biomedicina slovenica |
re="Farm Vestn" : 138-237
Čučnik Saša; Kveder Tanja; Rozman Blaž; Božič Borut
Isolation of beta2GPI by perchloric acid yields three protein peaks having different antigenic properties
[Izolacija beta2GPI s perklorno kislino prinaša tri proteinske frakcije z različnimi antigenskimi lastnostmi]
2004 ►
Ambrožič Aleš; Božič Borut; Čučnik Saša; Kveder Tanja; Rozman Blaž
Prothrombin fragment 1+2 as a marker of hypercoagulable state in patients with antiphospholipid antibodies
[Protrombinski fragment 1+2 kot označevalec hiperkoagulabilnega stanja pri bolnikih z antifosfolipidnimi protitelesi]
2004 ►
Čučnik Saša; Kveder Tanja; Božič Borut
Paratope diversity of anti-prothrombin antibodies
[Paratopska raznolikost protiteles proti protrombinu]
2004 ►
Božič Borut; Čučnik Saša; Ambrožič Aleš; Lestan Boris; Kos-Golja Mojca; Rozman Blaž; Kveder Tanja
Clinical sensitivity of antibodies against cyclic citrulinated peptide in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
[Klinilčna občutljivost protiteles proti cikličnem citruliniranem peptidu pri bolnikih z revmatoidnim artritisom]
2004 ►
Gašperšič Nataša; Kveder Tanja; Rozman Blaž; Božič Borut
Vpliv Ca2+ na določanje protiteles proti aneksinu V
[Influence of calcium ions on the detection of antibodies against annexin V]
2004 ►
Melkič Enver; Piskar Majda
Problem prisotnosti hladnih aglutininov v hematologiji
[Problem of cold agglutinins in haematology laboratories]
2004 ►
Sešek-Briški A; Donoša C; Frahm M; Meršol A; Miklavc H; Janša R; Osredkar J
Uporabnost 13C dihalnih testov v gastroenterologiji
[Usefulness of 13C breath tests in gastroenterology]
2004 ►
Snoj Nada; Lenart Katarina; Božič Mojca
Primerjalno vrednotenje testov za določanje D-dimera in ugotavljanje njihove uporabnosti pri izključevanju venske tromboze
[Comparative evaluation of D-dimer assay and assessment of their efficiency for exclusion of deep vein thrombosis]
2004 ►
Krnjak Ljuba; Trunk Primož; Geršak Borut; Osredkar Joško
Merjenje koncentracije proteina S100B v serumu z metodo immunoluminiscence
[Determination of protein S100B serum concentration using immunoluminiscence assay]
2004 ►
Jerin Aleš; Požar-Lukanovič Neva; Paver-Eržen Vesna; Osredkar Joško
Povezava med plazemsko koncentracijo interlevkina 6 in hipoksijo pri operacijah jeter
[Association between plasma concentration of interleukin 6 and hypoxia in liver surgery]
2004 ►
Valh Renata
Pomoč razširjenega okna detekcije pri kanabinoidih
[The help of expanded detection window for canabinonoids determination]
2004 ►
Brečko Brigita; Fliser Eva
Posebnosti določevanja aluminija v serumu z ETAAS-D2 žarnico
[Speciality in determination of aluminium in serum with ETAAS-D2 lamp]
2004 ►
Zorec-Karlovšek Majda; Sollner-Dolenc Marija; Kajan Tina; Kuštrin-Samba Alenka; Skitek Milan; Zupančič Mirjana
Določanje karbamazepina in 10-hidroksikarbazepina - metabolita oksakarbazepina v humanem serumu
[Determination of carbamazepine and 10-hydroxycarbazepine - metabolite of oxcarbazepine in human serum]
2004 ►
Zorec-Karlovšek Majda; Sollner-Dolenc Marija; Klajderič Mateja; Kuštrin-Samba Alenka; Bregant Lev
Odkrivanje intrauterine ekspozicije ilegalnim drogam - pomen analize mekonija
[Detection of intrauterine ilicit drug exposure - the importance of meconium analysis]
2004 ►
Melkič Enver; Grm Lidija
Sistem kontrole merjenja hitrosti sedimentacije eritrocitov (HSE) na analizatorju Test 1
[Control system for measurement of ESR with Test 1 analyser]
2004 ►
Krhin B; Žitko-Krhin M; Kolenc-Peitl P; Gmeiner-Stopar T; Hojker S
Slovenska nacionalna shema za zunanjo oceno kakovosti (SNEQAS) za področje hormonov ščitnice
[Slovenian national external quality assessment scheme (SNEQAS) for thyroid hormones]
2004 ►
Šter Mateja; Žnidaršič Jana; Skitek Milan
Določitev referenčnih vrednosti sedimenta in štetja celic po Stansfeld-Webbu v seču
[Determination of reference values for the urinary sediment and counting cells by Stanfeld-Webb method]
2004 ►
Skitek Milan; Šter Mateja
Standardizacija določanja in harmonizacija rezultatov HbA1c
[HbA1c standardization and harmonisation]
2004 ►
Roglič Igor
Predstavitev hospitalnega in ambulantnega programa v Kliničnem centru
[Presentation of hospital and mabulance programmes in Clinical centre]
2004 ►
Krsnik Mladen
Dodatne funkcionalnosti Laboratorijskega informacijskega sistema na Kliničnem inštitutu za klinično kemijo in biokemijo
[Additional facilities of Laboratory information system in Clinical institute of clinical chemistry and biochemistry]
2004 ►
Arko Barbara; Avberšek-Lužnik Ivica; Marc Janja
Vpliv polimorfizmov v promotorju gena za osteoprotegerin na njegovo serumsko koncentracijo pri dializnih bolnikih
[Influence of the polymorphisms in the osteoprotegerin gene promoter on osteoprotegerin serum levels in dialysis patients]
2004 ►
Meško-Brguljan P; Cimerman N
Is serum cystatin C a suitable marker for GFR deterioration in asthma?
2004 ►
Cvetko-Weiss V; Štrakl G; Ružič E; Jančar N; Miholič B; Marc J
Diagnostična učinkovitost cistatina C pri oceni delovanja ledvic
[Diagnostic efficiency of cystatin C at the renal function assessment]
2004 ►
Krivec Štefka; Šepec Petra
Primerjava glomerulnih filtracij izra unanih preko očistka kreatinina in cistatina C
[Comparison of glomerular filtration rate calculated from creatinine clearance and cystatin C]
2004 ►
Avberšek-Lužnik Ivica; Gaser Anuška; Pečovnik-Balon Breda; Marc Janja
Comparison of two immunoassays for parathyroid hormone measurement in hemodialysis patients
[Primerjava dveh imunokemijskih metod za določevanje paratiroidnega hormona pri dializnih bolnikih]
2004 ►
Malešič I; Jurjec D
The values of aluminium in serum and hair in exposed and unexposed persons
[Vrednosti aluminija v serumu in laseh pri izpostavljenih in neizpostavljenih osebah]
2004 ►
Zorec-Karlovšek Majda
Analitika etanola in drugih alkoholov v telesnih tekočinah
[Determination of ethanol and other alcohols in body fluids]
2004 ►
Černe Darko
Toksikološka analitika v urgentni klinični biokemiji
[Intoxication analysis in emergency medical biochemistry]
2004 ►
Gorenjak Maksimiljan
Stopenjska toksikološka diagnostika v laboratoriju
[Differential toxicological diagnosis in the laboratory]
2004 ►
Skitek Milan
Experience in Slovenian national external quality assessment scheme-haematology
2004 ►
Bratož Saša; Osredkar Joško
Ocena kakovosti rezultatov biokemijskih laboratorijev v Sloveniji
[Quality assessment of results of Slovenian clinical chemistry laboratories]
2004 ►
Osredkar Joško
Poslovna odličnost v laboratorijski medicini
[EFQM model in laboratory medicine]
2004 ►
Plazar Nadja; Stegnar Mojca; Rešek-Žužek Saša; Lukač-Bajalo Jana
Hiperhomocisteinemija pri dializnih bolnikih
[Hypercysteinemia in hemodialysis patients]
2004 ►
Možina Barbara; Marc Janja
Uporabnost retikulocitnih parametrov za odkrivanje hiposideremije pri hemodializnih bolnikih
[The use of reticulocyte indices for diagnosis of iron deficiency in hemodialysis patients]
2004 ►
Avberšek-Lužnik Ivica; Marc Janja
Biokemični kazalci patogeneze ledvične osteodistrofije
[Biochemical markers of renal osteodystrophy]
2004 ►
Arko Barbara
Molekularne osnove policističnih bolezni ledvic
[Molecular basis of polycystic kidney diseases]
2004 ►
Božič Borut
Vzroki za kronično odpoved ledvic pri sistemskih avtoimunskih boleznih
[Reasons for chronic renal failure in systemic autoimmune disease]
2004 ►
Marc Janja
Laboratorijska medicina pri obravnavi bolnika s kronično boleznijo
[Laboratory medicine in management of chronic kidney disease]
2004 ►
Lukač-Bajalo Jasna
Izvencelična DNA
[Cell-free DNA]
2004 ►
Meško-Brguljan Pika
Beseda gostujoče urednice
[Guest editor's preface]
2004 ►
Peternel Luka; Stegnar Mojca
Hemostaza pri glodalcih - povezava s predkliničnimi raziskavami novih antitrombotikov
[Hemostasis in rodents - an association with preclinical studies of novel antithrombotics]
2004 ►
Božič Mojca; Furlan Danijela; Stegnar Mojca
D-dimer pri izključevanju venske tromboze - katero metodo uporabiti?
[D-dimer in exclusion of deep-vein thrombosis - which method?]
2004 ►
Pukšič Milan
Uporaba informacijskih sistemov pri iskanju podatkov o interakcijah med zdravili
[Use of information systems for the evaluation of adverse drug interactions]
2004 ►
Rotar-Pavlič Danica; Poplas-Susič Tonka
Neželeni učinki protibolečinskih in protivnetnih zdravil na prebavni sistem, povezanost z analgetično nefropatijo in toksično poškodbo jeter
2004 ►
Mlinarič Aleš; Vovk Tomaž; Pavlovič Lidija
Pomembnejše interakcije najpogosteje predpisanih nesteroidnih protivnetnih in protirevmatičnih zdravil
[Important interactions of most frequently prescribed nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs]
2004 ►
Peklar Jure
Primerjalna analiza porabe nesteroidnih antirevmatikov pri nas in v nekaterih skandinavskih državah
2004 ►
Faganeli Nataša
Vloga koksibov pri protibolečinski obravnavi ortopedskega bolnika
2004 ►
Markovič Saša; Bogdanovič Sanja; Mrhar Aleš
Klinični, epidemiološki in farmakoekonomski vidiki zdravljenja resnih gastrointestinalnih zapletov pri uporabi NSAR
[Clinical, epidemiological and pharmacoeconomical aspects of serious gastrointestinal adverse events related to NSAID therapy]
2004 ►
Bogataj Marija
Interakcije inhibitorjev ciklooksigenaze 2 in drugih nesteroidnih antirevmatikov
[Interactions of inhibitors of cyclooxygenase 2 and other nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs]
2004 ►
Praprotnik Sonja
Sklep - tarča vnetnega in nevnetnega procesa
2004 ►
Pečar Slavko
Inhibitorji ciklooksigenaze-2 kot antirevmatiki
[COX-2 inhibitors as antirheumatic drugs]
2004 ►
Božič Borut
Laboratorijska diagnostika in spremljanje revmatičnih bolezni
[Laboratory diagnostic and monitoring of rheumatic diseases]
2004 ►
Ihan Alojz
Etiologija in patofiziologija revmatoidnega artritisa
[Ethiology and patophisiology of rheumatoid arthritis]
2004 ►
Gašperlin Mirjana; Štrukelj Borut
Harmonizacija študijskih programov farmacije v Sloveniji z EU
2004 ►
Grabnar I; Bogataj M; Belič A; Karba R; Mrhar A
Kinetics of drug distribution in the urinary bladder wall following intravesical instillation: estimation by advanced compartmental diffusion model
2003 ►
Burjak M; Bogataj M; Grabnar I; Mrhar A
Modelling of drug release profiles from mucoadhesive microspheres adhered on urinary bladder mucosa: urodynamic model
2003 ►
Salobir Mateja; Legen Igor; Kerč Janez
Comparison of different intestinal epithelia as models for absorption enhancement studies
2003 ►
Vovk T; Bogataj M; Roškar R; Kmetec V; Mrhar A
The determination of main water soluble low molecular antioxidants in urinary bladder using HPLC with electrochemical detection
2003 ►
Jenko-Brinovec S; Golob M; Plaper A; Raspor P
The genotoxicity of chromium (tris) picolinate
2003 ►
Žakelj S; Legen I; Kristl A
The influence of HCO3--free incubation salines on rat jejunal tissue in side-by-side diffusion chambers
2003 ►
Kincl M; Turk S; Veber M; Vrečer F
Application of Box-Behnken experimental design for characterization of drug release from prolonged release tablets
2003 ►
Krasna M; Jeras M
Preparation of living skin substitute based on a fibrin matrix
2003 ►
Murn J; Mlinarič-Raščan I
Modulation of apoptotic demise in B lymphoma cells
2003 ►
Herman D; Peternel P; Stegnar M; Breskvar K; Dolžan V
The influence of CYP2C9 genotype, physiological factors and concomitant drug treatment on warfarin dose requirement
2003 ►
Bele M; Mesarič T; Planinšek O; Salobir M; Srčič S; Jamnik J
Silica coatings on clarithromycin
2003 ►
Grandovec A; Perc S; Ocepek U
Maillard reaction of lactose and 2-(2-aminoethoxy)-methyl)-4-(2-chlorophenyl)-1,4-dihydro-6-methyl-3,5-pyridinedicarboxylic acid, 3-ethyl 5-methyl ester maleate, a primary amine
2003 ►
Zega A; Šuštarič A; Srčič S
Quantitative analysis of mixtures of crystalline and amorphous felodipine by near-infrared spectroscopy
2003 ►
Perišič I; Ritlop G; Grandovec A
Development of discriminatory dissolution tests for immediate release oral dosage form
2003 ►
Ritlop G; Makuc S; Černoša L; Vrečer F
Designing and optimisation of dissolution methods: flow-through cell as a basis for development of dissolution tests for modified release delivery oral dosage forms
2003 ►
Roškar R; Kmetec V
A comparison of BET and GAB approach for studying moisture sorption behavior of several excipients
2003 ►
Podlogar F; Bešter-Rogač M; Gašperlin M
Structural characterization of water - Tween 40/Imwitor 308 - isopropyl myristate microemulsions by DSC and SAXS
2003 ►
Jurkovič P; Gašperlin M
Influence of microemulsion type and thickening on ascorbyl palmitate dermal delivery
2003 ►
Dreu R; Širca J; Pintye-Hodi K; Srčič S
Tensile strength and disintegration time of pellets prepared by extrusion and spheronisation technology as function of different granulating liquids
2003 ►
Planinšek O; Pišek R; Vrečer F; Srčič S
Layering of pellets with two model drugs
2003 ►
Svete Peter; Jaklič Miha T
Does increase in tablet hardness always result in slower dissolution rate?
2003 ►
Mateović T; Bogataj M; Ratnik M; Mrhar A
Dependance of microspheres solidification time on initial temperature in solvent evaporation process
2003 ►
Leskošek T; Vrečer F; Pišek R
The study of influence of disintegrant amount and type on physico-technological properties of the pellets produced in a high shear mixer
2003 ►
Pišek R; Ritlop G; Krošelj V; Kramar A; Vrečer F
The influence of matrix composition and hydrophilic coating on dissolution properties of model drug
2003 ►
Kotar-Jordan B; Grčman M; Ograjšek N; Vrečer F
Solid state characterization of new pantoprazole sodium hydrate forms and its amorphous form
2003 ►
Zupančič V; Kotar-Jordan B; Grčman M; Ograjšek N; Vrečer F
Characterization of two pantoprazole sodium hydrates
2003 ►
Zajc N; Obreza A; Srčič S
Physical stability of nifedipine solid dispersions prepared by hot melt method - a DSC and MTDSC study
2003 ►
Tivadar A; Kočevar K; Muševič I; Kerč J; Srčič S
Study of felodipine transformation from glassy to crystalline state
2003 ►
Tivadar A; Kočevar K; Muševič I; Srčič S
Surface analysis of polymer films by atomic force microscopy
2003 ►
Bešter-Rogač M; Rus L; Srčič S
Volumetric characterization of some dihydropyridine derivates
2003 ►
Vajs A; Smrkolj M; Sitar-Čurin A; Grčman M
Study of polymorphism of 1-cyclopropyl-6-fluoro-1,4-dihydro-8-metoxy-7-(3-methyl-1-piperazinyl)-4-oxo-3-quinolinecarboxylic acid
2003 ►
Ferlan A; Punčuh-Kolar A
Some aspects of reducing drug particle size
2003 ►
Preskar M; Punčuh-Kolar A; Planinšek O; Vrečer F
Study of the influence of formulation and process variables onto dissolution kinetics of granules and tablets
2003 ►
Preskar M; Punčuh-Kolar A; Vrečer F
Study of influence of particle size and powder surface area on the technological relevant properties of model drug KD-9102
2003 ►
Mlinarič-Raščan I
Thiopurine methyltransferase pharmacogenetics
2003 ►
Jeras M; Maličev E; Radosavljevič D; Knežević M; Kregar-Velikonja N
Selected biocompatible and biodegradable matrices as templated for in vitro preparation of implantable human living cartilage tissue substitutes
2003 ►
Planinšek O; Bele M; Kunaver M; Zadnik J; Srčič S
Influence of particle formation route on lactose physicochemical properties
2003 ►
Baumgartner S; Slameršek V; Kristl J
Controlled drug delivery of hydrophilic drugs from cellulose ether matrix tablets: the influence of the drug molecule size on its release mechanism and kinetics
2003 ►
Cegnar Mateja; Premzl Aleš; Zavašnik-Bergant Valentina; Kristl Julijana; Kos Janko
Effect of polymer type on the activity of cystatin encapsulated in poly(lactide-co-glycolide) nanoparticles and their uptake in MCF-10A neoT cells
2003 ►
Fočo Alma; Kristl Julijana
Formulation and evaluation of liposomes as carriers for sodium ascorbyl phosphate into the skin
2003 ►
Legen Igor; Kristl Albin
Multidrug resistance associated protein 2 (MRP2) activity in the rat small intestine in vitro
2003 ►
Kerec M; Bogataj M; Veranič P; Mrhar A
The role of calcium ions in the mechanism of chitosan enhanced drug permeability into the pig urinary bladder wall
2003 ►
Bohanec Simona
Experimental design as a tool for preformulation studies
2003 ►
Pišek Robert
Macroscopic physical properties of powders and granules
2003 ►
Planinšek Odon
Surface characterization of solid materials
2003 ►
Vrečer F
Polymorphism and pseudopolymorphism
2003 ►
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