biomedicina slovenica

dr="Nizozemska" : 1.351-1.450

  1. Sedlar Aleš; Kranjc Simona; Čemažar Maja; Cör Andrej; Dolinšek Tanja; Serša Gregor
    Radiosensitization of murine sarcoma tumors with intratumoral Interleukin-12 gene electrotransfer
  2. Kamenšek Urška; Serša Gregor; Kranjc Simona; Čemažar Maja
    Evaluation of an inducible p21 promoter for radiation induced transcriptional targeting
  3. Čemažar Maja; Kamenšek Urška; Kranjc Simona; Serša Gregor
    Irradiation upregulates CMV promoter of stably transfected cells and tumors in mice
  4. Todorović Vesna; Kamenšek Urška; Čemažar Maja; Serša Gregor
    Antitumor effect of combined radio-gene therapy with radio-inducible plasmid encoding interleukin-12 in vivo
  5. Serša Gregor; Kranjc Simona; Kamenšek Urška; Čemažar Maja
    Radiosensitizing effect of electrochemotherapy in fractionated radiation regime in murine tumor models
  6. Trošt Maja; Tomše Petra; Grmek Marko; Gregorič Kramberger Milica; Pirtošek Zvezdan
    Discrimination between patients with neurodegenerative syndromes with brain perfusion SPECT
  7. Tohyama J.; Writzl Karin
    Phenotypic spectrum of SPTAN1 encephalopathy
  8. Rogač Mihael; Šuput Dušan; Pečarič-Meglič Nuška; Meznarič Marija; Sirnik A.; Neubauer David
    Application of MR imaging and MR spectroscopy in mitochondrial encephalomyoparhies in children
  9. Košir-Pogačnik Renata; Meden-Vrtovec Helena; Novaković Srdjan; Cerkovnik Petra
    Telomere lenght, anti-Műllerian hormone and follicle stimulating hormone in women with premature ovarian failure compared to helathy women
  10. Meden-Vrtovec Helena; Slabe Nina; Košir-Pogačnik Renata; Verdenik Ivan; Slabe Nina
    Neurovegetative and sexual symptoms in perimenopausal women in Slovenia
  11. 9th European Congress on Menopause and Andropause, Athens, Greece, 28-31 March, 2012
  12. Kocjancic E.; Crivellare S.; Merlini E.; Mihelič Miro; Frea B.
    Use of the adjustable continence therapy (ACT (R)) treatment in pediatrics with neurogenic disorders
  13. Hajdinjak Tine; Leskovar Jurij
    Comparison of nocturia response to desmopressin treatment between patients with increased and normal nocturnal bladder capacity index
  14. Plemenitaš Anja; Kastelic Matej; Porcelli Stefano; Serretti Alessandro; Kores-Plesničar Blanka; Dolžan Vita
    Oxidative stress and expression of alcohol related psychopathological symptoms in alcohol dependent subjects
  15. Sinreih Maša; Anko Maja; Zukunft Sven; Adamski Jerzy; Lanišnik-Rižner Tea
    Important roles of the AKR1C2 and SRD5A1 enzymes in progesterone metabolism in endometrial cancer model cell lines
  16. Sinreih Maša; Anko Maja; Hevir-Kene Neli; Kocbek Vida; Lanišnik-Rižner Tea
    Expression of AKR1B1, AKR1C3 and other genes of prostaglandin F2[alpha] biosynthesis and action in ovarian endometrosis tissue and in model cell lines
  17. Traven Katja; Sinreih Maša; Stojan Jure; Seršen Sara; Kljun Jakob; Bezenšek Jure; Stanovnik Branko; Turel Iztok; Lanišnik-Rižner Tea
    Ruthenium complexes as inhibitions of the aldo-keto reductases AKR1C1-1C3
  18. Bavec Aljoša
    Insulin, other hypoglycemic drugs, and glucagon
  19. Ray Sidhartha D.
    Side effects of drugs annual 36
  20. Goropevšek Aleš; Zakelšek Andrejka; Gorenjak Maksimiljan; Hajdinjak Tine
    Perturbed homeostasis of FOXP3+ regulatory T cells and STAT5 signaling in patients with prostate cancer
  21. Hajdinjak Tine; Zagorac Andreja; Kavalar Rajko; Bratuš Dejan; Kokalj-Vokač Nadja
    TMPRSS2:ERG fusions and PTEN deletions in high risk prostate cancer patients
  22. Rebek Marius K.; Kruščić Aleksandar; Bratuš Dejan; Hlebič Gregor; Kolenc Alojzij; Križančič Miran
    Primary management of the posterior urethra by traction over the Foley catheter in patients with pelvic fractures
  23. Munda Miha; Hajdinjak Tine; Kavalar Rajko; Štiblar-Martinčič Draga
    Balance between apoptotic and proliferative tissue markers in prostate cancer needle biopsies correlates with stage and Gleason score
  24. Bratuš Dejan; Hlebič Gregor; Hajdinjak Tine; Kavčič Niko; Rebek Marius K.; Kacjan Uroš
    Late results of InVance sling procedure for male stress urinary incontinence
  25. Donkler Mila; Snoj Marko
    Radiotherapy or surgery of the axilla after a positive sentinel node in breast cancer (EORTC 10981-22023 AMAROS)
  26. Vrankar Martina; Zwitter Matjaž; Kovač Viljem
    Induction gemcitabine in standard dose or prolonged low-dose with cisplatin followed by concurrent radiochemotherapy in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer
  27. Markelc Boštjan; Skvarča Eva; Dolinšek Tanja; Kloboves-Prevodnik Veronika; Cör Andrej; Serša Gregor; Čemažar Maja
    Inhibitor of endocytosis impairs gene electrotransfer to mouse muscle in vivo
  28. Smrkolj Tomaž; Mihelič Miro; Sedlar Aleš; Sterle Igor; Osredkar Joško; Sedmak Bojan
    Nuclear matrix protein 22 urinary marker in diagnosing and follow up of urinary bladder tumors
  29. Lebedev Aleksander V.; Gregorič Kramberger Milica
    Random Forest ensembles for detection and prediction of Alzheimer's disease with a good between-cohort robustness
  30. Todorović Vesna; Kamenšek Urška; Serša Gregor; Čemažar Maja
    Changing electrode orientation, but not pulse polarity, increases the efficacy of gene electrotransfer to tumors in vivo
  31. Tozon Nataša; Pavlin Darja; Serša Gregor; Dolinšek Tanja; Čemažar Maja
    Electrochemotherapy with intravenous bleomycin injection: an observational study in superficial squamous cell carcinoma in cats
  32. Jagodič Klemen; Poteko Sandi; Vodopija Nado; Breskvar Ljubo; Rodič Rok; Pukl M. P.; Četina Uroš; Ljubojevič D. L.
    Robotic assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy in General hospital Celje
  33. Bizjak Jure; Poteko Sandi; Jagodič Klemen
    Management of posterior urethral distraction injury
  34. Bizjak Jure; Bizjak Igor; Hawlina Simon; Oblak Ciril; Jagodič Klemen
    The difference in treatment efficacy between long-acting and short-acting PDE5 inhibitors in patients with erectile dysfunction
  35. Bizjak Jure; Ravnik-Oblak Maja; Bizjak Igor; Arnerić Niko; Oblak Ciril; Štrus Bojan
    Does successful treatment of erectile dysfunction improve quality of life?
  36. Strojan Primož; Aničin Aleksandar; Svetic Branka; Šmid Alojz; Kos Janko
    Stefin a (SA)
  37. Jančar Boris
    Conjuctival carcinoma treated by brachytherapy with 90SR/90Y
  38. Parpura Vladimir; Schousboe Arne; Verkhratsky Alexei
    Glutamate and ATP at the interface of metabolism and signaling in the brain
  39. Dreo Tanja; Pirc Manca; Prior Philippe; Lenarčič Rok; Morisset Dany; Ravnikar Maja
    Detection of non-European isolates of the Ralstonia solanacearum species complex
  40. Bedina Zavec Apolonija; Ota Ajda; Zupančič Tina; Komel Radovan; Poklar Ulrih Nataša; Liović Mirjana
    Archaeosomes can efficiently deliver different types of cargo into epithelial cells grown in vitro
  41. Pregelj Peter; Kozak Vida Ana; Tomori Martina; Novak Šarotar Brigita
    Psychological pain and suicidal behavior
  42. Bowen Stephen R.; Chappell R. J.; Bentzen S.; Deveau M.; Forrest Lisa J.; Jeraj Robert
    Spatially resolved regression analysis of pre-treatment FDG, FLT and Cu-ATSM PET from post-treatment FDG PET
  43. Nyflot M.; Harari P.; Yip S.; Perlman S. B.; Jeraj Robert
    Correlation of PET images of metabolism, proliferation and hypoxia to characterize tumor phenotype in patients with cancer of the oropharynx
  44. Jeraj Robert; Simončič Urban; Nickles J.; Forrest Lisa J.
    Concurrent assessment of cell proliferation and tumor hypoxia during radiation therapy
  45. Osterc Gregor; Cunja Vlasta; Mikulič Petkovšek Maja; Schmitzer Valentina; Štampar Franci; Bavcon Jože
    Foliage identification of different autochtonous common cyclamen genotypes (Cyclamen purpurascens Mill.) using various biochemical parameters
  46. Černe Darko; Lukač-Bajalo Jana
    Cell-free nucleic acids as a non-invasive route for investigating atherosclerosis
  47. Lombardo Anna; Roncaglioni Alessandra; Benfenati Emilio; Nendza Monika; Segner Helmut; Jeram Sonja; Pauńe Eduard; Schüürmann Gerrit
    Optimizing the aquatic toxicity assessment under REACH through an integrated testing strategy (ITS)
  48. Gardaševič-Topčić Ivana; Šuštar Maja; Brecelj Jelka; Hawlina Marko; Jaki Polona
    Morphological and electrophysiological outcome in prospective intravitreal bevacizumab treatment of macular edema secondary to central retinal vein occlusion
  49. Aminoff Michael Jeffrey; Josephson S. Andrew
    Aminoff's neurology and general medicine
  50. Šegedin Barbara; Gugić Kevo Jasenka; Petrič Primož
    Uterine perforation during intracavitary brachytherapy for gynecological malignancies
  51. Grabec Daša; Kragelj Borut
    The daily analysis of prostate rotation
  52. Šegedin Barbara; But Hadžić Jasna; Rogelj Peter; Šešek Manja; Zobec Logar Helena-Barbara; Kragelj Borut; Petrič Primož
    Interobserver variation in MRI and CT based contouring for prostate cancer
  53. Petrič Primož; Hudej Robert; Šegedin Barbara; Zobec Logar Helena-Barbara
    MRI assisted treatment planning improves the DVH parameters in cervix cancer brachytherapy
  54. Zobec Logar Helena-Barbara; Hudej Robert; Šegedin Barbara; Petrič Primož
    3D image based treatment planning in vaginal cancer brachytherapy
  55. Tanderup Kari; Petrič Primož
    EMBRACE update
  56. Sturdza A.; Hudej Robert; Petrič Primož
  57. Petrič Primož
    Mri-based brachytherapy in cervix cancer
  58. Velenik Vaneja; Ocvirk Janja; Marolt-Mušič Maja; Bračko Matej; Anderluh Franc; Oblak Irena; Edhemović Ibrahim; Brecelj Erik; Kropivnik Mateja; Omejc Mirko
    Preoperative capecitabine, radiation and bevacizumab in rectal cancer
  59. Oblak Irena; Petrič Primož; Vodušek Ana Lina; Velenik Vaneja; Anderluh Franc; Hudej Robert; Šegedin Barbara; Fras Albert-Peter
    Long term results for combined modality treatment for anal cancer
  60. Šegedin Barbara; Zobec Logar Helena-Barbara; Hudej Robert; Petrič Primož
    Ultrasound-based determination of prescription depth in postoperative vaginal brachytherapy of endometrial cancer
  61. Nkiwane K. S.; Petrič Primož; Hudej Robert
    Inter-institutional dose patterns from a study on MRI-guided brachytherapy in locally for advanced cervical cancer
  62. Petrič Primož; Hudej Robert; Rogelj Peter; Lindegaard Jacob; Tanderup Kari; Kirisits Christian; Berger Daniel; Dimopoulos Johannes Carl Athanasios; Pötter Richard
    Frequency-distribution mapping of HR CTV in cervix cancer
  63. Hudej Robert; Petrič Primož
    MRI and CT-based evaluation of inter-fraction implant displacement in prostate cancer brachytherapy
  64. Zobec Logar Helena-Barbara; Hudej Robert; Rogelj Peter; Petrič Primož
    3D fast recovery fast spin echo MRI for contouring in cervix cancer brachytherapy
  65. Kragelj Borut
    Androgen ablation and pelvic irradiation improve results of salvage radiotherapy after radical prostatectomy
  66. Strojan Primož; Gojkovič Andreja; Jančar Boris
    Adjuvant radiotherapy for palpable melanoma metastases to the groin
  67. Kuhelj Janez; Velenik Vaneja; Burger Janez
    Comparison of two intracavitary radiation regimens for endometrial cancer
  68. Petrič Primož; Hudej Robert; Šegedin Barbara; Fras Albert-Peter
    MRI-assisted cervix cancer brachytherapy preplanning, based on applicator insertion in paracervical anaesthesia
  69. Dimopoulos Johannes Carl Athanasios; Bauer V.; Petrič Primož; Berger Daniel; Kirisits Christian; Woehs Veronika; Fidarova Elena; Lang Stefan; Pötter Richard
    MRI assessment of tumour spread and response for image guided cervical cancer brachytherapy
  70. Strojan Primož; Budihna Marjan; Zakotnik Branko; Šmid Alojz
    The prognostic value of nodal ratio (NR) in locally advanced operable squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN)
  71. Strojnik Andrej
    In vivo dosimerty with diodes in patients treated with four field box technique
  72. Casar Božidar; Šarvari Attila; Sekereš Boris; Verk Tomaž
    Dosimetrical verification of the calculated dose for stereotactic radiosurgery
  73. Strojan Primož; Aničin Aleksandar; Svetic Branka; Šmid Alojz; Kos Janko
    Stefin A (SA)
  74. Grabec Daša; Fras Albert-Peter; Robič Vesna
    The cumulative transit dose component in pulse dose rate brachytherapy
  75. Lang Stefan; Tanderup Kari; Jürgenliemk-Schulz Ina M.; Petrič Primož; Kirisits Christian; Haie-Meder Christine; Pötter Richard
    Work in progress
  76. Petrič Primož; Dimopoulos Johannes Carl Athanasios; Kirisits Christian; Berger Daniel; Hudej Robert; Pötter Richard
    Inter- and intraobserver variation in HR-CTV contouring
  77. Dimopoulos Johannes Carl Athanasios; De Vos Veronique; Berger Daniel; Petrič Primož; Dumas Isabelle; Haie-Meder Christine; Pötter Richard
    Interobserver comparison of target delineation in MRI assisted cervix cancer brachytherapy according to the GYN GEC-ESTRO recommendations
  78. Petrič Primož
    Interobserver variation
  79. Haan Arnold de; Ruitler Jo de; Tsolakidis Elias
    Book of abstracts
  80. Keše Darja; Kogoj Rok; Potočnik Marko; Matičič Mojca
    Evaluation of ompA-based pyrosequencing assay for Chlamydia trachomatis genotyping
  81. Djordjević Srdjan; Milić Radoje; Gerbec Čuček Matej; Berdajs Marko; Žumer Jan; Modic Žiga
    A novel approach of measuring force transmission and efficiency over knee joint in cycling - case study
  82. Djordjević Srdjan; Modic Žiga; Gerbec Čuček Matej; Stančin Sara; Sodnik Jaka; Tomažič Sašo; Berdajs Marko
    A novel approach to biomechanical analysis of the knee during squatting
  83. Vera-Badillo Francisco Emilio; Napoleone Marc; Ocaña Alberto; Templeton Arnoud J.; Šeruga Boštjan; Al-Mubarak Mustafa; Al Hashem Hashem Yashem; Tannock Ian; Amir Eitan
    Effect of multifocality and multicentricity on outcome in early stage breast cancer
  84. Rajer Mirjana; Zwitter Matjaž; Rajer Borut
    Pollution in the working place and social status
  85. Rot Uroš; Horvat-Ledinek Alenka
    Interferons beta have vasoconstrictive and procoagulant effects: a woman who developed livedo reticularis and Raynaud phenomenon in association with interferon beta treatment for multiple sclerosis
  86. Brecelj Jelka
    Visual electrophysiology in the clinical evaluation of optic neuritis, chiasmal tumours, achiasmia, and ocular albinism: an overview
  87. Zadravec-Zaletel Lorna
    Secondary tumors after treatment of leukaemia in childhood
  88. Jereb Berta; Korenjak Roman; Čižek-Sajko Mojca
    Psychosocial status of childhood cancer survivors who develop one or more secondary malignancies
  89. Programme and abstracts
  90. Tavazzi Luigi; Swedberg Karl; Komajda Michel; Böhm Michael; Borer Jeffrey S.; Lainščak Mitja; Robertson Michele; Ford Ian
    Clinical profiles and outcomes in patients with chronic heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  91. Düngen Hans-Dirk; Musial-Bright Lindy; Inkrot Simone; Apostolović Svetlana; Edelmann Frank; Lainščak Mitja; Šekularac Nikola; Störk Stefan; Tahirović Elvis; Tscholl Verena; Krackhardt Florian; Lončar Goran; Trippel Tobias D.; Gelbrich Götz
    Heart rate following short-term beta-blocker titration predicts all-cause mortality in elderly chronic heart failure patients
  92. Trobec Katja; Palus Sandra; Tschirner Anika; Von Haehling Stephan; Doehner Wolfram; Lainščak Mitja; Anker Stefan D.; Springer Jochen
    Rosiglitazone reduces body wasting and improves survival in a rat model of cancer cachexia
  93. Bönig Halvard; Feliciano Rich; Galea George; Homburg Keld; Rožman Primož; Weitekamp Lee Ann; Seifried Erhard
    The role of blood establishments in cellular therapies
  94. Folléa Gilles
    Blood, tissues and cells from human origin
  95. Lorbek Gregor; Lewinska Monika; Perše Martina; Jeruc Jera; Murray Jeffrey C.; Rozman Damjana
    The mammalian Cyp51
  96. MDO-ISSX
  97. Kristanc Luka; Božič Bojan; Gomišček Gregor
    The role of sterols in the lipid vesicle response induced by the pore-forming agent nystatin
  98. Bulc Mateja
    EURACT: European Academy of Teachers in General Practice
  99. Bulc Mateja; Kopčavar Guček Nena
    EURACT: European Academy of Teachers in General Practice
  100. Bulc Mateja; Buchanan Jo
    EURACT: European Academy of Teachers in General Practice

   851 951 1.051 1.151 1.251 1.351 1.451 1.551 1.651 1.751  

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