biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.25 : 6.427-6.526

  1. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the European Oracle conference; 1996 Apr 14-19; Amsterdam
  2. Anonymous ;
    1. međunarodni simpozij kirurga Hrvatske i Slovenije; 1995 lis 20-21, Čakovec
  3. Richards Bernard
    Conference proceedings of the current perspectives in healthcare computing; 1995 Mar 20-22; Harrogate
  4. Anonymous ;
    Mass scale diagnosis of plant pathogens by nucleic acids amplification methodologies. COST 823: new tecnollogies to improve phytodiagnosis joint meeting of the nucleic Acid-based technology and diagnostic forum working groups; 1998 Jul 9-10 Algarve, Faro, Portugal
  5. Anonymous ;
    Recent advances in vegetable virus research. 9th conference of the I.S.H.S. vegetable virus working group; 1998 Aug 22-27
  6. Reig Santiago
    Abstracts of the Euro-American mammal congress; 1998 Jul 19-24; Santiago de Compostela
  7. Salanki Janos; Istvanovics Vera
    Limnological bases of lake management. Proceedings of the ILEC/UNEP international training course; May 24-Jun 5; Tihany
  8. Kocasoy Guenay
    Proceedings of The kriton curi international symposium on environmental management in the mediterranean region. Vol 2
  9. Azcon-Aguilar C; Barea JM
    Mycorrhizas in integrated systems from genes to plant development; proceedings of the 4th European symposium on mycorrhizas: final report; 1994 Jul 11-14 Granada
  10. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the 10th annual veterinary dental forum and veterinary dentistry '96; 1996 Oct 31-Nov 3; Houston
  11. Rečnik Metka; Kus Miloš
    Proceedings of the 9th EAPR: virology section meeting; 1995 Jun 18-22 Ribno
  12. Anonymous ;
    6th Pan american meeting on animal, plant and microbial toxins: an international meeting on toxins as problems, tools and solutions; 1998 Sep 21-26; Margarita Island, Venezuela
  13. Gianinazzi S; Schueepp H
    COST action 821. Arbuscular mycorrhizas in sustainable soil-plant systems. Report of 1997 activities: biotechology; 1998; Mar
  14. Češnovar Nada
    Vloga specialnih knjižnic pri pospeševanju družbenega in gospodarskega razvoja. Sodobne informacijske tehnologije in njihova uporaba v specialnih knjižnicah. Zbornik referatov 7. posvetovanje Sekcije za specialne knjižnice; 1998 nov 5-6; Ljubljana
  15. Čebašek-Travnik Zdenka; Radovanovič Mirjana
    Zbornik povzetkov 2. slovenska konferenca o medicini odvisnosti; 1998 okt 22-24; Bled
    [Book of abstracts of the 2nd Slovenian conference on addiction medicine; 1998 Oct 22-24; Bled]
  16. Kornhauser Pavle
    Book of the symposium of the 8th international symposium on apitherapy; 1998 Sep 17-19: Portorož
  17. Veličkovič-Perat Milivoj
    New developments in child neurology. The presentation from the 8th international neurology congress; 1998 Sep 13-17; Ljubljana
  18. Cesar-Komar Marija
    Zbornik predavanj Simpozij o glavobolu. 25. obletnica mednarodnega združenja za preprečevanje bolečine; 1998 okt 23-24; Slovenj Gradec
  19. Rener Miljeva; Vargazon Tomaž; Kadivec Maksimiljan
    Šola mamografske diagnostike
    [Breast imaging course]
  20. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik na rezimea od 26-ti oktomvriski sredbi (so međunarodno učestvo); 1998 okt; Ohrid
  21. Zwitter Matjaž; Ećimović Patricija
    Etična razpotja v klinični medicini: program tečaja, prispevki in delovno gradivo; 1998
  22. Anonymous ;
    Spremembe v sistemu zdravstvenega varstva v Sloveniji, zagotavljanje kakovosti in obvladovanje stroškov v zdravstvu. 5. strokovno srečanje ekonomistov in poslovodnih delavcev v zdravstvu; 1998 apr 16-17; Nova Gorica
  23. Skela-Savič Brigita; Velepič Marica
    Dojke - okras ženske in njena bolečina. 23. strokovni seminar iz onkologije in onkološke zdravstvene nege za medicinske sestre; 1998 okt 15-16; Radenci
  24. Schuntermann Michael
    Improving practice by research. Congress proceedings of the 6th European congress on research in rehabilitation; 1998 May 31-Jun 4; Berlin
  25. Soede M; Verbout AJ; Swart M; van der Woude LV; Geertzen JHB; Polomski W; Arendzen H
    ISPO 98. Meet in Amsterdam. Conference book of the 9th world congress of the International society for prosthetics and orthotics; 1998 Jun 28-Jul 3; Amsterdam
  26. Anonymous ;
    Barcelona '97. Trends in care and housing for the ageing: a global perspective. Proceedings of the 2nd international conference; 1997 Jun 22-25; Barcelona
  27. Mrevlje Franc
    SEK. Zbornik povzetkov predavanj in posterskih predstavitev 1. slovenski endokrinološki kongres z mednarodno udeležbo; 1998 okt 1-3; Radenci
  28. Marinček Črt
    Zbornik povzetkov 1. slovenski kongres zdravnikov za fizikalno in rehabilitacijsko medicino; 1998 okt 15-17; Bled
  29. Tada Isao; Kojima Somei; Tsuji Moriyasu
    ICOPA 9. 9th international congress of parasitology; 1998 Aug 24-28; Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan
  30. Anonymous ;
    ESCV '98. Abstract book of the Progress in clinical virology 4; 1998 Aug 30-Sep 2; Hamburg
  31. Nagy L
    Az igazsaguegyi orvosok 6. Alpok-Adria-Pannonia talalkozojanak kueloenkiadasa; 1997 Jun 5-7; Veszprem
  32. Mihevc Bogomir; Marentič-Požarnik Barica
    Za boljšo kakovost študija: pogovori o visokošolski didaktiki
  33. Anonymous ;
    7. srečanje slovenskih učiteljev kemije; 1998 okt 8-10; Ptuj
  34. Canuto Rosangela; Muzio Giuliana
    9th international symposium Enzymology and molecular biology of carbonyl metabolism; 1998 Jun 20-24; Varallo Sesia, Italy
  35. Bren AF; Ferluga D; Olsen S; Rossman P
    Proceedings of the International conference on transplantation with emphasis on kidney; 1998 Oct 8-9; Ljubljana, Slovenia
  36. Bilban Marjan
    Strokovni posvet o medicini prometa; 1998 maj 21-23; Rogaška Slatina
  37. Zupan Blaž
    CADAM '98. Zbornik delavnice Računalniška analiza medicinskih podatkov: mednarodna multi-konferenca Informacijska družba - IS '98; 1998 okt 6-9; Ljubljana
    [CADAM '98. Computer-aided data analysis in medicine; 1998 Oct 6-9; Ljubljana]
  38. Erjavec Tomaž; Gros Jerneja
    Zbornik konference Jezikovne tehnologije za slovenski jezik: mednarodna multi-konferenca Informacijska družba - IS'98; 1998 okt 6-7; Ljubljana, Slovenija
    [Proceedings of the conference Language technologies for the Slovene language: international multi-conference Information society - IS'98; 1998 Oct 6-7; Ljubljana, Slovenia]
  39. Butinar Dušan; Dovč Peter; Gubenšek Franc; Komel Rado; Meglič Vladimir; Pungerčar Jože; Raspor Peter; Svetina Saša; Valentinčič Tine; Virant-Doberlet Meta; Zorec Robert
    Life sciences conference 1998. Topics: signalling concepts in life sciences, engineering in life sciences; 1998 Sep 19-24; Gozd Martuljek
  40. Cindro-Glavič Denis
    Book of abstracts of the symposium on radiation protection in neighbouring countries in central Europe - 1995; 1995 Sep 4-8; Portorož
  41. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the Animal microbiology; 1998 May 29
  42. Monteiro Ana; Vasconcelos Teresa; Catarino Luis
    Management and ecology of aquatic plants. Proceedings of the 10th EWRS international symposium on aquatic weeds; 1998 Sep 21-25; Lisbon
  43. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the 11th congress of the European anthropological association: humans and environment; 1998 Aug 30-Sep 3; Jena
  44. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book and prospects for the European environment beyond 2000. 7th annual meeting of SETAC-Europe; 1997 Apr 6-10; Amsterdam, Netherlands
  45. Anonymous ;
    4th symposium on the biology of terrestrial isopods; 1997 Feb 3-7; Haifa, Israel
  46. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the SETAC 18th annual meeting Brinding the global environment: technology, comunication and education; 1997 Nov 16-20; San Francisco
  47. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 28th annual meeting of the European environmental mutagen society (EEMS); 1998 Sep 7-10; Salzburg
  48. Anonymous ;
    Absracts of the 2nd international isopod conference; 1998 Jul 16-17; Amsterdam
  49. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the Kinneret symposium limnology and lake management 2000+; 1998 Sep 5-11; Kibutz ginnostar, Kinneret
  50. Švab Igor; Kersnik Janko
    Predpisovanje zdravil v družinski medicini: 15. učne delavnice za zdravnike družinske - splošne medicine
  51. Ramovš Jože
    Družina. Zbornik predavanj in razprav na osrednjih strokovnih prireditvah v Sloveniji v letu družine; 1994 okt 25-26; Ljubljana
  52. Drinovec Jože
    Uveljavljanje preventive bolezni srca in ožilja v Republiki Sloveniji, pravilna drža skozi celo življenje. 4. Krkini rehabilitacijski dnevi; 1998 okt 2-3; Otočec
  53. Anonymous ;
    International conference on Quantum chemical calculations of NMR and EPR parameters; 1998 Sep 14-18; Castle Smolenice, Slovak Republic
  54. Vodnik Dominik; Žel Jana
    Knjiga povzetkov 2. slovenski simpozij o rastlinski fiziologiji z mednarodno udeležbo; 1998 sep 30-okt 2; Gozd Martuljek
    [Book of abstracts of the 2nd Slovenian symposium on plant physiology with international participation; 1998 Sep 30-Oct 2; Gozd Martuljek]
  55. Štajnbaher Srečko
    Mladinski raziskovalni tabor Šmartno '97
  56. Ahonen-Jonnarth Ulla; Danell Eric; Fransson Petra; Karen Ola; Lindahl Bjoern; Rangel Ignacio; Finlay Roger
    Programme and abstracts of the 2nd international conference on mycorrhiza; 1998 Jul 5-10; Uppsala, Sweden
  57. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings and abstracts of the 4th international crustacean congress; 1998 Jul 20-24; Amsterdam
  58. Bonomo L; Nurizzo C
    Advances wastewater treatment, recycling and reuse. Proceedings of the 2nd international conference Resources and environment: priorities and challenges. Vol 2; 1998 Sep 14-16; Milano
  59. Bole-Hribovšek Vojka; Ocepek Matjaž; Klun Nataša
    Zbornik s programom 2. kongres slovenskih mikrobiologov z mednarodno udeležbo; 1998 sep 27-30; Portorož
    [Proceedings with the program of the 2nd congress of Slovenian microbiologists with international participation; 1998 Sep 27-30; Portorož]
  60. Herbert Mike; Kovar Karel
    Proceedings of the Groudwater quality 1998: remediation an protection; 1998 Sep 21-25; Tuebingen, Germany
  61. Anonymous ;
    "The health promoting school - an investment in education, health and democracy" . 1st conference of the European network of health promoting schools: case study book; 1997 May 1-5; Thessaloniki-Halkidiki, Greece
  62. Cesnik B; McCray AT; Scherrer J-R
    MedInfo '98. Proceedings of the 9th world congress on medical informatics. Part 1, part 2; 1998; Seoul
  63. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the 7th European symposium on suicide and suicidal behaviour. The suicidal process: challenges for treatment and prevention; 1998 Sep 9-12; Gent, Belgium
  64. Anonymous ;
    IACAPAP Trauma and recovery care of children by 21th century clinicians. Abstracts of the 14th international congress of the international association for child and adolescent psychiatry and allied professions; 1998 Aug 2-6; Stockholm, Sweden
  65. Anonymous ;
    Psychiatry in the three ages of man. Abstract book of the regional meeting in the Mediterranean area; 1997 Jun 16-19, Rome
  66. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the 11th international conference on alcohol; 1998 Apr 19-22; Liverpool
  67. Anonymous ;
    Final program and abstracts the synthesis between psychopharmacology and psychotherapy; 1997 Nov 16-21; Jerusalem
  68. Anonymous ;
    Proffered papers "Suicide prevention the global context" . 19th congress of the international association for suicide prevention; 1997 Mar 23-27; Adelaide, Australia
  69. Zajc Baldomir
    Zbornik 7. elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK'98. Zvezek B. Računalništvo in informatika, umetna inteligenca, robotika, razpoznavanje vzorcev, biomedicinska tehnika, močnostna elektrotehnika, didaktika, študentski članki; 1998 sep 24-26; Portorož
    [Proceedings of the 7th electrotechnical and computer science conference ERK'98. Vol B. Computer and information science, artificial intelligence, robotics, pattern recognition, biomedical engineering, didactis, student papers; 1998 Sep 24-26; Portorož]
  70. Vodopija Nado
    Minimalna invazivna terapija v urologiji. 4. slovenski urološki simpozij; 1997 mar 6-8; Slovenj Gradec
  71. Gulyas Balazs; Mueller-Gaertner Hans W
    Positron emission tomography: a critical assessment of recent trends; 1996 Oct 1-5, Debrecen, Hungary
  72. Anonymous ;
    NATO/CCMS pilot study. Evaluation of demonstrated and emerging technologies for the treatment of contaminated land and groundwater (phase III): annual report, number 228; 1998 Feb 23-27; Vienna
  73. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the 11th IEEE symposium on computer-based medical systems; 1998 Jun 12-14; Lunnock, Texas
  74. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 6th international congress on aerobiology; 1998 aug 31-Sep 5; Perugia, Italy
  75. Anonymous ;
    Ragweed in Europe. Satellite symposium proceedings: 1998 Sep 4; Perugia
  76. Calderon-Benavides HA; Yacaman Jose M
    Electron microscopy 1998. Proceedings of the 14th international congress on electron microscopy. Volume 4; 1998 Aug 31-Sep 4; Cancun, Mexico
  77. Anonymous ;
    Symposium program of the 4th international symposium and exhibition on environmental contamination in central and eastern Europe; 1998 Sep 15-17; Warsaw
  78. Scherpbier AJJA; van der Vleuten CPM; Rethans JJ; van der Steeg AFW
    Advances in medical education
  79. Bregant Lev
    Zbornik referatov Nebakterijske okužbe v perinatologiji; 1998 maj 8-9; Ljubljana
  80. Stary Angelika
    Proceedings of the 3th meeting of the European society for Chlamydia research; 1996 Sep 11-14; Vienna
  81. Anonymous ;
    WVDC 97. Proceedings of the 5th world veterinary dental congress; 1997 Apr 1-3; Birmingham
  82. Brender J; Christensen JP; Scherrer JR; McNair P
    MIE 96. Medical informatics Europe '96. (Part A,B): human factes in information technologies
  83. Anonymous ;
    Eurospeach '97. 5th European conference on speech communication and technology; 1997 Sep 22-25; Rhodes
  84. Ramponi G; Sicuranza GL; Carrato S; Marsi S
    Signal processing 8: theories and application. Proceedings of EUSIPCO-96 8th European signal procedding conference. Vol 1; 1996 Sep 10-13; Trieste
  85. Leonardis Aleš; Solina Franc
    Computer vision - CVWW'98. Proceedings of the computer vision winter workshop; 1998 Feb 9-12; Gozd Martuljek
  86. Anonymous ;
    Coling-96. Proceedings of the 16th international conference on computational linguistics. Vol 1; 1996 Aug 5-9; Copenhagen
  87. Sarnovsky Jan; Sinčak Peter; Mach Marian; Hatala Marek
    Proceedings of the scientific conference Artificial intelligence in industry and 3rd SQEL workshop on multi-lingual information retrieval dialogs: from theory to practice; 1998 Apr 22-24; High Tatras, Slovakia
  88. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the 13th international conference on pattern recognition; Vol 3. Track C: applications and robotic systems; 1996 Aug 25-29; Vienna
  89. Pavešić Nikola; Niemann H; Kovačič S; Mihelič F
    Speech and image understanding. Proceedings of 3rd Slovenian-German and 2nd SDRV workshop; 1996 Apr 24-26; Ljubljana
  90. Rožić Nikola; Begušić Dinko; Pavelin Ivan; Burmaz Branimir
    SoftCOM '96. Conference on software in telecommunications and computer networks; 1997 Jun 19-21; Split
  91. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the 2nd SQEL workshop on multi-lingual information retrieval dialogs; 1997 Apr 27-29; Plzen
  92. Anonymous ;
    HSE. Zbornik radova 1. hrvatski simpozij o elektrokemiji; 1998 ruj 7-9; Varaždin
    [HSE. Proceedings of the 1st Croatian symposium on electrochemistry]
  93. Bartoli D; Iaia TE; Zingoni A; Valiani M
    Vetrerie artistiche: technologia, rischi e prevenzione nelle vetrerie artistiche; 1997 Mag 14-16; Empoli
  94. Markič Mirko
    Ocena tveganja delovnega okolja. Zbornik referatov 3. državno posvetovanje zveze društev varnostnih inženirjev in tehnikov Slovenije; 1995 okt 5-6; Portorož
  95. Novak Boris; Stilinović Božidar; Vrhovšek Danijel; Zmaić Bojan; Ðurđević Stanko; Ptiček Stjepan
    Metode i iskustva u pročišćavanju otpadnih voda 3. takošćanski seminar; 1995 stu 9-11; Trakošćan
  96. Kovacs L; Resch BA
    Research on human reproduction. Proceedings of a symposium with the WHO special programme of research, development and research training in human reproduction; 1997 Oct 13-14; Szeged, Hungary
  97. Ferjančič Emil; Turk Miloš
    Življenje za naše alpske reke: rezultati letne konference; 1990 okt 4-6; Gozd Martuljek
    [Pour que nos rivieres alpines vivent: resultats de l'assemblee annuelle]
  98. Krčevski-Škvarč Nevenka
    Zbornik predavanj 2. seminar o bolečini; 1998 jun 12-13; Podčetrtek
  99. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts and program of the 26th FIMS world congress of sports medicine: medical and scientific interactions in exercise and sport; 1998 May 30-Jun 03; Orlando, USA
  100. Carpentier Patrick H; Vicaut Eric; Guilmot Jean-Louis
    20th European conference on microcirculation; 1998 Aug 30-Sep 02; Paris

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