biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 16.167-16.266

  1. Mlakar B; Košorok P
    Complications and results after stapled haemorrhoidopexy as a day surgical procedure
  2. Smits KM; Gaspari L; Weijenberg MP; Dolžan V; Golka K; Roemer HC; Nedelcheva-Kristensen V; Lechner MC; Mehling GI; Seidegard J
    Interaction between smoking, GSTM 1 deletion and colorectal cancer: results from the GSEC study
  3. Bulc T; Šajn-Slak A
    Performance of constructed wetland for highway runoff treatment
  4. Arnol Miha; Starc Vito; Starc Rado
    Atrioventricular conduction variability in coronary patients
  5. Možina Miran
    Can we remember differently? A case study of the new culture of memory in voluntary organisations
  6. Semenza Carlo; Girelli Luisa; Spacal Martin; Kobal Jan; Mesec Anton
    Derivation by prefixation in Slovenian: two aphasia case studies
  7. Geršak Borut; Šoštarič Maja; Kališnik Jurij-Matija
    Endoscopic aortic valve replacement
  8. Vračko Jožef; Wiechel Karl Ludvig
    Increased gallbladder trypsin in acute cholecystitis indicates functional disorder in the sphincter of Oddi and could make EPT a logical procedure
  9. Fanin Marina; Nascimberi Anna Chiara; Fulizio Luigi; Trevisan Carlo Pietro; Meznarič-Petruša Marija; Angelini Corrado
    Loss of calpain-3 autoacatalytic activity in LGMD2A patients with normal protein expression
  10. Matjačić Z; Jensen PL; Riso RR; Voigt M; Bajd T; Sinkjaer T
    Development and evaluation of a two-dimensional electrocutaneous cognitive feedback system for use in paraplegic standing
  11. Matjačić Z; Voigt M; Popović D; Sinkjaer T
    Functional postural responses after perturbations in multiple directions in a standing man: a principle of decoupled control
  12. Matjačić Zlatko
    Control of ankle and hip joint stiffness for arm-free standing in paraplegia
  13. Cikajlo Imre; Matjačić Zlatko; Bajd Tadej
    Development of a gait re-education system in complete spinal cord injury
  14. Matjačić Zlatko; Hesse Stefan; Sinkjaer Thomas
    BalanceReTrainer: a new standing-balance training apparatus and methods applied to a chronic hemiparetic subject with a neglect syndrome
  15. Matjačić Zlatko; Bajd Tadej
    Arm-free paraplegic standing - Part 2: experimental results
  16. Matjačić Zlatko; Bajd Tadej
    Arm-free paraplegic standing - Part 1: control model synthesis and simulation
  17. Mihelj M; Matjačić Z; Bajd T
    Postural activity of constrained subject in response to disturbance in saggital plane
  18. Matjačić Z
    A multi-purpose rehabilitation frame: an apparatus for experimental investigations of human balance and postural control
  19. Matjačić Zlatko; Johannsen Inger Lauge; Sinkjaer Thomas
    A multi-purpose rehabilitation frame: a novel apparatus for balance training during standing of neurologically impaired individuals
  20. Pavlica Z; Erjavec V; Eržen D; Petelin M
    A full-mouth radiographic survey of periodontal bone loss in dogs
  21. Jazbec I
    Krvna slika in telesna temperatura pri konjih, obolelih za infekciozno anemijo konj (IAK)
    [Blood cell count and body temperature in horses suffering from equine infectious anaemia (EIA)]
  22. Bešić Nikola; Vidergar-Kralj Barbara; Frković-Grazio Snježana; Movrin-Stanovnik Tadeja; Auersperg Marija
    The role of radioactive iodine in the treatment of Huerthle cell carcinoma of the thyroid
  23. Hočevar M; Bračko M; Pogačnik A; Vidergar-Kralj B; Bešić N; Žgajnar J
    Role of imprint cytology in the intraoperative evaluation of sentinel lymph nodes for malignant melanoma
  24. Turk Martina; Mejanelle Laurence; Šentjurc Marjeta; Grimalt Joan O; Gunde-Cimerman Nina; Plemenitaš Ana
    Salt-induced changes in lipid composition and membrane fluidity of halophilic yeast-like melanized fungi
  25. Bešić N; Žgajnar J; Hočevar M; Rener M; Frković-Grazio S; Snoj Nataša; Lindtner J
    Breast biopsy with wire localization: factors ifluencing complete excision of nonpalpable carcinoma
  26. Stantić Mirjana; Gruden Nevenka
    Calcium and strontium transfer through the intestinal wall in 6- and 26-week old rats
  27. Gruden Nevenka; Stantić Mirjana
    Transfer of lead through the rat's intestinal wall
  28. Ahčan U; Arnež ZM; Bajrović FF; Hvala A; Zorman P
    Nerve fibre composition of the palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve and clinical implications
  29. Cvenkel B; Hvala A; Drnovšek-Olup B; Gale N
    Acute ultrastructural changes of the trabecular meshwork after selective laser trabeculoplasty and low power argon laser trabeculoplasty
  30. Seljak Gabrijel; Dreo Tanja; Ravnikar Maja
    Breskova bakterijska pegavost (Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni) v nasadih breskev in sliv v Sloveniji
    [Bacterial spot of peaches (Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni) in peach and plum orchards in Slovenia]
  31. Anderluh Gregor; Dalla-Serra Mauro; Viero Gabriella; Guella Graziano; Maček Peter; Menestrina Gianfranco
    Pore formation by equinatoxin II, a eukaryotic protein toxin, occurs by induction of nonlamellar lipid structures
  32. Grach-Pogrebinsky Olga; Sedmak Bojan; Carmeli Shmuel
    Protease inhibitors from a Slovenian lake Bled toxic waterbloom of the cyanobacterium Planktothrix rubescens
  33. Gerič Barbara; Johnson Stuart; Gerding Dale N; Grabnar Miklavž; Rupnik Maja
    Frequency of binary toxin genes among Clostridium difficile strains that do not procedure large clostridial toxins
  34. Grgič Tanja; Kos Ivan
    Centipede diversity in patches of different development phases in an unevenly-aged beech forest stand in Slovenia
  35. Muri Gregor; Eržen Saša
    Relations between air temperature, precipitation and surface and vertical water temperature variations in the Kriško lakes (Julian Alps, NW Slovenia) in July 2002
  36. Zupančič Gregor
    A method for dynamic spectrophotometric measurements in vivo using principal component analysis-based spectral deconvolution
  37. Lipovšek S; Devetak D; Štrus J; Pabst MA
    A contribution to the functional morphology of the femoral chordotonal organ in the green lacewing Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera)
  38. Ramšak Andreja; Garoia Flavio; Guarniero Ilaria; Mannini Piero; Tinti Fausto
    Novel polymorphic microsatellite markers for the common pandora (Pagellus erythrinus)
  39. Krivograd-Klemenčič Aleksandra; Vrhovšek Danijel
    Algae in the peat bogs Lovrenška jezera and Šijec in Slovenia
  40. Trontelj Peter; Gorički Špela
    Monophyly of the family Proteidae (Amphibia: Caudata) tested by phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial 12s rDNA sequences
  41. Antolič V; Pavlovčič V; Stanič U; Jeraj J
    Anterior cruciate ligament function: a non-invasive quantitative technique
  42. Antolič V; Stražar K; Pompe B; Pavlovčič V; Vengust R; Stanič U; Jeraj J
    Increased muscle stiffness after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction - memory on injury?
  43. Pavlovčič V; Pečak F
    Surgical treatment of clubfoot: the significance of talocalcaneonavicular malposition correction
  44. Pavlovčič V; Dolinar D
    Intertrochanteric osteotomy for osteonecrosis of the femoral head
  45. Košak R; Antolič V; Pavlovčič V; Kralj-Iglič V; Milošev I; Vidmar G; Iglič A
    Polyethylene wear in total hip prostheses: the influence of direction of linear wear on volumetric wear determined from radiographic data
  46. Dolinar D; Antolič V; Herman S; Iglič A; Kralj-Iglič V; Pavlovčič V
    Influence of contact hip stress on the outcome of surgical treatment of hips affected by avascular necrosis
  47. Peterlin Borut; Globočnik-Petrovič Mojca; Makuc Jana; Hawlina Marko; Petrovič Daniel
    A hemochromatosis-causing mutation C282Y is a risk factor for proliferative diabetic retinopathy in Caucasians with type 2 diabetes
  48. Petrovič Daniel; Bregar Dejan; Gužič-Salobir Barbara; Škof Erik; Špan Matjaž; Terzić Rifet; Globočnik-Petrovič Mojca; Keber Irena; Letonja Mitja; Zorc Marjeta; Podbregar M; Peterlin Borut
    Sex difference in the effect of ACE-DD genotype on the risk of premature myocardial infarction
  49. Lahdenne Pekka; Pannelius Jaana; Saxen Harri; Heikkilae Tero; Sillanpaeae Heidi; Peltomaa Mikka; Arnež Maja; Huppertz Hans-Iko; Seppaelae Ilkka JT
    Improved serodiagnosis of erythema migrans using novel recombinant borrelial BBK32 antigens
  50. Shoenfeld Y; Krause I; Kvapil F; Sulkes J; Lev S; von Landenberg P; Font J; Zaech J; Praprotnik S; Rozman B
    Prevalence and clinical correlations of antibodies against six beta2-glycoprotein-I-related peptides in the antiphospholipid syndrome
  51. Jezernik Kristijan; Romih Rok; Mannherz Hans Georg; Koprivec Daša
    Immunohistochemical detection of apoptosis, proliferation and inducible nitric oxide synthase in rat urothelium damaged by cyclophosphamide treatment
  52. Voraček Martin; Fisher Maryanne L; Marušič Andrej
    The Finno-Ugrian suicide hypothesis: variation in European suicide rates by latitude and longitude
  53. Chobanian Aram V; Bakris George L; Black Henry R; Cushman William C; Green Lee A; Izzo Joseph L; Jones Daniel W; Materson Barry J; Oparil Suzanne; Wright Jackson T
    Sedmo poročilo državnega odbora za preprečevanje, odkrivanje, proučevanje in zdravljenje visokega krvnega tlaka: poročilo JNC 7
    [The seventh report of the Joint national committee on prevention, detection, evaluation and treatment of high blood pressure. The JNC report 7]
  54. Booth Christopher M; Matukas Larissa M; Tomlinsom George A; Rachlis Anita R; Rose David B; Dwosh Hy A; Walmsley Sharon L; Mazzuli Tony; Avendano Monica; Derkach Peter
    Različne klinične slike in kratkoročni izidi 144 bolnikov, ki so zboleli zaradi sarsa v širšem območju Toronta
    [Clinical features and short-term outcomes of 144 patients with SARS in the greater Toronto area]
  55. Durbin Denis R; Elliott Michael R; Winston Flaura K
    Otroški avtomobilski stolčki in manjše tveganje za poškodbe otrok v prometnih nesrečah
    [Belt-positioning booster seats and reduction in risk of injury among children in vehicle crashes]
  56. Stewart Walter F; Ricci Judith A; Chee Elsbeth; Hahn Steven R; Morganstein David
    Stroški zaradi odsotnosti z dela in zmanjšane storilnosti pri ameriških delavcih z depresijo
    [Cost of lost productive work time among US workers with depression]
  57. Granda Gal; Mlakar Janez; Vodušek David B
    Kratek preizkus spoznavnih sposobnosti - umerjanje pri preiskovancih, starih od 55 do 75 let (I)
    [The Slovene version of mini mental state examination - standardization on volunteers from 55 to 75 years old (I)]
  58. Fokter Samo K; Repše-Fokter Alenka; Fokter Nina
    Vnos kalcija kot dejavnika v preventivi osteoporoze med mladostniki celjske regije
    [Calcium intake as a factor of osteoporosis prevention among teenagers in Celje region]
  59. Leonardis Lea; Zidar Janez; Peterlin Borut
    Populacijska študija najpogostejših demielinizacijskih bolezni Charcot-Marie-Tooth v Sloveniji
    [The most frequent types of demyelinative Charot-Marie-Tooth disease in Slovenia: a population-based study]
  60. Rotger Margalida; Tomič Viktorija; Trampuž Andrej
    In vitro activity and emergence of resistance to mupirocin in Staphylococcus aureurs
    [In vitro aktivnost in razvoj odpornosti proti mupirocinu pri bakteriji Staphylococcus aureurs]
  61. Drzewiecki Gary; Li John KJ; Knap Bojan; Južnič Susara; Južnič Gojmir; Noordergraaf Abraham
    Cardiac hypertrophy and shape: a noninvasive index?
  62. Groleger Urban; Tomori Martina; Kocmur Marga
    Suicidal ideation in adolescence - an indicator of actual risk?
  63. Zadravec Tina; Groleger Urban; Tekavčič-Grad Onja
    Poskusi samomora v Ljubljani: Evropska multicentrična raziskava o poskusih samomora
  64. Bunc Gorazd; Kovačič Srečko; Strnad Simona
    The influence of noradrenergic blockade on vasospasm and the quantity of cerebral dopamine beta-hydroxylase following subarachnoid haemorrhage in rabbits
  65. Rus Rina R; Ponikvar Rafael; Kenda Rajko B; Buturović-Ponikvar Jadranka
    Effect of local physical training on the forearm arteries and veins in patients with end-stage renal disease
  66. Radovanović Ninoslav D; Petrović Ljuborad V; Mihajlović Bogoljub B; Kovać Marko A; Potić Zoran R; Zorc Marijeta R
    Surgical treatment of heart failure in patients with primary and ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy
  67. Beović B; Bonač B; Keše D; Avšič-Županc T; Kreft S; Lešničar G; Gorišek-Reberšek J; Rezar L; Letonja S
    Aetiology and clinical presentation of mild community-acquired bacterial pneumonia
  68. Punda-Polić Volga; Petrovec Miroslav; Trilar Tomi; Duh Darja; Bradarić Nikola; Klismanić Zorana; Avšič-Županc Tatjana
    Detection and identification of spotted fever group rickettsiae in ticks collected in southern Croatia
  69. Bohinc Klemen; Kralj-Iglič Veronika; May Sylvio
    Interaction between two cylindrical inclusions in a symmetric lipid bilayer
  70. Gabrovšek M; Brecelj-Anderluh M; Bellodi L; Cellini E; Di-Bella D; Estivill X; Fernandez-Aranda F; Freeman B; Komel R; Tomori M
    Combined family trio and case-control analysis of the COMT Val158Met polymorphism in European patients with anorexia nervosa
  71. Peršolja-Černe Melita
    Kakovost socialnega delovnega življenja medicinskih sester v bolnišnicah
    [Quality of social working life of nurses in hospital]
  72. Odlazek Marina; Rus-Makovec Maja
    Vpliv elementov zdravljenja na raven samospoštovanja bolnikov, odvisnih od alkohola
    [The influence of some elements of treatment programme on the level of self-esteem of alcohol dependent patients]
  73. Fortuna Tatjana; Kersnič Petra
    Bolečine v križu pri operacijskih medicinskih sestrah
    [Low back pain in perioperative nurses]
  74. Slemenjak Janja; Miklavčič Vesna; Muzlovič Igor; Trampuž Andrej
    Odkrivanje nosilcev MRSA v intenzivni enoti
    [Detection of MRSA carriers in the intensive care unit]
  75. Kranjec Tatjana; Krašovec Rezi; Primožič Janez
    Sožitje staršev, otrok, medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov v času zdravljenja otrok v bolnišnici
    [Harmony of parents, children, nurses and nursing technicians during hospitalization of children]
  76. Domanjko-Petrič A; Stabej P; Žemva A
    Dilated cardiomyopathy in Doberman pinschers: survival, causes of death and a pedigree review in a related line
  77. Černila Boštjan; Črešnar Bronislava; Breskvar Katja
    Molecular characterization of a ribosome-associated Hsp70-homologous gene from Rhizopus nigricans
  78. Bresjanac Mara; Šmid Lojze M; Vovko Tomaž D; Petrič Andrej; Barrio Jorge R; Popović Mara
    Molecular-imaging probe-2-(1-(6-((2-fluoroethyl)(mathyl)amino)-2-naphthyl)ethylidene) malononitrile labels prion plaques in vitro
  79. Fon-Tacer Klementina; Kalanj-Bognar Svjetlana; Waterman Michael R; Rozman Damjana
    Lanosterol metabolism and sterol regulatory element binding protein (SREBP) expression in male germ cell maturation
  80. Laifaoui JIA; Guillen E; Worret WI; Ring J
    A case of subcorneal pustular dermatosis (Sneddon-Wilkinson-disease) not responding to dapsone: therapeutic alternatives
  81. Bochev V; Angelova I; Tsankov N
    Cervicofacial actinomycosis - report of two cases
  82. Harangi F; Schneider I; Seboek B
    The appearance of atopic dermatitis after primary BCG vaccination in a male infant
  83. Pohar-Marinšek Ž; Lamovec J
    Clear cell hidradenocarcinoma
  84. Peč M; Adamicova K; Chribikova I; Jautova J; Peč J
    Regression of dermal mast cell infiltrates in patients with cutaneous mastocytosis
  85. Dragoš V; Podrumac B; Komel R; Liović M; Kansky A
    Epidermolysis bullosa simplex in Slovenia
  86. Haraguchi Norihiro; Satoh Hiroaki; Homma Toshiaki; Sekizawa Kiyohisa
    Long-term disease-free interval after irradiation for locally advanced lung cancer
    [Dolgotrajno preživetje brez znakov bolezni pri bolnici, ki smo jo obsevali zaradi lokalno napredovalega pljučnega raka. Prikaz primera]
  87. Juretić Antonio; Živković Mirko; Gamulin Marija; Herceg Tonko; Bagović Davorin; Kučan Damir; Zeljko Žarko; Ajduković Radmila
    Radiotherapy for stage IAE non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the testicle - a case report
    [Radioterapija pri bolniku z ne-Hodgkinovim limfomom testisa, stadij IAE - prikaz primera]
  88. Zieba Marek; Baranowska Agnieszka; Krawczyk Michal; Noweta Krzysztof; Grzelewska-Rzymowska Iwona; Kwiatkowska Sylwia
    Pneumonia as a cause of death in patients with lung cancer
    [Pljučnica kot vzrok smrti pri bolnikih s pljučnim rakom]
  89. Kolodziejczak Malgorzata; Stefanski Robert; Sudol-Szopinska Iwona; Jakubowski Wieslaw
    Transrectal and transperineal sonography in the diagnosis of hidradenitis suppurativa
    [Ugotavljanje gnojnega hidradenitisa s transrektalno in transperinealno ultrazvočno preiskavo]
  90. Roić Goran; Posarić Vesna; Marušić Ante; Borić Igor; Vlahović Tomislav; Vrliček Kristina
    Unexpected diagnosis for preauricular swelling - two case reports
    [Nepričakovana diagnoza predušesne otekline - prikaz dveh primerov]
  91. Musek Matjaž; Oven Marjeta; Južnič Primož
    Ten years of the journal Radiology and oncology: some bibliometric evaluation
    [Deset let revije Radiology and oncology: nekaj bibliometrijskih izmer]
  92. Novak Primož; Meh Duška
    Bolečina v stopalih pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 2
    [Foot pain in diabetic patients]
  93. Plausteiner Katarina
    Kazalci aktivirane koagulacije pri bolnikih z vensko trombozo in mutacijo v genu za protrombim in faktor V2
    [Indicators of activated coagulation in patients with venous thrombosis and mutation in the genes for prothrombin and factor V2]
  94. Javh Tanja; Rutar Veronika
    Prepoznava, obravnava in preprečevanje bolečine pri novorojenčkih in dojenčkih
    [Assessment, management and prevention of pain in neonates and infants]
  95. Eržen Ivan; Zaletel-Kragelj Lijana
    Cadmium measurements in blood and hair of occupationallly non-exposed military recruits and in the foods of plant origin produced in Slovenia
  96. Tepeš Bojan
    Primerjava dveh ureaznih bioptičnih testov za dokaz okužbe s Helicobacter pylori pred antimikrobnim zdravljenjem in po njem
    [Prospective comparison of two rapid urease tests for the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori before and after antimicrobial treatment]
  97. Šuškovič Stanislav
    Znanje slovenskih zdravnikov in medicinskih sester o astmi
    [Asthma knowledge of physicians and medical nurses in Slovenia]
  98. Vlaisavljević Veljko; Reljić Milan; Gavrić-Lovrec Vida; Kovačič Borut
    Comparable effectiveness using flexible single-dose GnRH antagonist (centrorelix) and single-dose long GnRH agonist (goserelin) protocol for IVF cycles - a prospective, randomized study
  99. Zorn Branko; Vidmar Gaj; Meden-Vrtovec Helena
    Seminal reactive oxygen species as predictors of fertilization, embryo quality and pregnancy rates after conventional in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection
  100. Kersnik-Levart Tanja; Kenig Anton; Fettich Jure J; Ključevšek Damjana; Novljan Gregor; Kenda Rajko B
    Sensitivity of ultrasonography in detecting renal parenchymal defects in children

   15.667 15.767 15.867 15.967 16.067 16.167 16.267 16.367 16.467 16.567  

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