biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 27.867-27.966

  1. Jurc M; Jurc D; Gogala N; Simončič P
    Air pollution and fungal endophytes in needles of Austrian pine
  2. Vodnik D; Božič M; Gogala N; Gabrovšek K
    Growth response of ectomycorrhizal Norway spruce seedlings transplanted on lead-polluted soil
  3. Bavcon J; Gogala N
    The influence of UV-B irradiation on the mitotic activity in Picea abies L.) Karst
  4. Bertuzzi A; Faganeli J; Brambati A
    Annual variation of benthic nutrient fluxes in shallow coastal waters (Gulf of Trieste, Northern Adriatic sea)
  5. Urbanc-Berčič Olga
    Aquatic vegetation in two pre-alpine lakes of different trophic levels (Lake Bled and Lake Bohinj): vegetation development from the aspect of bioindication
  6. Gaberščik Alenka; Mazej Zdenka
    Photosynthetic performance and photoinhibition in two species of Potamogeton from lake Bohinj (Slovenia)
  7. Smaka-Kincl V; Stegnar P; Lovka M; Toman MJ
    The evaluation of waste, surface and ground water quality using the Allium test procedure
  8. Sotošek B; Arnež ZM
    Rekonstrukcija mandibule s prostim fibularnim režnjem pri kirurškem zdravljenju tumorjev
    [Reconstruction of the mandibule with a free fibular flap in surgical treatment of tumours]
  9. Seme Katja; Poljak Mario; Lešničar Gorazd; Brinovec Vladimir; Štepec Srečko; Koren Srečko
    Distribution of hepatitis C virus genotypes in Slovenia
  10. Coer Andrej; Gale Nina; Kambič Vinko
    Quantitative pathology of laryngeal epithelial hyperplastic lesions
  11. Jevnikar Peter; Jarh Orest; Sepe Ana; Pintar Mik M; Funduk Nenad
    Micro magnetic resonance imaging of water uptake by glass ionomer cements
  12. Gaberšček S; Štiblar-Martinčič D; Kališnik M
    The influenece of serotonin on follicular cells FRTL-5 in vitro
  13. Ponikvar Rafael; Drinovec Jože; Varl Janez; Bren Andrej; Kveder Radoslav
    Asorption and desorption of proteins on plasmafilter membrane and its efect on macromolecular sieving coefficient
  14. Stojan Jure; Zorko Matjaž
    Kinetic characterization of all steps of the interaction between acetylcholinesterase and eserine
  15. Stojan Jure; Pavlič Miloš R
    Mechanism of eserine action on the hydrolysis of butyrylthiocholine by butyrylcholinesterase
  16. Lešnik-Musek Petra
    Vrednote v različnih življenjskih obdobjih
    [Values in different periods of life]
  17. Kobal-Palčič Darja; Musek Janek
    Samopodoba mladostnikov v različnih kulturah in narodih
    [The self-image of young people in various cultures]
  18. Ribič Helena; Kraigher Alenka; Hočevar-Grom Ada; Zrimšek Romana; Radšel-Medvešček Alenka
    Ogroženost zaradi davice v Sloveniji
    [Risk of diphtheria in Slovenia]
  19. Eržen Irena
    Poškodbe pri delu v Republiki Sloveniji v letih 1990-1992
    [Work injuries in the Republic of Slovenia in the period from 1990 to 1992]
  20. Pinter Bojana
    Starševstvo in nosečnosti
    [Parenthood and pregnancy]
  21. Černič-Istenič Majda
    Razlogi za nizko rodnost, motivacije za starševstvo in stališča do spremenjenih vlog žensk
    [Reasons for low fertility, motivations for parenhood and attitude towards different roles of women]
  22. Obersnel-Kveder Dunja
    Spolno in reproduktivno vedenje
    [Sexual and reproductive behaviour]
  23. Obersnel-Kveder Dunja
    Rodnostno vedenje Slovencev
    [Fertility attitude of Slovenes]
  24. Skok Pavel
    Vpliv endoskopske hemostaze na zmanjšanje umrljivosti pri bolnikih s krvavitvami iz prebavil
    [Effect of endoscopic hemostasis on reduction of mortality in patients with hemorrhage from the digestive tract]
  25. Knap Bojan; Južnič Gojmir; Južnič Susara
    Cilindrikacija kot mehanizem kvalitete akcije levega prekata
    ["Cylindricality" as a mechanism of quality of left ventricle action]
  26. Eržen Barbara; Gradišek Primož
    Spremembe žilne stene in sestave krvi pri arterijski hipertenziji
    [Arterial hypertension - induced changes in blood vessels and blood structure]
  27. Lazar Irena M; Premik Marjan
    Odnos slovenskih zdravnikov do zdravega načina življenja
    [The attitude-behaviour relation about healthy life style among Slovenian physicians]
  28. Dernovšek Mojca Z; Tavčar Rok; Darovec Jože
    Anketa o zdravljenju ekstrapiramidnih stranskih učinkov antipsihotikov
    [Survey of treating extrapyramidal side effects of antipsychotic drugs]
  29. Verovnik Franc
    Ehografska evalvacija mehanske funkcije levega preddvora po konverziji atrijske fibrilacije
    [Echographic assessment of left atrial mechanical function after conversion of atrial fibrillation]
  30. Flis Vojko; Miksić Kazimir; Pavlovič Milan
    Rezultati kirurškega zdravljenja pri razpočenih anevrizmah abdominalne aorte
    [The outcome of the surgery in ruptured aneurysms of the abdominal aorta]
  31. Krčevski-Škvarč N; Pečan M; Godec M; Stare J; Kamenik M
    Pacientova pričakovanja in izkušnje z akutno pooperativno bolečino: rezultati ankete "Bolečina po operaciji"
    [The patient's expectations and experiences with acute postoperative pain: results of inquiry: pain after surgery]
  32. Ribarič S; Peterec D; Sketelj J
    Computer aided data acquisition and analysis of acetlycholinesterase velocity sedimentation profiles
  33. Bajrović F; Sketelj J
    Prior collateral sprouting of sensory axons delays recovery of pain sensitivity after subsequent nerve crush
  34. Krajnc I; Turk Z
    Vergleichende Untersuchung zur Wirksamkeit der Behandlung von Kreuzschmerzen in den Kuranstalten von Radenci und Banovci
  35. Krajnc I
    Behandlung von Kreuzschmerzen im Heilbad Moravske Toplice
  36. Krajnc I
    Alternativne metode liječenja kod reumatskih bolesti
    [Alternative medicini in treatment of rheumatic diseases]
  37. Rott T; Koselj M; Skralovnik A; Bren AF; Kandus A
    Aspergillosis in renal transplant recipients
    [Aspergiloza kod primatelja bubrežnih transplantata]
  38. Urbančič A; Buturović-Ponikvar J; Ponikvar R; Bren AF; Kveder R
    Hemodiafiltration with AN69 dialyser membrane is an effective method for beta-2-microglobulin removal from uremics
    [Hemodijafiltracija s pomoću AN69 dijalizatorske membrane djelotvorna je metoda za odstranjivanje beta-2-mikroblobulina u uremičara]
  39. Koselj M; Rott T
    Immunoglobulin A nephropathy in renal transplant recipients
  40. Snoj-Cvetko E; Sketelj J; Dolenc I; Obreza S; Janmot C; d'Albis A; Eržen I
    Regenerated rat fast muscle transplanted to the slow muscle bed and innervated by the slow nerve, exhibits and identical myosin heavy chain repertoire to that of the slow muscle
  41. Veselko M; Prinčič J; Tonin M
    Diagnostic significance of haemarthrosis in an acutely injured knee-arthroscopic evaluation
  42. Premik M; Rudel D
    Community social alarm network in Slovenia
  43. Rodi Z; Vodušek DB; Denišlič M
    Clinical uro-neurophysiciological investigation in multiple sclerosis
  44. Janša R; Preželj J; Kocijančič A; Osredkar J; Ferlič F
    Androstanediol glucuronide in patients with pancreatic cancer and in those with chronic pancreatitis
  45. Salobir B; Preželj J; Meden-Vrtovec H; Kocijančič A; Osredkar J
    Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) serum concentrations and ovarian responsiveness in in-vitro fertilization
  46. Battelino T; Goto M; Kržišnik C; Patrick-Zeller W
    Tissue glucose transport and glucose transporters in suckling rats with endotoxic shock
  47. Hojs R
    Cholecystolithiasis in patients with end-stage renal disease treated with haemodialysis: a study of prevalence
  48. Vrbič V
    Trends in coronal caries prevalence in sothern Europe: Albania, Greece, Italy, former Yugoslav Republics
  49. Rozman Blaž; Vizjak Alenka; Hvala Anastazija; Praprotnik Darja; Kajtna-Koselj Mira; Ferluga Dušan
    Immunohistochemical characteristics of SLE nephritis
  50. Zupanič-Slavec Z
    Morbus Škerljevo - an unknown disease among Slovenians in the first half of the 19th century
  51. Ferjan I; Erjavec F
    Changes in histamine and serotonin secretion from rat peritoneal mast cells caused by antidepressants
  52. Marthaler TM; O'Mullane DM; Vrbič V
    The prevalence of dental caries in Europe 1990-1995
  53. Klemenc M; Zimic N; Kranjec I; Jezeršek P
    Activity of the autonomic nervous system and diastolic disfunction of the left ventricle in hypertensive patients
  54. Gašperšič D
    Morphometry, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray spectral microanalysis of protostylid pits on human lower third molars
  55. Isakov E; Burger H; Gregorič M; Marinček Č
    Stump length as realated to atrophy and strength of the thigh muscles in trans-tibial amputees
  56. Isakov E; Burger H; Krajnik J; Gregorič M; Marinček Č
    Influence of speed on gait parameters and on symmetry in transtibial amputees
  57. Hesse S; Krajnik J; Luecke D; Jahnke MT; Gregorič M; Mauritz KH
    Ankle muscle activity before and after botulinum toxin therapy for lower limb extensor spasticity in chronic hemiparetic patients
  58. Švigelj V; Grad A; Kiauta T
    Heart rate variability, norepinephrine and ECG changes in subarachnoid hemorrhage patients
  59. Starc V; Peterec D; Potočnik N
    Noninvasive assessment of left to right differences in autonomic nervous discharge to the heart
  60. Starc B; Pečan M
    Training of medical students in resuscitation at the University of Ljubljana
  61. Božič B; Kveder T; Stegnar M; Morosini-Berus E; Kos-Golja M; Peternel P; Rozman B
    Influence of degraded phosphatidylserine on binding of antiphospholipid antibodies
  62. Poljak M; Seme K
    Rapid detection and typing of human papillomaviruses by consensus polymerase chain reaction and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
  63. Kokol P; Završnik J; Kancler K; Bigec M
    Two levelled design of an unified paediatric health care encounter
  64. Kralj-Iglič V; Svetina S; Žekš B
    Shapes of bilayer vesicles with membrane embedded molecules
  65. Živin M; Šprah L; Sket D
    The D1 receptor-mediated effects of the ergoline derivative LEK-8829 in rats with unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesions
  66. Brumen M; Svetina S; Žekš B
    Elastic properties of the red blood cell membrane in a model of three coupled layers
    [Elastične lastnosti membrane eritrocita v modelu treh sklopljenih plasti]
  67. Poljak M; Seme K; Koren S
    The polymerase chain reaction: a critical review of its uses and limitations in diagnostic microbiology
  68. Krajnc I; Turk Z
    Rezultati usporednog ispitivanja uspješnosti liječenja boli u lumbalnom predjelu kralješnice u lječilištu Moravske toplice, na odjelu za fizikalnu terapiju i rehabilitaciju te na odjelu za reumatologiju Nastavne bolnice Maribor
    [Results of parallel investigation of the success of low pain treatment at the Moravci spa, at the department for physical therapy and rehabilitation and at the rheumatology department of Maribor teaching hospital]
  69. Krajnc I; Pahor A
    Identifikacija kristala u sinovijalnoj tekučini
  70. Zupanič-Slavec Z
    Theodor Billroth, veliki kirurg, znanstvenik in humanist: ob stoletnici smrti
  71. Milanez Tomaž; Košak Robert; Cerar Anton
    Effect of the type of application of Newcastle disease virus on the Ehrlich ascites tumor
  72. Premru V; Kaplan-Pavlovčič S; Guček A; Bren AF; Kveder R
    Arterial hypertension in CAPD patients
    [Arterijska hipertenzija u bolesnika na CAPD]
  73. Kaplan-Pavlovčič S; Kveder R; Nagode B; Ferluga D
    Clinical course of anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody (ANCA) - associated glomerulonephritis and systemic vasculitis in the elderly
    [Klinički tijek glomerulonefritisa povezanog s anti-neutrofilnim citoplazmaskim autoantitijelima (ANCA) i sustavni vaskulitis u starijih osoba]
  74. Jevtič V; Watt I; Rozman B; Presetnik M; Logar D; Praprotnik S; Tomšič M; Šipek A; Kos-Golja M; Sepe A; Jarh O; Demšar F; Musikić P; Campion G
    Prognostic value of contrast enhanced Gd-DTPA MRI for development of bone erosive changes in rheumatoid arthritis
  75. Šenk L
    Slovenci - študentje veterinarstva v Zagrebu
    [Slovene - students of veterinary medicine in Zagreb]
  76. Pestevšek U
    Development of veterinary postgraduate studies in Slovenia
    [Razvoj podiplomskega študija veterinarstva v Sloveniji]
  77. Kogovšek J
    Dodiplomski študij na Veterinarski fakulteti v Ljubljani
    [Undergraduate study of veterinary medicine in Ljubljana]
  78. Cerar A; Pokorn D
    Inhibition of MNNG-induced gastroduodenal carcinoma in rats by synchronous application of wine or 11% ethanol
  79. Lenarčič B; Križaj I; Žunec P; Turk V
    Differences in specificity for the interactions of stefins A, B and D with cysteine proteinases
  80. Zupanič-Slavec Z
    Doctors-veterinarians among Slovenes in the 18th and 19th century
    [Zdravniki - živinozdravniki med Slovenci v 18. in 19. stoletju]
  81. Stojan J; Pavlič MR
    An interpretation of a non-linear dixon plot
  82. Knap B; Južnič G; Južnič SCJE; Li JK-J; Drzewiecki G; Noordergraaf A
    A noninvasive determination of the endocardial surface of the left ventricle
  83. Južnič G; Južnič SCJE; Knap B; Li JK-J; Drzewiecki G; Noordergraaf A
    The endocardial surface of the left ventricle and its cylindricality
  84. Poljak M; Seme K; Tomažič J; Vidmar L; Koren S
    Clinical evaluation of Amplicor test for detection of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 proviral DNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells
  85. Ušaj A
    The increase of duration of isometric contraction may not relate to change of relative oxygenation of forearm muscle
  86. Gros M; Vrhovec S; Brumen M; Svetina S; Žekš B
    Low pH induced shape changes and vesiculation of human erythrocytes
  87. Savković A
    Krikoidni hrustanec kot rizično mesto ob intubaciji otrok v prvem letu življenja
    [Cricoid cartilage as the critical site at the endotracheal intubation in infants up to one year of age]
  88. Gregorič A; Kaplar-Vučevac M
    Primerjava učinkovitosti sekvencijske uporabe amoksicilina s klavulansko kislino in cefuroksima/cefuroksim-aksetila pri bakterijskih infekcijah pri otrocih
    [Comparative efficacy of sequential administration of amoxicillin/clavulanic acid combination versus cefuroxime/cefuroxime axetil in the treatment of bacterial infections in children]
  89. Pinter B; Andolšek L
    Spolno vedenje ljubljanskih srednješolcev
    [Sexual behavior of secondary-school students in Ljubljana]
  90. Besisso MS; Neubauer D; Cindro L; Trontelj JV; Al-Rashied AA; Al-Hammouri MY
    Subakutni sklerozirajoči panencefalitis pri otrocih v Kuvajtu
    [Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis in children in Kuwait]
  91. Kobal M; Žagar Dušan
    Oddelek za forenzično in socialno psihiatrijo kot terapevtska skupnost
    [An open forensic psychiatry ward]
  92. Ličina M; Mlakar J; Trtnik-Snoj M
    Dolgoletna zasledovalna študija zdravstvenega in psihičnega stanja žensk v rodnem obdobju
  93. Žmitek A; Resman D
    An unusual case of shared psychotic disorder
  94. Tavčar R
    Dolžina bolnišničnega zdravljenja bolnikov s shizofrenijo
    [Length of hospitalization of patients with schizophrenia]
  95. Šteblaj A; Tavčar R
    Predictors of suicide during hospitalization
  96. Dernovšek MZ
    Kakovost življenja bolnikov s shizofrenijo
    [The quality of life of patients with schizophrenia]
  97. Livey I; Dorner F
    Development of an OspC vaccine against lyme borreliosis
  98. Gibbs CP; Livey I; Dorner F
    The role of recombination in OspC variation in lyme disease borrelia
  99. Millner MM; Thalhammer GH
    Neuroborreliosis in childhood: treatment with penicilin sodium and ceftriaxone
  100. Zoechling N; Muellegger RR; Schluepen EM; Soyer HP; Hoedl S; Wienecke R; Volkenandt M; Kerl H
    Minocycline in early Lyme borreliosis

   27.367 27.467 27.567 27.667 27.767 27.867 27.967 28.067 28.167 28.267  

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