biomedicina slovenica

"ID" : 1.201-1.300

  1. Cankar Ksenija; Vidmar Jernej; Nemeth Lidija; Serša Igor
    Kartiranje relaksacijskega časa T2 kot orodje za oceno zobne pulpe
    [T2 mapping as a tool for assessment of dental pulp]
  2. Žugec Maja; Potokar Maja
    Experimental models for studying migratory potential of astrocytes
  3. Gkoutos Georgios V.; Mallon Ann-Marie; Blake A.; Greenaway Simon; Hancock John M.; Davidson D.
    Ontologies for the description of mouse phenotypes
  4. Gkoutos Georgios V.; Mallon Ann-Marie; Hancock John M.; Davidson Duncan
    Using ontologies to describe mouse phenotypes
  5. Hancock John M.
    A bigger mouse?
  6. Mallon Ann-Marie; Wilming Laurens; Weekes Joseph; Gilbert James G. R.; Ashurst Jennifer; Peyrefitte Sandrine; Matthews Lucy; Cadman Matthew; McKeone Richard; Hancock John M.
    Organization and evolution of a gene-rich region of the mouse genome
  7. Gkoutos Georgios V.; Green E. C. J.; Mallon Ann-Marie; Hancock John M.
    Building mouse phenotype ontologies
  8. Santibáñez-Koref Mauro F.; Gangeswaran Rathithevy; Santibañez Koref I. P.; Shanahan N.; Hancock John M.
    A phylogenetic approach to assessing the significance of missense mutations in disease genes
  9. Pogorevčnik Lea; Robida Anja; Wittebrood Joyce
    Primerjava med Cyber nožem in tomoterapijo v homogenosti doze znotraj PTV in prizadetostjo rektuma pri bolnikih z rakom prostate
    [Comparison between Cyberknife and tomotherapy in dose homogeneity inside PTV and rectal sparing in prostate cancer patients]
  10. Shahmuradov Ilham A.; Gammerman Alex J.; Hancock John M.; Bramley Peter M.; Solovyev Victor V.
  11. Nadižar Nejc
    17th CFGBC Symposium
  12. Hancock John M.
    Genome size and the accumulation of simple sequence repeats
  13. Albà M. Mar; Laskowski Roman A.; Hancock John M.
    Detecting cryptically simple protein sequences using the SIMPLE algorithm
  14. McGregor Alistair P.; Shaw Philip J.; Hancock John M.; Bopp Daniel; Hediger Monika; Wratten Naomi S.; Dover Gabriel A.
    Rapid restructuring of bicoid-dependent hunchback promoters within and between Dipteran species
  15. Grilc Sonja; Kreft Marko; Luzar Boštjan; Gabrijel Mateja; Bartenjev Mark Sergej; Zorec Robert; Bartenjev Igor
    Histological skin remodeling following autologous fibroblast application
  16. Milisav Irina
    Glikemija, oksidativna poškodba molekul in staranje
  17. Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika
    The use of simulation in primary care education
  18. Rotar-Pavlič Danica
    V primežu številnih sprememb
  19. Matjašič Alenka; Pečnik Nejka Jerneja; Starc Tina
    Klinična presoja v radiološki tehnologiji
    [Clinical audit in radiologic technology]
  20. Mravlje Jure; Hostnik Maja; Zahija Iva; Kujović Amela; Starič Pia; Brajnik Zala
    Tretji Doktorski dan Bi(o)znanosti?
  21. Hancock John M.; Worthey Elisabeth A.; Santibáñez-Koref Mauro F.
    A role for selection in regulating the evolutionary emergence of disease- causing and other coding CAG repeats in humans and mice
  22. Mann Christopher J.; Anderson Timothy A.; Read Jacqueline; Chester Ann; Harrison Georgina B.; Köchl Silvano; Ritchie Penelope J.; Hancock John M.
    The structure of vitellogenin provides a molecular model for the assembly and secretion of atherogenic lipoproteins
  23. Bradbury Paul; Griffith Mann C.; Köchl Silvano; Anderson Timothy A.; Chester Ann; Hancock John M.
    A common binding site on the microsomal triglyceride transfer protein for apolipoprotein B and protein disulfide isomerase
  24. Hancock John M.; Shaw P. J.; Bonneton F.; Dover Gabriel A.
    High sequence turnover in the regulatory regions of the developmental gene hunchback in insects
  25. Albà M. Mar; Santibáñez-Koref Mauro F.; Hancock John M.
    Amino acid reiterations in yeast are overrepresented in particular classes of proteins and show evidence of a slippage-like mutational process
  26. Choe Chong Pyo; Hancock John M.; Hwang Ui Wook; Kim Won
    Analysis of the primary sequence and secondary structure of the unusually long SSU rRNA of the soil bug, Armadillidium vulgare
  27. Graf von der Schulenburg J. Hinrich; Hancock John M.; Pagnamenta Alistair; Sloggett John J.; Majerus Michael E. N.; Hurst Gregory D. D.
    Extreme length and length variation in the first ribosomal internal transcribed spacer of ladybird beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)
  28. Martens Monika; Danhieux Katrien; Zavrnik Črt; Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Poplas-Susič Tonka; Van Olmen Josefien
    COVID-19 influence on NCD prevention, care and research in primary care
  29. Ogrič Manca; Žigon Polona; Podovšovnik Eva; Lakota Katja; Sodin-Šemrl Snežna; Rotar Žiga; Čučnik Saša
    Differences in SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody responses after the first, second, and third doses of BNT162b2 in naïve and previously infected individuals
  30. Hancock John M.; Vogler Alfried P.
    How slippage-derived sequences are incorporated into rRNA variable-region secondary structure
  31. Hancock John M.; Hancock John M.; Santibáñez-Koref F.
    Trinucleotide expansion diseases in the context of micro- and minisatellite Evolution Hammersmith Hospital, April 1‐3, 1998
  32. Hancock John M.; Vogler Alfried P.
    Modelling the secondary structures of slippage-prone hypervariable RNA regions
  33. Vogler Alfried P.; Welsh Alexandra; Hancock John M.
    Phylogenetic analysis of slippage-like sequence variation in the V4 rRNA expansion segment in tiger beetles (Cicindelidae)
  34. Hellamand P.; Van de Sande M. G. H.; Midtb L.; Klausch T.; Nurmohamed M.; Van Vollenhoven Ronald F.; Nordström Dan C.; Rotar Žiga; Tomšič Matija
    Sex differences in effectiveness of first- line tumor necrosis factor inhibitors in axial spondyloarthritis
  35. Glinšek Biškup Urška; Ihan Alojz
    Temeljna mikrobiologija in imunologija
  36. Jelenc Marjetka; Vidovič Maruška; Sambt Jože; Sedlak Sabina
    Absenteeism due to dementia and its growing economic consequences in Slovenia in the period 2015-2019
  37. Šoba Barbara; Ihan Alojz
    Oportunistični in tropski paraziti
  38. Gosar David; Zajc Avramovič Mojca; Emersic N.; Šušterič M.; Šömen Maja Maša; Osredkar Damjan; Avčin Tadej
    Cognitive and psychosocial outcome in children with multisystem inflammatory syndrome following SARS-COV-2 infection
  39. Kurtjak Mario; Kereïche Sami; Klepac Damir; Križan Hrvoje; Perčić Marko; Krušić Alić Vedrana; Lavrin Teja; Lenassi Metka; Wechtersbach Karmen; Kojc Nika
    Unveiling the native morphology of extracellular vesicles from human cerebrospinal fluid by atomic force and cryogenic electron microscopy
  40. Hancock John M.
    Simple sequences and the expanding genome
  41. Djian Philippe; Hancock John M.; Chana Harjinder S.
    Codon repeats in genes associated with human diseases
  42. Hancock John M.; Chaleeprom Witcha; Chaleeprom Worawan; Dale James; Gibbs Adrian J.
    Replication slippage in the evolution of potyviruses
  43. Hancock John M.
    The contribution of DNA slippage to eukaryotic nuclear 18S rRNA evolution
  44. Rohozinski Jan; Hancock John M.; Keniry Max A.
    Polycytosine regions contained in DNA hairpin loops interact via a four-stranded, parallel structure similar to the i-motif
  45. Hancock John M.; Armstrong John S.
  46. Rus Hoelzel A.; Hancock John M.; Dover Gabriel A.
    Generation of VNTRs and heteroplasmy by sequence turnover in the mitochondrial control region of two elephant seal species
  47. Hancock John M.
    Evolution of sequence repetition and gene duplications in the TATA-binding protein TBP (TFIID)
  48. Rus Hoelzel A.; Hancock John M.; Dover Gabriel A.
    Evolution of the cetacean mitochondrial D-loop region
  49. Linares Andrés Ruiz; Hancock John M.; Dover Gabriel A.
    Secondary structure constraints on the evolution of Drosophila 28 S ribosomal RNA expansion segments
  50. Hancock John M.; Dover Gabriel A.
    Molecular coevolution among cryptically simple expansion segments of eukaryotic 26S/28S rRNAs
  51. Tautz Diethard; Hancock John M.; Webb David A.; Tautz Christiane; Dover Gabriel A.
    Complete sequences of the rRNA genes of Drosophila melanogaster
  52. Curk Nejc; Mihelič Katarina
    Pooperativna oskrba bolnika po obojestranski transplantaciji pljuč zaradi okužbe s SARS-CoV-2
  53. Dukić Vuković Tanja; Camlek Luka
    Zdravljenje otroka s Covidom-19 v enoti intenzivne terapije
  54. Pavlović Tamara
    Opis primera zdravljenja bolnika z zelo hudim potekom covida-19 in številnimi zapleti
  55. Reberc Tamara; Drobne Anja
    Izzivi zdravstvene nege pri preprečevanju razjede zaradi pritiska v enoti za intenzivne terapije v času epidemije COVID-19
  56. Jereb Matjaž
    Covid-19 in intenzivna terapija
    [Covid-19 and intensive care unit]
  57. Ožek Branka; Rigler Igor
    Obravnava bolnika s subarahnoidno krvavitvijo na oddelku intenzivne medicine
  58. Hancock John M.; Wagner Rolf
    A structural model of 5S RNA from E. coli based on intramolecular crosslinking evidence
  59. Gradišek Primož; Kramarič Anja; Bošnjak Roman; Ravnik Janez
    Posodobitev nacionalnih priporočil za obravnavo poškodovancev s hudo poškodbo glave ‐ multidisciplinarno sodelovanje
    [Update of national recommendations for the management of severe traumatic brain injury ‐ a multidisciplinary approach]
  60. Hancock John M.
    Biological ontologies and semantic biology
  61. Hancock John M.; Zvelebil Marketa J.
    Concise encyclopaedia of bioinformatics and computational biology
  62. Rotar-Pavlič Danica
    Depression and the role of primary care
  63. Iosifidis Christos; Liu Jingshu; Gale Theodora; Ellingford Jamie M; Campbell Christopher; Ingram Stuart; Chandler Kate; Parry Neil R.A.; Black Graeme C. M.; Sergouniotis Panagiotis I.
    Clinical and genetic findings in TRPM1-related congenital stationary night blindness
  64. Hancock John M.; Tautz Diethard; Dover Gabriel A.
    Evolution of the secondary structures and compensatory mutations of the ribosomal RNAs of Drosophila melanogaster
  65. Hancock John M.; Dover Gabriel A.
    'Compensatory slippage' in the evolution of ribosomal RNA genes
  66. Petrušková Aneta; Stokin Gorazd Bernard
    Mechanisms underlying axonal transport of amyloid precursor protein (APP)
    [Mechanismy zajišťující axonálni transport amyloidního prekurzorového proteinu (APP)]
  67. Grisold Wolfgang; Struhal Walter; Grisold Thomas
    Advocacy in neurology
  68. Ostojić Sergej M.
    Clinical bioenergetics
  69. Ahlin Doljak Sara; Buturović-Ponikvar Jadranka; Ebert Moltara Maja; Globokar Roman; Ošlaj Borut; Pražnikar Aleš; Reberšek Gorišek Jelka; Zwitter Matjaž; Zupanič Slavec Zvonka; Golob Peter
    O vprašanjih življenja in umiranja
  70. Levstek Tina; Cokan Vujkovac Andreja; Vujkovac Bojan; Trebušak Podkrajšek Katarina
    Identification of microRNAs with possible involvement in the development and progression of Fabry nephropathy
  71. Golob Janina; Kanduti Domen; Skrjanc Lenart; Carrico Caroline K.; Deeb George R.
    Comparison of accuracy and time for four implant placement techniques supporting fixed-partial denture
  72. Pušić Maja; Klančič Teja; Knific Tamara; Vogler Andrej; Schmidt Ronny; Schröder Christoph; Lanišnik-Rižner Tea
    Antibody arrays identified cycle-dependent plasma biomarker candidates of peritoneal endometriosis
  73. Pivač Sanela; Pesjak Katja
    Digitalizacija in edukacija v zdravstvenih vedah
    [Digitalization and education in health sciences]
  74. Hancock John M.; Zvelebil Marketa J.
    Dictionary of bioinformatics and computational biology
  75. Karas Kuželički Nataša; Šmid Alenka; Vidmar Maša; Kek Tina; Geršak Borut; Mazić Uroš; Mlinarič-Raščan Irena; Geršak Ksenija
    A common polymorphism in the MTHFD1 gene is a modulator of risk of congenital heart disease
  76. Selinšek Jasna; Moller Petrun Andreja
    Pojavnost hiperlaktatemije pri bolnikih po operacijah na srcu v enoti intenzivne terapije v UKC Maribor ter njena povezava z dolžino hospitalizacije in smrtnostjo
  77. Šmigoc Tomaž; Moller Petrun Andreja; Voršič Matjaž; Bunc Gorazd; Ravnik Janez
    Nevrološki izid in zapleti po dekompresijskih kraniektomijah zaradi poškodbe glave v UKC Maribor
  78. Pavlič Renata; Gjorgoska Marija; Lanišnik-Rižner Tea
    Model cell lines and tissues of different HGSOC subtypes differ in local estrogen biosynthesis
  79. Rotar-Pavlič Danica; Kavčič Sara; Maksuti Alem
    Spletno poučevanje na Medicinski fakulteti v času pandemije COVID-19 v Sloveniji
    [Online teaching at Faculty of medicine during COVID-19 pandemic in Slovenia]
  80. Šubelj Maja; Simonovič Zoran; Kostnapfel Tatja; Serdt Mojca; Glavan Uroš; Korošec Aleš
    Spremljanje porabe protimikrobnih zdravil v Sloveniji v letu 2020, ki ga je zaznamovala epidemija COVID-19
    [Monitoring the use of antimicrobial drugs in Slovenia in 2020, marked by the COVID-19 epidemic]
  81. Truden-Dobrin Polonca; Šubelj Maja; Beović Bojana
    Evidence-informed policy brief za predpisovanje antibiotikov stanovalcem domov za starejše
    [Evidence-informed policy brief for prescribing antibiotics to residents in long-term care facilities]
  82. Makivić Irena; Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika
    Development and validation of the scale for measuring biopsychosocial approach of family physicians to their patients
  83. Bolanowski Marek; Adnan Zaina; Doknic Mirjana; Guk Mykola; Václav Hána; Ilovayskaya Irena; Kastelan Darko; Kocjan Tomaž; Kužma Martin; Nurbekova Akmaral
  84. Rossi Gian Paolo; Crimì Filippo; Rossitto Giacomo; Amar Laurence; Azizi Michel; Riester Anna; Reincke Martin; Degenhart Christoph; Widimský Jiří; Naruse Mitsuhide; Kocjan Tomaž
    Feasibility of imaging - guided adrenalectomy in young patients with primary aldosteronism
  85. Samson Susan Leanne; Nachtigall Lisa B; Fleseriu Maria; Molitch Mark E; Giustina Andrea; Haviv Asi; Biermasz Nienke; Jensterle Sever Mojca
    Safety comparison of 40- vs 60- mg/day doses of oral octreotide capsules for treatment of acromegaly in the chiasma optimal trial
  86. Jensterle Sever Mojca; Rakuša Matej; Vidmar Gaj; Janež Andrej; Kocjan Tomaž
    Diagnostic value of basal cortisol level to predict adrenal insufficiency in patients treated with glucocorticoids during COVID-19
  87. Škoberne Andrej; Jensterle Sever Mojca
    Laboratory evidence of hyperaldosteronism is common in patients with kidney stones ‐ a retrospective single-center analysis
  88. Jensterle Sever Mojca; Ferjan Simona; Ležaič Luka; Sočan Aljaž; Zaletel Katja; Janež Andrej
    Once-weekly semaglutide delays a late phase gastric emptying of solid meal measured by repeated scintigraphic imaging in obese women with PCOS
  89. Kocjan Tomaž; Vidmar Gaj; Popović Peter; Stankovič Milenko
    Validation of three novel clinical prediction tools for primary aldosteronism subtyping
  90. Age-dependent and sex-dependent disparity in mortality in patients with adrenal incidentalomas and autonomous cortisol secretion
  91. Filipič Bratko; Gradišnik Lidija; Pereyra Gonzales Adriana; Mazija Hrvoje
    The immunomodulatory activity in-vitro of NDV ZG1999HDS in comparison to NDV La Sota
  92. Škrgat Sabina; Soklič Tanja; Urbančič Jure; Zidarn Mihaela
    Biološka zdravila v sodobnem zdravljenju hudih oblik astme in kroničnega rinosinuzitisa
    [Treatment with biologics in severe asthma and chronic rhinosinusitis]
  93. Murphy Adrianna; Šubelj Maja; Babarczy Balázs; Köhler Kristina; Chapman Evelina; Truden-Dobrin Polonca; Oliver Kathryn; Nahrgang Saskia; Reinap Marge; Kuchenmüller Tanja
    An evaluation of the evidence brief for policy development process in WHO EVIPNet Europe countries
  94. Ravnik-Glavač Metka; Goričar Katja; Vogrinc David; Koritnik Blaž; Lavrenčič Jakob Gašper; Glavač Damjan; Dolžan Vita
    Genetic variability of inflammation and oxidative stress genes affects onset, progression of the disease and survival of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  95. Papst Lea; Kotnik-Kevorkijan Božena
    Ali je čas, da spremenimo priporočila za zdravljenje in preprečevanje okužb s Clostridioides difficile?
    [Is it time to update recommendations for treatment and prevention of Clostridioides difficile infections?]
  96. Horvat Katja; Novak Šarotar Brigita
    Dve pandemiji
  97. Nahtigal Klevišar Mirjam; Nadrah Kristina
    Novosti pri zdravljenju okužb z odpornimi po gramu negativnimi povzročitelji
    [Treatment of infections causedy by multidrug-resistant gram-negative bacteria]
  98. Bratkovič Tomaž
    Monoklonska protitelesa za preprečevanje migrene
    [Monoclonal antibodies for the prevention of migraine]
  99. Pelikan Sebastian; Vidovič Eva; Bon Jurij; Novak Šarotar Brigita
    Vloga stresa in epigenetskih dejavnikov pri anksiozno-depresivnih stanjih
  100. Bahovec Natalija; Plankar Srovin Tina; Seme Katja
    Izzivi antibiotičnega zdravljenja pljučnic pri otrocih
    [Challenges of antibiotic treatment of pneumonia in children]

   701 801 901 1.001 1.101 1.201 1.301 1.401 1.501 1.601  

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