biomedicina slovenica |
re="Image Anal Stereol" : 301-395
Ogilvie Steven; Isakov Evgeny; Taylor Colin; Glover Paul
A new high resolution optical method for obtaining the topography of fracture surfaces in rocks
2002 ►
Sozanska Maria; Iacoviello Francesco; Cwajna Jan; Jerome Michael; Sojka Jaroslav; Galland Jacques
Quantitative analysis of fatigue fracture surface in the duplex steel
2002 ►
Laporterie Florence; Flouzat Guy; Amram Oliver
The morphological pyramid and its applications to remote sensing: multiresolution data analysis and features extraction
2002 ►
Blacher Silvia; Maquet Veronique; Jerome Robert; Pirard Jean Paul
Image analysis characterization of highly oriented freeze-drying porous materials
2002 ►
Cecchi Emmanuelle; Lavest Jean-Marc; Van Wyk de Vries Benjamin
Videogrammetric reconstruction applied to volcanology: perspectives for a new measurement technique in volcano monitoring
2002 ►
Bonton Pierre; Boucher Alain; Thonnat Monique; Tomczak Regis; Hidalgo Pablo J; Belmonte Jordina; Galan Carmen
Colour image in 2D and 3D microscopy for the automation of pollen rate measurement
2002 ►
Mering Catherine; Chopin Franck
Granulometric maps from high resolution satellite images
2002 ►
Mitić Vojislav V; Nikolić Zoran S; Mitrović Ivona; Jordović Branka; Brankov Vladimir
The application of stereology method for estimating the number of 3D BaTiO3 - ceramic grains contact surfaces
2001 ►
Douiri Nisrine; Khoudeir Majdi; Olivier Christian
Roughness characterization of an indoor environment
2001 ►
Donnadieu Patricia; Matsuda Kenji; Epicier Thierry; Douin Joel
Measurements of strain fields due to nanoscale precipitates using the phase image method
2001 ►
Chermant Jean-Louis; Boitier Guillaume; Darzens Severine; Coster Michel; Chermant Liliane
Damage morphological parameters
2001 ►
Bezrukov Alexander; Stoyan Dietrich; Bargiel Monika
Spatial statistics for simulated packings of spheres
2001 ►
Kaerkkaeinen Salme; Vedel-Jensen Eva B
Estimation of fibre orientation from digital images
2001 ►
Flin Frederic; Brzoska Jean-Bruno; Lesaffre Bernard; Coleou Cecile; Lamboley Pascal
Computation of normal vectors of discrete 3D objects: application to natural snow images from X-ray tomography
2001 ►
Delarue Arnaud; Jeulin Dominique
Multi-scale simulation of spherical aggregates
2001 ►
Lagoute Jerome; Zambelli Tomaso; Martin Stephane; Gauthier Sebastien
Spatial repartition of current fluctuations in a scanning tunneling microscope
2001 ►
Kestener Pierre; Lina Jean-Marc; Saint-Jean Philippe; Arneodo Alain
Wavelet-based multifractal formalism to assist in diagnosis in digitized mammograms
2001 ►
Kervrann Charles
Bayesian image segmentation through level lines selection
2001 ►
Boulc'h Florence; Schoulder Marie-Claude; Donnadieu Patricia; Chaix Jean-Marc; Djurado Elisabeth
Domain size distribution of Y-TZP nano-particles using XRD and HRTEM
2001 ►
Jernot Jean-Paul; Jouannot-Chesney Patricia; Lantuejoul Christian
Evaluating the Euler-Poincare characteristic of a set using a spatial tessellation
2001 ►
Garcia David; Courbebaisse Guy; Jourlin Michel
Image analysis dedicated to polymer injection molding
2001 ►
Beucher Serge
Geodesic reconstruction, saddle zones and hierarchial segmentation
2001 ►
Arnould Xavier; Coster Michel; Chermant Jean-Louis; Chermant Liliane; Chartier Thierry; Elmoataz Abder
Segmentation and grain size of ceramics
2001 ►
Hlubinka Daniel; Beneš Viktor
Prediction of the extremal shape factor of spheroidal particles
2001 ►
Balagurunathan Yoganand; Dougherty Edward; Frančišković-Bilinski Stanislav; Bilinski Halka; Vdović Neda
Morphological granulometric analysis of sediment images
2001 ►
Wilson Richard J; Nott David J
Review of recent results on excursion set models
2001 ►
Stoyan Dietrich; Stoyan Helga; Tscheschel Andre; Mattfeldt Torsten
On the estimation of distance distribution functions for point processes and random sets
2001 ►
Shen Hong
New concepts and test methods of curve profile area density in surface: estimation of areal density on curved spatial surface
2001 ►
Hao Chongyang; Qi Min; Heute U; Moraga C
New method for fast image edge detection based on subband decomposition
2001 ►
Umesh-Adiga PS; Knight Samantha JL; Chaudhuri BB
Characterization and automatic counting of F.I.S.H. signals in 3-D tissue images
2001 ►
Gadek Artur; Wojnar Leszek; Czerwinski Edward
Effect of histomorphometric parameters on compression strength of vertebral bodies
2001 ►
Wojnar Leszek; Szydlowski Leslaw; Marek-Szydlowska Teresa
A new, other than acoustic, quantification method for endocardium detection in echocardiographic images
2001 ►
Sahin Buenyamin; Aslan Hueseyin; Unal Buenyami; Canan Sinan; Bilgic Sait; Kaplan Sueleyman; Tumkaya Levent
Brain volumes of the lamb, rat and bird do not show hemispheric asymmetry: a stereological study
2001 ►
Mayhew Terry M
Fibrin-type firbinoid in human placenta: a stereological analysis of its association with intervillous volume and villous surface area
2001 ►
Liu Guoquan; Yu Haibo
Experimental evaluation of stereological methods for determining 3D grain size and topological distributions
2000 ►
Stroeven Piet; Stroeven Martijn
Assessment of particle packing characteristics at interfaces by space system
2000 ►
Liu Guoquan; Yu Haibo
On the sampling of serial sectioning technique for three dimensional space-filling grain structures
2000 ►
Garcia-Finana Marta; Cruz-Orive Luis M
Fractional trend of the variance in Cavalieri sampling
2000 ►
Chia Joanne; Baddeley Adrian
Accuracy of estimates of volume fraction
2000 ►
Keith Jonathan M; Gay Stephen L
Estimating volume distributions using maximum entropy
2000 ►
Spencer Steven; Sutherland David
Stereological correction of mineral liberation grade distributions estimated by single sectioning of particles
2000 ►
Aboav David A
An attempt at an algebraic theory of crystal structure. Part 4
2000 ►
Goldsmith Noel T
Deep focus; a digital image processing technique to produce improved focal depth in light microscopy
2000 ►
Kubinova Lucie
Dr. Ivan Krekule (1934-2000)
2000 ►
Cloetens Peter; Ludwig Wolfgang; Boller Elodie; Peyrin Francoise; Schlenker Michel; Baruchel Jose
3D imaging using coherent synchrotron radiation
2002 ►
Nachtigal Petr; Semecky Vladimir; Gojova Andrea; Kopecky Martin; Beneš Viktor; Juzkova Radka
The application of stereological methods for the quantitative analysis of the atherosclerotic lesions in rabbits
2002 ►
Brown Julian; Briscoe Todd A; Harding Richard; Cock Megan L; Bertram John F; Black Jane M
Glomerular number and capillary dimensions in the normal lamb kidney
2002 ►
Mayhew Terry M
Cross-correlation analysis of the spatial interactions between tissue compartments of the renal corpuscle
2002 ►
Ikpatt Offiong Francis; Kuopio Teijo; Collan Yrjoe
Nuclear morphometry in African breast cancer
2002 ►
Akdogan Ilgaz; Unal Nedim; Adiguzel Esat
Estimation of the number of neurons in the hippocampus of rats with penicillin induced epilepsy
2002 ►
Haacke Mark E; Herigault Gwen; Yu Yingjian; Kido Daniel; Tong Karen; Obenaus Andre; Reichenbach Juergen R
Observing tumor vascularity noninvasively using magnetic resonance imaging
2002 ►
Kim Dae-Shik; Ugurbil Kamil
Bridging the gap between neuroimaging and neuronal physiology
2002 ►
Hasan Khader M; Parker Dennis L; Alexander Andrew L
Magnetic resonance water self-diffusion tensor encoding optimization methods for full brain acquisition
2002 ►
Kendall Edward; Gong Zhao; Tuchek John; Obenaus Andre
Physical and chemical caharacteristics of neurological injury in an avian model of primary generalized epilepsy
2002 ►
Graves Edward E; Pirzkall Andrea; McKnight Tracy R; Vigneron Daniel B; Larson David A; Verhey Lynn J; McDermott Michael; Chang Susan; Nelson Sarah J
Use of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging data in planning focal radiation therapeies for brain tumors
2002 ►
Fricout Gabriel; Cullen-McEwen Luise A; Harper Ian S; Jeulin Dominique; Bertram John F
A quantitative method for analysing 3-D branching in embryonic kidneys: development of a technique and preliminary data
2002 ►
Zagrouba Ezzeddine; Barhoumi Walid
Semiautomatic detection of tumoral zone
2002 ►
Sajko Špela; Kubinova Lucie; Kreft Marko; Dahmane Raja; Wernig Anton; Eržen Ida
Improving methodological strategies for satellite cells counting in human muscle during ageing
2002 ►
Marcos Ricardo; Rocha Eduardo; Monteiro Rogerio AF
Stereological estimation of Ito cells from rat liver using the optical fractionator - a preliminary report
2002 ►
Ruijter Jan M; Hagoort Jaco; de Boer Piet AJ; Moorman Antoon FM
Calibration of densitometry in radio-isotopic in situ hybridization
2001 ►
Soufan Alexandre T; Ruijter Jan M; van den Hoff Maurice; Moorman Antoon FM
Quantitative 3D reconstructions as identification tool in heart development
2001 ►
Bertram John F; Johnson Kelli; Hughson Michael D; Hoy Wendy E
Renal glomerular number and size in Australian aborigines, African Americans and white populations from the same locations: a preliminary report
2001 ►
Sajko Špela; Kubinova Lucie; Kreft Marko; Dahmane Raja; Wernig Anton; Eržen Ida
Improving methodological strategies for satellite cells counting in human muscle during ageing
2001 ►
Tomori Zoltan; Krekule Ivan; Kubinova Lucie
Disector program for unbiased estimation of particle number, numerical density and mean volume
2001 ►
Zaitoun Abdul M; Record Christopher O; Al-Mardini Hanan
Sequential quantitative analysis of oval cell proliferation in thioacetamide treated rats
2001 ►
Košmelj Katarina; Cedilnik Anton; Veranič Peter; Zupančič Gregor; Rupnik Marjan; Kocmur-Bobanović Laura; Zorec Robert
Intergranule fusion in rat pars intermedia cells
2001 ►
Kališnik Miroslav; Blejec Andrej; Pajer Zdenka; Majhenc Janja
Metric characteristics of various methods for numerical density estimation in transmission light microscopy - a computer simulation
2001 ►
Zimanyi Monika A; Bertram John F; Black Jane M
Nephron number in the offspring of rats fed a low protein diet during pregnancy
2000 ►
Petersen Peter M; Pakkenberg Bente
Stereological quantitation of Leydig and Sertoli cells in the testis from young and old men
2000 ►
Clausen Helle V; Gundersen Hans JG; Larsen Lise G
Stereological estimation of tubular length from thin vertical sections
2000 ►
Rodenacker Karsten; Hahn Klaus; Winkler Gerhard; Auer Dorothea P
Spatio-temporal data analysis with non-linear filters: brain mapping with fMRI data
2000 ►
Shen Hong
11 years of biostereology in China
2000 ►
Rodenacker Karsten; Bruehl Andreas; Hausner Martina; Kuehn Martin; Liebscher Volkmar; Wagner Michael; Winkler Gerhard; Wuertz Stefan
Quantification of biofilms in multi-spectral digital volumes from confocal laser-scanning microscopes
2000 ►
Pierret Alain; Moran Chris J; McLachlan Colin B; Kirby John M
Measurement of root length density in intact samples using x-radiography and image analysis
2000 ►
Brown Sheena M; Napper Ruth M; Mercerl Alison R
Analysis of structural plasticity in the honey bee brain using the Cavalieri estimator of volume and the disector method
2000 ►
Insausti Ana M; Insausti Ricardo; Cruz-Orive Luis M; Manrique Manuel
Stereological analysis of the cochlear nuclei of monkey (Macaca fascicularis) after deafferentation
2000 ►
De Bri Edin; Lei Wei
Biochemical and histological effects of tetracyclines on spontaneous osteoarthritis in guinea pigs
2000 ►
Muche Lutz; Rother Paul; Friesenegger Antje; Geupel Markus
Evaluation of inhomogeneities in histological structures (cartilage, retina)
2000 ►
Petersen Peter M; Giwercman Aleksander; Gundersen Hans J; Pakkenberg Bente
Efficient and unbiased tools for quantitating Leydig and Sertoli cells in the testis from testes biopsies
2000 ►
Bertram John F; Cahill Meroe M
Glomerular capillary growth and cellular hyperplasia in a model of focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis
2000 ►
Johnson Kelli J; Wreford Nigel G; Hoy Wendy G; Betram John F
Estimating total glomerular number in human kidneys with a physical disector/fractionator combination
2000 ►
Miki Takanori; Harris Simon J; Wilce Peter; Takeuchi Yoshiki; Bedi Kuldip S
A stereological analysis of the effect of early postnatal ethanol exposure on neuronal numbers in rat dentate gyrus
2000 ►
Stroeven Piet
Stereological estimates for roughness and tortuosity in cementitious composites
2000 ►
Lopez Philippe; Riss Joelle; Gentier Sylvie; Flamand Rock; Archambault Guy; Bouvet Soizic
Image analysis for modelling shear behaviour
2000 ►
Enns Ernest; Smith Bruce
How many lobsters are in the sea?
2000 ►
Nagata Tetsuji
Three-dimensional observations on thick biological speciments by high voltage electron microscopy
2000 ►
Parkinson Ian; Fazzalari Nick
Fractal analysis of trabecular bone: a standardised methodology
2000 ►
Juetting Uta; Gais Peter; Rodenacker Karsten; Boehm Joachim; Hoefler Heinz
MIB-1, AgNOR and DNA distribution parameters and their prognostic value in neuroendocrine tumours of the lung
2000 ►
Badsberg-Samuelsen Grethe; Bogdanović Nenad; Laursen Henning; Graem Niels; Falck-Larsen Joergen; Pakkenberg Bente
Total cell number in fetal brain
2000 ►
Napper Ruth MA
Total number: a brief review of its importance and its use in assessing cerebellar damage in the rat following early postnatal alcohol exposure
2000 ►
Ruijter Jan M; Markman Marry M; Hagoort Jaco; Moorman Antoon FM; Lamers Wouter H
Relative distance: the key to the shape of hepatic building blocks
2000 ►
Vedel-Jensen Eva B
On the variance of local stereological volume estimators
2000 ►
Yang Zhengwei; Zhang Rendong; Wen Xiaohong; Huang Anpei
Caveat on the error analysis for stereological estimates
2000 ►
DeHoff Robert T
Probes, populations, samples, measurements and relations in stereology
2000 ►
Eržen Ida
Good luck to "Image analysis and stereology" (ex Acta stereologica)!
2000 ►
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