biomedicina slovenica

"Journal" : 22.467-22.566

  1. Karrer K; Denck H; Karnicka-Mlodkowska H; Drings P; Eržen J; Dell'Amore D; Thermann M; Salzer GM; Sun Y; Liao ML; Chen D
    Surgery for cure followed by combined modality treatment for small cell bronchial carcinoma
  2. Soldo A; Radonjić M; Jurin M
    Improvement of immunity in tumor bearing mice by isoprinosine (modimunal)
  3. Serša G; Batista U; Krošl G; Rudolf Z
    Influence of soluble tumor products on adherence of MNC and tumor growth rate
  4. Rudolf Z; Serša G; Krošl G
    Monocyte maturation index in cancer patients
  5. Marin J; Šoba E
    Detection of EBV IgA anti-VCA in suspected cases of rhinopharynx carcinoma
  6. Krošl G; Rudolf Z; Serša G
    Colony formation of peripheral blood lymphocytes in patients with malignant melanoma
  7. Kotnik V; Perko A; Vozelj M; Bizjak-Schwarzbartl M
    Venous blood and lymphatic nodules lymphocyte subpopulation arrangement analysis in healthy persons and patients with lymphomas of B cell type
  8. Wraber-Herzog Branka; Kotnik Vladimir; Vozelj Marjan; Sok Miha
    Immunoreactivity of lung CEA
  9. Simčić S; Vozelj M
    Chemical cross-linking and preparation of alkaline phosphatase conjugates for ELISA
  10. Povšič L; Wraber-Herzog B; Ručman R; Kopitar Z
    Antidihydroergotamine antibodies: production and development of RIA for dihydroergotamine
  11. Čurin V; Babnik J; Kos J; Turk V; Gubenšek F
    "ELISA" determination of chicken cystatin in chicken
  12. Humar I; Brkljačić Lj; Kaštelan A; Drinovec J
    Contemporary approach to renal transplantation - international study
  13. Vizjak A; Rozman B; Pišek K; Plešivčnik M
    Immune deposits in the skin of patients with systemic connective tissue diseases
  14. Kotnik V; Povšič L; Vozelj M
    Partial isolation and determination of guinea pig's migration inhibition or macrophage activating factor (MIF-MAF) molecular weight
  15. Šuman L; Vasiljevski M; Dolinšek A
    Laboratorijske životinje u Jugoslaviji: popis vrsta i adrese uzgajališta
    [Laboratory animals in Yugoslavia: addresses of breading colonies]
  16. Plemenitaš A; Komel R
    Secondary alcohol dehydrogenase of Mycobacterium smegmatis involved in cyclohexene derivative oxidation
  17. Turk T; Maček P
    Effect of different membrane lipids on the hemolytic activity of equinatoxin II from Actinia equina
  18. Šuput D
    Effects of equinatoxin on the membrane of skeletal muscle fibre
  19. Šmigoc K; Brumen M; Svetina S
    pH dependence of oxygen binding to human hemoglobin described by generalized Adair equation
  20. Šentjurc M; Morse PD; Swartz HM
    Influence of metabolic inhibitors on the nitroxide reduction in the cells
  21. Prelesnik T; Demšar F; Nemec M; Pečar S; Schara M
    The nitroxide interaction with ascorbate
  22. Podgornik R; Žekš B; Cevc G
    The influence of the water structure on the van der Waals forces between macroscopic bodies in solution
  23. Matejević D; Pavlović M; Nestorović J; Janković V
    Effect of cyclic nucleotides on the glycogenolitic and inotropic response of the myocardium of the rat heart
  24. Lorenčič N; Starc V
    Degrees of freedom of the cross-bridge movement in the three dimensional myofilament lattice
  25. Lestan B; Koren A; Nemec M; Schara M
    Respiration rate measurement in mitochondrial preparations by EPR
  26. Lahajnar G; Podgornik R; Žekš B
    Hydration forces and conformation of DNA
  27. Lahajnar G; Maček P; Anžur M; Lebez D
    Pulsed NMR study of erythrocyte haemolysis induced by equinatoxin II
  28. Kralj V; Svetina S; Žekš B
    Effect of water ordering and finite size of ions on the membrane electric potential in electrolyte solutions
  29. Korbelik M; Škrk J; Suhar A; Schauer P; Turk V
    The role of intracellular proteinases in proliferative activities of mammalian cells in culture
  30. Kidrič J; Lasič D; Zagorc S; Hadži D
    Fusion of phospholipid vesicles and induced permeability for paramagnetic ions by the antimycotic drug ketoconazole
  31. Jezernik K; Bajd B
    Changes of tight junction elements during the separation of enterocytes
  32. Hadži D
    Molecular mechanism of receptor triggering
  33. Gubenšek F; Ritonja A; Kocjan D
    Difference CD study of the interaction of kallikrein with BPTI and Vipera ammodytes venom trypsin inhibitor I.
  34. Filipič B; Schauer P; Keše D; Likar M
    Effect of interferon on the phospholipids and cholesterol in nontransformed and transformed cells
  35. Batista U; Maček P; Sedmak B
    The influence of equinatoxin II on V-79-379 cell line
  36. Kališnik M; Vraspir-Porenta O; Kham-Lindtner T; Logonder-Mlinšek M; Pajer Z; Štiblar-Martinčič D; Zorc-Pleskovič R; Trobina M
    The interdependance of the follicular, parafollicular, and mast cells in the mammalian thyroid gland: a review and a synthesis
  37. Bole-Vunduk B; Simonišek P
    Alpha-agonistic activity of the ergot alkaloid dihydroergosine in comparison with clonidine in the circulatory system of the pithed rat
  38. Drinovec J; Bren A; Guček A; Benedik M; Ponikvar R; Kandus A; Močivnik M; Malovrh M; Ličina A; Stropnik Z
    Are aminoglycosides essential in the treatment of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) peritonitis ?
  39. Drinovec J; Močivnik M; Bren A; Kandus A; Ponikvar R; Kveder R; Benedik M; Malovrh M
    The clinical evaluation of biofiltration
  40. Matjašič Marko; Vojnovič M; Mesec Blaž; Vegnuti Miljana; Kamnar H; Hojnik I; Šegula I
    Organizacija gospodinjske pomoči starim na domu - ugotavljanje potreb po pomoči ter spremljanje in evalvacija akcij uvajanja te pomoči
  41. Macarol-Hiti M
    Poročilo o delu organov sanitarne inšpekcije v letu 1986
  42. Mikuž T
    Uporaba zdravil za zdravljenje hipertenzije
  43. Mikuž T
    Medikamentozno zdravljenje angine pektoris
  44. Česen M
    Zasebno delo v zdravstvu - nujnost?
    [Private practise within the health services - necessity?]
  45. Zupan C
    Kratkovidnost pri nosečnicah
    [Myopia of pregnant women]
  46. Ravnikar B
    Nekaj zapažanj o gibanju respiratornih bolezni v SR Sloveniji
  47. Kraker-Starman A
    Za uspešno varstvo okolja nam ne manjka tehničnih rešitev, manjka nam psihična spreobrnitev
  48. Pečavar A
    Mesto in vloga preventivne medicine v reševanju okološke problematike
  49. Macarol-Hiti M
    Poročilo o izvajanju programa usklajenega inšpekcijskega nadzora za zmanjšanje onesnaženosti in ogroženosti okolja v SR Sloveniji
  50. Mis D
    Ugotovitve, stališča in predlogi k poročilu Izvršnega sveta Skupščine SR Slovenije o stanju na področju reševanja problematike onesnaževanja okolja (ESA - 166)
  51. Arko U
    Zdravstvena problematika smučarskega travmatizma v Sloveniji
    [Health problems of ski traumatism in Slovenia]
  52. Žalar A
    Visok krvni tlak na področju SR Slovenije v letih 1975-1984 po podatkih zdravstveno-statistične poročevalske službe
    [Hypertension in SR Slovenia during the period 1975-1984 with respect to health statistics report service data]
  53. Kos A
    Epidemiološki pristopi k psihosocialnim motnjam in koncepcija varstva duševnega zdravja otrok
    [Epidemiological approaches to psychological disorders and the conception of child mental health]
  54. Eržen I
    Epidemiološke značilnosti klopnega meningoencefalitisa v Sloveniji leta 1985
    [Epidemiological characteristics of tick-borne encephalitis in Slovenia in the year 1985]
  55. Anonymous ;
    Nomenklatura poklicev za dejavnost zdravstvenega varstva
  56. Kelšin N; Kraigher A
    Nalezljive bolezni v vzgojnovarstveni organizaciji
  57. Vodnjov M
    Poročilo o opravljenih higiensko-tehničnih pregledih vzgojnovarstvenih ustanov v Koroški regiji v šolskem letu 1986/87
  58. Molka L
    Družinsko okolje in vrtec kot rizična dejavnika za pogosto obolevanje predšolskih otrok
  59. Kelšin N; Poglavšek S
    Izbrani podatki o obolevnosti otrok 0-6 let
  60. Kelšin N
    Spremljanje obolevnosti v vzgojnovarstvenih organizacijah
  61. Močnik-Košenina M
    Preventivno delo pri anomalijah drže
  62. Japelj A
    Pomembnost priložnostne igrače
  63. Verbič N
    Rojstvo otroka z vidika zdravstvene vzgoje v VVO
  64. Krajnc-Simoneti S
    Naš vrtec za "nov življenski stil" na Slovenskem
  65. Anonymous ;
    Kazalci o delu zdravstvene dejavnost v SR Sloveniji za leta 1982 do 1986
  66. Štrbenk N; Hribovšek T; Mikuž T; Pirih M; Pečar-Čad S; Antolič G; Arko B; Benedik M; Blaznik R; Budihna M; Darovec J; Košir T; Krbavčič A; Marolt-Gomišček M; Pečovnik K; Štrukelj M; Vrbinc J
    Ambulantno predpisovanje zdravil v SR Sloveniji in zdravstvenih regijah v letu 1986
  67. Fortič B
    Program za efikasnije suzbijanje razbolevanja od tuberkuloze u SFR Jugoslaviji
  68. Ustar-Latković M
    Diagnostički standardi i klinička klasifikacia plućne tuberkuloze
  69. Pavlović M; Radošević Z; Pavičić F
    Kriteriji za ocjenu radne sposobnosti tuberkuloznih bolesnika
  70. Debevec M
    Savremene terapijske mogućnosti za lečenje malignoma pluća i pleure
    [Current therapeutic possibilities in the treatment of malignant tumors of the lung and pleura]
  71. Živković Dj; Kostić H; Živković M
    Koncept savremenog lečenja tuberkuloze
    [Concept of a modern treatment of tuberculosis]
  72. Rebić P; Radosavljević G; Jovanović D
    Uticaj cevastog produžetka usnika spray-a na delovanje bronhodilatatora
    [Influence of a tube extension on the bronchodilator efficacy of drug delivered from a metered dose inhalers]
  73. Ajanović E
    Vrijednosti simultanog testiranja respiracijskog kvocijenta i ventilacijskog ekvivalenta u otkrivanju ranih poremećaja funkcije kod kroničnih nespecifičnih oboljenja pluća
    [The value of simultaneous testing of respiratory coefficient and ventilation equivalent in detection the early funcional disorders in chronic nonspecific lung diseases]
  74. Pongrac I; Roglić M; Karadža J; Slobodnjak Z; Peharec I
    Intraoperativna citodijagnostika
    [Intraoperative cytologic diagnosis]
  75. Jeler E; Kanič D
    Tuberkuloza jednjaka
    [Tuberculosis of the esophagus]
  76. Jeler E; Pihler J; Žvokelj-Križan B; Šoda I
    Hemoragični pleuritis prouzrokovan salmonellom
    [Hemorrhagic pleuritis caused by Salmonella]
  77. Pongrac I; Roglić M; Treščec K; Petrak A
    Citologija metastatskog hondrosarkoma u pleuralnom izljevu
    [Cytology of metastatic chondrosarcoma in pleural effusion]
  78. Orel J; Golouh R; Hrabar B
    Castlemanova bolest
    [Castleman's disease - two case report and a review of the literature]
  79. Volner Z; Kudlek M; Sudić D; Šehić M; Čuljak K
    Tuberkuloza pasa kao antropozoonoza
    [Tuberculosis in the dogs as zoonosis]
  80. Radosavljević G; Raković J; Ristić S; Jovanović D
    Karcinom bronha i sekundarne zapaljenske promene u plućima
    [Bronchial carcinoma and secondary inflammatory pulmonary lesions]
  81. Mitrović D; Mitrović M; Rebić P; Mitrović S; Dragović M
    Poremećaji strujanja vazduha kroz disajne puteve u bolesnika sa postprimarnom tuberkulozom pluća i restrikcionim poremećajima ventilacije
    [Airflow disturbances in patients with postprimary tuberculosis and restrictive ventilatory disorders]
  82. Bekić A; Grozdek D; Pavlović M; Čučević I; Sušac A
    Endobronhalna tuberkuloza kao pseudotumor bronha
    [Endobronchial tuberculosis manifested as bronchial pseudotumour]
  83. Mijušković B; Dergenc-Švabić Z; Jovanović D; Špadijer Z; Nagorni L
    Metastaze u mozgu kod karcinoma bronha
    [Metastatic changes in brain at advanced bronchogenic carcinoma]
  84. Radosavljević G; Dergenc-Švabić Z; Jovanović D
    Pleuropulmonalne promene u uremijskom sindromu
    [Pleuropulmonary changes in uremic syndrome]
  85. Debeljak A; Šorli J; Zupančič M; Remškar J
    Bronhoskopske karakteristike sarkoidoze
    [Bronchoscopic characteristics of sarcoidosis]
  86. Piršič B
    Profesionalna oboljenja disajnih puteva u industriji keramičkih pločica
    [Occupational respiratory diseases in the production of ceramic slabs]
  87. Džananović D
    Umrljivost šolskih otrok in mladine v starosti 7-18 let v SR Sloveniji v letu 1986
  88. Anonymous ;
    Zdravstveno varstvo šolskih otrok in mladine v letu 1986
  89. Eckhardt S; Szanto J; Cerar O; Chylak V; Hernadi Z; Hindy I; Jozsef S; Juhos E; Kolarić K; Plesničar S
    Activity of epirubicin in combination chemotherapy of advanced ovarian cancer
  90. Lamovec J
    Breast sarcoma
  91. Jereb B; Us-Krašovec M; Červek J; Soos E
    Intrapleural application of human leukocyte interferon (HLI) in breast cancer patients with ipsilateral pleural carcinomatosis
  92. Jerman I
    Življenje skozi očala modernega organicizma
    [Life from the standpoint of modern organicism]
  93. Vreš B
    Floristični pregled Košenjaka z okolico (severna Slovenija)
    [The floristic view of Košenjak with its surroundings (Northern Slovenia)]
  94. Tovornik D
    Morfološke značilnosti dveh pripadnikov podrodu Pholeoixodes Schulze, 1942: Ixodes hexagonus leach in Ixodes canisuga Johnston
    [Morphological features of two members of subgenus Pholeoixodes Schulze, 1942: Ixodes hexagonus leach and Ixodes canisuga]
  95. Štamol V
    Medora almissana (Kuester,1847) (Gastropoda: Clausiliidae) na otoku Braču
    [Medora almissana (Kuester, 1847) (Gastropoda: Clausiliidae) on the Island of Brač]
  96. Strgar V
    Scopolia carniolica Jacq. f. hladnikiana (Biatz. et Fleischm.) E. Mayer - dedovanje barve cvetov in razmnoževanje
    [Scopolia carniolica Jacq. f. hladnikiana (Biatz. et Fleischm.) E. Mayer - the inheritance of colour in flowers and propagation]
  97. Seliger A; Wraber T
    Nova podvrsta vrste Silene retzdorffiana (K. Maly) Walters s Kosovega (jugozahodna Srbija)
  98. Mršić N
    Opisi treh novih vrst deževnikov iz rodu Octodriloides Zicsi 1986 (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae)
    [Description of three new species of earthworm of the genus Octodriloides Zicsi 1986 (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae)]
  99. Mršić N; Šapkarev J
    Pregled deževnikov (Lumbricidae) ožje Srbije z opisi novih taksonov
    [Survey of the earthworms (Lumbricidae) of Serbia in a restricted sense and description of new taxa]
  100. Mršić N
    Alpodinaridella g. n. (Lumbricidae, Oligochaeta) in opis dveh novih monotipičnih podrodov
    [Alpodinaridella g. n. (Lumbricidae, Oligochaeta) and description on new monotypic subgenera]

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