biomedicina slovenica

"cardiac resuscitation" : 12

  1. Flis Vojko; Antonič Jože; Borovšak Zvonko; Glumbić Ivana; Kobilica Nina
    Penetrantna poškodba torakalne aorte zaradi serijskega zloma reber
    [Delayed rupture of the descending thoracic aorta caused by penetrating intrathoracic injury from multiple rib fractures]
  2. Gračner Rajko
    Modifikacija rekonstrukcije traumatske rupture descendentne aorte upotrebom intraluminarnog konduita
  3. Noč Marko; Weil Max Harry; Tang Wanchung; Sun Shijie; Pernat Andrej; Bisera Joe
    Electrocardiographic prediction of the success of cardiac resuscitation
  4. Noč M; Remškar M
    Myocardial dysfunction following successful cardiac resuscitation
  5. Tang WC; Weil Max Harry; Sun Shijie; Noč Marko; Yang Liying; Gazmuri Raul J
    Epinephrine increases the severity of postresuscitation myocardial dysfunction
  6. Noč M; Weil MH; Štajer D
    Myocardial dysfunction after cardiac resuscitation
  7. Sato Yoji; Weil Max Harry; Sun Shijie; Tang Wanchun; Xie Jianlin; Noč Marko; Bisera Joe
    Adverse effects of interrupting precordial compression during cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  8. Gazmuri RJ; Tang W; Weil MH; Noč M
    Options for enhancement of myocardial perfusion during cardiac resuscitation
  9. Yang LY; Weil MH; Noč M; Tang W; Turner T; Gazmuri RJ
    Spontaneous gasping increases the ability to resuscitate during experimental cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  10. Tang WC; Weil MH; Noč M; Sun S; Gazmuri RJ; Bisera J
    Augmented efficacy of external CPR by intermittent occlusion of the ascending aorta
  11. Noč M; Weil MH; Gazmuri RJ; Sun S; Biscera J; Tang W
    Ventricular fibrillation voltage as a monitor of the effectiveness of cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  12. Noč M; Weil MH; Sun S; Tang W; Bisera J
    Spontaneous gasping during cardiopulmonary resuscitation without mechanical ventilation

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