biomedicina slovenica |
"BASAL GANGLIA" : 101-146
Ott E; Suppan K; Wenzel K; Homann CN; Horner S
Mental dysfunction in parkinsonian syndromes
2000 ►
Gregorič Milan
Gait in extrapiramidal disorders
2000 ►
Vodušek David B
Sphincter EMG and differential diagnosis of parkinsonism
2000 ►
Wenning Gregor
Diagnosis of atypical parkinsonism
2000 ►
Less Andrew J
The relevance of pleasure/reward dopamine circuits to Parkinson's disease
2000 ►
Pirtošek Zvezdan
2000 ►
Pirtošek Zvezdan
Proceedings of the symposium on movement disorders, "The Alpine basal ganglia club" with the 16th dr. Janez Faganel memorial lecture; 2000 Sep 13-14; Ljubljana
2000 ►
Mesec A
Some differences between early and late onset Parkinson's disease
1998 ►
Pirtošek Zvezdan
Neurophysiology of selective auditory attention
1999 ►
Brundin Patrik
Cell death and neural grafting in neurodegenerative diseases of the basal ganglia
1999 ►
Pirtošek Z
Psychogenic movements disorders - a field between neurology and psychiatry
1999 ►
Anonymous ;
Programma finale 4a Riunione del Basal Ganglia Club; 1999 mag 15; Roma
1999 ►
Al Othman Najeeb O; Al Ajmi Mona; Neubauer David
A case of tuberculosus meningitis complicated by multiple basal ganglia tuberculomas
1998 ►
Roš T
Extrapyramidal paraneoplastic disorders
1998 ►
Roš T; Flisar D
Progressive encephalomyelitis with rigidity and chorea - two cases with extrapyramidal paraneoplastic disorders?
1998 ►
Roš T; Pirtošek Z; Flisar D
Progressive encephalomyelitis with rigidity and chorea - three cases with extrapyramidal paraneoplastic disorders?
1998 ►
Strojan Primož; Petrič-Grabnar Gabrijela; Župančič Neža; Jereb Berta
Concomitant chemoradiotherapy for incompletely resected supratentorial low-grade astrocytoma in children: preliminary report
1999 ►
Kocmur Marga; Tavčar Rok; Žunter-Nagy Ana Marija; Stamos Vladislava; Žmitek Andrej; Kravos Matej; Markočič Lilijana; Vidmar-Vengust Metoda
Odprta multicentrična raziskava zdravljenja bolnikov s psihotičnimi motnjami z risperidonom
1999 ►
Al Othman Najeeb O; Neubauer David; Karaguiosov Kostadin L
Case of tuberculous meningitis complicated by multiple basal ganglia tuberculomas
1998 ►
Pirtošek Z
Disturbi del movimento nell'ictus e nella sclerosi multipla
1998 ►
Pirtošek Zvezdan
Ekstrapiramidne motnje
[Extrapyramidal diseases]
1998 ►
Živin Marko
Parkinsonova bolezen
1998 ►
Auer Vladimir
Sinapse, sinapse
1998 ►
Molnar M; Osman-Sagi J; Csepe V; Nagy Z; Horvath S; Kenez J
Assessment of brain function in stroke based on EEG dimensional complexity and ERP mapping
1998 ►
Korošec M; Pirtošek Z
Cognitive neurophysiology of tic disorders
1998 ►
Pirtošek Z
Abnormal movements in stroke and multiple sclerosis
1998 ►
Janša J; Pirtošek Z; Zidar J; Ocepek L
Assessment of the effect of botulinum treatment in upper limb disorders
1998 ►
Anonymous ;
Final programmme and abstracts of the joint meeting of the Italian, Austrian and Slovenian basal ganglia clubs; 1998 Mar 19-21; Tarvisio
1998 ►
Pirtošek Z
Is there a "central" effect of Botulinum toxin: a clinical and electrophysiological perspective
1997 ►
Pirtošek Zvezdan
Psychopathology and cognitive neurophysiology of basal ganglia disorders
1997 ►
Pirtošek Z; Barrett G; Lees AJ
Cognitive neurophysiology of extrapyramidal disorders
[Kognitivna nevrofiziologija ekstrapiramidnih motenj]
1996 ►
Turjanski N; Brooks DJ
PET studies of dopaminergic function in involuntary movement disorders
[študije dopaminergičnih funkcij pri ekstrapiramidnih motnjah s pozitronsko emisijsko tomografijo (PET)]
1996 ►
Flisar D
Degenerativne in heredodegenerativne bolezni
1997 ►
Resman J
Stranski učinki nevroleptične terapije
1996 ►
Butinar D; Trontelj JV; Khuraibet AJ; Khan RA; Hussein JM; Shakir RA
Brainstem auditory evoked potentials in Wilson's disease
1990 ►
Gerlach J; Casey DE
Ekstrapiramidni sindromi, povzročeni z nevroleptiki
[Neuroleptic induced extrapyramidal syndromes]
1994 ►
Sket D
Thirty-five years of dopamine research
1993 ►
Župan G; Simonić A; Ðorđević N
Dihidroergotoksin i pasivno izbjegavanje kazne u štakora s oštećenom kolinergičkom inervacijom korteksa
[Dihydroergotoxine and the passive avoidance behaviour in rats with damaged cholinergic innervation of the neocortex]
1991 ►
Janko M
Motnje gibanja
[Movement disorders]
1991 ►
Denišlič M
Multisistemska atrofija
[Multiple system atrophy]
1990 ►
Lavrič A; Mesec A
2. Yugoslav symposium on diseases of the extrapyramidal system: book of abstracts
1990 ►
Nutrizio V; Svoren E; Papa J; Bešenski N
Karakteristike Fahr-ove bolesti u kompjuteriziranoj tomografiji mozga
[Computed tomography brain scans in Fahr disease]
1988 ►
Schlienbs R; Živin M; Steinbach J; Rothe T
Changes in cholinergic but not GABAergic markers in amygdala, piriform and nucleus basalis of the rat brain following systemic administration of kainic acid
1989 ►
Denišlič M
Diferencialna diagnoza Parkinsonove bolezni
1986 ►
Grošelj P
Bolnik z ekstrapiramidno boleznijo v splošni ambulanti
1986 ►
Lavrič A
Ekstrapiramidne motnje gibanja. (Funkcijska zgradba in delovanje bazalnih ganglijev, pomen motenj njihovega delovanja za nastanek ekstrapiramidnih bolezni in klasifikacija ekstrapiramidnih motenj gibanja)
1986 ►
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