biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.25 : 6.227-6.326

  1. Hojs Radovan; Krajnc Ivan
    Zbornik predavanj in praktikum 10. srečanje internistov in zdravnikov splošne medicine Iz prakse za prakso z mednarodno udeležbo; 1999 maj 21-22; Maribor
  2. Bergmann G; Koelbel R; Rohlmann A
    Biomechanics: basic and applied research. Selected proceedings of the 5th meeting of the European society of biomechanics; 1986 Sep 8-10; Berlin
  3. Ferlan-Marolt Vera; Luzar Boštjan; Pavelić Krešimir; Vucelić Boris
    Proceedings of the International conference on diseases of pancreas, biliary tract and duodenum: day of dialogue in diagnostic dilemmas DDDD; 1999 May 7, Ljubljana
  4. Anonymous ;
    Knjiga sažetaka Simpozij o spolno prenosivim bolestima s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem; 1999 Tra 26-28; Dubrovnik
  5. Pogačnik Tomaž; Žvan Bojana
    Zbornik predavanj Primarni glavobol; 1999 maj 7-8; Ljubljana
  6. Rudolf M
    Bolezni in poškodbe oči
  7. Bajc Ana; Bucik Katja; Janežič Silvestra
    Ustvarjalnost v logopediji. Zbornik prispevkov 6. strokovno srečanje logopedov Slovenije; 1999 apr 14-16; Nova Gorica
  8. Tršinar Bojan
    Povzetki 1. slovenski urološki kongres z mednarodno udeležbo; 1999 maj 20-22; Brdo pri Kranju
    [Abstracts of the 1st Slovenian congress of urology with international participation; 1999 May 20-22; Brdo pri Kranju]
  9. Mencej Meta
    Uporaba zdravil v starosti
  10. Anonymous ;
    1. kongres Hrvatskog društva za elektronsku mikroskopiju s međunarodnim učešćem; 1999 svi 13-16; Zagreb
    [Proceedings of the 1st congress of the Croatian society for electron microscopy with international participation; 1999 May 13-16; Zagreb]
  11. Anonymous ;
    Simpozij o Lescolu. 17th European congress on noninvasive cardiovascular dynamics; 1995 May 29; Ljubljana
  12. Anonymous ;
    Acquired abnormalities of haemostasis. The European school of haematology; 1995 May 13-15; Paris
  13. Kraševec-Ravnik Erna; Ausec Zvone; Bobnar Tatjana; Bulc Mateja; Brcar-Štrukelj Polona; Čakš Tomaž; Grobovšek-Opara Sonja; Hočevar-Grom Ada; Hovnik-Keršmanc Marjetka; Jerman Tjaša; Komuškič Štefan; Kovač-Blaž Milena; Kraigher Alenka; Leskošek Franc; Leskovar Ivan; Mandič Srna; Maučec-Zakotnik Jožica; Mikuš-Kos Anica; Mramor Marjan; Mrvar Anton; Nolimal Dušan; Piltaver Andrej; Pozvek-Kokot Valerija; Pribošič-Peric Bojana; Pompe-Kirn Vera; Stanič-Stefan Nataša; Stantič-Pavlinič Miljana; Strojin Marja; Šelb Jožica
    Ljubljana's health profile: Ljubljana healthy city
  14. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the scientific meeting: Wertheim operation centenary 1898-1998, Cervical cancer - current status; 1998 Sep 17-19; Vienna
  15. Prosnik Branka; Žnidarič Darinka; Zupanič Ilka
    Logopedija danes za jutri. Zbornik referatov 5. srečanje logopedov Slovenije; 1995 sep 27-30; Radenci
  16. Destovnik Karl; Matovič Irena
    Poklicno usposabljanje in zaposlovanje mladostnikov s posebnimi potrebami. Zbornik prispevkov 5. defektološki izobraževalni dnevi pod pokroviteljstvom Ministrstva za delo, družino in socialne zadeve RS; 1997 maj 8-10; Portorož
  17. Poklukar Janez
    Od čebele do medu
  18. Mihelič Janez; Božič Janko
    Zbornik predavanj 21. državnega čebelarskega seminarja; 1998; Celje
  19. Zupan Anka; Kosi Gorazd; Turk Boris; Krušnik Ciril; Poboljšaj Katja; Vrhovšek Dani; Kamenšek-Gajšek Majda
    Seminar Kurikularna prenova biologije v gimnazijah in v programu srednjega strokovnega tehniškega izobraževanja; 1999 apr 16-17; Šentjur pri Celju
  20. Blinc Aleš; Kozak Matija; Poredoš Pavel; Šabovič Mišo; Šurlan Miloš
    Žilne in znotrajžilne opornice in proteze
  21. Anonymous ;
    6. dnevi oralnega zdravja Slovenije; 1998 nov 6-7; Krško
  22. Čižman Milan; Strle Franc
    Zbornik predavanj Infektološki simpozij 1999; 1999; Ljubljana
  23. Anonymous ;
    Scientific programme and abstract book of the 13th European symposium on animal, plant and microbial toxins; 1998 Apr 19-22; London
  24. Anonymous ;
    Menopausa: parliamone con la donna. Convegno nazionale; 1998 set 16; Portonovo
  25. Anonymous ;
    Pigmentary disorders from global perspective. Abstract book and final program of the satellite meeting of the 19th world congress of dermatology; 1997 Jun 22-24; Bali
  26. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 2nd Mediterranean congress of physical medicine and rehabilitation; 1998 May 20-23; Valencia
  27. Anonymous ;
    "Environmental protection and animal welfare": proceedings of abstracts of the 11th "in between" symposyum of the International society for animal hygiene; 1999 Apr 22-25; Postojna
  28. Glavič Peter; Brodnjak-Vončina Darinka
    Zbornik referatov s posvetovanja Slovenski kemijski dnevi 1998; 1998 sep 17-18; Maribor
  29. Baldasano JM; Brebbia CA; Power H; Zannetti P
    Computer simulation: 2nd international conference on air pollution. Vol 1
  30. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik referatov s posvetovanja Slovenski kemijski dnevi 1996; 1996 sep 19-20; Maribor
  31. Vezjak Marjan; Stuhler Elmar A; Mulej Matjaž
    Environmental problem solving - from cases and experiments to concepts, knowledge, tools and motivation. Proceedings of the 12th international conference on case method research and case method application; 1995 Nov 12-15; Maribor
  32. Pegan V; Vračko J; Križman I
    Izvlečki 5. kongresa endoskopske kirurgije Slovenije; 1999 apr 15-17; Kranjska gora
    [Abstracts from the 5th congress of endoscopic surgery of Slovenia; 1999 Apr 15-17; Kranjska gora]
  33. Charkviani T
    Levan Charkviani
    [Levan Charkviani: the present collection of works is developed to 75 year anniversary of professor Levan Joseph Charkviani]
  34. Anonymous ;
    Abstract of the 7th wolrd congess on pain; 1993 Aug 22-27; Paris
  35. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book. 13th international symposium on drugs affecting lipid metabolism; 1998 May 30-Jun 3; Florence
  36. Anonymous ;
    9. alpenlaendisch-adriatisches Symposium Rehabilitation bei hoher Querschnittlaehmung: schlussberich; 1997 jun 11-14; Bled
    [9. alpsko-jadranski simpozij Rehabilitacija bolnikov z viskoko okvaro hrbtenjače: zaključno poročilo; 1997 jun 11-14; Bled]
  37. Amfisi Mithat Oezsan
    Program ve bildiri oezetleri. 15. ulusal klinik noerofizyoloji ve EEG-EMG kongresi ve II. Intl. satellite sympsoium on new developments in clinical neurophysiology; 1998 May 10-13; Adana
  38. Romih Janez; Žmitek Andrej
    Urgentna stanja v psihiatriji: zbornik; 1998 okt 16-17; Begunje
  39. Meden-Vrtovec H
    Zbornik prispevkov Šola za menopavzo; 1997 jun 20-21; Dobrna
  40. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the BEMS 20th Annual Meeting, TradeWinds Resort; 1998 Jun 7-11; St. Pete Beach, Florida
  41. Anonymous ;
    1st congress of the central European vascular forum; 1998 Nov 26-28; Prague
  42. Lithgow Brian; Cosic Irena
    Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on bioelectromagnetism; 1998 Feb 15-18; Melbourne
  43. Anonymous ;
    Delovna terapija in kvaliteta življenja. 8. letni posvet delovnih terapevtov Slovenije; 1998 apr 16-18; Bled
    [Occupational therapy and quality of life]
  44. Magjarević Ratko
    Biomedical measurement and instrumentation - BMI'98. Proceedings of the 8th international IMEKO TC-13 conference on measurement in clinical medicine and 12th international symposium on biomedical engineering; 1998 Sep 16-19; Dubrovnik
  45. Anonymous ;
    MEDICON '98. Proceedings of the 8th Mediterranean conference on medical and biological engineering and computing; 1998 Jun 14-17; Lemesos
  46. Paver-Eržen V; Hribar-Habinc M; Apfel M
    Podiplomsko izobraževanje iz anesteziologije. 7. tečaj; 1999 apr 9-11; Portorož
  47. Odom JV
    Book of abstracts of the 37th symposium of the International society for clinical electrophysiology of vision
  48. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 5th IUBMB conference on the biochemistry of the health and diseases; 1998 Oct 18-22; Jerusalem
  49. Anonymous ;
    Final programme of the 12th International conference on organic synthesis; 1998 Jun 28 - Jul 2; Venezia
  50. Anonymous ;
    Strokovni seminar: pravilni telesni položaji bolnikov in negovalnega osebja v zdravstveni negi; 1999 apr 6-7;
  51. Komac Milica
    Čiščenje odpadnih voda '99: zbornik predavanj; 1999 mar 30-31; Otočec ob Krki
  52. Anonymous ;
    Srčno popuščanje: zbornik predavanj
  53. Kraševec-Ravnik Erna
    Varovanje duševnega zdravja otrok in mladostnikov
  54. Anonymous ;
    Pompidou subgroup on treatment demands: treated drug users in 22 European cities: annual update 1996: trends 1992-1996
  55. Anonymous ;
    Knjiga sažetaka 2. hrvatski kongres nefrologije dijalize i transplantacije; 1998 lis 21-25; Dubrovnik
    [Abstract book 2nd Croatian congress of nephrology, dialysis and transplantation; 1998 Oct 21-25; Dubrovnik]
  56. Gričar J
    Business strategy for 90s. Proceedings of the 4th EDI (Electronic data interchange) conference; 1991 Jun 10-12 Bled
  57. Anonymous ;
    BANTAO. Book of abstracts of the 3rd congess of the Balkan cities association of nephrology, dialysis, transplantationand artificial organs; 1998 Sep 18-20; Belgrade
  58. Mušič Ema; Šorli Jurij; Šuškovič Stanislav; Košnik Mitja
    Zbornik predavanj simpozija Astma in rinitis; 1998; mar 13-14; Kranjska Gora
  59. Anonymous ;
    Radioterapijska onkologija u Hrvatskoj: knjiga sažetaka stručnog znanstvenog simpozija; 1997 lis 10; Zagreb
  60. Anonymous ;
    Et de chirurgie de la face et du cou: programme scientifique; 1998 oct 12-15; Paris
  61. Anonymous ;
    Danube symposium: abstract of the International otolarynologic congress, 45th congress of the Slovak society for otolaryngology, head and neck surgery; 1998 Oct 7-10; Bratislava
  62. Holec Darja
    Enake možnosti - enaka udeležba v skupnem svetu. Zbornik referatov državnega posveta naglušnih oseb z mednarodno udeležbo; 1997 feb 21-22; Ljubljana
  63. Stammberger H; Wolf G
    E.R.S. and I.S.I.A.N. meeting '98. Proceedings of the international symposium of the infection and allergy of the nose and 27th European rhinologic society; 1998 Jul 28-Aug 1; Vienna
  64. Kristl Julijana
    Amfifilne spojine v farmacevtskih pripravkih. Zbornik predavanj 5. posvetovanje Tehnološke sekcije z mednarodno udeležbo; 1992; Ljubljana
    [Amphiphilic molecules in pharmaceutical formulations. 5. symposium of the Section for pharmaceutical technology; 1992; Ljubljana]
  65. Anonymous ;
    Razjede zaradi pritiska; 1998 maj 20-21; Kranjska gora
  66. Marinček Črt
    Rehabilitacijska medicina v starosti. Zbornik predavanj 10. dnevi rehabilitacijske medicine 1999 mar 19-20; Ljubljana
  67. Lapajne Janez
    Zbornik prispevkov 1. seminarja Vloga fizioterapije v predporodnem zdravstvenem varstvu žensk; 1995 jun 9-10; Dobrna
  68. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik povzetkov raziskovalnih nalog 11. kongres študentov raziskovalcev Medicinske fakultete v Ljubljani; 1999 feb; Ljubljana
  69. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the OB 98 ophthamologia Belgica; 1998 Nov 26-27; Brussel
  70. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the symposium on cataract, IOL and refractive surgery; 1998 Apr 18-22; San Diego, California
  71. Naji Majda
    Zbornik Nove metode in tehnike poučevanja naravoslovnih predmetov - biologije, kemije in fizike; 1998 nov 13-15; Portorož
  72. Anonymous ;
    Izvlečki referatov 4. slovensko posvetovanje o varstvu rastlin; 1999 mar 3-4; Portorož
  73. Ašanin-Gole Pedja
    Zbornik referarov 4. slovenski kongres o cestah in prometu; 1998 okt 26-28; Portorož
  74. Anonymous ;
    2. slovenski kongres preventivne medicine
    [The 2nd Slovenian congress on preventive medicine]
  75. Petraš Josip
    Proceedings of the International symposium in water management and hydraulic engineering: vol 1; 1998 Sep 14-19; Dubrovnik
  76. Langton Antony
    RESNA'96. Proceedings of the annual conference on the exploring new horizonts...pioneering the 21st century; 1996 Jun 7-12; Salt Lake City, Utah
  77. Uršič Cveto; Kroflič Marjan
    Človekove pravice in invalidi: zbirka mednarodnih dokumentov
  78. Uršič Cveto; Kroflič Marjan; Tomič Zora; Redžepovič Aljoša
    Zbornik esejev Človekove pravice in invalidi
    [Human rights and disabled persons]
  79. Čudina Mirko
    Zbornik referatov 1. kongresa Slovenskega društva za akustiko z mednarodno udeležbo in razstavo; 1998 okt 7-8; Portorož
    [Proceedings of the 1st congress of Slovenian acoustial society with international participation and exhibition, 1998 Okt 7-8; Portorož]
  80. Matsson L
    Proceedings of the Adriatico research conference nonlinear cooperative phenomena in biological systems; 1997 Aug 19-22; Trieste
  81. Lindtner J; Štabuc B; Žgajnar J; Zakotnik B; Škrk J; Marolt F; Budihna M
    Pljučni rak. Rak ščitnice. Zbornik 14. onkološki vikend; 1998 nov 6-7; Laško
  82. Anonymous ;
    Astma šola: tečaj za voditelje šole za pouk bolnika z astmo; 1998 nov 20-21; Kranjska gora
  83. Anonymous ;
    Evolutionary genomics: programme and abstracts 1999 Jan 10-18; Puntarenas, Costa Rica
  84. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik referatov 1. slovenskega posveta o rehabilitaciji oseb s kohlearnim implantom; 1998 okt 16-17; Maribor
  85. Kristl Julijana; Kerč Janez; Vrečer Franc
    Farmacevtska tehnologija na prelomu tisočletja. 10. posvetovanje farmacevtskih tehnologov; 1998 jun 11; Ljubljana
    [Pharmaceutical technology at the turn of the millennium; 1998 Jun 11; Ljubljana]
  86. Anonymous ;
    Vrednotenje fizikalno kemijskih lastnosti zdravilnih učinkov in pomožnih sredstev; 1988 jun 16; Ljubljana
  87. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts book of the 6th international congress of the Hungarian society of traumatology; 1997 May 8-10; Budapest
  88. Anonymous ;
    Where east meets west. Proceedings of the International conference of the technical communication and usability; 1998 Oct 29-31; Ljubljana
  89. Anonymous ;
    4th international consensus of the Surgery of the pelvis and acetabulum; 1998 Nov 1-4; Birmingham
  90. Anonymous ;
    Scientific programme, posters of the 3rd European traumatology congress; 1998 Jun 19; Amsterdam
  91. Anonymous ;
    Vigo EMG 98; Course textbook of the international course on single fiber EMG; 1998 Sep 21-22; Vigo
  92. Kastelic Staša
    Prva pomoč
  93. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj Salon lepote '96 za kozmetike in frizerje; 1996 nov 9-10; Portorož
  94. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj Salon lepote '97; 1997 sep 27-28; Portorož
  95. Anonymous ;
    Figaro '98. Zbornik predavanj 5. kongres frizerjev Slovenije; 1998 nov 21-22; Otočec
  96. Anonymous ;
    Izvlečki Šport - zdravje - starost: mednarodno znanstveno srečanje ob 100-letnici olimpionika Leona Štuklja; 1998 Nov 11-1; Bled
    [Abstracts of the Sport - health - old age: international scientific meeting at the centenary of the olympic champion Leon Štukelj; 1998 Nov 11-1; Bled]
  97. Klančar Slavica; Plončak Melanija; Cotič-Anderle Majda
    Zbornik predavanj 7. seminarja Sekcije medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov urgentne medicine Slovenije; 1998 okt; Atomske Toplice
  98. Anonymous ;
    Salon lepote '98. Zbornik predavanj 13. kongres kozmetike Slovenije; 1998 sep 26-27; Otočec
  99. Eiben OG
    Abstracts of the 7th International congress of auxology; 1994 Jun 26-30; Szombathely, Hungary
  100. Elsner Norbert; Breer Heinz
    Goettingen neurobiology report 1994. Proceedings of the 22nd Goettingen neurobiology conference 1994; volume 2; Goettingen

   5.727 5.827 5.927 6.027 6.127 6.227 6.327 6.427 6.527 6.627  

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