biomedicina slovenica |
Hancock John M.; Wagner Rolf
Crosslinking of the L18-5S rRNA complex from E.coli ribosomes using PDG
1981 ►
Wagner Rolf; Hancock John M.; Chiam C. L.; Kühne C.
Chemical approaches to study the topography of E. coli ribosomes and their constituents
1980 ►
Slavkov Ivica; Džeroski Sašo; Peterlin Borut; Lovrečić Luca
Analysis of gene expression profiles for Huntington's disease patients with predictive clustering trees
2006 ►
Černila Boštjan; Črešnar Bronislava; Breskvar Katja
Molecular characterization of a ribosome-associated Hsp70-homologous gene from Rhizopus nigricans
2003 ►
Černila Boštjan
Geni stresnih proteinov iz družine hsp7- v glivi Rhizopus nigricans in dejavniki, ki vplivajo na njihovo izražanje
2001 ►
Kocijan Irena
Molekularna dijagnostika i terapija bolesti jetre
[Molecular diagnosis and therapy of liver diseases]
1998 ►
Zajc-Kreft Katarina
Razgradnja acetilholinesterazne mRNA v normalni in denervirani skeletni mišici
[Degradation of acetylcholinesterase mRNA in the normal and denervated skeletal muscle]
1999 ►
Brank Martina
Uravnavanje sinteze skeletnomišične acetilholinesteraze na ravni poliribosomov
1998 ►
Naranda T; Kučan Z
Effect of spermine on the efficiency and fidelity of the codon-specific binding of tRNA to the ribosomes
1989 ►
Kučan Z; Naranda T; Plohl M; Nothig-Laslo V; Weygand-Durašević I
Effect of spermine on transfer RNA and transfer RNA-ribosome interactions
1988 ►
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Institute for Biostatistics and Medical Informatics