biomedicina slovenica

dr="Nizozemska" : 951-1.050

  1. Sedlar Nataša; Lainščak Mitja; Mårtensson Jan; Strömberg Anna; Jaarsma Tiny; Farkaš-Lainščak Jerneja
    Factors related to self-care behaviours in heart failure
  2. Gregorič Kramberger Milica; Auestad Bjørn; Garcia-Ptacek Sara; Abdelnour Carla; Garre Olmo Joseph; Walker Zuzana; Lemstra Afina W; Londos Elisabet; Blanc Frédéric; Bonanni Laura
    Long-term cognitive decline in dementia with lewy bodies in a large multicenter, international cohort
  3. Blagus Rok
    Rare events bias of logistic regression
  4. Akay Mehmet H.; Patel Manish; Gregorič Igor
    Coronary sinus injury resulting from endarterectomy during multivessel bypass surgery
  5. Caglič Iztok; Breznik Silva; Matela Jožef; Barrett T.
    Lesion targeted CT-guided transgluteal prostate biopsy in combination with prebiopsy MRI in patients without rectal access
  6. Premuš Marušič Alenka; Petrovič Danijel; Mrhar Aleš; Locatelli Igor
    Polypharmacotherapy and blood products as risk factors for venous thromboembolism in postsurgical patients
  7. Podnar Simon; Sarafov Stayko; Tournev Ivailo; Omejec Gregor; Zidar Janez
    Peripheral nerve ultrasonography in patients with transthyretin amyloidosis
  8. Rello Jordi; Kmet Lunaček Nina; Souto Jessica; Poulakou Garyphallia
    Pneumonia due to methicilin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
  9. Mlakar Polona; Gužič-Salobir Barbara; Čobo Nusret; Strašek Janja; Prezelj Marija; Debevc Ana; Jug Borut; Terčelj-Zorman Marjeta; Šabovič Mišo
    The effect of cardioprotective diet rich with natural antioxidants on chronic inflammation and oxidized LDL during cardiac rehabilitation in patients after acute myocardial infarction
  10. Miklavčič Petra; Avčin Simona; Jazbec Janez; Vipotnik-Vesnaver Tina; Todorova Biljana; Trošt Maja; Kojović Maja
    Cyclosporine A induced dystonia-parkinsonism
  11. Rades Dirk; Veninga Theo; Conde-Moreno Antonio J.; Cacicedo Jon; Metz Michaela; Šegedin Barbara; Norkus Darius; Rudat Volker
    Results of a multicenter study investigating the potential impact of the overall treatment time on outcomes of radiation therapy alone with 5 x 4 Gy for metastatic epidural spinal cord compression
  12. Jastaniyah Noha; Yoshida Kenji; Tanderup Kari; Lindegaard Jacob Christian; Sturdza Alina; Kirisits Christian; Šegedin Barbara; Mahantshetty Umesh; Rai Bhavana; Jürgenliemk-Schulz Ina Maria
    A volumetric analysis of GTVD and CTVHR as defined by the GEC ESTRO recommendations in FIGO stage IIB and IIIB cervical cancer patients treated with IGABT in a prospective multicentric trial (EMBRACE).
  13. Kobal Jan; Cankar Ksenija; Pretnar-Oblak Janja; Zaletel Marjan; Kobal Lucijan; Teran Nataša; Melik Živa
    Functional impairment of precerebral arteries in Huntington disease
  14. Current cancer drug targets
  15. Hudler Petra
    Outlook on epigenetic therapeutic approaches for treatment of gastric cancer
  16. Čvorović Jovana; Žiberna Lovro; Tramer Federica; Passamonti Sabina; Daglia Maria; Nabavi Seyed F.; Sobarzo-Sanchez Eduardo; Nabavi Seyed M.
    Hydroxytyrosol, a phenyl ethyl alcohol with health effects
  17. 2015 IWGDF Guidance on the Prevention and Management of Foot Problems in Diabetes and Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, 20-23 May 2015, The Hague, The Netherlands
  18. Ogrinc Katarina; Wormser Gary P.; Visintainer Paul; Maraspin-Čarman Vera; Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Cimperman Jože; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Bogovič Petra; Rojko Tereza; Stupica Daša; Strle Franc
    Pathogenetic implications of the age at time of diagnosis and skin location for acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans
  19. Georgiev Dejan; Kojović Maja; Klanjšček Gorazd; Dolenc-Grošelj Leja
    Hashimoto encephalopathy associated rapid onset narcolepsy type 1
  20. Fakin Ana; Terčelj-Zorman Marjeta; Vidović Valentinčič Nataša
    Frequency of IWOS suggestive ocular signs in Slovenian uveitis patients with confirmed pulmonary sarcoidosis
  21. Current organic chemistry
  22. Metabolomics
  23. Metabolomics
  24. Magiorkinis Gkikas; Angelis Konstantinos; Mamais Ioannis; Katzourakis Aris; Hatzakis Angelos; Albert Jan; Lawyer Glenn; Hamouda Osamah; Struck Daniel; Poljak Mario
    The global spread of HIV-1 subtype B epidemic
  25. Arbyn Marc; Depuydt Christophe; Benoy Ina; Bogers Johannes; Cuschieri Kate S.; Schmitt Markus; Pawlita Michael; Geraets Daan; Heard Isabelle; Poljak Mario
  26. Poljak Mario; Ginocchio Christine C.
    Recent advances in molecular detection of human papillomavirus and cervical cancer screening
  27. Koritnik Blaž; Bizovičar Nataša; Leal Santos S.; Lončarič Tina; Vovk Andrej; Šuput Dušan; Repovš Grega
    The effect of whole-hand subsensory electrical stimulation on sensorimotor brain network activation
  28. Vaccarella Salvatore; Franceschi Silvia; Zaridze David; Poljak Mario; Veeru Piret; Plummer Martyn; Bray Freddie
    Preventable fractions of cervical cancer via effective screening in six Baltic, central, and eastern European countries 2017-40
  29. Šubelj Maja
    Epidemiology of tinea infections
  30. Abstract book
  31. Lenasi Helena; Potočnik Nejka; Petrishchev Nikolaj; Papp Marina; Egorkina Anastasya; Skedina Marina; Kovaleva Anna
    The measurement of cutaneous blood flow in healthy volunteers subjected to physical exercise with ultrasound Doppler imaging and laser Doppler flowmetry
  32. Žigon Polona; Mrak Poljšak Katjuša; Lakota Katja; Terčelj Matic; Čučnik Saša; Tomšič Matija; Sodin-Šemrl Snežna
    Metabolic fingerprints of human primary endothelial and fibroblast cells
  33. Završnik Matej; Kariž Stojan; Makuc Jana; Šeruga Maja; Cilenšek Ines; Petrovič Danijel
    PECAM-1 Leu125Val (rs688) polymorphism and diabetic nephropathy in caucasians with type 2 diabetes mellitus
  34. Božič Mojca; Vene Nina; Snoj Nada; Gradišek Primož; Mavri Alenka
    Rotational thromboelastometry in ex vivo samples from routine clinical practice patients receiving dabigatran
  35. Poredoš Pavel; Ježovnik Mateja
    The role of inflammatory biomarkers in the detection and therapy of atherosclerotic disease
  36. Brecl Jakob Gregor; Pelykh Olena; Plate Annika; Košutzká Zuzana; Pirtošek Zvezdan; Trošt Maja; Ilmberger Joseph; Valkovic Peter; Mehrkens Jan H.; Bötzel Kai
    Hypometric anticipatory postural adjustments in dystonia are not affected by deep brain stimulation of globus pallidus internus
  37. Calsteren Kristel Van; Geršak Ksenija; Sundseth Hildrun; Klingmann Ingrid; Dewulf Lode; Assche André Van; Mahmood Tahir
    Position statement from the European Board and College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (EBCOG)
  38. Calsteren Kristel Van; Geršak Ksenija; Sundseth Hildrun; Klingmann Ingrid; Dewulf Lode; Assche André Van; Mahmood Tahir
    Position statement from the European Board and College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (EBCOG)
  39. Meretoja Tuomo J.; Žgajnar Janez; Perhavec Andraž; Gazić Barbara
    International multicenter tool to predict the risk of four or more tumor-positive axillary lymph nodes in breast cancer patients with sentinel node macrometastases
  40. Inkrot Simone; Lainščak Mitja; Edelmann Frank; Lončar Goran; Stanković Ivan; Ćelić Vera; Apostolović Svetlana; Tahirović Elvis; Trippel Tobias D.; Herrmann-Lingen Christoph; Gelbrich Götz; Düngen Hans-Dirk
    Poor self-rated health predicts mortality in patients with stable chronic heart failure
  41. Šuput Dušan
  42. Šuput Dušan
    Effects of cyanotoxins
  43. Gopalakrishnakone P.; Haddad Vidal; Kem William R.; Tubaro Aurelia; Kim Euikyung
    Marine and freshwater toxins
  44. Marušič Maja; Hošnjak Lea; Krafčikova Petra; Poljak Mario; Viglaskyand Viktor; Plavec Janez
    The effect of single nucleotide polymorphisms in G-rich regions of high-risk human papillomaviruses on structural diversity of DNA
  45. Jeverica Samo; Kolenc Urša; Papst Lea; Beović Bojana; Müller-Premru Manica
    Antimicrobial susceptibility of clinically significant anaerobic bacteria in Slovenia, 2014
  46. Jeverica Samo; Golparian Daniel; Kolenc Urša; Lobnik M.; Cigan B.; Lenart Marja; Maver M.; Matičič Mojca; Unemo Magnus
    Prevalence of pharyngeal Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis infesction among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Slovenia as determined with NAAT and culture-based methods
  47. Sóki J.; Jeverica Samo; Thierney D.; Hajdu Eva O.; Perry J.; Nagy E.
    An analysis of the antibiotic resistance gene content of intestinal Bacteroides isolated using a novel chromogenic agar
  48. Jeverica Samo; Sóki J.; Kostrzewa M.; Papst Lea; Beović Bojana; Müller-Premru Manica; Nagy E.
    Prevalence of division II (cfiA-positive) isolates among Bacteroides fragilis in Slovenia as determined by MALDI-TOF and its influence on phenotypic resistance to imipenem
  49. Zorec Robert; Parpura Vladimir; Vardjan Nina; Verkhratsky Alexei
    Astrocytic face of Alzheimer's disease
  50. Babič Mateja; Lipovec Aljoša; Us Irena; Bregar Branko
    The importance of violent behaviour assessment at admission of psychiatric patient to the University Psychiatric Hospital Ljubljana
  51. Needham Ian; McKenna Kevin; Frank Odile; Oud Nico
    Violence in the health sector
  52. Vallejo-Vaz Antonio J.; Kondapally Seshasai Sreenivasa Rao; Cole Della; Hovingh G. Kees; Kastelein John J. P.; Mata Pedro; Raal Frederick J.; Santos Raul D.; Soran Handrean; Car Josip
    Familial hypercholesterolaemia
  53. Antonič Miha; Lipovec Robert; Gregorčič Franc; Jurič Peter; Košir Gorazd
    Perioperative ascorbic acid supplementation does not reduce the incidence of postoperative atrial fibrillation in on-pump coronary artery bypass graft patients
  54. Jančar Nina; Mihevc Ponikvar Barbara; Tomšič Sonja
    Cold-knife conisation and large loop excision of transformation zone significantly increase the risk for spontaneous preterm birth: a population-based cohort study
  55. Omejec Gregor; Božikov Krešimir; Podnar Simon
    Validation of preoperative nerve conduction studies by intraoperative studies in patients with ulnar neuropathy at the elbow
  56. Šmigoc Schweiger Darja; Mendez Andrijana; Kunilo Sabina; Bratanič Nevenka; Bratina Nataša; Battelino Tadej; Brecelj Jernej; Vidan-Jeras Blanka
    High-risk genotypes HLA-DR3-DQ2/DR3-DQ2 and DR3-DQ2/DR4-DQ8 in co-occurrence of type 1 diabetes and celiac disease
  57. Bonanni Laura; Franciotti Raffaella; Nobili Flavio; Gregorič Kramberger Milica; Taylor John-Paul; Garcia-Ptacek Sara; Falasca N. Walter; Famà Francesco; Cromarty Ruth; Onofrj Marco; Aarsland Dag
    EEG markers of dementia with Lewy bodies
  58. Bonnefoi Herve; Jacot W.; Saghatchian M.; Moldovan C.; Venat-Bouvet L.; Zaman Khurshid; Matos Erika; Petit T.; Bodmer A.; Quenel-Tueux N.; Chakiba C.
    Neoadjuvant treatment with docetaxel plus lapatinib, trastuzumab, or both followed by an anthracycline-based chemotherapy in HER2-positive breast cancer
  59. Zupanič-Pajnič Irena; Zupanc Tomaž; Balažic Jože; Geršak Živa Miriam; Stojković Oliver; Skadrić Ivan; Črešnar Matija
    Prediction of autosomal STR typing success in ancient and Second World War bone samples
  60. Forensic science international
  61. Bulc Rozman Klara; Jurič Damijana Mojca; Šuput Dušan
    Selective cytotoxicity of microcystins LR, LW and LF in rat astrocytes
  62. Kavcic Voyko; Zalar Bojan; Giordani Bruno
    The relationship between baseline EEG spectra power and memory performance in older African Americans endorsing cognitive concerns in a community setting
  63. Sturmberger Lukas; Chappell Thomas; Geier Martina; Krainer Florian; Day Kasey J.; Vide Uršula; Trstenjak Sara; Schiefer Anja; Richardson Toby; Soriaga Leah
    Refined Pichia pastoris reference genome sequence
  64. Omersa Daniel; Farkaš-Lainščak Jerneja; Eržen Ivan; Lainščak Mitja
    National trends in heart failure hospitalization rates in Slovenia 2004-2012
  65. Rojko Tereza; Korva Miša; Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Strle Franc; Avšič-Županc Tatjana
    Cluster of ulceroglandular tularemia cases in Slovenia
  66. Ogrinc Katarina; Maraspin-Čarman Vera
    Nervous system involvement in lyme borreliosis
  67. Georgiev Dejan; Rocchi Lorenzo; Tocco Pierluigi; Speekenbrink Maarten; Rothwell John C.; Jahanshahi Marjan
    Continuous theta burst stimulation over the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the pre-SMA alter drift rate and response thresholds respectively during perceptual decision-making
  68. Marazzi Giuseppe; Pelliccia Francesco; Campolongo Giuseppe; Cacciotti Luca; Poggi Sara; Tanzilli Alessandra; Di Iorio Martina; Volterrani Maurizio; Lainščak Mitja; Rosano Giuseppe M.
    Greater cardiovascular risk reduction with once-daily fixed combination of three antihypertensive agents and statin versus free-drug combination: The ALL-IN-ONE trial
  69. Lenasi Helena; Klonizakis Markos
    Assessing the evidence
  70. Rener-Sitar Ksenija; John Mike T.; Pusalavidyasagar Snigdha S.; Bandyopadhyay Dipankar; Schiffman Eric L
    Sleep quality in temporomandibular disorder cases
  71. Chaitanya Lakshmi; Zupanič-Pajnič Irena; Walsh Susan; Balažic Jože; Zupanc Tomaž; Kayser Manfred
    Bringing colour back after 70 years
  72. Blagotinšek Kaja; Rozman Damjana
    Targeting signalling pathways in hepatocellular carcinoma
  73. Potočnik Nejka; Lenasi Helena
    The responses of glabrous and nonglabrous skin microcirculation to graded dynamic exercise and its recovery
  74. Mihor Ana; Gergar Maša; Gaberšček Simona; Lenasi Helena
    Skin microvascular reactivity in patients with hypothyroidism
  75. Novello S.; Barlesi F.; Califano R.; Čufer Tanja; Ekman S.; Giaj-Levra Piero; Kerr K.; Popat Sanjay; Reck M.; Senan S.
    Metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer
  76. Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Švab Igor; Petek Šter Marija; Bulc Mateja; Buchanan Josephine; Finnegan Henry; Sousa Jaime Correia; Yaphe John
    Twenty-five years of the international Bled course for teachers of family medicine in Europe
  77. Homšak Evgenija; Ekart Robert
    Hemodiafiltration affects NT-proBNP but not ST2 serum concentration in end-stage renal disease patients
  78. Forensic science international
  79. Annals of oncology
  80. Farmakis Dimitrios; Álvarez Zárate Julián; Gal Tuvia Ben; Brito Dulce; Fedele Francesco; Fonseca Candida; Gordon Anthony C.; Gotsman Israel; Grossini Elena; Vrtovec Bojan
    Levosimendan beyond inotropy and acute heart failure
  81. Steenoven Inger van; Aarsland Dag; Weintraub Daniel; Londos Elisabet; Blanc Frédéric; Flier Wiesje M. van der; Teunissen Charlotte E.; Mollenhauer Brit; Fladby Tormod; Gregorič Kramberger Milica; Bonanni Laura; Lemstra Afina W
    Cerebrospinal fluid Alzheimer's disease biomarkers across the spectrum of Lewy body diseases
  82. Lainščak Mitja; Vitale Christiana; Seferović Petar M.; Spoletini Ilaria; Trobec Katja; Rosano Giuseppe M.
    Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of cardiovascular drugs in chronic heart failure
  83. Zupan Anja; Berden Peter; Lainščak Mitja
    Left ventricular metastasis of soft tissue sarcoma causing heart failure
  84. Azmank J.; Stopar Pintarič Tatjana; Cvetko Erika; Vlassakov Kamen
    A novel technique for ultrasound-guided glossopharyngeal nerve block - a proof of concept cadaver and sonoanatomy study
  85. ESRA Annual Congresses
  86. Papa Anna; Vaheri Antti; Leduc James W.; Krüger Detlev H.; Avšič-Županc Tatjana; Arikawa Jiro; Song Jin-Won; Markotić Alemka; Clement Jan; Liang Mifang
    Meeting report
  87. Šterbenc Anja; Homan Matjaž; Kocjan Boštjan; Zidar Nina; Poljak Mario
    The significance of Helicobacter pylori genotype profiles in the development of pre-neoplastic gastric lesions in children
  88. Cokan Andrej; Dovnik Andraž; Žebeljan Ivan; Mujezinović Faris; Bujas Tatjana; Marko Pij B.
    Pyoderma gangrenosum in a caesarean wound following ceasarean section with late occurrence of pyoderma gangrenosum of the breast
  89. Ekart Robert; Hojs Radovan
    Obese and diabetic patients with end-stage renal disease
  90. Age
  91. Rotovnik-Kozjek Nada
    Nutrition for physically active older person
  92. Čebron Lipovec Nanča; Schols Annemie M. W. J.; Borst Bram van den; Beijers Rosanne J. H. C. G.; Kosten Tatjana; Omersa Daniel; Lainščak Mitja
    Sarcopenia in advanced COPD affects cardiometabolic risk reduction by short-term high-intensity pulmonary rehabilitation
  93. Bekfani Tarek; Pellicori Pierpaolo; Morris Daniel A.; Ebner Nicole; Valentova Miroslava; Steinbeck Lisa; Wachter Rolf; Elsner Sebastian; Sliziuk Veronika; Schefold Joerg C.; Lainščak Mitja
    Sarcopenia in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: Impact on muscle strength, exercise capacity and quality of life
  94. Crespo-Leiro Maria G.; Anker Stefan D.; Maggioni Aldo P.; Coats Andrew J.; Filippatos Gerasimos; Ruschitzka Frank; Ferrari Roberto; Piepoli Massimo Francesco; Delgado Jimenez Juan Francisco; Metra Marco; Lainščak Mitja
    European society of cardiology heart failure long-term registry (ESC-HF-LT): 1-year follow-up outcomes and sifferences across regions
  95. Antiviral research
  96. Clinical nutrition ESPEN
  97. Journal of diabetes and its complications
  98. Poljak Mario; Oštrbenk Anja; Seme Katja; Šterbenc Anja; Jančar Nina; Vrtačnik-Bokal Eda
    Three-year longitudinal data on the clinical performance of the Abbott RealTime High Risk HPV test in a cervical cancer screening setting
  99. Mackenbach Johan P; Looman Caspar W. N.; Artnik Barbara; Bopp Matthias; Deboosere Patrick; Dibben Chris; Kalediene Ramune; Kovács Katalin; Leinsalu Mall; Martikainen Pekka; Regidor Enrique; Rychtarikova Jitka; Gelder Rianne
    Fundamental causes of inequalities in mortality
  100. Plug Iris; Hoffmann Rasmus; Artnik Barbara; Bopp Matthias; Borrell Carme; Costa Giuseppe; Deboosere Patrick; Esnaola Santi; Kalediene Ramune; Leinsalu Mall; Lundberg Olle; Martikainen Pekka; Regidor Enrique; Rychtarikova Jitka; Strand Bjørn Heine; Wojtyniak Bogdan; Mackenbach Johan P
    Socioeconomic inequalities in mortality from conditions amenable to medical interventions

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