biomedicina slovenica |
"TALUS" : 31
Šuligoj Ariana; Mesesnel Sara; Leskovar Tamara; Podovšovnik Eva; Zupanič-Pajnič Irena
Comparison of DNA preservation between adult and non-adult ancient skeletons
2022 ►
Brulc Urban; Drobnič Matej; Stražar Klemen; Dolinar Drago; Kristan Anže; Rečnik Gregor
Operativno zdravljenje bolnikov z osteohondralno lezijo talusa
[Operative treatment of patients with osteochondral lesion of talus]
2022 ►
Brulc Urban; Drobnič Matej; Kolar Matic; Stražar Klemen
A prospective, single-center study following operative treatment for osteochondral lesions of the talus
2022 ►
Kolar Matic; Brulc Urban; Stražar Klemen; Drobnič Matej
Patient-reported joint status and quality of life in sports-related ankle disorders and osteoarthritis
2021 ►
Obal Marcel; Zupanič-Pajnič Irena; Gornjak-Pogorelc Barbara; Zupanc Tomaž
Different skeletal elements as a source of DNA for genetic identification of Second World War victims
2019 ►
Andoljšek Matej
Skriti zlomi skočnice in petnice
[Hidden fractures of the talus and the calcaneus]
2016 ►
Smrke Dragica; Rožman Primož; Gubina Borut; Frangež Igor; Rejec Smrke Barbara Urška; Hojs Radovan
An uncommon treatment of totally extruded and lost talus
2014 ►
Vogrin Matjaž; Kuhta Matevž
Arthroscopic treatment of footballer's ankle
2007 ►
Ivka Branimir
Bone defect treatment after removed osteoid osteoma of the talus using osteochondral autograft
2005 ►
Saciri V; Strobl H
Arthroscopic treatment of osteochondral lesions of the ankle
[Artroskopsko zdravljenje osteohondralnih poškodb gležnja]
2003 ►
Antolič Vane
Novosti pri zdravljenju prirojenega ekvinovarusa
[Recent advances in the treatment of congenital clubfoot]
2003 ►
Vrabl M; Smrkolj V
Perkutane tibiotalare Arthrodese
2001 ►
Lonzarič Dragan; Jesenšek-Papež Breda; Turk Zmago
Rehabilitacija poškodovancev z zlomi skočnice
[Rehabilitation of talus fractures]
2003 ►
Trebše Rihard; Fonda Silvester; Kovač Simon
Kasne posledice poškodbe talusa. Prikaz šestih zanimivih primerov
[Late sequele after talar injury. A report of six interesting cases]
2003 ►
Kovač Miha; Andoljšek Matej
Zlom zunanjega odrastka skočnice. Ali je vsak "zvin gležnja" res zvin gležnja?
[Fracture of the lateral process of the talus. Is "simple ankle sprain" always simple sprain?]
2003 ►
Horvat Žiga; Krajnc Alojz
Operativno zdravljenje zlomov talusa: retrospektivna analiza 21 pacientov 1-9 let po poškodbi
[Operative treatment of talus fractures]
2003 ►
Travnik Ludvik
Anatomija in biomehanila talusa
[Anatomy and biomechanics of the talus]
2003 ►
Ekart-Gačnik D; Keršič R; Kruščić A; Frank A; Čretnik A
Kontervativno zdravljenje zlomov gležnja
[Conservative treatment of ankle fractures]
2003 ►
Šaćiri V; Stok R
Arthroscopic treatment of osteochondral lesions of the talus
2002 ►
Dolenc Igor
Zaprt popolni izpah talusa - prikaz primera
[Closed talar dislocation - a case report]
2001 ►
Senekovič Vladimir; Šaćiri Valdet
Artroskopske operacije v zgornjem skočnem sklepu
[Operativne arthroscopy of the ankle joint]
2001 ►
Kozinc Boris
Analiza ostankov plena iz gnezda škrjančarja Falco subbuteo
[Analysis of the remains of prey taken from hobby's Falco subbuteo nest]
1999 ►
Vrevc F
Poškodbe gležnja in stopala
1990 ►
Križaj Igor; Faure Grazyna; Gubenšek Franc; Bon Cassian
Neurotoxic phospholipases A2 ammodytoxin and crotoxin bind to distinct high-affinity protein acceptors in Torpedo marmorata electric organ
1997 ►
Brancelj Anton
Alona stochi n.sp. - the third cave-dwelling cladoceran (Crustacea: Cladocera) from the Dinaric region
1997 ►
Horvat-Žnidaršič Irena
Vpliv krotoksina na živčno-mišični prenos
1997 ►
Zrimšek P; Kos J; Gubenšek F
Immunological detection of pharmacologically active sites on toxins from Vipera ammodytes ammodytes venom
1997 ►
Prinčič J
Poškodbe talusa
1993 ►
Prinčič J
Zlomi talusa
[Talus fractures]
1992 ►
Klavora I; Koglot F
Osteohondralne poškodbe sklepnih površin zgornjega skočnega sklepa
[Osteochondral injuries of the upper ankle joint surfaces]
1991 ►
Komadina Rado; Batišta Miroslav
Operativno zdravljenje fraktur talusa
[Operative treatment of fractures of the talus]
1988 ►
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Institute for Biostatistics and Medical Informatics