biomedicina slovenica

vo="adult" : 901-1.000

  1. Sala Francesco; Niimi Yasunari; Kržan Matevž J; Berenstein Alex; Deletis Vedran
    Embolization of a spinal arteriovenous malformation: correlation between motor evoked potentials and angiographic findings: technical case report
  2. Modic Mojca; Zver Samo
    Zdravljenje kronične idiopatične trombotične trombocitopenične purpure s splenektomijo
    [Management of chronic idiopathic thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura with splenectomy]
  3. Domazet-Fink Jadranka; Pestevšek Maja; Novak-Antolič Živa
    Fetomaternalna krvavitev - diferencialna diagnostika ob prikazu primera
    [Fetomaternal haemorrhage - differential diagnosis - case report]
  4. Adamicova K; Fetisovova Ž; Peč J; Cingel P; Parobekova K; Chromej I
    Impact of systemic psoriasis treatment on the lesional T-lymphocyte subtypes
  5. Triller Nadja; Debeljak Andrej; Kecelj Peter; Žolnir-Dovč Manca; Tomič Viktorija; Kern Izidor; Drinovec Igor; Trinkaus-Leiler Darinka; Fležar Matjaž; Petrinec-Primožič Marija; Koren Igor; Terčelj-Zorman Marjeta; Eržen Janez; Šorli Jurij
    Smernice za bronhoskopijo z upogljivim bronhoskopom
    [Flexible bronchoscopy guidelines]
  6. Košnik Mitja; Korošec Peter; Šilar Mira; Mušič Ema; Eržen Renato
    Wasp venom is appropriate for immunotherapy of patients with allergic reaction to the European hornet sting
  7. Pfeifer Marija
    GH replacement therapy in adults with GHD improves vascular reactivity
  8. Pfeifer Marija
    Peak cortisol response to insulin tolerance test: how reproducible is it really? Author's reply
  9. Pfeifer M; Verhovec R; Žižek B
    Growth hormone (GH) and atherpsclerosis: changes in morphology and function of major arteries during GH treatment
  10. Pfeifer Marija; Kanc Karin; Verhovec Renata; Kocijančič Andreja
    Reproducibility of the insulin tolerance test (ITT) for assessment of growth hormone and cortisol secretion in normal and hypopituitary adult men
  11. Koren Aleš
    Magnetic resonance spectroscopy: an overview of the method and its application in clinical neuroradiology
    [Magnetna resonančna spektroskopija. Pregled metode in njena uporaba v klinični neuroradiologiji]
  12. Kovačič Primož; Jamar Breda
    Gastroparesis in a young diabetic patient
    [Gastropareza pri mladi bolnici s sladkorno boleznijo. Prikaz primera]
  13. Borković Zdravko; Srdoč Dubravka; Bedalov Goran
    Incomplete spontaneous ureteral disruption
    [Nepopolna spontana raztrganina. Prikaz primera]
  14. Klobučar Dragica
    Vloga defektologa pri obravnavi pozneje oglušelih odraslih osebah
  15. Cvetko E; Skalerič U
    Radiološka analiza prisotnih zob v čeljustih glede na starost in spol preiskovancev
    [Radiological analysis of tooth loss according to gender and age]
  16. Grošelj D; Ferkolj I; Seme K
    Zdravstveno stanje zob in parodoncija ter razjeda dvanajstnika
    [Health status of soft and hard oral tissues in patients with duodenal ulcer]
  17. Šaula-Fabijanič Ljubinka
    Razširjenost kajenja med vojaki na služenju vojaškega roka
    [Spreading of smoking cigarettes among conscripts]
  18. Masetti Wolfgang; Keckstein Joerg; Kanfolf Otmar
    Laparoscopic sacral hysteropexy: a surgical management of uterine prolapse in young women
  19. Volfand Jasna; Furlan Jana
    Odkrivanje celiakije in alergije za pšenico pri odraslih s funkcionalnimi boleznimi prebavil
  20. Škofljanc Tanja; Jagodic Veronika; Dolar Martina
    Zdravstvena nega otroka in odraslega bolnika z meningitisom
    [Nursing care of children and adults with meningitis]
  21. Grmec Štefek; Jelatancev Alina; Marinšek Martin
    Specifičnosti oskrbe srčnega zastoja pri akutni hudi astmi v predbolnišničnem okolju - prikaz primera
    [Specific management of cardiorespiratory arrest due to acute severe asthma in prehospital care - case report]
  22. Grmec Štefek; Hren Tatjana; Vidovič Damjan
    Nenadno nastala bolečina v trebuhu s sliko hemoragičnega šoka - diferencialna diagnoza pri mlajši ženski - prikaz primera
    [Acute abdominal pain with signs of hemorrhagic shock - differential diagnosis in a young women - a case report]
  23. Škufca Mateja; Zelinka Marko
    Težave pri razpoznavi vzroka nezavesti izven bolnišnice - prikaz primera
    [Difficulties in recognising the cause of unconsciousness in prehospital environment - case report]
  24. Grom Igor; Kariž Stojan; Ambrožič Jana; Štefanič Borut
    Prikaz usodne zastrupitve z MDMA (ecstasy)
    [Case report of fatal MDMA (ecstasy) intoxication]
  25. Starc Radovan; Reschner Hrvoje
    Disekcija venčne arterije kot vzrok AKS
    [Spontaneous primary dissection of a coronary artery as a cause of ACS]
  26. Trontelj Jože V; Mihelin Marjan; Khuraibet Adnan
    Safety margin at single neuromuscular junctions
  27. Mekjavić Igor B; Tipton Michael J; Gennser Mikael; Eiken Ola
    Motion sickness potentiates core cooling during immersion in humans
  28. Mekjavić Igor B; Exner Jason A; Tesch Per A; Eiken Ola
    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy does not affect recovery from delayed onset muscle soreness
  29. Tipton MJ; Mekjavić Igor B; Eglin CM
    Permanence of the habituation of the initial responses to cold-water immersion in humans
  30. Ciammaichella Rita A; Mekjavić Igor B
    The effect of nitrous oxide-induced narcosis on aerobic work performance
  31. Tipton MJ; Golden FS; Higenbottam C; Mekjavić Igor B
    Temperature dependence of habituation of the initial responses to cold-water immersion
  32. Tipton MJ; Franks GM; Meneilly GS; Mekjavić Igor B
    Substrate utilisation during exercise and shivering
  33. Passias Thanasis C; Meneilly Graydon S; Mekjavić Igor B
    Effect of hypoglycemia on thermoregulatory responses
  34. Anderson GS; Meneilly GS; Mekjavić Igor B
    Passive temperature lability in the elderly
  35. Anderson Gregory S; Ward Richard; Mekjavić Igor B
    Gender differences in physiological reactions to thermal stress
  36. Eiken O; Tesch PA; Mekjavić Igor B
    Effect of nitrous oxide on human skeletal muscle function
  37. White Matthew D; Mekjavić Igor B
    Comparison of core threshold temperatures for forehead sweating based on esophageal and rectal temperatures
  38. Hoyer Silvestra
    Stališča in vrednostni sistem mater kot dejavnik uspešnega dojenja
  39. Tretjak Martin; Gorjup Vojka; Možina Matija; Horvat Matija; Noč Marko
    Cerebral and coronary gas embolism from the inhalation of pressurized helium
  40. Zupan Igor; Noč Marko; Trinkaus Darinka; Popović Mara
    Double vessel extension of spontaneous left main coronary artery dissection in young women treated with thrombolytics
  41. Marin J; Jeler-Kačar D; Levstek V; Maček V
    Persistence of viruses in upper respiratory tract of children with asthma
  42. Salobir Barbara; Šabovič Mišo; Peternel Polona; Stegnar Mojca
    Fibrinolytic parameters and lipoprotein(a) in young women with myocardial infarction
  43. Dobnik Mojca
    Odnos študentov do HIV pozitivnih
    [Attitude of students towards the HIV positive]
  44. Potokar Maja
    The relationship between muscle strength and standing balance after anterior cruiciate ligament reconstructed knee
  45. Janša Rado
    Raznolikost celiakije pri odraslih
  46. Sordi E; Concetta-Fargnoli M; Sordi O; Peris K
    Eruptive xanthomas as revealing sign of type V hyperlipoproteinemia in a patient with a psychotic syndrome
  47. Kosin Miro
    Kirurško zdravljenje prirojenih srčnih napak pri odraslih
  48. Koželj Mirta
    Obravnava prirojenih srčnih napak pri odraslih
  49. Dai Klara; Holc Iztok
    Prikaz zdravljenja dveh bolnic s seropozitivnim revmatoidnim artritisom
    [The treatment of rheumatoid arthritis - two case reports]
  50. Glogovšek Martin; Puklavec Ludvik
    Zaplet pri zdravljenju s tirostatikom
    [The toxicity of thionamides - case report]
  51. Glogovšek Martin; Puklavec Ludvik
    Prikaz bolnika z akutnim tiroiditisom
    [Patient with acute thyroiditis - case report]
  52. Holinger Lauren D; Barnes David R; Šmid Lojze J
    Laryngocele and saccular cysts
  53. Geršak Borut; Lakić Nikola; Gorjup Vojka; Gulić Tanja; Berden Pavle; Šuligoj-Černič Nataša
    Right ventricular metastatic choriocarcinoma obstructing inflow and outflow tract
  54. Medica I; Logar N; Peterlin B
    Characteristics of myotonic dystrophy in Istria: molecular genetic approach. Part 2: Analysis of genetic polymorphisms
  55. Karpljuk D; Videmšek M; Štihec J; Karpljuk K
    The effect of individually adapted experimental program of walking on the heart rate
  56. Berčič H
    Nekatere značilnosti gibalno/športne dejavnosti prebivalcev Slovenije
    [Some characteristics of physical and sport activities of the Slovene population]
  57. Zaletel-Kragelj L; Fras Z; Maučec-Zakotnik J; Gruntar-Činč M
    Physical activity in adults in Slovenia - CINDI health monitor survey 2001 results
  58. Zaletel-Kragelj L; Gabrijelčič-Blenkuš M; Maučec-Zakotnik J; Gruntar-Činč M
    Food habits in adults in Slovenia - CINDI health monitor survey 2001 results
  59. Jakovljević M; Kacin A
    Influence of regular Tai Ji Quan exercising on some health related fitness components in elderly
  60. Šebeštjen M; Žegura B; Keber I
    Both cerivastatin and fenofibrate improve arterial vasoreactivity in patients with combined hyperlipidaemia
  61. Završnik Matej
    Isulinom: (Prikaz primera)
  62. Zavratnik Andrej; Šubic Jurij
    Huda osteomalacija pri bolnici s celiakijo (prikaz primera)
  63. Jarc-Vidmar Martina; Popović Petra; Hawlina Marko; Brecelj Jelka
    Elektrookulografija in slikovna elektroretinografija v diagnostiki Bestove viteliformne distrofije
    [Electrooculography and pattern ERG in the diagnostics of Best's vitelliform distrophy]
  64. Štabuc-Šilih Mirna; Lamovec Janez; Štabuc Borut
    Vnetni psevdotumor orbite z malignim potekom
    [Inflammatory orbital pseudotumor with a malignant course]
  65. Trebše R; Rotter A; Pišot V
    Chondroblastoma of the patella associated with an aneurysmal bone cyst
  66. Tonin Martin; Saciri Valdet; Veselko Matjaž; Rotter Aleksander
    Progressive loss of knee extension after injury. Cyclops syndrome due to a lesion of the anterior cruciate ligament
  67. Koek Tanja; Hojs Radovan
    Antagonisti receptorjev za angiotenzin II in proteinurija
    [Angiotensin II receptor antagonists and proteinuria]
  68. Calle EE; Heath CW-Jr; Miracle-McMahill HL; Coates RJ; Liff JM; Franceschi S; Košmelj K; Primic-Žakelj M; Ravnihar B; Stare J
    Breast cancer and hormonal contraceptives: further results
  69. Bračko Matej; Us-Krašovec Marija; Čufer Tanja; Lamovec Janez; Zidar Andreja; Goehde Wolfgang
    Prognostic significance of DNA ploidy determined by high-resolution flow cytometry in breast carcinoma
  70. Lamovec Janez; Pogačnik Ana
    Metastatic medulloblastoma to the breast
  71. Sajko Špela; Kubinova Lucie; Kreft Marko; Dahmane Raja; Wernig Anton; Eržen Ida
    Improving methodological strategies for satellite cells counting in human muscle during ageing
  72. Mavri Alenka; Stegnar Mojca; Sentočnik Jožica T; Videčnik Viktor
    Impact of weight reduction on early carotid atherosclerosis in obese premenopausal women
  73. Mavri A; Alessi MC; Bastelica D; Geel-Georgelin O; Fina F; Sentočnik JT; Stegnar M; Juhan-Vague I
    Subcutaneous abdominal, but not femoral fat expression of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) is related to plasma PAI-1 levels and insulin resistance and decreases after weight loss
  74. Dahmane Raja
    Hietokemična, morfometrična in biomehanska primerjava miŠic zgornjega in spodnjega uda
    [The histochemical, morphometric and biomechanical comparison of the upper and the lower limb muscles]
  75. Pfeifer Marija
    Pomanjkanje rastnega hormona pri odraslih - vpliv nadomestnega zdravljenja z rekombinantnim humanim rastnim hormonom na aterogenezo
    [Growth hormone (GH) deficiency in adults - effects of recombinant human GH replacement on atherogenesis]
  76. Wilcox Allen J; Day-Baird Donna; Dunson David; McChesney Ruth; Weinberg Clarice R
    Omejitve testov za ugotavljanje nosečnosti glede na pričakovani začetek menstruacije
    [(Natural limits of pregnancy testing in relation to the expected menstrual period)]
  77. Reljič M; Vlaisavljević V; Gavrič-Lovrec V; Kovačič B; Čižek-Sajko M; Petrovič V
    IVF and ICSI in unstimulated cycles
  78. Rotar-Pavlič Danica; Ivas Nada
    Zdravje odraslih prebivalcev - dejavnost splošne medicine
  79. Kovačić M; Gračner T; Gračner B
    Indirect traumatic optic neuropathy - two case report
  80. Domanovič D; Završnik T; Vesel S
    Autologous placental blood transfusion after a planned neonatal pacemaker implantation
  81. Žerdoner Danijel; Žgank Jože
    Hunsuck-Epkerjev način operacije mandibularne prognatije
    [Surgery of manibular prognathism according to Hunsuck-Epker approach]
  82. Kurnik Janez
    Kostni tumorji pri odraslih
  83. Tomažič Anton; Drobnič Matej
    Nenadno oteklo in boleče koleno pri odraslem
  84. Gerlach Herwig
    No inhalation in adult ARDS - a failed trial?
  85. Špec-Marn Ana
    Sepsa pri odraslem bolniku
  86. Bulc Mateja; Švab Igor; Yaphe John
    The countrywide integrated noncommunicable disease intervention programme (CINDI) and the effects of healthcare system reform in Slovenia
  87. Battelino Tadej
    Fitoestrogeni in hormonsko pogojeni procesi
  88. Strom Brian L; Schinnar Rita; Ziegler Ekhart E; Barnhart Kurt T; Sammel Mary D; Macones George A; Stallings Virginia A; Drulis Jean M; Nelson Steven E; Hanson Sandra A
    Kako vpliva uživanje sojinega mleka v dojenčkovem obdobju na endokrinološke in reproduktivne sposobnosti mladih odraslih
    [Exposure to soy-based formula in infancy and endocrinological and reproductive outcomes in young adulthood]
  89. Furlan Jana
    Alergija pri odraslih: prehranska preobčutljivost
  90. Mušič Ema; Pokorn Dražigost; Latković Barbara
    Zdrava prehrana odraslih, ki imajo neugodne reakcije in alergijo za hrano
  91. Šelb JG
    Sindrom HELLP: diferencialno diagnostični problem - prikaz primera
  92. Štivan-Robar S; Vintar N
    Bradikardija in srčni zastoj med spinalno anestezijo
  93. Pompe Borut
    Ocena displazije kolkov z biomehanskimi in rentgenskimi parametri
  94. Hribar-Habinc M
    Mednarodne smernice 2000 za temeljne postopke oživljanja odraslih
  95. Anonymous ;
    Zaključni povzetek tretjega poročila Strokovnega sveta za odkrivanje, opredelitev in zdravljenje visoke ravni holesterola pri odraslih v sklopu Državnega programa izobraževanja o holesterolu. (Smernice za zdravljenje odraslih III)
    [Executive summary of the third report of the National cholesterol education program (NCEP): expert panel on detection, evaluation, and treatment of high blood cholesterol in adults. (Adult treatment panel III)]
  96. Zorc Metka; Legan Mateja; Zorc-Pleskovič Ruda; Vraspir-Porenta Olga
    Case report: 42-year-old man with diffuse and distal coronary artery disease and chronic chlamydial infection
  97. Klemenc Matjaž
    Aktivnost avtonomnega živčnega sistema in diastolična disfunkcija levega prekata pri mladih hipertonikih
    [Activity of the autonomic nervous system and diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle in young hypertensive patients]
  98. Maver Jerica; Štrucl Martin
    Central and local microvascular reactivity in normotensive subjects with a family history of hypertension
    [Centralni in lokalni vplivi na odzivnost drobnega žilja pri normotonikih, družinsko obremenjenih s hipertenzijo]
  99. Drinovec Igor
    Kronična obstruktivna pljučna bolezen, dihalna stiska
  100. Špec-Marn Ana

   401 501 601 701 801 901 1.001 1.101 1.201 1.301  

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