakultete za zdravstvene vede Univerze v Mariboru
[Interactive work with Faculty of health sciences, University of Maribor students]
2011 ►
Kešpert Branko; Šimenc Vanja; Zabukovšek Dorijan; Pajnkihar Majda
Analiza in vrednotenje teorije skrbi in koncepta dostojanstva v povezavi s prakso
[Analysis and assesment of care theory and the concept of dignity in connection with practice]
2011 ►
Rotar Danica; de Graaf Pim
Primary care and the health of Roma
2011 ►
Crnić Igor; Selič Polona
Medosebni odnosi v timu predbolnišnične nujne medicinske pomoči
[Interpersonal relationships in an emergency medical service team]
2011 ►
Petek Davorina; Kunzi Beat; Kersnik Janko; Szecsenyi Joachim; Wensing Michel
Patients' evaluations of European general practice - revisited after 11 years
2011 ►
Pušnik Danijela
Vloga medicinske sestre v obravnavi spolnih motenj pri pacientih z rakom
2011 ►
Poplas-Susič Tonka
Romi in droga: vloga zdravstvenega tima - kvalitativna raziskava
[Gipsies and drugs: the role of a health care team - a qualitative research]
2011 ►
Poplas-Susič Tonka
Prekomerno pitje alkohola med Slovenci - Zakaj?
[Excessive drinking among Slovenes - Why?]
2011 ►
Fidler-Mis Nataša; Kobe Helena; Benedik Evgen; Beja Nina
Pitje pijač z dodanim sladkorjem pri slovenskih mladostnikih
[Consumption sugar - sweetened beverages in Slovenian adolescents]
2011 ►
Černe Jasmina Živa; Pohar Perme Maja; Cerkovnik Petra; Geršak Ksenija; Novaković Srdjan
Age at menarche and menopause is not associated with two common genetic variants in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene
2011 ►
Štolfa-Gruntar Andreja; Tul-Mandić Nataša
Seminar on medical termination of pregnancy in the 1st and 2nd trimesters
2010 ►
Blažun Helena; Kokol Peter
GEROM - On-line virtual environment for postgraduate health care education
2010 ►
Kotnik Mojca; Bobnar Albina
Učinkovitost kliničnega usposabljanja na Onkološkem inštitutu Ljubljana: kaj imajo radi študenti 3. letnika zdravstvene nege?
[The efficiency of clinical training at the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana ewhat do third year nursing students like?]
2010 ►
Bobnar Albina; Pajnič Manca; Sotler Robert
Stališča študentov zdravstvene nege do izobraževanja in učenja zdravstveno negovalnih postopkov: ali je znanje in sposobnosti potrebno obnavljati?
[Standpoints of students of nursing on education and learning of nursing procedures: is it necessary to renew knowledge and skills?]
2010 ►
Čufer Tanja
Karcinom pljuč: individualizirano sistemsko zdravljenje
2010 ►
Kadivec Saša; Vrankar Katja; Vegnuti Miljana
Ustna nega pri bolniku z motnjami v požiralniku in pri bolniku z vstavljenim endotrahealnim tubusom
[Oral hygiene in patients with swallowing difficulties and patients with an andotracheal tube]
2010 ►
Vrankar Katja
Predaja pacientov med izmenami in prenos informacij med zaposlenimi v zdravstveni negi
[Nursing shift handover and transfer of information in nursing care]
2010 ►
Zadnik Barbara
Znanje medicinskih sester v zvezi z zaščitnimi sredstvi in pomenom izolacije pri obravnavi pacientov s tuberkulozo v KOPA Golnik
[Nurses' knowledge on protective gear anf the importance of isolation in the treatment of tuberculosis in patients at the University clinic Golnik]
2010 ►
Kadivec Saša; Farkaš-Lainščak Jerneja; Lainščak Mitja; Košnik Mitja
Vpliv koordinatorja odpusta na hospitalizacijo in kakovost življenja bolnikov s kronično obstruktivno pljučno boleznijo - predstavitev načrta raziskave
[Influence of case manager on the hospitalization and quality of life in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - plan of research]
2010 ►
Huckvale Christopher; Car Josip; Akiyama Masanori; Jaafar Safurah
Information technology for patient safety
2010 ►
Marinič Milena
Dostojanstvo pacienta z vidika spoštovanja zasebnosti
[Dignity in terms of patient privacy]
2010 ►
Bregar Branko; Skela-Savič Brigita
Vpliv na oblikovanje zdravstvene politike - vidik zaposlenih v zdravstveni negi
[Impact on the formulation of healthcare policy - a perspective of nursing care proffesionals]
2010 ►
Kolšek Marko
2006 ►
Edwards Adrian; Rhydderch Melody; Engels Yvonne; Campbell Stephen; Vodopivec-Jamšek Vlasta; Marshall Martin; Grol Richard; Elwyn Glyn
Assessing organisational development in European primary care using a group-based method: a feasibility study of the Maturity Matrix
2010 ►
Elwyn G; Kersnik J
Facilitating organisational development using a group-based formative assessment and benchmarking method: design and implementation of the International Family Practice Maturity Matrix
2010 ►
Palmhøj Nielsen Camilla; Wadmann Lauritsen Sarah; Børlum Kristensen Finn; Bistrup Marie Louise; Cecchetti Americo; Turk Eva
Involving stakeholders and developing a policy for stakeholder involvement in the European network for Health Technology Assessment, EUnetHTA
2009 ►
Moharra Montse; Espallargues Mireia; Kubesch Nadine; Estrada Maria-Dolors; Parada Antoni; Vondeling Hindrik; Lo Scalzo Alessandra; Cristofides Stelios; Turk Eva; Raab Martin
Systems to support health technology assessment (HTA) in Member States of the European Union with limited institutionalization of HTA
2009 ►
Matjačić Zlatko
Gait analysis and synthesis: biomechanics, orthotics, prosthetics
2009 ►
Juričič M
Tobacco use among 3rd year medical dental farmacy students at Ljubljana university
2009 ►
Leskovic Ljiljana
Kakovost življenja stanovalcev Doma upokojencev center, enota Tabor
[Life quality of the Tabor home for the aged residents]
2007 ►
Coenen S; Muller A; Adriaenssens N; Vankerckhoven V; Hendrickx E; Goossens H; Čižman Milan
European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption (ESAC): outpatient parenteral antibiotic treatment in Europe
2009 ►
Pinter Bojana; Verdenik Ivan; Grebenc Mojca; Čeh Fani
Sexual activity and contraceptive use among secondary-school students in Slovenia
2009 ►
Možina Miran
Psychotherapy as integral part of comprehensive health care
2008 ►
Šušteršič Olga
Community and dispensary nursing care
2008 ►
Krajc Mateja
2008 ►
Lunder Urška
Palliative care
2008 ►
Košnik Mitja; Farkaš-Lainščak Jerneja
Hospital in meeting comprehensive health goals
2008 ►
Švab Vesna; Zaletel-Kragelj Lijana
Mental healt care
2008 ►
Švab Igor
Introduction to primary health care
2008 ►
Zaletel Marija
Quality of nursing care
2008 ►
Zaletel Marija
Strategy "health for all" - nursing role and perspective
2008 ►
Premik Marjan; Zaletel-Kragelj Lijana
Complementary and alternative medicine: some public-health views
2008 ►
Rudel Drago; Fisk Malcolm
New potentials of telecommunication technologies potential in the healthcare service frameworks
2008 ►
Eržen Ivan
2008 ►
Farkaš-Lainščak Jerneja; Zaletel-Kragelj Lijana
Economic evaluation as a tool for planning and evaluating public health interventions: the case of folic acid food fortification
2008 ►
Zaletel-Kragelj Lijana; Eržen Ivan
Health surveys as a powerful tool in planning public health interventions
2008 ►
Zaletel-Kragelj Lijana; Eržen Ivan; Premik Marjan
"Health needs" concept - some perspectives and dimensions from the public health point of view
2008 ►
Eržen Ivan; Zaletel-Kragelj Lijana
Public health services - present organisation and challenges for tomorrow
2008 ►
Petek-Šter Marija; Švab Igor; Živčec-Kalan Gordana
Factors related to consultation time: experience in Slovenia
2008 ►
Visentin Giorgio; Švab Igor
How we will take the results of this conference further
2008 ►
Živčec-Kalan Gordana; Petek-Šter Maja; Švab Igor
Appointment system - active control of consultation timee
2008 ►
Bulc Mateja
Quality improvement in primary care in Slovenia
2008 ►
Kersnik Janko
The role of GP in prevention of tick-borne meningoencephalitis
2008 ►
Kopčavar-Guček Nena
Cervical cancer - a challenge for the family physician?
2008 ►
Šušteršič Olga; Rajkovič Uroš; Rajkovič Vladislav
Challenges of e-documentation in community nursing from the perspective of quality assurance and patient involvement
2008 ►
Leskošek Branimir; Pajntar Marjan
Information system for measuring quality in primary care in Slovenia
2008 ►
Iljaž Rade; Meglič Matic; Petek Davorina; Rotar-Pavlič Danica
Attitudes of Slovene health care professionals and consumers of health care services adherence to paperless practices - work in progress study
2008 ►
Pajntar Marjan; Leskošek Branimir
Quality of primary health care - blood pressure
2008 ►
Kopčavar-Guček Nena
The role of motivational skills in doctor-patient communication
2008 ►
Petek-Šter Marija; Švab Igor
Home blood pressure measurement in Slovenia - the perspective of patients
2008 ►
Švab Igor; Kersnik Janko; Klančar Darinka
Health centre: a relict from the past or a vision of the future
2008 ►
Cikajlo Imre; Matjačić Zlatko
A novel approach in objective assessment of functional postural responses during fall-free perturbed standing in clinical environment
2007 ►
van Royen PVR; Stoffers J; Pawlikowska T; Lionis C; Rotar D; Pouchain D; Hummers-Praider E; Soler JK; Dobbs F
EGPRN: the European network for primary care research exchange and training
2006 ►
van Baar JD; Joosten H; Car J; Freeman GK; Partridge MR; van Weel C; Sheikh A
Understanding reasons for asthma outpatient (non)-attendance and exploring the role of telephone and e-consulting in facilitating access to care: exploratory qualitative study
2006 ►
Albreht Tit; Pribaković-Brinovec Rade; Štalc Jurij
Cross-border care in the south: Slovenia, Austria and Italy
2006 ►
Pinter B; Aubeny E; Bartfai G; Loeber O; Ozalp S; Webb A
Accessibility and availability of abortion in six European countries
2005 ►
Planinc Nataša; Rems Miran; Pikec Marjana; Slavec Smiljana
DRG from patient to manager experience in general hospital Jesenice
2005 ►
Hotujec Simona; Polajnar Vanja; Lešničar Hotimir; Skela-Savič Brigita
Diagnostic related groups in oncology; experiences at the institute of oncology
2005 ►
Dernič Jani
Slovenian classification of radiological diagnostic and interventional procedures
2005 ►
Ceglar Jakob; Marušič Dorjan; Mate Tanja; Yazbeck Anne-Marie
Monitoring the DRG system in Slovenia
2005 ►
Zorman Ivan; Remškar Janez; Zorčič Peter; Yazbeck Anne-Marie
The national health insurance institute of Slovenia - first experiences of the payer after the introduction of the DRG system
2005 ►
Yazbeck Anne-Marie; Marušič Dorjan; Kociper Bernarda; Ceglar Jakob; Mate Tanja
Coding for quality in the 19 acute hospitals in Slovenia
2005 ►
Šorli Jurij
Analysis of some results 1-year after SPP (DRG) introduction in Slovenia
2005 ►
Marušič Dorjan; Mate Tanja; Ceglar Jakob; Yazbeck Anne-Marie
DRG implementation in the Slovene health care system - the MOH involvement
2005 ►
Dernič Jani
Patients classification system as a tool for the evaluation of activity in the department of internal medicine
2005 ►
Brilej Drago; Buhanec Božidar; Komadina Radko; Vlaović Miodrag
Quality management system based on the trauma registry
2005 ►
Morovič Barbara
DRG discussion forum
2005 ►
Kovač V; Vlaisavljević V; Reljič M; Rebolj-Stare M
Intrauterine devices and severe pelvic inflammatory disease require hospitalization
2004 ►
Car J; Freeman GK; Partridge MR; Sheikh A
Improving quality and safety of telephone based delivery of care eteaching telephone consultation skills
2005 ►
Kurillo Gregorij; Gregorič Milan; Goljar Nika; Bajd Tadej
Grip force tracking system for assessment and rehabilitation of hand function
2005 ►
Beasley John W; Dovey Susan; Geffen Leon N; Gomez-Clavelina Francisco J; Haq Cynthia L; Inem Victor; Lam Cindy LK; Nugmanova Azhar; Rotar-Pavlič Danica; Qidwai Waris
The contribution of family doctors to primary care research: a global perspective from the international federation of primary care research networks (IFPCRN)
2004 ►
Primic-Žakelj Maja; Kirar-Fazarinc Irena
Cervical cancer screening - a Slovenian experience
2004 ►
Mihelj M; Matjačić Z; Bajd T
Postural activity of constrained subject in response to disturbance in saggital plane
1999 ►
Radovančević Branislav; Vrtovec Bojan
Mechanical circulation support: present experience and near future developments
2002 ►
Jarm Tomaž; Serša Gregor; Miklavčič Damijan
Oxygenation and blood flow in tumors treated with hydralazine: evaluation with a novel luminescence-based fiber-optic sensor
2002 ►
Pinter B
Continuation and compliance of contraceptive use
2002 ►
Stričević Jadranka
Bioethich principals in nursing research
2002 ►
Lampe Rok
Producer's liability for medical and pharmaceutical products in the new Slovenian tort law
2002 ►
Teržan Metka
Health of working women in Slovenia
2002 ►
Fatur-Videtič Andrejka
International classification of functioning (ICF): a framework for partnership in facilitating return to work
2002 ►
Markota Mladen; Albreht Tit; Česen Marjan
Possibilities for further development of health care system in Slovenia
2002 ►
Albreht Tit; Česen Marjan; Hindle Don; Jakubowski Elke; Kramberger Boris; Kerstin-Petrič Vesna; Premik Marjan; Toth Martin
Health care systems in transition: Slovenia
2002 ►
Pinter B
Medico-legal aspects of abortion in Europe
2002 ►
Pinter B
Continuation and compliance of contraceptive use
2002 ►
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Inštitut za biostatistiko in medicinsko informatiko