biomedicina slovenica

"Histocytochemistry" : 101-164

  1. Ravnik D; Vandot B
    Skeletal muscle regeneration under delayed neural influence
  2. Pospihalj B; Ferlan-Marolt V; Trošič A; Gadžijev E; Kovačić D; Grkman J
    Biliary cystadenocarcinoma with mesenchymal stroma (BCMS): two case reports and review of the literature
  3. Sterle M; Pipan N
    Analysis of the cell death in the mucoid epithelium of mouse stomach
  4. Jezernik K; Pipan N
    Cytochemical localization of carbohydrates in intercalated duct and acinar cells of mouse parotid gland
  5. Fazarinc G
    Histokemični profil ventralne nazobčane (m. serratus ventralis) in najdaljše hrbtne mišice (m. longissimus dorsi) pri križancih pitovnih prašičev
  6. Dolenc-Stražar Zvezdana; Ferluga Dušan; Ovčak Zdednka; Mašera Andrej
    Lektinska histokemija in ledvični karcinom
    [Lectin histochemistry of renal cell carcinoma]
  7. Bizjak-Schwartzbartl M
    Citomorfološke, citokemične in imunološke značilnosti malignih limfomov ne-Hodgkinovega tipa pri aspiracijski biopsiji bezgavk
  8. Škorjanc D; Eržen I; Šalehar A; Žgur S
    Analiza strukture mišičnih snopičev pri prašičih
    [Analysis of muscle fascicle structure in pigs]
  9. Snoj-Cvetko Erika; Eržen Ida
    Histochemical and morphometric characteristics of the vastus lateralis muscle in children
  10. Zanconati F; Cattonar P; Grandi G
    Histochemical and immunohistochemical methods for demonstration of spirochetes in skin biopsies
  11. Coer A; Pajer Z
    Measurement characteristics of stereological and histochemical methods in the diagnosis of thyroid tumours
  12. Coer A; Pajer Z
    Merske značilnosti morfometrijskih in histokemičnih metod za diagnostiko ščitničnih tumorjev
    [Metric characteristics of stereological and histochemical methods in the diagnosis of thyroid tumours]
  13. Dolenc I; Črne-Finderle N; Eržen I; Sketelj J
    Satellite cells in slow and fast rat muscles differ in respect to acetylcholinesterase regulation mechanisms they convey to their descendant myofibers during regeneration
  14. Pernuš F; Eržen I
    Fibre size, atrophy, and hypertrophy factors in vastus lateralis muscle from 18- to 29-year-old men
  15. Smerdu Vika
    Postnatalni razvoj skeletne mišice prašiča: vpliv na histokemične in morfometrične lastnosti mišičnih vlaken
  16. Petrač Z
    Vpliv metaboličnih inhibitorjev na tetanično kontrakcijo skeletnih mišic laboratorijske podgane
  17. Sketelj J; Črne N; Brzin M
    Molecular forms and localization of acetylcholinesterase and nonspecific cholinesterase in regenerating skeletal muscles
  18. Pavlin R; Košir N; Vidmar V
    Monoamine oxidase activity in rat and human odontoblasts: a microgasometric study
  19. Dolenc-Stražar Z; Ferluga D; Nagode B; Eržen M
    Lectin histochemistry in the kidney during fetal development
  20. Kambič V; Gale N; Ferluga D
    Laryngeal hyperplastic lesions, follow-up study and application of lectins and anticytokeratins for their evaluation
  21. Jezernik K; Pipan N
    The relationship between synthesis of secretory products and reducing capacity in pancreas and parotid acinar cells
  22. Stirn-Kranjc B
    Morfologija in histokemija človeških vodoravnih premih očesnih mišic pri ortoforiji in pri spremljajočem konvergentnem strabizmu
  23. Turk D; Singer Z; Jukić S; Krstulović B
    New technique for processing paraffin-embedded tissue for Y chromosome fluorescence identification of trophoblastic disease
  24. Žigić Z; Radić Lj; Miholjčić B
    Kvalitativna i kvantitativna slika letne muskulature kokoši
    [Qualitative and quantitative picture of the flying muscles of hen]
  25. Zobundžija M; Kozarić Z; Jakovac M; Makar G
    Histochemical presentation of some oxidative enzymes in the allantoic epithelium of wild boars
  26. Pribiš V; Šijački N
    Masti u mišićnim ćelijama divljih svinja različite starosti
  27. Šijački N; Pribiš V; Brundza V
    Biohemijska i histohemijska slika mišića jelena
  28. Pribiš V; Šijački N; Brundza V; Krunić M
    Hemijske i histokemijske odlike mišića divljih svinja
  29. Zobundžija M; Kozarić Z; Alečković Z
    O histometaboličkim karakteristikama vlakna m. cutaneus trunci u konja različite dobi
    [On the histometabolic characteristics of fibres of m. cutaneus trunci in horses of different age]
  30. Juntes P
    Količina in razporeditev lipidnih kapelj v jetrih prašičev različne starosti
    [Quantity and distribution of lipid droplets in the liver of pigs of different age]
  31. Cerar A; Juteršek A; Vidmar S
    Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the esophagus
  32. Ravnik D
    Regeneracija skeletne mišice v eksperimentalnih razmerah
  33. Štrus J
    Levitev in funkcionalna morfologija prebavila pobrežne mokrice (Ligia italica, Isopoda, Crustacea)
    [Moulting and functional morphology of the digestive system in Ligia italica (Isopoda, Crustacea)]
  34. Kralj M
    Dinamika endomembranskega sistema in plazmaleme ob funkcionalni diferenciaciji mlečne žleze
  35. Novak-Antolič Ž
    Študij mediatorskih sistemov v humanem miometriju
  36. Šijački N; Pribiš V; Tešanović D; Krunić M; Brundza V
    Biohemijske, hemijske i histohemijske karakteristike mišića jelena lopatara (Cervus Dama dama L.)
    [Biochemical, chemical and histochemical characteristics of muscles of follow deer (Cervus Dama dama L.)]
  37. Trampuž A
    Lokalizacija sestavin motorične ploščice v skeletni mišici v različnih poskusnih razmerah
    [Localization of end plate components in skeletal muscle in various experimental situations]
  38. Pernuš F; Eržen I
    Računalniško podprta morfometrična analiza mišičnih vlaken
    [Computer-aided morphometric analysis of muscle fibres]
  39. Eržen I; Pernuš F; Širca A
    Muscle fibre types in the human vastus lateralis muscles: do symmetrical sites differ in their composition?
  40. Širca A; Eržen I; Pečak F
    Histochemistry of abductor hallucis muscle in children with idiopathic clubfoot and in controls
  41. Veranič Peter
    Vpliv spodbujene sinteze glikoproteina vitelogenina in peroksisomskih proteinov na spremembe endomembranskih prostorov v hepatocitih rib zebric
  42. Punkt K; Eržen I; Krug H; Punkt J; Seidler E
    Histophotometry - the method of choice in quantifying dehydrogenase histochemistry
  43. Sketelj J; Črne N; Brzin M
    Two types of focal accumulations of acetylcholinesterase appear in noninnervated regenerating skeletal muscles of the rat
  44. Pavlovič V
    Etiopatogenetski mehanizmi pri prirojeni idiopatski ekvinovarusni deformaciji stopala
    [Etiologic and pathogenic mechanisms in congenital equinovarus deformity of the foot]
  45. Širca A; Dekleva A; Eržen I; Bizjak F
    Changes in paravertebral muscles in idiopathic scoliosis
  46. Ribarič S
    Določitev parametrov za oceno reinervacije mišice
  47. Bavdek S
    Citologija z osnovami citogenetike za študente veterinarstva
  48. Veranič P; Sterle M
    Histokemična analiza kompleksnih ogljikovih hidratov v želodčni sluznici med prenatalnim in postnatalnim razvojem mišjega želodca
    [Histochemical analysis of gastric mucosa complex carbohydrates at prenatal and postnatal development of a mouse stomach]
  49. Kostović I; Fučić A; Bogdanović N
    Inervacija krvnih žila mozga
    [Innervation of cerebral blood vessels]
  50. Pipan N; Sterle M
    Cytochemical and scanning electron-microscopic analysis of apoptotic cells and their phagocytosis in mucoid epitheliumof the mouse stomach
  51. Sterle M; Jezernik K
    Z monenzinom inducirane molekularne spremembe v endomembranah žleznih celic
    [Monensin induced molecular changes in endomembranes of secretory cells]
  52. Golouh R
    Imunohistokemija pri diagnozi malignih tumorjev mehkih tkiv. (Immunohistochemistry in the diagnosis of malignant soft tissue tumors)
  53. Bulog B; Istenič L; Štrus J
    Anatomsko morfološke raziskave
  54. Punkt K; Krug H; Punkt J; Eržen I; Meznarič M
    The correlation between histophotometrical and biochemical myosin-ATPase measurements in the myocardium and striated muscle of the rat
  55. Pernuš F; Bjelogrlić Z; Eržen I
    A computer-aided method for muscle fibre type quantification
  56. Pipan N; Sterle M
    Površina apoptotskih ćelija i njihova fagocitoza
  57. Pšeničnik M; Pipan N; Jezernik K
    Rezane replike v povezavi s citokemično analizo ultratankih rezin
  58. Pogačnik M; Černe M; Juntes P; Pogačnik A
    Nekatere histokemične značilnosti tumorjev Marekove bolezni pri piščancih. (Some histochemical characteristics of tumors of Marek's disease with chickens)
  59. Sterle M; Pipan N
    Vpliv monenzina na Golgijev aparat v površinskih mukoidnih celicah mišjega želodca. (The effect of monensin on theGolgi apparatus in the surface mucoid cells of mouse stomach)
  60. Meznarič M; Eržen I
    Izbira modelov za skeletna mišična vlakna podtipa II
    [The choise of models for skeletal muscle subtype II fibres]
  61. Širca A; Eržen I
    Histokemične značilnosti mečne mišice (m. gastrocnemius) pri nekaterih živalih in človeku
    [Histochemical properties of the gastrocnemius muscle in some animals and man]
  62. Eusebi V; Lamovec J; Cattani MG; Fedeli F; Millis RR
    Acantholytic variant of squamous-cell carcinoma of the breast
  63. Filipič B; Rode B; Lacković G; Šooš E
    The influence of human interferon alpha on hydrolytic enzymes studied by histochemical methods in cultured cells
  64. Murn Milica; Salom Lala; Morela Vesna; Hršak Vladimir
    Raziskave vpliva Armitona na očesno veznico kunca
    [Study of influence of Armiton on rabbit eye conjunctive]

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