biomedicina slovenica |
re="Image Anal Stereol" : 201-300
Konopka Katarzyna; Ozieblo Artur; Kurzydlowski Krzysztof Jan
Quantitative descriptive of the Fe and Mo particles in Al2O3 matrix composites
2001 ►
Cecchi Emmanuelle; Lavest Jean-Marc; van Wyk de Vries Benjamin
Videogrammetric reconstruction applied to volcanology: perspectives for a new measurement technique in volcano monitoring
2001 ►
Przerada Iwona; Bochenek Andrzej
The quantitative description of the geometrical features of superficial layer surface - classic, fractal and stereoscopic analysis
2001 ►
Chopin Franck; Jourlin Michel
Minimum distance method: application to meteorology
2001 ►
Mering Catherine; Chopin Franck
Granulometric maps from high resolution satellite images
2001 ►
Debeir Olivier; Latinne Patrice; van den Steen Isabelle
Remote sensing classification of spectral, spatial and contextual data using multiple classifier systems
2001 ►
Andre Gilles; Hess Sigrid; Mering Catherine
Grey tone filtering on ERS-SAR images applied to change detection and mapping
2001 ►
Berges Jean-Claude; Chopin Franck
Retrieval of dynamic cloud properties from geostationnary satellite data
2001 ►
Chermant Jean-Louis; Boitier Guillaume; Darzens Severine; Coster Michel; Chermant Liliane
Damage morphological parameters
2001 ►
Arnould Xavier; Coster Michel; Chermant Jean-Louis; Chermant Liliane; Chartier Thierry; Elmoataz Abder
Segmentation and grain size of ceramics
2001 ►
Jirkovska Marie; Janaček Jiri; Jirsova Zuzana; Kubinova Lucie; Zemanova Zdenka
Spatial arangement of peritubular vascular bed in chick mesonephros
2001 ►
Janaček Jiri
Estimating length and surface area by systematic projections
2001 ►
Wejrzanowski Tomasz; Rožniatowski Krzysztof; Kurzydlowski Krzysztof J
Computer aided description of the materials microstructure: analysis of homogenity of the spatial distribution of particles
2001 ►
Ciupinski Lukasz; Manaj Wojciech; Mizera Jaroslaw; Kurzydlowski Krzysztof Jan
Quantitative description of the morphologic texture in an Al-Li alloy
2001 ►
Liu Guimin; Lili Ma; Rožniatowski K; Kurzydlowski KJ
Study on the relationship between the mechanical properties of coated specimens and the quantitative changes of surface morphology
2001 ►
Mikli Valdek; Kulu Priit; Kaeerdi Helmo
Application of image analysis methods to characterize impact-milled wc-co powder particles
2001 ►
Blomgren Bo; Falconer Christian; Roomans Godfried; Ulmsten Ulf; Hilliges Marita
A novel method for visualisation of elastic fibres - suitable for image analysis and morphometry
2001 ►
Bertram John F; Johnson Kelli; Hughson Michael D; Hoy Wendy E
Renal glomerular number and size in Australian aborigines, African Americans and white populations from the same locations: a preliminary report
2001 ►
Bonton Pierre; Boucher Alain; Thonnat Monique; Tomczak Regis; Hidalgo Pablo J; Belmonte Jordina; Galan Carmen
Colour image in 2D in 3D microscopy for the automation of pollen rate measurement
2001 ►
Blomgren Bo; Bohm-Starke Nina; Falconer Christian; Hilliges Marita
A computerised stereological method for quantitative estimation of surface area of blood vessels
2001 ►
Marcos Rocardo; Rocha Eduardo; Monteiro Rogerio AF
Stereological estimation of Ito cells from rat liver using the optical fractionator - a preliminary report
2001 ►
Yang Zheng-Wei; Wei Gui-Wu
Comparison of point-, line- and boundary-sampled intercepts inside a circles or sphere
2001 ►
Brzoska Jean-Bruno; Flin Frederic; Lesaffre Bernard; Coleou Cecile; Lamboley Pascal; Delesse Jean-Francois; Le Saeec Bertrand; Vignoles Gerard
Computation of the surface area of natural snow 3D images from X-ray tomography: two approaches
2001 ►
Dai Mo
An edge preservating iterative filtering for image processing
2001 ►
Magyar Anita; Gasci Zoltan; Daroczi Lajos; Kaptay Gyoergy
Morphological investigation of the intermetallic phases in C/Al composite by image analysis
2001 ►
Terebes Romulus; Lavialle Olivier; Baylou Pierre; Borda Monica
Gradient based curvature estimation
2001 ►
Akdogan Ilgaz; Unal Nedim; Adiguzel Esat
Estimation of the number if neuron in hippocampus of penicillin induced epileptic rats using the optical fractionator method
2001 ►
Bronnikov Serguei; Sukhanova Tatiana
Statistical aspect of the polyimide films morphology
2001 ►
Riss Jooelle; Gentier Sylvie; Genter Albert
Granitic core cross sections: numerical modelling
2001 ►
Fricout Gabriel; Cullen-McEwen Luise A; Harper Ian S; Jeulin Dominique; Bertram John F
A quantitative method for analysing 3D branching in embryonic kidneys: development of a technique and preliminary data
2001 ►
Wojnar Leszek; Szydlowski Leslaw; Latala Zbigniew
Supplementary image analysis of echocardiograms
2001 ►
Zelasco Jose F; Arcomano Teresa; Dagum Diego Amin; Donadio Alejandra V; Donayo Judith; Mendez Daniel E; Pomerantz Samuel
Automatic obtaining of the digital elevation model by aerial photogrammetry
2001 ►
Zelasco Jose Francisco; Ennis Kevin; Blangino Eugenia A
Quality control in altimetry and planimetry for 3D digital models
2001 ►
Flin Frederic; Brzoska Jean-Bruno; Lesaffre Bernard; Coleou Cecile
Computation of normal vectors of discrete 3D objects: application to natural snow images from X-ray tomography
2001 ►
Lordereau O; Delannay R; Cantat I; Lemaitre J
Characterization of the cellular structures
2001 ►
Bezrukov Alexander; Stoyan Dietrich; Bargiel Monika
Spatial statistics for simulated packings of spheres
2001 ►
Li Zhengmin; Yang Jinghe; Xu Xingzhong; Xu Xiuling; Yu Weijun; Yue Xiuying
Quantitative characterization of particle shape of FCC catalysts by image analysis
2001 ►
Trunde Frederic; Courbebaisse Guy; Jourlin Michel
Logarithmic wavelet transform
2001 ►
Soufan Alexandre T; Ruijter Jan M; van den Hoff Maurice JB; Moorman Antoon FM
Quantitative 3D reconstructions as identification tool in heart development
2001 ►
Ruijter Jan M; Hagoort Jaco; de Boer Piet AJ; Moorman Antoon FM
Calibration of densitometry in radio-isotopic in situ hybridization
2001 ►
Rodenacker Karsten; Hausner Martina; Kuehn Martin; Wuertz Stefan; Purkayastha Sumitra
Depth intensity correction of biofilm volume data from confocal laser scanning microscopes
2001 ►
Ogilvie Steven; Isakov Evgeny; Taylor Colin; Glover Paul
A new high resolution optical method for obraining the topography of fracture surfaces in rocks
2001 ►
Naanaa Wady; Nuzillard Jean-Marc
A genetic algorithm for blind source separation of positive and partially correlated signals
2001 ►
Moreau Eric; Touchard Gerard
3D topological analysis of sphere packings and boolean media: determination of the critical neck radius by image analysis
2001 ►
Delisee Christine; Jeulin Dominique; Michaud Franck; Bos Frederic; Castera Patrick
Models of random networks for simulating cellulosic fibrous materials
2001 ►
Gonzato Jean-Christophe; Marchand Sylvain
Efficient simulation of halos for computer graphics
2001 ►
Lovrity Zita; Nagy Istvan; Kovacs Jeno; Gasci Zoltan
Morphological investigation of copolymers and composites prepared by propagating polymerisation front
2001 ►
Lavialle O; Angella F; Baylou P
Deformable particle systems
2001 ►
Lauschmann Hynek
A database-oriented analysis of a fibre process in fractography
2001 ►
Lauschmann Hynek; Raček Ondrej; Tuma Michal; Nedbal Ivan
Textural fractography
2001 ►
Jernot Jean-Paul; Jouannot-Chesney Patricia; Lantuejoul Christian
Evaluating the Euler-Poincare characteristic of a set using a spatial tessellation
2001 ►
Lagoute Jerome; Zambelli Tomaso; Martin Stephane; Gauthier Sebastien
Spatial repartition of current fluctuations in a scanning tunneling microscope
2001 ►
Komenda Jacek; Maroli Barbara; Hoeglund Lars
Recognition of patterns on fracture surfaces by automatic image analysis
2001 ►
Kestener Pierre; Lina Jean-Marc; Saint-Jean Phillipe; Arneodo Alain
Wavelet-based multifractal formalism to assist in diagnosis in digitized mammograms
2001 ►
Kaerkkaeinen Salme; Vedel-Jensen Eva B
Estimation of fibre orientation from digital images
2001 ►
Kalesnykas Giedrius; Miettinen Riitta
The effect of ovariectomy and estrogen replacement therapy on cholinergic neurons of basal forebrain of aged mice
2001 ►
Isakov Evgeny; Glover Paul; Ogilvie Steven
Use of synthetic fractures in the analysis of natural fracture apertures
2001 ►
Hanbury Allan George; Serra Jean
Mathematical morphology in the L*a*b space
2001 ►
Godart Andre; Valot-Atofina Emeryc
Characterization of the roughness of surfaces related to their touch or visual properties
2001 ►
Ogilvie Steven; Isakov Evgeny; Taylor Colin; Glover Paul
A new high resolution optical method for obtaining the topography of fracture surfaces in rocks
2001 ►
Gardel Alfredo; Lazaro Jose Luis; Lavest Jean Marc
Influence of mechanical errors in a zoom camera
2001 ►
Garcia David; Courbebaisse Guy; Jourlin Michel
Image analysis dedicated to polymer injection molding
2001 ►
Fournel Thierry; Fournier Corinne; Vincent Christophe
Single-lens stereoscopic arrangement with overlapping of the views
2001 ►
Doxaran David; Froidefond Jean-Marie
Retrieving suspended particulate matter concentrations in the gironde estuary from ocean-colour satellite data
2001 ►
Douiri Nisrine; Khoudeir Majdi; Olivier Christian
Roughness characterization of indoor environment
2001 ►
Donnadieu Patricia; Matsuda Kenji; Epicier Thierry; Douin Joel
Measurements of strain fields due to nanoscale precipitates using the phase image method
2001 ►
Delclaux Francois; Depraetere Christian
Methodological approach for hydrological landscape definition: application of texture measures on west African watersheds
2001 ►
Cruz Daniela MR
Improvements of mechanical and metallographic techniques based on an image processing system
2001 ►
Cerepi Andrian; Belin Sophie; Durand Claudine; Brosse Atienne
Physical properties of argillaceous sandstone reservoirs from petrographic image analysis
2001 ►
Beucher Serge
Geodesic reconstruction, saddle zones and hierarchial segmentation
2001 ►
Barhoumi Walid; Zagrouba Ezzeddine
Semiautomatic detection of tumoral zones
2001 ►
Banon Gerald Jean Francis; Donizete-Faria Sergio
Area-based matching algorithm assessment from satellite images
2001 ►
Tarquini Simone; Armienti Pietro
Film color scanner as a new and cheap tool for image analysis in petrology
2001 ►
Friess Martin
An application of the relative warps 106analysis to problems in human paleontology - with notes on raw data quality
2003 ►
Reed Matthew G; Howard CV
The sampling error of rotator estimates of eye volume
2003 ►
Mayhew Terry M
Stereological studies on fetal vascular development in human placental villi
2003 ►
Blacher Silvia; Devy Laetitia; Noel Agnes; Foidart Jean-Michel
Quantification of angiogenesis on the rat aortic ring assay
2003 ►
Lavialle Olivier; Angella Franck; Germain Christian; Baylou Pierre
Dynamic particle systems for object structure extraction
2003 ►
Tarquini Simone; Armienti Pietro
Quick determination of crystal size distributions of rocks by means of a color scanner
2003 ►
Gardel Alfredo; Lazaro Jose Luis; Lavest Jean Marc
Influence of mechanical errors in a zoom camera
2003 ►
Ohser Joachim; Nagel Werner; Schladitz Katja
The Euler number of discretised sets - surprinsing results in three dimensions
2003 ►
Stroeven Piet; Stroeven Martijn
Dynamic computer simulation of concrete on different levels of the microstructure - part 1
2003 ►
Flouzat Guy; Laporterie Florence; Lefevre-Fonollosa Marie-Jose; Lopez-Ornelas Erick
Present trends in earth terrestrial surfaces observation from space. Expected payloads, data cooperation and image analysis
2002 ►
Lafon Dominique; Ramananantoandro Tahiana
Color images
2002 ►
Lauschmann Hynek; Raček Ondrej; Tuma Michal; Nedbal Ivan
Textural fractography
2002 ►
Stoyan Dietrich
Simulation and characterization of random systems of hard particles
2002 ►
Jeulin Dominique
Modelling random media
2002 ►
Hobolth Asger; Vedel-Jensen Eva B
Stereological analysis of shape
2002 ►
Serra Jean
Morphological descriptions using three-dimensional wavefronts
2002 ►
Wojnar Leszek
Stereology from one of all the possible angles
2002 ►
Andre Gilles; Hess Sigrid; Mering Catherine
Gray tone filtering on ERS-SAR images applied to change detection and mapping
2002 ►
Komenda Jacek; Maroli Barbara; Hoeglund Lars
Recognitioon of patterns on fracture surfaces by automatic image analysis
2002 ►
Hanbury Allan; Serra Jean
Mathematical morphology in the CIELab space
2002 ►
Jernot Jean-Paul; Jouannot-Chesney Patricia; Lantuejoul Christian; Nouet Gerard; Ruterana Pierre
Topological localisation of defects at atomic scale
2002 ►
Lacaze Jacques; Arnal Alexis; Dupuy Jean-Luc; Poquillon Dominique
Separation of the inter- and intra-particle porosity in images of powder compacts
2002 ►
Bodlak Karel; Balasundaram Arun; Gokhale Arun M; Beneš Viktor
Characterization of bivariate size-orientation distribution on circular plate particles
2002 ►
Lauschmann Hynek; Nedbal Ivan
Auto-shape analysis of image textures in fractography
2002 ►
Popa Ana Maria; Chaix Jean-Marc
Quantitative image analysis of microstructure evolution during solid state sintering of W-Cu
2002 ►
Anguy Yannick; Belin Sophie; Ehrlich Robert; Ahmadi Azita
Interpretation of mercury injection experiments using a minimum set of porous descriptors derived by quantitative image analysis
2002 ►
Courbebaisse Guy; Trunde Frederic; Jourlin Michel
Wavelet transform and lip model
2002 ►
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