biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.02 : 3.301-3.400

  1. Jaki Polona
    Uporaba bioloških zdravil za zdravljenje očesnih vnetij
    [The use of biologic therapies for the treatment of ocular inflammation]
  2. Andjelić Sofija; Hawlina Marko
  3. Fakin Ana; Glavač Damjan; Hawlina Marko
    Usherjev sindrom
    [Usher Syndrome]
  4. Fakin Ana; Kerin Viktorija; Hawlina Marko
    Prizadetost vida pri temporalnem arteritisu
    [Visual loss due to giant cell arteritis]
  5. Drnovšek-Olup Brigita; Hawlina Marko
    Kirurški načini zdravljenja prikrajšave vek pri bolnikih s ščitnično orbitopatijo
    [Surgical options for correction of eyelid retraction in thyroid eye disease]
  6. Cvenkel Barbara
    Heidelberg retina tomograph for the detection of glaucoma
    [Heidelbergov mrežnični tomograf pri odkrivanju glavkoma]
  7. Tekavčič Pompe Manca; Stirn-Kranjc Branka
    Which psychophysical colour vision test to use for screening in 3-9 year olds?
    [Kateri test za oceno barvnega vida je najprimernejsi za otroke, stare od 3 do 9 let?]
  8. Sevšek Davorin; Gril Alenka; Farac Slavica
    Naše prve izkušnje pri zdravljenju makularnega edema z mikropulznim diodnim laserjem
    [Our first experience with subtreshold diode laser in the treatment of macular edema]
  9. Robnik Sonja
    Teoretski koncepti, družboslovne raziskave ter izzivi za izkoreninjenje pojava trpinčenja med in nad zaposlenimi v zdravstveni negi
    [Elimination of workplace bullying in nursing : theoretical concepts, sociological research and future challenges]
  10. Janežič Kristina; Dernovšek Mojca Z
    Predmenstruacijski sindrom in predmenstruacijska disforična motnja
    [Premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder]
  11. Fuerst Jurij
    Preprečevanje bolezni z zdravili - prihranek ali strošek?
    [Prevention of diseases with drugs - savings or costs?]
  12. Richterova Zuzana; Svobodova Zdenka
    Pyrethroids influence on fish
    [Vpliv piretroidov na ribe]
  13. Gould EA; de Lamballerie X; Coutard B; Fooks AR; Outlaw M; Drosten C; Guenther S; Klempa B; Pinschewer D; Avšič-Županc T
    The European Virus Archive: a new resource for virology research
  14. Bizjak Tina; Takač Iztok
    Reproduktivno zdravstveno varstvo pri zapornicah
    [Reproductive health care among incarcerated women]
  15. Prosenc-Zmrzljak Uršula; Rozman Damjana
    Circadian regulation of the hepatic endobiotic and xenobitoic detoxification pathways: the time matters
  16. Guček Alenka; Vardjan Nina; Zorec Robert
    Exocytosis in astrocytes: transmitter release and membrane signal regulation
  17. Schnell Oliver; Alawi Hasan; Battelino Tadej; Ceriello Antonio; Diem Peter; Felton Anne-Marie; Grzeszczak Wladyslaw; Harno Kari; Kempler Peter; Saltman Ilhan; Verges Bruno
    The role of self-monitoring of blood glucose in glucagon-like peptide-1-based treatment approaches: a European expert recommendation
  18. Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Kersnik Janko
    The role of the European Academy of Teachers in General Practice and Family Medicine in family medicine education in Europe - the experience of the University of Maribor
  19. Beranič Nataša; Lanišnik-Rižner Tea; Gobec Stanislav
    Pregled pomembnejših inhibitorjev 5alfa-reduktaz tipa 1 in 2
    [An overview of importnant 5alpha-reductase type 1 and 2 inhibitors]
  20. Poljšak Borut; Milisav Irina
    Clinical implications of cellular stress responses
  21. Schofield Pat; Sofaer-Bennett Beatrice; Hadjistavropoulos Thomas; Zwakhalen Sandra; Brown Cary; Westerling Dagmar; Weissbrod Daniel; Krčevski-Škvarč Nevenka; Wright Shelagh
    A collaborative expert literature review of pain education, assessment and management
  22. Zadnik Vesna; Primic-Žakelj Maja; Krajc Mateja
    Breme raka v Sloveniji v primerjavi z drugimi evropskimi državami
    [Cancer burden in Slovenia in comparison with the burden in other European countries]
  23. Perše Martina; Cerar Anton
    Dextran sodium sulphate colitis mouse model: traps and tricks
  24. Ribarič Samo
    The pharmacological properties and therapeutic use of apomorphine
  25. Buzeti Tatjana; Gobec Mojca
    Neenakosti v zdravju v Sloveniji
    [Health inequalities in Slovenia]
  26. Černe Anja; Zaletel-Kragelj Lijana; Selič Polona
    Kakovost življenja in uživanje alkohola: pregled literature
    [Quality of life and alcohol consumption: a review of the literature]
  27. Jenko-Pražnikar Zala; Pražnikar Jure
    The effect of particulate matter air pollution on respiratory health and on the cardiovascular system
    [Vpliv prašnih delcev na bolezni dihal in srčno-žilnega sistema]
  28. Burja Silva; Mičetić-Turk Dušanka
    Obolenja prebavil in nujna stanja v obdobju novorojenčka
    [Gastrointestinal disorders and emergencies in the neonatal age]
  29. Gregorič Alojz; Marčun-Varda Nataša
    Hipertenzija pri otrocih
    [Hypertension in children]
  30. Gregorič-Kumperščak Hojka
    Samomori in samomorilno vedenje pri mladostnikih
    [Adolescent suicides and suicidal behaviour]
  31. Burja Silva; Mičetić-Turk Dušanka
    Prirojene motnje presnove v obdobju novorojenčka
    [Inborn errors of metabolism in neonatal period]
  32. Osredkar Damjan; Neubauer David
    Najpogostejše epilepsije po neonatalnem obdobju
    [Common epilepsies in the postneonatal period]
  33. Hočevar-Boltežar Irena
    Bolezni grla in diagnostika
    [Laryngeal diseases and diagnosis]
  34. Cegnar Mateja; Kerč Janez
  35. Kristl Julijana
    Vpliv nanotehnologije na razvoj zdravil
    [Implication of nanotechnology on development of medicines]
  36. Kocbek Petra
    Novosti na področju farmacevtske nanotehnologije
    [Novelties in the field of pharmaceutical nanotechnology]
  37. Anderluh Marko
    Izbrane učinkovine kemijskega izvora v terapiji vnetij nosu, obnosnih votlin, ušesa in grla
    [Selected synthetic drugs for the treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis, ear and throat inflammation]
  38. Kreft Samo
    Izbrana zdravila naravnega izvora za zdravljenje bolezni ORL
    [Selected herbal medicinal products in otolaryngology]
  39. Štrukelj Borut
    Sodobna cepiva proti vnetju srednjega ušesa
    [Novel vaccines against otitis media]
  40. Janžič Andrej; Locatelli Igor; Devetak Andreja; Kos Mitja
    Parametri vključevanja konjugiranih pnevmokoknih cepiv v slovenski zdravstveni sistem
    [Uptake parameters of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines into the Slovenian healthcare system]
  41. Cvirn.-Novak Mateja; Čater Nataša; Urbanc Marina; Vovk Tomaž
    Lekarniški farmacevt in bolezni ušes, nosu in grla
    [Community pharmacist and diseases of ear, nose and throat]
  42. Beldie A; den Boer; Brain C; Constant E; Figueira ML; Filipčič I; Gillain B; Jakovljevič M; Jarema M; Kores-Plesničar Blanka
    Fighting stigma of mental illness in midsize European countries
  43. Jančar Petra; Knez Lea; Mrhar Aleš
    Usklajevanje zdravljenja z zdravili pri prehodih bolnikov med različnimi ravnmi zdravstvene oskrbe
    [Medication reconciliation at patients transition across the healthcare interfaces]
  44. Filipič Metka
    Koristi in tveganja uporabe nanotehnologij v živilski industriji
    [The benefits and potential risks of the use of nanotechnology in food industry]
  45. van Velthoven Michelle HMMT; Tudor-Car Lorainne; Car Josip; Atun Rifat
    Telephone consultation for improving health of people living with or at risk of HIV: a systematic review
  46. Tudor-Car Lorainne; Van Velthoven Michelle; Brusamento Serena; Elmoniry Hoda; Car Josip; Majeed Azeem; Tugwell Peter; Welch Vivian; Marušič Ana; Atun Rifat
    Integrating prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission programs to improve uptake: a systematic review
  47. Rožman Primož; Jazbec Janez; Domanovič Dragoslav
    Presaditve matičnih celic iz popkovnične krvi - dve desetletji kliničnih izkušenj
    [Umbilical cord stem cell transplantation - two decades of clinical experience]
  48. Osredkar Joško
    Oksidativni stres
    [Oxidative stress]
  49. Takes Robert P; Strojan Primož
    Current trends in initial management of hypopharyngeal cancer: the declining use of open surgery
  50. O'Hara James; Ferlito Alfio; Takes Robert P; Rinaldo Alessandra; Strojan Primož; Shaha Ashok R.; Rodrigo Juan P; Paleri Vinidh
    Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck metastasizing to the parotid gland: a review of current recommendations
  51. Talmi Yoav P; Ferlito Alfio; Takes Robert P; Strojan Primož; Langendijk Johannes A; Shaha Ashok R; Rinaldo Alessandra
    Lymph node metastasis in nasal vestibule cancer: a review
  52. Agra Ivan Marcelo Gonçalves; Strojan Primož
    Diagnosis and treatment of recurrent laryngeal cancer following initial nonsurgical therapy
  53. Debeljak Nataša; Sytkowski Arthur J
    Erythropoietin and erythropoiesis stimulating agents
  54. Kreft Marko; Bak Lasse K; Waagepetersen Helle S; Schousboe Arne
    Aspects of astrocyte energy metabolism, amino acid neurotransmitter homoeostasis and metabolic compartmentation
  55. Obermajer S; Kuhar M
    Strateški vsadki pri snemnoprotetični oskrbi: prikaz primera
    [Strategic implants in tremovable prosthodontic treatment: case report]
  56. Kopač I; Pohlen B
    Adhezijsko cementiranje keramičnih inlejev in onlejev
    [Adhesive cementation of ceramic inlays and onlays]
  57. Pohlen B; Kopač I
    Preparacija zoba za keramični aki kompozitni inlej in onlej
    [Tooth preparation for ceramic or composite inlay and onlay]
  58. Pavlič A
    Zdravljenje vitalnih mlečnih zob z globokim kariesom
    [Treatment of vital deciduous teeth with deep caries]
  59. Poljšak B; Milisav I
    The neglected significance of 'antioxidative stress'
  60. Faganeli Nataša
    Zdravljenje in vodenje akutne pooperativne bolečine
    [Acute postoperative pain management]
  61. Jošt Maja
    Neželeni učinki analgetikov in prilagajanje protibolečinskega zdravljenja
    [Side effects of analgesics and titration of pain management]
  62. Toni Janez
    Patofiziološki vidiki bolečine
    [Patophysiological aspects of pain]
  63. Serec Maša; Bajec Boštjan; Petek Davorina; Švab Igor; Selič Polona
    A structural model of burnout syndrome, coping behavior and personality traits in professional soldiers of the Slovene armed forces
    [Strukturni model povezanosti med izgorelostjo, strategijami spoprijemanja s stresom in osebnostnimi značilnostmi pri vojakih Slovenske vojske]
  64. Uršič Tina; Petrovec Miroslav
    Človeški bokavirus (HBoV) - novi parvovirus
    [Human bocavirus (HBoV) - new parvovirus]
  65. Dolenc Jure; Koželj Mirta; Prokšelj Katja
    Najpogostejše zmote pri obravnavi odraslih bolnikov s prirojenimi srčnimi napakami
    [The commonest mistakes in the teatment of adult patients with congenital heart disease]
  66. Hudler Petra
    Genetic aspects of gastric cancer instability
  67. Karnjuš Igor; Pucer Patrik
    Simulacije - sodobna metoda učenja in poučevanja v zdravstveni negi in babištvu
    [Simulation - a modern learning and teaching method in nursing and midwifery]
  68. Stvrtinova V; Poredoš P; Allegra C
    Superficial thrombophlebitis - Consensus proposal from Central European Vascular Forum (CEVF) for diagnosis and treatment
  69. Flis Vojko
    The role of vascular surgery in management of patients with critic chronic limb ischemia (CLI)
  70. Serec Maša; Švab Igor; Kolšek Marko; Švab Vesna; Moesgen Diana; Klein Michael
    Health-related lifestyle, physical and mental health in children of alcoholic parents
  71. Jaunig Senta; Zupanič-Slavec Zvonka
    Akademik Bogdan Brecelj in njegov prispevek k razvoju službe medicinske rehabilitacije v Sloveniji
    [Academician Bogdan Brecelj and his contribution to the development of medical rehabilitation in Slovenia]
  72. Zupanc Tomaž; Pregelj Peter; Videtič-Paska Alja
    Vpletenost epigenetskih mehanizmov v razvoj posttravmatske stresne motnje
    [Involvement of epigenetic mechanisms in the development of posttraumatic stress disorder]
  73. Matos Erika
    Zdravljenje bolnic s HER2-pozitivnim rakom dojk
    [Treatment of HER2 positive breast cancer patients]
  74. Teskač-Plajnšek Karmen; Kocbek Petra; Erdani-Kreft Mateja; Kristl Julijana
    Mehanizmi vstopa nanodelcev v celice in njihov vpliv na dostavljanje učinkovin
    [Mechanisms of cellular uptake of nanoparticles and their effect on drug delivery]
  75. Fuegger Reinhold; Gangl Odo
    Single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy - Have the promises come true?
    [Laparoskopska odstranitev žolčnika skozi eno incizijo - so se obeti uresničili?]
  76. Pavlović Miloš D; Adamič Metka
    Oralni propranolol u lečenju visokorizičnih hemangioma odojčadi
    [Oral propranolol in the treatment of high-risk infantile hemangiomas]
  77. Kusters DM; de Beaufort C; Widhalm K; Guardamagna O; Bratina N; Ose L; Wiegman A
    Paediatric screening for hypercholesterolaemia in Europe
  78. Rajčević Uroš
    A rodent brain orthotopic model to study human malignant glioma
  79. Ptyushkin P; Vidmar G; Burger H; Marinček Č
    Use of the international classification of functioning, disability, and health in traumatic brain injury rehabilitation: linking issues and general perspectives
  80. Svetina S
    Red blood cell shape and deformability in the context of the functional evolution of its membrane structure
  81. Lanišnik-Rižner Tea
    Enzymes of the AKR1B and AKR1C subfamilies and uterine diseases
  82. Milisav Irina
    Clinical importance of cellular responses to stress
  83. Stanojevic Maja; Alexiev Ivailo; Beshkov Danail; Gokengin Deniz; Mezei Maria; Minarovits Janos; Otelea Dan; Paraschiv Simona; Poljak Mario; Židovec-Lepej Snježana; Paraskevis Dimitros
    HIV1 molecular epidemiology in the Balkans - a melting pot forhHigh genetic diversity
  84. Poljak M
    A review of 20 years of HPV research in Slovenia
  85. Avčin S; Prelog T; Kavčič M; Kitanovski L; Anžič J; Benedik-Dolničar M; Rajić V; Zadravec-Zaletel L; Debeljak M; Jazbec J
    History of treatment and long-term outcome of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia in Slovenia
  86. Zupanič-Slavec Zvonka
    Dr. Ivo Pirc (1891-1967) in razvoj javnega zdravja na Slovenskem (1923-1941)
    [Dr. Ivo Pirc (1891-1967) and development of public health in Slovenia (1923-1941)]
  87. Maličev Elvira; Dovč-Drnovšek Tadeja; Rožman Primož
    Serološke in funkcijske preiskave pri diagnosticiranju trombocitopenije, povzročene s heparinom (HIT)
    [Serological and functional tests for the diagnosis of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia]
  88. Poredoš Pavel; Ježovnik Mateja Kaja; Gošte Anže
    Ali je možno na osnovi sestave aterosklerotičnih leh karotidnih arterij napovedati možganskožilne dogodke?
    [Is it possible to estimate cerebro-vascular risk on the basis of the composition of carotid atherosclerotic plaques?]
  89. Perko Denis; Zaletel Marjan
    Preventiva ishemične možganske kapi s protitrombotičnimi zdravili
    [The prevention of ischemic stroke with antithrombotic drugs]
  90. Tudor-Car Lorainne; van-Velthoven Michel HMMT; Brusamento Serena; Elmoniry Hoda; Car Josip; Majeed Azeem; Atun Rifat
    Integrating prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission (PMTCT) programmes with other health services for preventing HIV infection and improving HIV outcomes in developing countries
  91. Tuah Nik A; Amiel Cressida; Qureshi Samrina; Car Josip; Kaur Balvinder; Majeed Azeem
    Transtheoretical model for dietary and physical exercise modification in weight loss management for overweight and obese adults
  92. Car Josip; Lang Britta; Colledge Anthea; Ung Chuin; Majeed Azeem
    Interventions for enhancing consumers' online health literacy
  93. Atun Rifat; de Jongh Thyra E; Secci Federica V; Ohiri Kelechi; Adeyi Olusoji; Car Josip
    Integration of priority population, health and nutrition interventions into health systems: systematic review
  94. McLean Susannah; Chandler David; Nurmatov Ulugbek; Liu Joseph; Pagliari Claudia; Car Josip; Sheikh Aziz
    Telehealthcare for asthma: a Cochrane review
  95. Vidmar Ivan; Primožič Janez; Kalan Gorazd; Grosek Štefan
    Extracorporeal membranous oxygenation (ECMO) in neonates and children - experiences of a multidisciplinary paediatric intensive care unit
  96. Kragelj Veronika; Georgiev Dejan; Pirtošek Zvezdan; Ribarič Samo
  97. Hudler Petra
    Molekularni mehanizmi, vpleteni v razvoj raka želodca
    [Molecular mechanisms of gastric cancer development]
  98. Rožman Primož; Domanovič Dragoslav; Knežević Miomir
    Shranjevanje matičnih celic iz popkovnične krvi - danes in jutri
    [Umbilical cord blood banking - today and tomorrow]
  99. Omejec Gregor; Zupanc Aleksander; Podnar Simon
    Dolgoročne posledice po prebolelem Guillain-Barréjevem sindromu
    [Long-term outcome after Guillain-Barré syndrome]
  100. Pajnič Manca; Mihelič-Zajec Andreja
    Enteralno hranjenje kot možnost izbire pri malnutriciji
    [Enteral feeding as an option for individuals experiencing malnutrition]

   2.801 2.901 3.001 3.101 3.201 3.301 3.401 3.501 3.601 3.701  

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