biomedicina slovenica

vo="human" : 901-1.000

  1. Markus Hugh S; Siegel Jennifer E; Žvan Bojana; Pretnar-Oblak Janja
    The asymptomatic carotid emboli study: study design and baseline results
  2. Černe Jasmina Živa; Novaković Srdjan; Frković-Grazio Snježana; Pohar-Perme Maja; Stegel Vida; Geršak Ksenija
    Estrogen metabolism genotypes, use of long-term hormone replacement therapy and risk of postmenopausal breast cancer
  3. Poljak Mario; Kocjan Boštjan J
    Commercially available assays for multiplex detection of aplha human papillomaviruses
  4. Štrukelj M
    Starševstvo za 21. stoletje
  5. Pirkmajer Sergej
    Molekularni mehanizmi odziva na hipoksijo v začetnih stopnjah regeneracije človeške skeletne mišice
    [Response to hypoxia in the elderly stages of human skeletal muscle regeneration: molecular mechanisms]
  6. Bregant T; Paro-Panjan D; Borinc-Beden A
    Prirojeni stridor zaradi enostranske paralize glasilk
    [Congenital stridor due to unilateral vocal cord paralysis]
  7. Kovač A; Paro-Panjan D
    Trombocitopenija pri novorojenčkih
    [Thrombocytopenia in the newborn]
  8. Rogač M; Rener-Primec Z; Župančič N
    Migrena pri otroku in mladostniku: obravnava in zdravljenje
    [Migraine in childhood and adolescence: current approach and treatment]
  9. Kržišnik C
    Petdeset let prve otroške bolnišnice na Slovenskem
  10. Kržišnik Ciril
    Leto 2010 - stotridesetletnica rojstva prof. dr. Bogdana Derča, devetdesetletnica rojstva prof. dr. Jožeta Jerasa in petdesetletnica pediatrične endokrinologije v Sloveniji
  11. Pintaric TS; Potočnik Iztok; Hadzić A; Stupnik T; Pintarič M; Novak-Jankovič Vesna
    Comparison of continuous thoracic epidural with paravertebral block on perioperative analgesia and hemodynamic stability in patients having open lung surgery
  12. Potter Samara L; Holmqvist Fredrik; Platonov Pyotr G; Steding Katarina; Arheden Hakan; Pahlm Olle; Starc Vito; McKenna William J; Schlegel Todd T
    Detection of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is improved when using advanced rather than strictly conventional 12-lead electrocardiogram
  13. Sakowski Chris; Starc Vito; Smith Scott M; Schlegel Todd T
    Sedentary long-duration head-down bed rest and ECG repolarization heterogeneity
  14. Mlakar Gorazd; Grosek Štefan; Mole Helena; Kopriva Silvester; Zupančič Živa; Primožič Janez; Eržen Janez
    Platypnea-orthodeoxia-like syndrome in a septic newborn with late appearance of right congenital diaphragmatic hernia
  15. Nadrah Kristina; Strle Franc
    Antibiotic combinations with daptomycin for treatment of staphylococcus aureus infections
  16. Cooper BG; Stenbrugen I; Mitchell S; Severin T; Oostveen E; Burgos F; Matthys H; Normand H; Kivastik J; Fležar M
    HERMES spirometry: the European spirometry driving licence
  17. Kobe Helena; Kržišnik Ciril; Fidler-Mis Nataša
    Under- and over-reporting of energy intake in Slovenian adolescents
  18. Pavič-Nikolič Milena
    Zdravstvena vzgoja bolnika s protinom
    [Health education of patients afflicted with gout]
  19. Vrabič Maja
    Padci pacientov, hospitaliziranih v Univerzitetnem rehabilitacijskem inštitutu Republike Slovenije - vidik zdravstvenih delavcev
    [The falls of patients hospitalized in the University rehabilitation institute Republic of Slovenia - the medical staff views]
  20. Habjanič Ana
    Zdravstvena nega v domovih za starejše z vidika stanovalcev, sorodnikov in negovalnega osebja
    [Care of the elderly in homes for the elderly from the viewpoint of the residents, family members and nursing personnel]
  21. Anderle Darja; Skela-Savič Brigita
    Motivacijski dejavniki posameznika pri vključevanju v delavnice CINDI
    [Motivational factors influencing adults to join the CINDI workshops]
  22. Sotirov Dejan; Železnik Danica
    Analiza stresa in poznavanje klinične supervizije med zaposelnimi v Zdravstvenem domu Novo mesto in Splošni bolnišnici Novo mesto
    [Stress analysis and knowledge of clinical supervision among employees in Health care centre Novo mesto and General hospital Novo mesto]
  23. Lorber Mateja; Skela-Savič Brigita
    Odločanje in uporaba moči vodij v zdravstveni negi
    [Decision-making and use of power of nursing care leaders]
  24. Peršolja-Černe Melita
    Kakovost promocije zdravja na delovnem mestu z vidika proaktivnosti za zdravje
    [Workplace health promotion quality related to proactivity for health]
  25. Klemenc Darinka
    Aktualnost trenutka - zdravstvena nega ponovno na preizkušnji
    [Current challenges and issues facing nursing profession]
  26. Križmarić Miljenko
    Povezava med bolnikom in medicinsko električno opremo - primer neželenih defibrilatorskih tokov
  27. Mrkvička Tomaš; Mattfeldt Torsten
    Testing histological images of mammary tissues on compatibility with the Boolean model of random sets
  28. Tomkova H; Vankova L; Pock L; Šternbersky J
    Segmental Darier's disease postpartum and following tubal ligation
  29. Gatti A; di Meo N; Trevisan G
    Dermoscopy of eccrine acrospiroma masquerading as nodular malignant melanoma
  30. Ozaslan E; Purnak T; Senel E
    Facial petechiae as a complication of diagnostic endoscopy
  31. Manousaridis I; Loeser C; Goerdt S; Hassel JC
    Managing scleromyxedema with intravenous immunoglobulin: acute worsening of scleromyxedema with biclonal gammopathy
  32. Ascari-Raccagni A; Dondas A; Righini MG; Trevisan G
    A skin helix flap to correct circular skin loss on the nasal ala
  33. van de Vijver DAMC; Wensing AMJ; Asjo B; Bruckova L; Bruun-Jorgensen L; Camacho R; Horban A; Linka M; Lazanas M; Poljak M
    HIV-1 drug-resistance patterns among patients on failing treatment in a large numver of European countries
  34. Smrkolj Š; Rakar S; Malić S; Šinkovec J; Kobal B
    Advanced embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of the uterine cervix: a case report
  35. Erdani-Kreft Mateja; Dragin Urška
    Postopek za vzpostavitev diferenciranega urotelija na vezivnem tkivu intaktne humane amnijske membrane
  36. Rijavec Matija; Šilar Mira; Triller Nadja; Kern Izidor; Čegovnik Urška; Košnik Mitja; Korošec Peter
    Expressions of topoisomerase IIalpha and BCRP in metastatic cells are associated with overall survival in small cell lung cancer patients
  37. Poredoš Pavel; Ježovnik Mateja Kaja
    In patients with idiopathic venous thrombosis, interleukin-10 is decreased and related to endothelial dysfunction
  38. Kostnapfel Tatja; Švab Igor; Rotar-Pavlič Danica
    A qualitative exploration of travel-related risk behaviours of injection drug users from two Slovene regions
  39. Pirnat Edvard; Zaletel Katja; Gaberšček Simona; Hojker Sergej
    The outcome of (131)I treatment in Graves' patients pretreated or not with methimazole
  40. Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Smogavec Mateja; Softic Nina; Kersnik Janko
    Health-related quality of life: a population based study from Slovenia
  41. Pivac N; Pregelj P; Nikolac M; Zupanc T; Nedic G; Seler DM; Paska AV
    The association between catechol-O-methyl-transferase Val(108/158) Met polymorphism and suicide
  42. McDonagh Theresa A; Blue Lynda; Clark Andrew L; Dahlstroem Ulf; Ekman Inger; Lainščak Mitja; McDonald Kenneth; Ryder Mary; Stromberg Anna; Jaarsma Tiny
    European society of cardiology heart failure association standards for delivering heart failure care
  43. Lainščak Mitja; Blue Lynda; Clark Andrew L; Dahlstrom Ulf; Dickstein Kenneth; Ekman Inger; McDonagh Theresa; McMurray John J; Ryder Mary; Stewart Simon
    Self-care management of heart failure: practical recommendations from the Patient care committee of the Heart failure association of the European society of cardiology
  44. Dungen Hans Dirk; Apostolović Svetlana; Inkrot Simone; Lainščak Mitja
    Titration to target dose of bisoprolol vs. carvedilol in elderly patients with heart failure: the CIBIS-ELD trial
  45. Sarc Irena; Jerič Tina; Ziherl Kristina; Šuškovič Stanislav; Košnik Mitja; Anker Stefan D; Lainščak Mitja
    Adherence to treatment guidelines and long-term survival in hospitalized patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  46. Bunc Gorazd; Ravnik Janez; Velnar Tomaž
    Iatrogeni spinalni epiduralni absces: prikaz primera in pregled literature
    [Spinal epidural abscess following epidural analgesia: a case report and review of literature]
  47. Jobbagy Akos; Csordas Peter; Mersich Andras
    Blood presure measurement: assessment of a variable quantity
    [Merjenje krvnega tlaka: določanje variabilne spremenljivke]
  48. Vrtovec Bojan; Poglajen Gregor
    Sodobni načini zdravljenja srčnega popuščanja
    [Modern treatment methods for heart failure]
  49. Gradišek Primož; Osredkar Joško; Kremžar Boriana; Koršič Marjan
    Biokemijski označevalci nezgodne možganske okvare
    [Biochemical markers of traumatic brain injury]
  50. Tomažič Janez
    Preprečevanje in zdravljenje okužb, povzročenih z virusom citomegalije, pri presaditvah čvrstih organov
    [Prevention and treatment of cytomegalovirus infections in solid organ transplantation]
  51. Borinc-Beden Andreja; Perko Jure; Terčelj Robert; Kreft Samo
    Potek zdravljenja akutne okužbe dihal pri slovenskih otrocih s sirupom, ki vsebuje izvleček listov bršljana
    [Treatment of acute respiratory infections in Slovenian children with ivy leaf extract syrup]
  52. Rems Miran; Tušar Sandra; Dolenc Matej
    Pozni rezultati zdravljenja pooperativnih kil z retromuskularno položeno mrežico
    [Long-term results of incisional hernia repair with retromuscular mesh]
  53. Kravos Matej; Malešič Ivan
    Bolnišnično zdravljenje odvisnih od alkohola v vzhodni Sloveniji
    [The hospital treatment of alcoholics in Eastern Slovenia]
  54. Koren Igor
    Prevalenca astme v koroški regiji
    [Prevalence of asthma in Koroška region]
  55. Jakovljević Miroljub; Vauhnik Renata
    Aquatic exercises versus land based exercises for elderly patients after a total hip replacement
    [Hidrokinezioterapija v primerjavi s kinezioterapijo pri starejših osebah po vstavitvi totalne endoproteze kolčnega sklepa]
  56. Takač Iztok; Fokter Nina
    Nova klasifikacija ginekoloških rakov mednarodnega združenja ginekologov in porodničarjev (FIGO)
    [New International federation of gynecology and obstetrics (FIGO) staging system of gynecological cancers]
  57. Albreht Tit
    Alkohol kot eden ključnih javnozdravstvenih problemov - od zavedanja o njegovi pomembnosti do pravih poti rešitve
    [Alcohol as a key public health issue - from the awareness of its importance to proper solutions]
  58. Poredoš Pavel
    SZD uvaja nove oblike organiziranega podiplomskega izobraževanja
    [Slovenian medical association introduces new forms of organised postgraduate education]
  59. Giegling Ina; Drago Antonio; Dolžan Vita; Kores-Plesničar Blanka; Schaefer Martin; Hartmann Annette M; Sander Thomas; Toliat Mohammad Reza; Moeller Hans-Juergen; Stassen Hans H
    Glutamatergic gene variants impact the clinical profile of efficacy and side effects of haloperidol
  60. Zalar Bojan; Weber Urška; Sernec Karin
    Aggression and impulsivity with impulsive behaviours in patients with purgative anorexia and bulimia nervosa
  61. Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Bulc Mateja; Kersnik Janko
    Attitudes of Slovenian family practice patients toward changing unhealthy lifestyle and the role of family physicians: cross-sectional study
  62. Kau Chung How; Richmond Stephen; Zhurov Alexei; English Jeryl D; Ovsenik Maja; Borbely Peter; Tawfik Wael
    Studying facial morphologies in different populations
  63. Kau Chung How; Richmond Stephen
    Three-domensional imaging for orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery
  64. Glavač Damjan
    MicroRNAs in skin morphogenesis and diseases
  65. Singh Shree Ram
    Stem cell, regenerative medicine and cancer
  66. Chamcheu Jean Christopher; Navsaria Harshad; Pihl-Lundin Inger; Liović Mirjana; Vahlquist Anders; Toermae Hans
    Chemical chaperones protect epidermolysis bullosa simplex keratinocytes from heat stress-induced keratin aggregation: involvement of heat shock proteins and MAP kinases
  67. Košnik Mitja; Korošec Peter
    Hymenoptera-induced hypersensitivity reactions and anaphylaxis
  68. Seme Katja; Močilnik Tina; Poljak Mario
    Twenty-four mini-pool HCV RNA screening in a routine clinical virology laboratory setting: a six-year prospective study
  69. Castells Mariana C
    Anaphylaxis and hypersensitivity reactions
  70. Zemann W; Karcher H; Drevenšek M; Koželj V
    Sagittal maxillary growth in children with unilateral cleft of the lip, alveolus and palate at the age of 10 years: an intercentre comparison
  71. Milošević Miloš; Poljak Mario; Mlakar Boštjan
    Anal HPV infection in Slovenian men who have sex with men
  72. Černe Živa J; Stegel V; Geršak K; Novaković S
    Lack of association between methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase genetic polymorphisms and postmenopausal breast cancer risk
  73. Mlinar B; Ferk P; Pfeifer M; Geršak K; Marc J
    Lipin 1 gene polymorphisms in polycystic ovary syndrome
  74. Geršak K; Veble A
    Low-level X chromosome mosaicism in women with sporadic premature ovarian failure
  75. Kokalj-Steinbacher Tina; Rejc Barbara; Geršak Ksenija
    Incidence and prevention of neural tube defects in Slovenia
  76. Černe JZ; Ferk P; Leskošek B; Geršak K
    Hormone replacement therapy and some risk factors for breast cancer among Slovenian postmenopausal women
  77. Breznik V; Potočnik M; Miljković J
    Papulonodular secondary syphilis in a 52-year-old non-HIV heterosexual patioent
  78. Bon Jurij; Barbič-Žagar Breda; Bevec Matevž
    Neintervencijsko spremljanje učinkovitosti in varnosti olanzapina (Zolrix) v zdravljenju shizofrenije in bipolarne manije
    [Post-authorization safety and efficacy study of olanzapine (Zolrix) in the treatment of shizophrenia and bipolar mania]
  79. Žnidaršič Marta; Rink Nina; Grosek Štefan; Ilijaš Ana; Bohorč-Gazvoda Irena; Jenko Klemen
    Atrezija hoan - prikaz primera
    [Choanal atresia - case report]
  80. Kenda Jana; Zaletel Marjan
    Spontana obojestranska disekcija notranjih vratnih arterij pri 45-letnici
    [45-year-old female with bilateral spontaneous internal carotid artery dissection]
  81. Vidmar Vesna; Orešič-Barać Tijana; Miljković Jovan
    Multipli keratoakantomi
    [Multiple keratoacanthomas]
  82. Cerar Andraž; Bunc Matjaž
    Povišana srčna frekvenca v mirovanju: dejavnik tveganja za srčnožilne zaplete
    [Elevated resting heart rate: a risk for cardiovascular events]
  83. Cvijić Marta; Žižek David; Zupan Igor
    Zdravljenje napredovalega srčnega popuščanja z elektrostimulacijo srca na način resinhronizacije
    [Treatment of heart failure with cardiac resynchronization therapy]
  84. Smrkolj Špela
    Citološke in biopsijske tehnike ter kolposkopija v ginekologiji
    [Cytology and biopsy techniques and colposcopy in gynecology]
  85. Kokalj Anja; Štor Zdravko
    Poškodbe jeter
    [Liver injuries]
  86. Ostrovršnik Jaka; Cvirn Anina; Peterlin-Mašič Lucija
    Amfetamin in metamfetamin: mehanizem delovanja, učinki, zastrupitev in diagnostika
    [Amphetamine and methamphetamine: mechanism of action, effects, poisoning and diagnostics]
  87. Bizjak Tina; Saletinger Rajko
    Južnoameriška tripanosomoza - Chagasova bolezen
    [American trypanosomiasis - Chagas disease]
  88. Cotič Jasna; Ovsenik Maja
    Problematika pravočasne razpoznave in obravnave neizraslih podočnikov
    [Issues with early detection and treatment of impacted canines]
  89. Laharnar Marina; Slabe Damjan; Herman Simon
    Poznavanje ukrepov prve pomoči pri zlomu kolka med laiki na Tolminskem
    [Knowledge of first aid measures for hip fracture among non-medical personnel in Tolmin region]
  90. Španinger Klemen; Borštnar Simona; Matos Erika; Možina Barbara; Sytkowski Arthur J; Komel Radovan; Debeljak Nataša
    Report on isoelectric focusing trial of erythropoietin profiling in two cancer patients during chemotherapy and darbepoetin treatment
  91. Vogelmeier Claus; Hederer Bettina; Glaab Thomas; Schmidt Hendrik; Fležar Matjaž; Ulčar-Kostič Snežana; Maček-Cafuta Arjana; Letonja Saša; Smonkar Tomaž; Vukelič Katarina
    Tiotropium versus salmeterol for the prevention of exacerbations of COPD
  92. Ovčariček Tanja; Grazio-Frkovič Snježana; Matos Erika; Možina Barbara; Borštnar Simona
    Triple negative breast cancer - prognostic factors and survival
    [Trojno negativni rak dojke - napovedni dejavniki in preživetje]
  93. Prijič Sara; Serša Gregor
    Magnetic nanoparticles as targeted delivery systems in oncology
    [Magnetni nanodelci kot dostavni sistemi v onkologiji]
  94. Strojan-Fležar Margareta; Lavrenčak Jaka; Žganec Mario; Strojan Primož
    Image cytometric nuclear texture features in inoperable head and neck cancer: a pilot study
    [Slikovnocitometrične jedrne značilke pri neoperabilnem raku glave in vratu: pilotna raziskava]
  95. Vovk Andrej; Cox Robert W; Stare Janez; Šuput Dušan; Saad Ziad S
    Segmentation priors from local image properties: without using bias field correction, location-based templates, or registration
  96. Terčelj Marjeta; Salobir Barbara; Zupančič Mirjana; Rylander Ragnar
    Antifungal medication is efficient in the treatment of sarcoidosis
  97. Didanovič Vojko; Kansky Andrej; Eberlinc Andreja; Dovšak Tadej; Kočar Miha; Ihan-Hren Nataša
    Prelaminirani prosti reženj temporalne fascije za nadomestitev sluznice ustnega dna
    [Prelaminated temporal fascia free flap for reconstruction of the floor of the mouth]
  98. Korošec-Jagodič Helena; Novak-Jankovič Vesna; Pregelj Peter
    Sodobno zdravljenje z elektrokonvulzivno terapijo
    [Up-todate treatment with electroconvulsive therapy]
  99. Zupanič-Slavec Zvonka; Slavec Ksenija
    Prof. dr. Bojan Pirc (1901-1991), mednarodno uveljavljeni zdravstveni statistik - ob 110-letnici rojstva
    [Dr. Bojan Pirc (1901-1991), an internationally recognized medical statistician: on the 110th anniversary of his birth]
  100. Furlan Danijela; Ilijaš-Trofenik Ana; Ostanek Barbara; Felc Zlata; Bratanič Borut; Lukač-Bajalo Jana
    Patološka zlatenica donošenih novorojenčkov in Gilbertov sindrom
    [Pathological jaundice in full-term newborns and Gilbert's syndrome]

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