biomedicina slovenica |
Pevec Teodor
Is proximal femoral nail (PFN) a good alternative treatment for intertrochanteric proximal femoral fractures
2021 ►
Komadina Radko; Hostnik Bernarda; Vindišar Franci; Marc Janja; Goličnik Branka
Predicting value of different commercial quick tests for fracture risk assessment in elderly patients with already prevalent proximal femoral fragility fracture
2009 ►
Komadina Radko; Goličnik Branka; Vindišar Franci; Marc Janja
Renal function and 1.25 OH vitamin D in patients with prevalent proximal femoral fracture
2009 ►
Komadina Radko; Brilej Drago
The growing incidence of proximal femoral fractures in Slovenia
2004 ►
Gajšek Matej; Vlaović Miodrag; Komadina Radko
Pertrohanterni zlomi
[Pertrochanteric fractures]
2011 ►
Zore Zvonimir; Filipović Zore Irina; Matejčić Aljoša; Kamal Mohamed; Arslani Nuhi; Knezović Zlatarić Dubravka
Surgical treatment of pathologic fractures in patients with metastatic tumors
2009 ►
Krajnc Alojz; Horvat Žiga
Intraartikularni zlomi kolena
2008 ►
Vindišar Franci
Operativno zdravljenje zlomov diafiz dolgih cevastih kosti pri otrocih in adolescentih v SB Celje od 1996 do 2007
[Operative treatment of long bones shaft fractures at children and adolescent in General hospital Celje during 1996 and 2007]
2009 ►
Komadina Radko
The hip fracture is an injury and a disease at the same time
[Zlom kolka je poškodba in bolezen hkrati]
2008 ►
Herman Simon; Tonin Martin
Poškodbe starostnikov
[Injures in elderly patients]
2008 ►
Kuhta Matevž; Moličnik Andrej; Kramberger Slavko
Obprotezni zlomi med in po totalni kolčni artroplastiki
2008 ►
Krajnc Alojz; Kelc Andrej
Fixation of femoral fractures with retrograde intramedullary nail
2007 ►
Ferk Jože; Frank Aleksander
Intramedullary nailing of proximal femoral fractures
2007 ►
Kristan A; Štefanič F
Non-septic complications in intramedullary fixation of femoral fractures
2007 ►
Vrabič Erik; Košutić Damir; Krajnc Alojz; Arnež Zoran M.
Fibula osteocutaneous free flap for tertiary reconstruction of a segmental diaphyseal femoral defect
2007 ►
Flis Vojko; Tomažič Tomaž
Zapletene poškodbe žilja spodnjih udov pri otrocih
[Complex vascular injuris of lower limbs in children]
2007 ►
Groznik Matjaž
Dejavniki, ki pomembno vplivajo na nastanek popoškodbenega osteitisa
2006 ►
Krajnc Alojz; Košar Jaka
Osteoporoza, konzervativno zdravljenje poškodb medenice, stegnenice in kolena
2006 ►
Krajnc Alojz; Košar Jaka
Mesto konzervativnega zdravljenja poškodb medenice, stegnenice in kolena
[The role of conservative management of the pelvic, femur and knee injures]
2005 ►
Herman Simon
Zlomi kosti spodnjega uda
2006 ►
Klinar Tomaž
Reševanje in vloga zdravnika ob jamarski nesreči - prikaz primera
[Description of a particular cave accident, with the emphasis on the doctor's role during the rescue process]
2006 ►
Ravnikar G; Kralj ME; Peroša D; Šibli T
Closed degloving injury of pelvic region (Morel-Lavalee lesion)
2006 ►
Kralj M; Smrke D; Mavčič B
The treatment of peri-prosthetic compound femoral fractures with Kent hip
2006 ►
Puncer Sašo
Rehabilitacija po poškodbah spodnjih okončin
2005 ►
Kelc Andrej; Pandurović Dean
Non-septic complications in intramedullary nailing of supra-transcondilar femoral fractures treated in general hospital Maribor between 1998-2002
2005 ►
Gluhar Boštjan
Imobilizacija spodnje okončine in komplikacije
2005 ►
Cimerman Matej
Poškodbe spodnjih udov
2005 ►
Cimerman Matej
Mikrostrukturna analiza stične ploskve med kostjo in kovinskimi vsadki s hidroksiapatitnim kritjem
2004 ►
Sedej Bogdana; Kos Nataša
Rehabilitacija bolnikov po zlomih v kolenskem sklepu
2004 ►
Senekovič Vladimir
Artroskopksi posegi pri zlomih v predelu kolenskega sklepa
2004 ►
Markovič J; Novak-Jankovič V
Spinal anaesthesia in a patient with Huntington's disease
2002 ►
Lamovec Janez; Možina Eva; Baebler Boštjan
Hyperplastic callus formation in osteogenesis imperfecta
2003 ►
Dolenc Igor; Koglot Franci; Kavčič Benjamin; Polanc Jordan; Hlede Saša
Metoda "Monorail" - možnost elongacije kosti in kostnega transporta - prikaz primera zdravljenja nepravilno zaraslega preloma femurja
["Monorail" method - possibility for bone elongation and segmental bone transport - case report of malunion femoral fracture]
2003 ►
Posavec Anton
Ekstremitetne opornice
2003 ►
Arnež ZM; Tyler MPH; Khan U
Describing severe limb trauma
1999 ►
Pandurovič Dean; Horvat Žiga
Možnosti in smiselnost intramedularne učvrstitve zlomov pri otrocih
[Ways and sense of intramedullary fixation of fractures in children]
2002 ►
Krajnc Alojz; Kelc Andrej
Učvrstitev zlomov stegnenice z retrogradnim intramedularnim žebljem na zaklep
[Fixation of femoral fractures with locking retrograde intramedullary nail]
2002 ►
Frank Aleksander; Ferk Jože
Učvrstitev zlomov srednjega dela stegnenice z anterogradnim intramedularnim žebljem na zaklop
[Femoral shaft fractures fixation with locking anterograde intramedullary nails]
2002 ►
Ferk Jože; Frank Aleksander
Intramedularna učvrstitev zlomov začetnega dela stegnenice
[Intramedullary nailing of proximal femoral fractures]
2002 ►
Cimerman M; Coer A; Čeh M
Microstructural investigations of implant/bone interface between hydroxylapatite-coated and uncoated shanz pins implanted into sheep femora
2002 ►
Čretnik Andrej
Zunajsklepni zlomi začetnega dela stegnenice
2002 ►
Markovič Jasmina; Novak-Jankovič Vesna
Spinalna anestezija pri bolniku s Huntingtonovo boleznijo - klinični primer
[Spinal anaesthesia in patient with Huntington's disease - a case report]
2002 ►
Strecker W
Malignments after elastic stable intramedullary nailing of femoral shaft fractures
1999 ►
Kač-Vičar M; Primožič J; Aleš A
Children with femoral fracture after elastic stable intramedullary nailing - pediatric view
1999 ►
Vindišar F; Robida J
Our experiences in treatment of femoral shaft fractures with elastic stable intramedullary nailing
1999 ►
Pandurovič D; Čretnik A
Our experineces with elastic intramedullary fixation of femoral shaft fractures in children
1999 ►
Carniero F; Simoes C
Flexible intramedullary nailing of femoral shaft fractures in children
1999 ►
Aleš A; Krkovič M
Internal fixation of the femoral shaft fractures in children by titanium semiflexible rods
1999 ►
Linhart WE
Elastic stable intramedullary nailing of femoral fractures in children: biomechanics and principles
1999 ►
Lascombes P
Elastic stable intramedullary nailing of fractures in children
1999 ►
Pandurovič Dean; Čretnik Andrej
Intramedularna učvrstitev zlomov pri otrocih
[Intramedullary stabilization of the fractures in children]
2001 ►
Krajnc Alojz
Osteosinteza zlomov spodnjega dela stegnenice s suprakondilarnim intramedularnim žebljem
[Osteosynthesis of the distal femoral fractures with supracondylar intramedullary nail]
2001 ►
Frank Aleksander
Intramedularna učvrstitev zlomov v področju srednjega dela stegnenice
[Intramedullary nailing of the femoral shaft]
2001 ►
Lukšič-Gorjanc Mateja
Ocenjevanje izida rehabilitacije po zlomu kolka v Zdravilišču Dolenjske Toplice
2001 ►
Koglot Franci; Štrbenc-Mozetič Marija; Beltram Matej
Zlom kolka pri starostniku
[Hip fractures in the elderly patient]
2001 ►
Turk Zmago
Knochenbruchheilung und biochemische Blutparameter bei Kaninchen nach kuenstlicher Femurosteotomie im schwachen niederfrequenten Magnetfeld
[Bone healing and biochemical blood parameters after arteficial osteotomy of rabbits' femur treated by low-frequency magnetic filed]
2001 ►
Cimerman Matej
Zlomi kolka
[Hip fractures]
2001 ►
Brilej D; Komadina R; Perissinotto A
Dinamic intramedullary nailing for the treatment of closed tibial and femoral fractures
2001 ►
Aleš Andrej; Pečar Janja; De Reggi Magdalena
Zlomi okončin pri manjših otrocih
1999 ►
Pandurovič Dean; Čretnik Andrej
Intramedularna učvrstitev zlomov pri otrocih
[Intramedullary stabilization of the fractures in children]
2000 ►
Krajnc Alojz
Osteosinteza zlomov spodnjega dela stegnenice s suprakondilarnim intramedularnim žebljem
[Osteosynthesis of the distal femoral fractures with supracondylar intramedullary nail]
2000 ►
Frank Aleksander
Intramedularna učvrstitev zlomov v področju srednjega dela stegnenice
[Intramedullar nailing of the femoral shaft]
2000 ►
Stražar Klemen; Pompe Borut; Antolič Vane
Zapleti po vstavitvi totalnega umetnega kolenskega sklepa
2000 ►
Travnik Ludvik; Dolinar Drago
Zapleti pri endoprotezah kolka
2000 ►
Kelc A; Pandurovič D
Surgical treatment of intraarticular distal femoral fractures
2000 ►
Senekovič Vladimir
Artroskopska oskrba sklepnih zlomov in oskrba osteohondralnih poškodb kolena
2000 ►
Kljajić N
Rehabilitacija starostnikov po zlomih kolka
[Rehabilitation of older adults after hip fracture]
1999 ►
Kruščić Aleksandar
Prilog liječenju prijeloma pertrohanterne regije
1996 ►
Fischer Gerald; Kobinger Wolfgang; Tillian HM; Barovič Jože; Turk Zmago
Improved fracture healing and changes in biochemical blood parameters in rabbits after artificial femurosteotomy in a low frequnecy magnetic field
1998 ►
Smrke Dragica; Arnež Zoran M
Treatment of extensive bone and soft tissue defects of the lower limb by traction and free-flap transfer
2000 ►
Čeh M; Cimerman M; Smrkolj V; Gec M; Kogovšek J; Fleischman ;
Hydroxylapatite (HA) Coated Schanz Screws vs uncoated schanz screw implanted into sheep femora: a study of the bone/implant interface
1999 ►
Marko Mira; Kresal Friderika
Fizioterapevtska obravnava bolnika po zlomu kolka
[Physical therapy after proximal femoral fractures]
1999 ►
Cimerman M; Gunde-Cimerman N; Zalar P; Perković T
Femur osteomyelitis due to a mixed fungal infection in a previously healthy man
1999 ►
Poberaj Boris; Veselko Matjaž
Primer artroskopske oskrbe dislociranega osteohondralnega zloma zunanjega kondila stegnenice
[Arthroscopic treatment of dislocated osteochondral fracture of the lateral femoral condyle - A case report]
1998 ►
Klutmann Susanne; Kroeger Sabine; Bohuslavizki Karl Heinz; Brenner Winfried; Korff Claudia; Oppermann Hans-Conrad; Tibow Indra; Henze Eberhard
A rare case of symmetric bifemoral fractures in battered child syndrome and overview over the literature
[Bifemoralna fraktura pri sindromu "trpinčenega otroka"]
1998 ►
Fokter SK; Vengust V
Displaced subcapital fracture of the hip in transient osteoporosis of pregnancy
1997 ►
Komadina R
Some microarchitectural differences beetwen intra and extraarticular hip fractures
1998 ►
Komadina R; Smrkolj V; Baraga A
Ueberbrueckung eines ausgedehnten Knochendefekts mit kortikospongioesen Transplantaten bei Femurfraktur durch Schussverletzung
1996 ►
Aleš A; Prinčič J; Herman S
Our experience with Prevot's elastic stable intramedullary fixation of femoral shaft fractures in children
1994 ►
Smrkolj V; Prinčič J
Refraktur des Oberschenkelschafts bei Morbus Gaucher
[Recurrent femoral fracture in a patient with Gaucher's disease]
1995 ►
Matko M
Kirurško zdravljenje zlomov femurja pri psih in mačkah
[Surgical management of femoral fractures in dogs and cats]
1995 ►
Antolič Vane
Posttravmatska stanja v predelu kolka
1993 ►
Prinčič J; Smrkolj V
Poškodbe spodnjega uda
1995 ►
Komadina R
Stereološke značilnosti zlomov proksimalne stegnenice (primerjava ročne, polavtomatske in avtomatske metode)
[Histomorphometric characteristics of cancellous bone in fractures of the proximal femur (comparison of manual, semi-automatic and automatic method)]
1995 ►
Gautam V
A brief introduction to the British emergency medical service
[Kratek uvod v britansko urgentno medicinsko službo]
1995 ►
Aleš A
Nov način operativnega zdravljenja zlomov stegnenic pri otrocih
1995 ►
Vrabl M
Stabilizacija prelomov stegnenice z intramedularnimi žeblji z zaklepi
1995 ►
Saražin-Klemenčič K
Pilot study on use of DRGs in Slovenia
1994 ►
Smrkolj V
Incomplete femoral fracture produced by a wooden projectile: case report
1990 ►
Posinković B; Pavlović M
Bilateral pseudarthrosis of the femur after stress fracture
1990 ►
Smrkolj V
Zlomi distalnega dela nadlahtnice
[Fractures of the distal part of humerus]
1990 ►
Škodnik S
Obkolčni zlomi
[Fractures in the hip]
1989 ►
Smrkolj V
Zlomi zgornjega dela stegnenice
[Fractures of the proximal part of the femur]
1989 ►
Sep D; Adamov D; Vukadinović S
Rehabilitacija pacijenata sa prelomima femura zbrinutih po Ender-u
1987 ►
Cesarec M; Hainš B; Šalig Ž; Juraga D
Prijelomi distalne metafize femura u starijih osoba. (Distal femoral fracture in old age)
1986 ►
Knap Črtomir; Pirc Jelka
Prelom stegnenice z maščobno embolijo - dilema časa operacije.
[Fracture of the femur with fat embolism - dilemma whento operate]
1987 ►
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