biomedicina slovenica

"Conservation" : 301-336

  1. Sket Boris
    The anchihaline habitats, a dispersed "center" of biotic diversity
  2. Sasowski Ira D; Fong Daniel W; White Elizabeth L
    Conservation and protection of the biota of Karst. Extended abstracts and field-trip guide for the symposium held; 1997 Feb 13-16; Nashville
  3. Trontelj Peter
    Der Wachtelkoenig Crex crex in Slowenien: Bestand, Verbreitung, Habitat und Schutz
    [The corncrake Crex crex in Slovenia: status, distribution, habitat and conservation]
  4. Podboj Jernej
    Endoskopska kirurgija mukoke lobnosnih votlin
    [Endoscopic surgery for mucoceles of the paranas al sinuses]
  5. Godina K
    Alergijske bolezni kože pri zaposlenih v zdravstvu
    [Allergic skin diseases affecting the staff in public health service institutions]
  6. Rant JJ; Milič Z; Nemec I; Istenič J; Smodiš B
    Neutron and x-ray radiography in the conservation of the roman dagger and sheath
  7. Rant JJ; Pregl G; Milić Z; Nemec I; Stade J; Kaling M
    An example of using neutron radiography in the conservation of ancient weapons
  8. Rant J; Nemec T; Milič Z; Pregl G
    Application of neutron radiography in archaeology
  9. Rant J; Nemec T; Apih V; Stade J; Cluzeau S
    Status of neutron radiology methods in the study of moisture in porous building materials and their perspectives in the conservation of historical monuments
  10. Bolješič R
    Mednarodni simpozij s področja varstva narave: Washingtonska konvencija
    [International agreements in the field of nature conservations. 2. The Washington convention]
  11. Martinčič A
    Bryophyte site register for Europe including Macaronesia. Part 3: Yugoslavia
  12. Sket Boris
    Podzemeljski habitati v Sloveniji - ogroženost in varstvo
    [Hypogean habitats in Slovenia - their endangerment and conservation]
  13. Pavlakovič I
    Ugotavljanje uspešnosti metod shranjevanja za izbrane industrijsko pomembne glive
    [Comparison of conservation methods of three industrially important fungi]
  14. Bolješič R
    Mednarodni sporazumi s področja varstva narave: Ramsarska konvencija
    [International treaties on nature conservation: the Ramsar convection]
  15. Herman Srečko
    Presaditev kosti
    [Transplantation of bone]
  16. Toman MJ
    Nutrients loading and seasonal changes of planktonic communities in the river reservoir
  17. Žerdoner D
    Cialitno konzervirana spongioza kot polnilo cističnih defektov v čeljustnicah
    [Cialit-preserved cancellous bone as a filler of cystic defects in the jaws]
  18. Sket B
    Conservation of sites important their hypogean fauna - a proposal
  19. Čelik T
    Dnevni metulji (Lep.: Papilionidea in Hesperioidea) kot bioindikatorska skupina za ekološko ocenjevanje in naravovarstveno vrednotenje Planinskega polja
    [Butterflies (Lep.: Papilionoidea in Hesperioidea) as bioindicator group for assessment of natural conservation value of Planinsko polje]
  20. Kotnik V; Fleischmann WR Jr
    A simple and rapid method to determine hematopoietic growth factor activity
  21. Martinčič A
    Rdeči seznam ogroženih listnatih mahov (Musci) v Sloveniji
    [The red list of treatened mosses (Musci) in Slovenia]
  22. Sket B
    Rdeči seznam ogroženih živali podzemeljskih voda v Sloveniji
    [The red list of the inhabitants of hypogean waters in Slovenia]
  23. Velikonja M
    Rdeči seznam ogroženih sladkovodnih trdoživnjakov (Hydrozoa) v Sloveniji
    [The red list of endangered freshwater Hydrozoa in Slovenia]
  24. Sket B
    Rdeči seznam ogroženih pijavk (Hirudinea) v Sloveniji
    [The red list of endangered Hirudeinea in Slovenia]
  25. Sket B; Brancelj A
    Rdeči seznam ogroženih sladkovodnih nižjih rakov (Entomostraca: Anostraca, Cladocera, Copepoda, Ostracoda) v Sloveniji
    [The red list of freshwater Entomostraca (Anostraca, Cladocera, Copepoda, Ostracoda) in Slovenia]
  26. Potočnik F
    Rdeči seznam ogroženih mokric (Isopoda terrestria, Crustacea) v Sloveniji
    [The red list of endangered Isopoda terrestria (Crustacea) in Slovenia]
  27. Sket B
    Rdeči seznam ogroženih sladkovodnih višjih rakov (Malacostraca aquatica: Isopoda, Amphipoda, Decapoda) v Sloveniji
    [The red data list endangered freshwater Malacostraca: (Isopoda aquatica, Amphipoda, Decapoda) in Slovenia]
  28. Kos I
    Rdeči seznam egroženih strig (Chilopoda) v Sloveniji
    [The red list of endangered Chilopoda in Slovenia]
  29. Krušnik C
    Rdeči seznam ogroženih mladoletnic (Insecta, Trichoptera) v Sloveniji
    [The red list of endangered Trichoptera (Insecta) in Slovenia]
  30. Sket B
    Rdeči seznam ogroženih vrst dvoživk (Amphibia) v Sloveniji
    [The red list of endangered Amphibia in Slovenia]
  31. Wraber T; Čarni A
    Prispevek k flori Prekmurja
    [Contribution to the Flora of Prekmurje (NE Slovenia)]
  32. Wraber T; Skoberne P
    Rdeči seznam ogroženih praprotnic in semenk SR Slovenije
    [The red data list of treatened vascular plants in socialistic republic of Slovenia]
  33. Kryštufek B
    Hrček (Cricetus cricetus Linnaeus, 1978; Rodentia, Mammalia) edini stepski sesalec v slovenski favni
    [Hamster (Cricetus cricetus Linnaeus, 1975; Rodentia, Mammalia) the only steppe mammal in the Slovenia fauna]
  34. Jež M
    Bela štorklja (Ciconia ciconia L.) v Sloveniji v letu 1979
    [The white stork (Ciconia ciconia L.) in Slovenia in the year 1979]
  35. Gregori J; Matvejev D
    Predlog rdečega seznama ptičev Slovenije
    [Proposal of the bird red data list of Slovenia (Yugoslavia)]
  36. Strgar V
    Rhododendron luteum Sweet - kalitev semena z naravnih rastišč v Sloveniji
    [Rhododendron luteum Sweet - the germination of seed from the natural habitats in Slovenia]

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