biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.25 : 6.160-6.259

  1. Anonymous ;
    Abstract volume of the 20th annual conference of the international society for clinical biostatistic: medical informatics, clinical biostatistics and epidemiology for efficient health care and medical research; 1999 Sep 14-17; Heilderberg
  2. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the 24th international congress on occupational health; 1993 Sep 26 - Oct1; Nice
  3. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 25th international congress on occupational health; 1996 Sep 15-20; Stockholm
  4. Kornhauser Pavle
    Zbornik 23. podiplomski tečaj iz kirurgije za zdravnike splošne medicine; 1987 feb 5-7; Ljubljana
  5. Anonymous ;
    Exposure assessment, environmental epidemiology and decision making: closer interactions for better protection of public. Conference guide and programme of the 11th conference of the International society for environmental epidemiology (ISEE) and 9th conference of the International society of exposure analysis (ISEA); 1999 Sep 5-8; Athens
  6. Anonymous ;
    Programma finale 4a Riunione del Basal Ganglia Club; 1999 mag 15; Roma
  7. Grosek Š; Dragaš AZ
    Book of abstracts and workshop programme of the IFIC workshop on hospital hygiene and infection control in intensive care units; 1998 jun 3-5; Ljubljana
  8. Ribič-Pucelj Martina
    Sodobni postopki v odkrivanju in zdravljenju patologije maternične votline: zbornik prispevkov; 1998 apr 17-18; Ljubljana
  9. Anonymous ;
    Zdravnica in njen poklic: prispevki na okrogli mizi ob 6. srečanju pediatrov; 1988 jun 9-11; Maribor
  10. Balažic J
    Quality control on forensic medicine and free papers. 7th international meeting on forensic medicine Alpe - Adria - Pannonia; 1998 Jun 4-6; Bled
  11. Bilban Marjan
    Strokovni posvet Ergonomija v medicini dela; 1999 maj 21-22; Rogaška Slatina
  12. Rebernik Marjeta
    Zdrav živ-žav v slovenskem parlamentu
  13. Ruehland Dieter; Senninger Norbert; Hertel Wilhelm
    Kurzreferate 116. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Chirurgie; 1999 Apr 6-10; Muenchen
  14. Borčić B; Aleraj B
    Zbornik radova 1. kongres epidemiologa Jugoslavije; 1986 maj 7-10; Zadar
  15. Anonymous ;
    Symposium proceedings of the 4th International symposium and exhibition on environmental contamination in central and eastern Europe; 1998 Sep; Warsaw
  16. Dahms Hans-Uwe
    Program and abstracts of the 7th international conference on copepoda; 1999 July 25-31; Curitiba
  17. Stauffacher Michael
    Pompidou group project on treatment demand: final report treated drug users in 23 European cities, data 1996, trends 1996 - 97; 1999 may 4; Strasbourg
  18. Anonymous ;
    HACCP v proizvodnji in prometu z živili; Zbornik 15. seminarja; 1996 dec 5-6; Bled
  19. Anonymous ;
    Final program and abstracts of the 4th international symposium on the pregnant uterus: basic science aspects with clinical implications; 1998 oct 16-18; Debrecen
  20. Šugman Rajko; Pavlovič Mik
    "Šport - zdravje - starost". Zbornik Mednarodno znanstveno srečanje ob 100-letnici olimpionika Leona Štuklja; 1998 nov 11-14; Bled
    ["Sport - health - old age". Proceedings of the International scientific meeting at the centenary of the olimpic champion Leon Štukelj; 1998 nov 11-14; Bled]
  21. Papler Neva
    Seminar Preprečevanje pooperativnih okužb rane: zbornik 7; 1998 maj 22-23; Laško
  22. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the 6th European craniofacial congress "A new face for a new millenium"; 1999 Jun 15-18; Manchester
  23. Japelj Miha; Pučko Alenka; Štefančič-Petek Alenka
    Krkini raziskovalni dnevi. Zbornik povzetkov Mednarodni simpozij 28. Krkine nagrade; 1998 okt 28-29; Novo mesto
    [Krka's research days. Book of abstracts International symposium 28th Krka's prizes; 1998 Oct 28-29; Novo mesto]
  24. Radoš Sandra
    Dermatološki simpozij: povzetki predavanj; 1999 apr 9-10; Ljubljana
  25. Kokol Peter; Zupan Blaž; Stare Janez; Premik Marjan; Engelbrecht Rolf
    Medical informatics Europe '99
  26. Anonymous ;
    Programi aktivnosti promocije zdravja v letu 1995. Nacionalna konferenca o promociji zdravja; 1995 mar 29-30; Ljubljana
  27. Parkin DM; Kramarova E; Draper GJ; Masuyer E; Michaelis J; Neglia J; Qureshi S; Stiller CA
    International incidence of childhood cancer. Vol 2.
  28. Patnick Julietta
    Report of pre-congress seminar of the Organisation of cervical screening programmes; 1997 Mar 24-26; Paris
  29. Belicza Biserka
    Informed consent in European reality. International symposium on biomedical ethics; 1999 Feb 26-27; Zagreb
  30. Anonymous ;
    Tutorial on the use of new techniques in diagnosis of malignant lymphomas. Abstract book; 1998 Feb 2-4; Ljubljana
  31. Anonymous ;
    Cancer nursing: hope and vision. Abstracts of the 10th international conference on cancer nursing; 1998 Aug 30-Sep 4; Jerusalem
  32. Baraggino E; Wiesenfeld U
    Proceedings of the 4th meeting Alps-Adria society for gynecology; 1999 April 23-24; Grado
  33. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Long-term complications of treatment of children and adolescents for cancer; 1998 Jun 19-20; Niagara-on-the-Lake
  34. Anonymous ;
    Practising for the future: the role of oncology nurses. Proceedings book of the EONS spring convention; 1998 Apr 17-18; Leuven
  35. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 2nd international conference on comprehensive cancer care (ICCCC); 1998 Apr 29-May 3, Rhodes
  36. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik povzetkov 2. slovenski oftamološki kongres; 1997 sep 11-13; Portorož
    [2nd Slovenian congress of ophthalmology]
  37. Anonymous ;
    Abstract of the 17th International symposium of the bio acoustic council; 1998 Apr 6-11; Chartres
  38. Anonymous ;
    Mercury as a global pollutant. Book of abstract of the 5th international conference; 1999 May 23-28; Rio de Janeiro
  39. Ećimović Timi
    Through case method research and teaching towards a sustainable future. The book of abstracts of the 16th international conference Local agenda 21; 1999 Jul 7-10; Kaunas
  40. Andersen Jens Nonboe
    Management of contaminated sites and land: the Baltic states; 1999 Jun; Copenhagen
  41. Kakar Sham; Spinola Paulo
    Advances in reproduction. 10th world congress on human reproduction: expanded abstracts of the ARTA mini symposium; 1999 May 4-8; Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
  42. Geršak Borut
    Computers in biology and medicine. 9th international conference on mechanics in medicine and biology; 1996; Ljubljana
  43. Anonymous ;
    Co-ordinated research project on assessment of levels and health-effects of airborne particulate matter in mining, metal refrining and metal working industries using nuclear and related analytical techniques. Report on the 1st research co-ordination meeting (RCM); 1997 Oct 20-24; Vienna
  44. Hojs Radovan; Krajnc Ivan
    Zbornik predavanj in praktikum 9. srečanje internistov in zdravnikov splošne medicine Iz prakse za prakso z mednarodno udeležbo; 1998 maj 8-9; Maribor
  45. Reberšek-Gorišek Jelka; Baklan Zvonko; Kotnik-Kevorkijan Božena
    Okužbe s humanimi herpesvirusi. Zbornik predavanj in praktikum Bedjaničev simpozij z mednarodno udeležbo; 1999 jun 11-12; Maribor
  46. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 8th international conference on the conservation and management of lakes; 1999 May 17-21; Copenhagen
  47. Elsner Norbert; Eysel Ulf
    Proceedings of the 1st Goettingen conference of the German neuroscience society 1999 and 27th Goettingen neurobiology conference
  48. Bručan Andrej; Gričar Marko
    Urgentna medicina: izbrana poglavja 5. Zbornik 6. mednarodni simpozij o urgentni medicini; 1999 jun 16-19; Portorož
    [Emergency medicine: selected topics 5. Proceedings of the 6th international symposium on emergency medicine; 1999 Jun 16-19, Portorose]
  49. Anonymous ;
    Učna delavnica o posebni intubaciji; 1998 nov 6-7
  50. Abrams Paul; Khoury Saad; Wein Alan
    Incontinence. 1st international consultation on incontinence; 1998 Jun 28-Jul 1; Monaco
  51. Forte Janez; Lipej Lovrenc
    Zbornik referatov Biodiverziteta in varstvo slovenskega morja na pragu 21. stoletja: znanstveno srečanje ob 30. obletnici Morske biološke postaje; 1999 jun 11; Ljubljana
  52. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 6th international symposium on proteinase inhibitors and biological control; 1999 Jun 9-13; Brdo by Ljubljana
  53. Kastelic Andrej; Kosina Livio; Kostnapfel-Rihtar Tatja; Kristančič Lidija
    Povzetki 1. slovenska konferenca o odvisnosti; 1999 maj 20-22; Ljubljana
    [1st national conference on addiction in Slovenia]
  54. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstract of the 26th biennal symposium of the international evoked response audiometry study group; 1999 May 30 Jun 3; Tromso, Norway
  55. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the 2nd international multidisciplinary symposium Angioaccess for hemodialysis; 1999 May 31 Jun 2; Tours
  56. Dragaš Ana Zlata; Lorenčič-Robnik Slavica; Kotnik-Kevorkijan Božena
    Zbornik predavanj Bolnišnične okužbe; 1999 maj 21-22; Maribor
  57. Fuchs Tomaž; Rihtar Andreja; Rotner Edita
    Novo tisočletje - izziv za polnejšo starost. Zbornik 5. simpozij fizioterapevtov Slovenije; 1999 maj 6-8; Ljubljana
  58. Krčevski-Skvarč Nevenka
    Zbornik predavanj Interdisciplinarno posvetovanje o bolečini v križu; 1999 maj 7-8; Maribor
  59. Zupan Anton
    Zbornik predavanj Sodobni tehnični pripomočki in rehabilitacijska tehnologija; 1999 jun; Ljubljana
  60. Pivec Gregor; Belna Anka; Tomažič Jožica
    Zbornik predavanj Dihalne stome; 1999 apr 15-16; Maribor
  61. Kogoj Aleš
    Zdravljenje demenc: depresija in motnje spoznavnih sposobnost. Zbornik prispevkov 1. psihogeriatrično srečanje; 1998 nov 27-28; Kranjska Gora
  62. Anonymous ;
    Simpozij o nizkomolekularnem heparinu; 1999 mar 23; Ljubljana
  63. Cerar Vasilij; Premru-Sršen Tanja; Pušenjak Stanko
    Plodova rast. 6. zbornik prispevkov; 1999 jun 4-5; Otočec
  64. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik radova 4. hrvatski simpozij o invalidima; 1999 svi 10-11; Pula
  65. Potočnik Maja Marija
    Gradivo 18. strokovnega seminarja Respiracijska in kardiovaskularna fizoterapija; 1999 apr; Ljubljana
    [Proceedings of the 18th peofessional postgraduate seminar Respiratory and cardiovascular physiotherapy; 1999 Apr; Ljubljana]
  66. Pokorn Dražigost
    Zbornik referatov s seminarja Socialno medicinski vidiki debelosti; 1999 jun 4; Ljubljana
  67. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 11th International symposium Spectroscopy in theory and practice; 1999 Apr 11-15; Bled
  68. Hojs Radovan; Krajnc Ivan
    Zbornik predavanj in praktikum 10. srečanje internistov in zdravnikov splošne medicine Iz prakse za prakso z mednarodno udeležbo; 1999 maj 21-22; Maribor
  69. Bergmann G; Koelbel R; Rohlmann A
    Biomechanics: basic and applied research. Selected proceedings of the 5th meeting of the European society of biomechanics; 1986 Sep 8-10; Berlin
  70. Ferlan-Marolt Vera; Luzar Boštjan; Pavelić Krešimir; Vucelić Boris
    Proceedings of the International conference on diseases of pancreas, biliary tract and duodenum: day of dialogue in diagnostic dilemmas DDDD; 1999 May 7, Ljubljana
  71. Anonymous ;
    Knjiga sažetaka Simpozij o spolno prenosivim bolestima s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem; 1999 Tra 26-28; Dubrovnik
  72. Pogačnik Tomaž; Žvan Bojana
    Zbornik predavanj Primarni glavobol; 1999 maj 7-8; Ljubljana
  73. Rudolf M
    Bolezni in poškodbe oči
  74. Bajc Ana; Bucik Katja; Janežič Silvestra
    Ustvarjalnost v logopediji. Zbornik prispevkov 6. strokovno srečanje logopedov Slovenije; 1999 apr 14-16; Nova Gorica
  75. Tršinar Bojan
    Povzetki 1. slovenski urološki kongres z mednarodno udeležbo; 1999 maj 20-22; Brdo pri Kranju
    [Abstracts of the 1st Slovenian congress of urology with international participation; 1999 May 20-22; Brdo pri Kranju]
  76. Mencej Meta
    Uporaba zdravil v starosti
  77. Anonymous ;
    1. kongres Hrvatskog društva za elektronsku mikroskopiju s međunarodnim učešćem; 1999 svi 13-16; Zagreb
    [Proceedings of the 1st congress of the Croatian society for electron microscopy with international participation; 1999 May 13-16; Zagreb]
  78. Anonymous ;
    Simpozij o Lescolu. 17th European congress on noninvasive cardiovascular dynamics; 1995 May 29; Ljubljana
  79. Anonymous ;
    Acquired abnormalities of haemostasis. The European school of haematology; 1995 May 13-15; Paris
  80. Kraševec-Ravnik Erna; Ausec Zvone; Bobnar Tatjana; Bulc Mateja; Brcar-Štrukelj Polona; Čakš Tomaž; Grobovšek-Opara Sonja; Hočevar-Grom Ada; Hovnik-Keršmanc Marjetka; Jerman Tjaša; Komuškič Štefan; Kovač-Blaž Milena; Kraigher Alenka; Leskošek Franc; Leskovar Ivan; Mandič Srna; Maučec-Zakotnik Jožica; Mikuš-Kos Anica; Mramor Marjan; Mrvar Anton; Nolimal Dušan; Piltaver Andrej; Pozvek-Kokot Valerija; Pribošič-Peric Bojana; Pompe-Kirn Vera; Stanič-Stefan Nataša; Stantič-Pavlinič Miljana; Strojin Marja; Šelb Jožica
    Ljubljana's health profile: Ljubljana healthy city
  81. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the scientific meeting: Wertheim operation centenary 1898-1998, Cervical cancer - current status; 1998 Sep 17-19; Vienna
  82. Prosnik Branka; Žnidarič Darinka; Zupanič Ilka
    Logopedija danes za jutri. Zbornik referatov 5. srečanje logopedov Slovenije; 1995 sep 27-30; Radenci
  83. Destovnik Karl; Matovič Irena
    Poklicno usposabljanje in zaposlovanje mladostnikov s posebnimi potrebami. Zbornik prispevkov 5. defektološki izobraževalni dnevi pod pokroviteljstvom Ministrstva za delo, družino in socialne zadeve RS; 1997 maj 8-10; Portorož
  84. Poklukar Janez
    Od čebele do medu
  85. Mihelič Janez; Božič Janko
    Zbornik predavanj 21. državnega čebelarskega seminarja; 1998; Celje
  86. Zupan Anka; Kosi Gorazd; Turk Boris; Krušnik Ciril; Poboljšaj Katja; Vrhovšek Dani; Kamenšek-Gajšek Majda
    Seminar Kurikularna prenova biologije v gimnazijah in v programu srednjega strokovnega tehniškega izobraževanja; 1999 apr 16-17; Šentjur pri Celju
  87. Blinc Aleš; Kozak Matija; Poredoš Pavel; Šabovič Mišo; Šurlan Miloš
    Žilne in znotrajžilne opornice in proteze
  88. Anonymous ;
    6. dnevi oralnega zdravja Slovenije; 1998 nov 6-7; Krško
  89. Čižman Milan; Strle Franc
    Zbornik predavanj Infektološki simpozij 1999; 1999; Ljubljana
  90. Anonymous ;
    Scientific programme and abstract book of the 13th European symposium on animal, plant and microbial toxins; 1998 Apr 19-22; London
  91. Anonymous ;
    Menopausa: parliamone con la donna. Convegno nazionale; 1998 set 16; Portonovo
  92. Anonymous ;
    Pigmentary disorders from global perspective. Abstract book and final program of the satellite meeting of the 19th world congress of dermatology; 1997 Jun 22-24; Bali
  93. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 2nd Mediterranean congress of physical medicine and rehabilitation; 1998 May 20-23; Valencia
  94. Anonymous ;
    "Environmental protection and animal welfare": proceedings of abstracts of the 11th "in between" symposyum of the International society for animal hygiene; 1999 Apr 22-25; Postojna
  95. Glavič Peter; Brodnjak-Vončina Darinka
    Zbornik referatov s posvetovanja Slovenski kemijski dnevi 1998; 1998 sep 17-18; Maribor
  96. Baldasano JM; Brebbia CA; Power H; Zannetti P
    Computer simulation: 2nd international conference on air pollution. Vol 1
  97. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik referatov s posvetovanja Slovenski kemijski dnevi 1996; 1996 sep 19-20; Maribor
  98. Vezjak Marjan; Stuhler Elmar A; Mulej Matjaž
    Environmental problem solving - from cases and experiments to concepts, knowledge, tools and motivation. Proceedings of the 12th international conference on case method research and case method application; 1995 Nov 12-15; Maribor
  99. Pegan V; Vračko J; Križman I
    Izvlečki 5. kongresa endoskopske kirurgije Slovenije; 1999 apr 15-17; Kranjska gora
    [Abstracts from the 5th congress of endoscopic surgery of Slovenia; 1999 Apr 15-17; Kranjska gora]
  100. Charkviani T
    Levan Charkviani
    [Levan Charkviani: the present collection of works is developed to 75 year anniversary of professor Levan Joseph Charkviani]

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