biomedicina slovenica

dr="Italija" : 2.501-2.600

  1. Turel M
    Bronchial and bronchoscopic lung biopsy
  2. Koselj M; Vizjak A; Bren AF; Skralovnik-Stern A; Kveder R; Ferluga D; Rott T; Hvala A
    ANCA-associated renal disease
  3. Terčelj-Zorman M; Mermolja M; Kern I; Jereb M
    Staging procedures for lung cancer: percutaneous aspiration biopsy of mediastinum
  4. Gros Jerneja; Pavešić Nikola; Mihelič France
    A text-to-speech system for the Slovenian language
  5. Ramponi G; Sicuranza GL; Carrato S; Marsi S
    Signal processing 8: theories and application. Proceedings of EUSIPCO-96 8th European signal procedding conference. Vol 1; 1996 Sep 10-13; Trieste
  6. Ratkajec Tihomir
    Heat stress and risk of catarct in the glassblowers
  7. Bartoli D; Iaia TE; Zingoni A; Valiani M
    Vetrerie artistiche: technologia, rischi e prevenzione nelle vetrerie artistiche; 1997 Mag 14-16; Empoli
  8. Maver J; Štrucl M
    Reactivity of skin microcirculation in young normotensive volunteers with a familial predisposition to hypertension
  9. Cankar K; Štrucl M
    The effect of alpha-antagonist prazosin on flow oscillations in postocclusive reactive skin hyperaemia
  10. Carpentier Patrick H; Vicaut Eric; Guilmot Jean-Louis
    20th European conference on microcirculation; 1998 Aug 30-Sep 02; Paris
  11. Komadina R
    Some microarchitectural differences beetwen intra and extraarticular hip fractures
  12. Poredoš P; Likar B
    Electric current increases oxygen delivery and enhances work capacity of claudicants leg
  13. Vodovnik A; Popović M; Zwitter M; Godnik-Kramberger K; Grazio-Frkovič S
    Acute multiplesclerosis simulating the brain tumour: report of two cases
  14. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 12th international meeting of the Adriatic society of pathology; 1997 Jun 27-29; Ostuni, Italy
  15. Marolt-Gomišček M; Beović B; Kremžar B; Toš L; Keber I
    Contribution to the montoring of antibiotic therapy by the bactericidal serum activity test
  16. Bačer-Kermavner L; Veble A; Valentinčič B; Virant-Klun I; Mivšek J; Meden-Vrtovec H; Tomaževič T
    Pregnancy rates after embryo transfer of morulas following ICSI
  17. Virant-Klun Irma; Veble A; Valentinčič B; Bačer-Kermavner L; Zorn B; Mivšek J; Tomaževič T; Meden-Vrtovec H
    Factors affecting clinical results of more-cell embryos thawing
  18. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 5th international congress on advances in assisted reproduction technologies in the year 2000; 1997 Sep 16-19; Rome
  19. Vodovnik A; Ferluga D; Poljak M; Gale N; Trnačević S
    Upper urinary tract transtional cell carcinoma (UTC) and Balkan endemic nephropathy (BEN): preliminary study of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and P53 overexpression
  20. Jukić S; Vrgoč N; Dadić V; Krstulović-Šifner S; Piccinetti C; Marčeta B
    Spatial and temporal distributions of some demersal fish populations in the Adriatic sea described by GIS technique
  21. Anonymous ;
    Agenda and abstracts of the symposium on Assessment of demersal resources by direct methods in the Mediterranean and the adjacent seas; 1998 Mar 18-21; Pisa, Italy
  22. Vodušek DB
    Neurophysiologic tests in sacral dysfunctions
  23. Stalberg Erik V; de Weerd Al W; Zidar Janez
    ECCN 98. 9th European congress of clinical neurophysiology; 1998 Jun 4-7; Ljubljana
  24. Vodušek DB
    Therapeutic electrical stimulation in incontinence
  25. Koršič M; Grosek Š; Sterle I; Primožič J; Petrovčič N; Jankovič V; Moder B; Kremes M
    Complications after shunt operations of hydrocephalus: 10-year survey (1986-1995)
  26. Anonymous ;
    Complex hydrocephalus and hydrocephalus complications: program and abstracts of the consensus conference on pediatric neurosurgery; 1997 Apr 27-30; Assisi
  27. Grosek Š; Derganc M; Gostiša A; Primožič J; Briški A; Bratož S; Arhar F
    L-carnitine deficiency in critically ill children
  28. Primožič J; Derganc M; Kornhauser P; Okršlar E
    Twenty years of experience with the transport of criticaly ill infants to the medical centre in Slovenia
  29. Anonymous ;
    6th international symposium on paediatric intensive care; 1997 jul 8-11; Padova
  30. Marinček Č; Burger H
    Experience with myoelectric prosthesis for children in Slovenia (preliminary results)
  31. Marinček Č; Burger H
    Quality of life of older persons with severe physical disabilities
  32. Marinček Črt
    Lo sviluppo nelle tecnologie
  33. Neubauer David; Kopač Štefan
    A case of congenitalmyotonic dystrophy with hydrocephalus and infantile spasms
  34. Neubauer D; Kopriva S; Župevc A
    Severe obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in a girl with Goldenhar syndrome
  35. Rudan I; Vidovič M; Bartenjev M; Rudan P
    Model-bound and model-free approach in the holistic analysis of population structure
  36. Anonymous ;
    Tumori e gravidanza. Atti convegno; 1995 Mar 25; Aviano
  37. Pospihalj B; Vodopija N; Ovčak Z; Golouh R
    Granulomatous prostatitis: a clinicopathologic study of idiopathic and posttransurethral lesions
  38. Bonin S; Kloboves-Prevodnik V; Valvasori M; Stanta G
    Quantitative mRNA analysis from fixed and paraffin embedded tissues
  39. Kloboves-Prevodnik V; Bonin S; Stanta G; Golouh R; Us-Krašovec M
    EGFR and c-erbB2 oncogenes expression in diploid and aneuploid non-malignant thyroid lesions
  40. Plesničar S
    Gravidanza e radioterapia
  41. Kraut A; Drnovšek-Olup B
    Instillation of mitomycin C after recurrent ptergium surgery
  42. Jogan N
    Hordeum geniculatum All. and Oxalis dillenii jacq. two new or neglected species of the flora of Friuli-Venezia Giulia
  43. Turk Karl; Kraigher Alenka; Hočevar-Grom Ada; Melink Alenka
    Vaccination against hepatitis A in Slovenia
  44. Pasini Walter; Lobel Hans O
    Mobility and health: from hominid migration to mass tourism. Abstracts book of the European conference on travel medicine; 1998 Mar 25-27; Venice
  45. Skok P; Ćeranić D
    Color power angio and doppler sonography useful imaging methods for monitoring TIPS
  46. Mladina R; Ostojić D; Koželj V; Heinzel B; Bastaić L
    Pathological septal deformities in cleft palate children
  47. Korošec M; Pirtošek Z
    Cognitive neurophysiology of tic disorders
  48. Pirtošek Z
    Abnormal movements in stroke and multiple sclerosis
  49. Janša J; Pirtošek Z; Zidar J; Ocepek L
    Assessment of the effect of botulinum treatment in upper limb disorders
  50. Anonymous ;
    Final programmme and abstracts of the joint meeting of the Italian, Austrian and Slovenian basal ganglia clubs; 1998 Mar 19-21; Tarvisio
  51. Dolenc VV
    Tumors of the pineal region
  52. Dolenc VV
    Contemporary treatment of central skull base meningiomas
  53. Bošnjak R; Dolenc VV
    Muscle strength restoration after the repair of the radial nerve by grafting
  54. Bošnjak R; Kralj A; Dolenc VV
    Isometrical ankle torque in direct L5 root electrical stimulation
  55. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the 11th international congress of neurological surgery; 1997 July 6-11; Amsterdam
  56. Sciavicco L; Bonivento C; Nicolo F
    Preprints of the 4th IFAC symposium on robot control. Vol 2 of 3; 1994 Sep 19-21; Capri
  57. Andlovic A; Marinšek J
    STEC isolated from humans, cattle and minced meat
  58. Meško-Brguljan P; Cimerman N; Šuškovič S; Krašovec M; Kos J
    Elevated levels of serum cystatin C in asthma
  59. Cimerman N; Meško-Brguljan P; Šuškovič S; Krašovec M; Schweiger A; Kos J
    Twenty four hour patterns of serum cathepsins B, H, L and cystatin C in normal subjects
  60. Lindič Jelka; Rus Maja; Drinovec Jože
    Nekateri presnovni učinki aktune telesne obremenitve pri bolnikih na hemodializi
  61. Anonymous ;
    6. incontri Italo-Iugoslavi di nefrologia e dialisi; 1984 ott 5; Postumia
    [Italiansko jugoslovanski sestanski nefrologije in dialize]
  62. Logar J; Kraut A
    The 1st case of Acanthamoeba keratitis in Slovenia
  63. Ružić-Sabljić E; Strle F; Cimperman J; Maraspin V; Lotrič S
    Immune response in patients with erythema migrans
  64. Žolnir-Dovč M; Jan K; Šorli J; Poljak M
    MTD test in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis
  65. Mueller-Premru M; Gubina M; Dragaš AZ; Derganc M; Grosek S
    The application of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and PCR to typing of coagulase-negative staphylococci
  66. Barlič J; Poljak M; Seme K; Vince A
    Comparison of five rapid methods for DNA extraction from routinely processed Giemsa-stained bone marrow slides
  67. Barlič J; Poljak M; Seme K
    Processing of long-stored archival Papanicolaou-stained cytological smears
  68. Mueller-Premru M; Dovč P; Benčina D; Avšič-Županc T; Čižman B
    Diagnosis of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection with polymerase chain reaction
  69. Žabkar SM; Tepeš B; Poljak M; Gubina M
    Diagnosis and genetic diversity of Helicobacter pylori in Slovenian patients
  70. Tepeš B; Kavčič B; Košutič D; Lavrič J
    Our experience with different triple antimicrobial therapies of Helicobacter pylori infection
  71. Tepeš B; Gubina M; Avšič-Županc T; Kragelj-Zaletel L; Ihan A; Košutič D
    The prospective comparison on changes in IgG anti Helicobacter pylori antibody titers - Amrad test - in dependency of Helicobacter pylori eradication success
  72. Ihan A; Tepeš B; Gubina M
    A flow cytometric analysis of lymphocytes isolated from inflamed gastric mucosa
  73. Žener N; Poljak M; Seme K; Barlič J; Kristančič L; Koren S
    A particle agglutination test Serodia HIV 1/2 as a novel anti-HIV 1/2 screening test: a comparative study on 3096 clinical samples
  74. Poljak M; Bednarik J; Rednak K; Seme K; Kristančič L; Čelan-Lucu B; Klavs I
    Prevalence of antibodies to HTLV-I in pregnant women, patients with sexually transmitted diseases and intravenous drug users
  75. Poljak M; Seme K; Tomažič J; Vidmar L; Koren S
    Clinical evaluation of amplicor test for detection of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 proviral DNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells
  76. Poljak M; Cerar A; Orlowska J; Gale N
    Human papillomavirus infection and p53 protein overexpression in esophageal squamous cell papillomas: a study of 36 lesions
  77. Poljak M; Gale N; Kambič V
    Laryngeal squamous cell papillomas: molecular, histopathological, and clinical evaluation
  78. Poljak M; Seme K
    PCR-ELISA - a novel method for detection and typing of human papillomaviruses
  79. Seme K; Poljak M; Brinovec V; Lešničar G
    Hepatitis C virus genotypes in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection
  80. Seme K; Poljak M; Koren S
    Comparison of four genotyping methods for the identification of hepatitis C virus types
  81. Poljak M; Seme K; Brinovec V; Lešničar G; Koren S
    Evaluation of the amplicor HCV test: our experiences after 20 month of routine use in a diagnostic laboratory
  82. Gubina M
    Laboratory procedures in anaerobic infections
  83. Strojnik V
    Effect of additional electrical stimulation of muscles on maximal force production
  84. Rodano Renato; Ferrigno Giancarlo; Santambrogio Giorgio C
    ISBS '92. Proceedings of the 10th symposium of the International society of biomechanics in sports; 1992 Jun; Milan
  85. Anonymous ;
    2nd osteosarcoma research conference for the 100th anniversary of the Instituto ortopedico Rizzoli; 1996; Bologna
  86. Štrumbelj I
    Multiple-resistant acinotobacter SPP and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa isolated from tracheal aspirates
  87. Pokrajac T; Gubina M; Dragaš AZ; Derganc M; Mueller-Premru M
    Evalution of a quantitative blood culture method in the diagnosis of catheter-related sepsis in newborns
  88. Mueller-Premru M; Dragaš AZ
    Trends in bacterial diagnostics
  89. Rakovec P; Ružič-Medvešček N
    Does atrial fibrillation induce atrial myopathy?
  90. Šmid L; Strojan P; Škrk J; Budihna M; Vrhovec I; Žargi M; Kos J
    Cathepsins and stefins in head and neck carcinoma
  91. Schweiger A; Popović T; Štabuc B; Novak-Despot D; Turk V; Kos K
    Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of total cathepsin H in human tissue cytosols and sera
  92. Strojan P; Budihna M; Šmid L; Škrk J; Kos J; Vrhovec I
    Expression and prognostic value of cathepsins B, D and stefins A and B in laryngeal carcinoma
  93. Bešić N; Auersperg M; Hočevar M; Stanič K; Jezeršek B
    Syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion in osteosarcoma after vinblastine - a case report
  94. Auersperg M; Us-Krašovec M; Vraspir-Porenta O; Hočevar M; Bešić N
    Cytomorphology and DNA measurements for monitoring chemotherapy in osteogenic sarcoma
  95. Čelan D; Turk Z; Barovič J; Tomažič T; Košir A
    Computer follow up rehabilitation protocol for musculoskeletal disorders
  96. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 10th European congress of physical medicine and rehabilitation; 1997 Jun 1-4; Rome
  97. Koželj M; Flis V
    Management of bile leaks after laparoscopic cholecistectomy
  98. Kos J; Polanec J; Krašovec M; Schweiger A; Križman I
    Cathepsins B and H as factors for diagnosis and severity assessment in acute pancreatitis
  99. Rakovec Peter; Šinkovec Matjaž; Rode Primož
    Syncope in aortic stenosis
  100. Basaglia N; Zoppi M
    Pain, rheumatic diseases and quality of life; 1997 Oct 30-Nov 1; Florence

   1.901 2.001 2.101 2.201 2.301 2.401 2.501 2.601 2.701 2.801  

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