biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 15.867-15.966

  1. Jeran Z; Jaćimović R; Batič F; Mavsar R
    Lichens as integrating air pollution monitors
  2. Beričnik-Vrbošek Julija; Pichlmayer Friederich; Blochberger Karl; Jeran Zvonka; Marsel Jože
    Isotopic analysis of sulphur in the assessment of SO2 emission sources
  3. Ribič Helena; Smole Alenka; Oražem Toni
    Odpornost bakterij, ki smo jih osamili pri varovancih domov za ostarele
    [Antibiotic resistance of bacteria isolated from nursing home residents]
  4. Sansone U; Belli M; Jeran Z; Kanivets VV; Jaćimović Radojko; Riccardi M; Voitsekhovitch OV
    Suspended particle adhesion on aquatic plant surfaces: implications for 137Cs and 133Cs uptake rates and water-to-plant concentration rations
  5. Šlejkovec Z; Salma I; van Elteren JT; Zemplen-Papp E
    Speciation of arsenic in coarse and fine urban aerosols using sequential extraction combined with liquid chromatography and atomic fluorescence detection
  6. Sočan Maja; Frelih Tatjana; Janet Evgen; Petraš Teodora; Peternelj Brigita
    Primerjava neželenih učinkov po cepljenju proti pnevmokoku in gripi ali samo po cepljenju s pnevmokoknim cepivom
    [Adverse reactions following pneumococcal and influenza vaccination compared to those after administration of pneumococcal vaccine alone]
  7. Šlejkovec Zdenka; van Elteren Johannes T; Woroniecka Urszula D; Kroon Koos J; Falnoga Ingrid; Byrne Anthony R
    Preliminary study on the determination of selenium compounds in some selenium-accumulating mushrooms
  8. Mazej Darja; Falnoga Ingrid; Stibilj Vekoslava
    Selenium determination in whole blood, plasma and selenoprotein P by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry
  9. Horvat Milena; Nolde Nataša; Fajon Vesna; Jereb Vesna; Logar Martina; Lojen Sonja; Jaćimović Radojko; Falnoga Ingrid; Qu Liya; Faganeli Jadran; Drobne Damjana
    Total mercury, methylmercury and selenium in mercury polluted areas in the province Guizhou, China
  10. Falnoga Ingrid; Stibilj Vekoslava; Tušek-Žnidarič Majda; Šlejkovec Zdenka; Mazej Darja; Jaćimović Radojko; Ščančar Janez
    Effect of arsenic trioxide on metallothionein and its conversion to different arsenic metabolites in hen liver
  11. Podnar Simon; Fowler Clare J
    Sphincter electromyography in diagnosis of multiple system atrophy: technical issues
  12. van Elteren Johannes T; Šlejkovec Zdenka; Svetina Marta; Glinšek Andrej
    Determination of ultratrace dissolved arsenite in water - selective coprecipitation in the filed combined with HGAFS and ICP-MS measurement in the laboratory
  13. Šabovič M; Medica I; Logar N; Mandić E; Zidar J; Peterlin B
    Relation of CTG expansion and clinical variables to electrocardiogram conduction abnormalities and sudden death in patients with myotonic dystrophy
  14. Šlejkovec Zdenka; van Elteren Johannes T; Woroniecka Urszula D
    Underestimation of the total arsenic concentration by hydride generation techniques as a consequence of the incomplete mineralization of arsenobetaine in acid digestion procedures
  15. van Elteren Johannes T; Stibilj Vekoslava; Šlejkovec Zdenka
    Speciation of inorganic arsenic in some bottled Slovene mineral waters using HPLC-HGAFS and selective coprecipitation combined with FI-HGAFS
  16. Jeran Z; Jaćimović R; Pavšič-Mikuž P
    Lichens and mosses as biomonitors
  17. Falnoga Ingrid; Kobal Alfred B; Stibilj Vekoslava; Horvat Milena
    Selenoprotein P in subjects exposed to mercury and other stress situations such as physical load or metal chelation treatment
  18. Salobir B; Šabovič M; Peternel P; Stegnar M
    Vascular bed specific alterations in coagulation and fibrinolytic parameters in young women following myocardial infarction, lacunar cerebral infarction and deep vein thrombosis
  19. van Elteren Johannes T; Šlejkovec Zdenka; Milačič Radmila
    Modelling the extraction of exchangeable metals from soils and sediments
  20. Šlejkovec Zdenka; van Elteren Johannes T; Kroon Koos J
    Extraction of adsorbed arsenic from IAEA-SOIL-5
  21. Stibilj V; Mazej D; Falnoga I
    A study of low level selenium determination by hybride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry in water soluble protein and peptide fractions
  22. Falnoga I; Jereb V; Smrkolj P
    Hg and Se in foodstuffs grown near a Hg mining area
  23. Ivankovič Dušica; Pavičić Jasenka; Raspor Biserka; Falnoga Ingrid; Tušek-Žnidarič Magda
    Comparison of two SH-based methods for estimation of metallothionein level in the digestive gland of naturally occuring mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis
  24. Dobrovoljc K; Falnoga I; Bulog B; Tušek-Žnidarič M; Ščančar J
    Hepatic metallothioneins in two neotenic salamanders, Proteus anguinus and Necturnus masculosus (Amphibia, Caudata)
  25. Lainščak Mitja; Keber Irena
    Patient's view of heart failure: from the understanding to the quality of life
  26. Koselj M; Rott T; Koselj MK; Hvala A; Arnol M; Kandus A
    De novo diabetic nephropathy on renal allografts
  27. Tul Nataša; Pušenjak Stanko; Osredkar Joško; Spencer Kevin; Novak-Antolič Živa
    Predicting complications of pregnancy with first-trimester maternal serum free-betahCG, PAPP-A and inhibin-A
  28. Janež Andrej; Worrall Dorothy Sears; Imamura Takeshi; Sharma Prem M; Olefsky Jerrold M
    The osmotic shock-induced glucose transport pathway in 3T3-L1 adipocytes is mediated by gab-1 and requires Gab-1-associated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity for full activation
  29. Janež Andrej; Worrall Dorothy Sears; Olefsky Jerrold M
    Insulin-mediated cellular insulin resistance decreases osmotic shock-induced glucose transport in 3T3-L1 adipocytes
  30. Hevener Andrea; Reichart Donna; Janež Andrej; Olefsky Jerrold
    Female rats do not exhibit free fatty acid-induced insulin resistance
  31. Hevener Andrea L; Reichart Donna; Janež Andrej; Olefsky Jerrold
    Thiazolidinedione treatment prevents free fatty acid-induced insulin resistance in male wistar rats
  32. Zule Janja; Može Adolf
    GC analysis of extractive compounds of beech wood
  33. Ravnjak David; Zule Janja; Može Adolf
    Removal of detrimental substances from papermaking process water by the use of fixing agents
  34. Može Adolf; Zule Janja
    Graft copolymerisation of magnefite lignin with acrylamide and acrylic acid monomers
  35. Matjačič Pavel; Može Adolf
    Determination of one-stage bleaching effects of OCC with hydrogen peroxide on its brightness and intrinsic viscosity
  36. Likon Marko; Zule Janja; Truden Martina; Može Adolf; Perdih Anton; Oblak-Rainer Mirjana
    Molecular weight distribution study of delignification of spruce wood meal with chloroacetic acids
  37. Conder Marston DE; Marušič Dragan
    A tetravalent half-arc-transitive graph with nonabelian vertex stabilizer
  38. Zule Janja; Likon Marko; Oblak-Rainer Mirjana; Može Adolf; Perdih Anton
    Characteristics of trichloroacetic acid spruce lignin
  39. Marušič Dragan
    On 2-arc-transitivity of Cayley graphs
  40. Cameron Peter J; Giudici Michael; Gareth A; Kantor William M; Klin Mikhail; Marušič Dragan; Nowitz Lewis A
    Transitive permutation groups without semiregular subgroups
  41. Zrimšek Petra; Kos Janko; Pinter Ljiljana; Drobnič-Košorok Marinka
    Serum specific antibodies in rabbits naturally infected with Trichophyton mentagrophytes
  42. Marušič Dragan; Nedela Roman
    Finite graphs of valency 4 and girth 4 admitting half-transitive group actions
  43. Marušič Dragan; Potočnik Primož
    Bridging semisymmetric and half-arc-transitive actions on graphs
  44. Malnič Aleksander; Marušič Dragan
    Constructing 1/2-arc-transitive graphs of valency 4 and vertex stabilizer Z 2 [times] Z 2
  45. Malnič Aleksander; Marušič Dragan; Seifter Norbert; Zgrablić Boris
    Highly arc-transitive digraphs with no homomorphism onto Z
  46. Premzl Aleš; Zavašnik-Bergant Valentina; Turk Vito; Kos Janko
    Intracellular and extracellular cathepsin B facilitate invasion of MCF-10A neoT cells through reconstituted extracellular matrix in vitro
  47. Marušič Dragan; Potočnik Primož
    Classifying 2-arc-transitive graphs of order a product of two primes
  48. Plaper Andreja; Jenko-Brinovec Špelca; Premzl Aleš; Kos Janko; Raspor Peter
    Genotoxicity of trivalent chromium in bacterial cell. Possible effects on DNA topology
  49. Hladnik Milan; Marušič Dragan; Pisanski Tomaž
    Cyclic Haar graphs
  50. Zavašnik-Bergant Valentina; Sekirnik Andreja; Golouh Rastko; Turk Vito; Kos Janko
    Immunochemical localisation of cathepsin S, cathepsin L and MHC class II-associated p41 isoform of invariant chain in human lymph node tissue
  51. Marušič Dragan; Nedela Roman
    On the point stabilizers of transitive groups with non-self-paired suborbits of length 2
  52. Li Caiheng; Marušič Dragan; Morris Joy
    Classifying arc-transitive circulants of square-free order
  53. Marušič Dragan; Potočnik Primož
    Semisymmetry of generalized Folkman graphs
  54. Marušič Dragan
    Constructing cubic edge- but not vertex-transitive graphs
  55. Marušič Dragan; Pisanski Tomaž
    The Gray graph revisited
  56. Marušič Dragan; Waller Adrian O
    Half-transitive graphs of valency 4 with prescribed attachment numbers
  57. Marušič Dragan; Pisanski Tomaž
    Symmetries of hexagonal molecular graphs on the torus
  58. Ahčan U; Planinšek F; Arnež ZM
    Measurement of sudomotor fibre regeneration by sympathetic skin response after complete division of peripheral nerves in children
  59. Du Shao-Fei; Marušič Dragan
    An infinite family of biprimitive semisymmetric graphs
  60. Marušič Dragan; Praeger Cheryl E
    Tetravalent graphs admitting half-transitive group actions: alternating cycles
  61. Ahčan U; Janežič T
    Management of aplasia cutis congenita in a non-scalp location
  62. Hashimoto Yoko; Kakegawa Hisao; Narita Yasushi; Hachiya Yudo; Hayakawa Taro; Kos Janko; Turk Vito; Katunuma Nobuhiko
    Significance of cathepsin B accumulation in synovial fluid of rheumatoid arthritis
  63. Malnič Aleksander; Marušič Dragan
    Constructing 4-valent 1/2-transitive graphs with a nonsolvable automorphism group
  64. Du Shao-Fei; Marušič Dragan
    Biprimitive graphs of smallest order
  65. Ahčan Uroš; Šolinc Matjaž; Meglič Leon
    Gestational gigantomastia after reduction mammaplasty: complication or coincidence?
  66. Malnič Aleksander; Marušič Dragan; Seifter Norbert
    Constructing infinite one-regular graphs
  67. Arnež ZM; Pogorelec D; Planinšek F; Ahčan U
    Breast reconstruction by the free transverse gracilis (TUG) flap
  68. Marušič Dragan; Pisanski Tomaž
    Weakly flag-transitive configurations and half-arc-transitive graphs
  69. Kiss Gyoergy; Malnič Aleksander; Marušič Dragan
    A new approach to arcs
  70. Du Shao-fei; Marušič Dragan; Waller Adrian O
    On 2-arc-transitive covers of complete graphs
  71. Marušič Dragan
    Half-transitive group actions on finite graphs of valency 4
  72. Marušič Dragan; Nedela Roman
    Maps and half-transitive graphs of valency 4
  73. Šmid Alojz; Strojan Primož; Budihna Marjan; Škrk Janez; Vrhovec Ivan; Žargi Miha; Kos Janko
    Prognostic value of cathepsin B, D and stefins A and B in laryngeal carcinoma
  74. Marušič Dragan; Scapellato Raffaele
    Permutation groups, vertex-transitive digraphs and semiregular automorphisms
  75. Marušič Dragan
    Recent developments in half-transitive graphs
  76. Marušič Dragan; Xu Ming-Yao
    A 1/2-transitive graph of valency 4 with a nonsolvable group of automorphisms
  77. Marušič Dragan
    A family of one-regular graphs of valency 4
  78. Dieckmann T; Mitschang L; Hofmann M; Kos Janko; Turk Vito; Auerswald EA; Jaenicke R; Oschkinat H
    The structure of native phosphorylated chiken cystatin and of a recombinant unphoshorylated variant in solution
  79. Mikac N; Picer M; Stegnar Peter; Tušek-Žnidarič Magda
    Mercury distribution in a polluted marine area, ratio of total mercury, methyl mercury and selenium in sediments, mussels and fish
  80. Jaćimović Radojko; Smodiš Borut; Bučar Tinkara; Stegnar Peter
    k-NAA quality assessment by analysis of different certified reference materials using the KAYZERO/SOLCOI software
  81. Dermelj Marjan; Horvat Milena; Byrne Antony Robert; Stegnar Peter
    Mercury, methyl-mercury and selenium in scalp hair of inhabitants from Mediterranean areas
  82. Falnoga Ingrid; Tušek-Žnidarič Magda; Horvat Milena; Stegnar Peter
    Mercury, selenium and cadmium in human autopsy samples from Idrija residents and mercury mine workers
  83. Marušič Dragan; Scapellato Raffaele; Zgrablić Boris
    On quasiprimitive pqr-graphs
  84. Alspach Brian; Marušič Dragan; Nowitz Lewis
    Constructing graphs which are 1/2-transitive
  85. Šćepanović Ranko; Ringel Gerhard; Marušič dragan; Chia GL; Alspach Brian
    Nonseparable graphs with a given numbers of cycles
  86. Marušič Dragan
    Research problems: problems 211-212
  87. Marušič Dragan; Scapellato Raffaele
    Classifying vertex-transitive graphs whose order is a product of two primes
  88. Marušič Dragan; Scapellato Raffaele
    A class of graphs arising from the action of PSL(1,q [sup] 2) on cosets of PGL(2,q)
  89. Marušič Dragan; Scapellato Raffaele
    Permutation groups with conjugacy complete stabilizers
  90. Marušič Dragan; Scapellato Raffaele
    Imprimitive representations of SL(2,2k)
  91. Bose Prosenjit; Brodnik Andrej; Carlsson Svante; Demaine Erik D; Fleischer Rudolf; Lopez-Ortiz Alejandro; Morin Pat; Munro James Ian
    Online routing in convex subdivisions
  92. Avbelj Viktor; Trobec Roman; Geršak Borut
    Beat-to-beat repolarisation variability in body surface electrocardiograms
  93. Aebi S; Gelber S; Castiglione-Gertsch M; Gelber RD; Collins J; Thurlimann B; Rudenstam CM; Lindtner J
    Is chemotherapy alone adequate for young women with oestrogen-receptor-positive breast cancer?
  94. Bose Prosenjit; Brodnik Andrej; Carlsson Svante; Demaine Erik D; Fleischer Rudolf; Lopez-Ortiz Alejandro; Morin Pat; Munro James Ian
    Online routing in convex subdivisions
  95. Brodnik Andrej; Munro James Ian
    Membership in constant time and almost-minimum space
  96. Trobec Roman; Šterk Marjan; Praprotnik Matej; Janežič Dušanka
    Parallel programming library for molecular dynamics simulations
  97. Colleoni M; Litman HJ; Castiglione-Gertsch M; Sauerbrei W; Gelber RD; Bonetti M; Coates AS; Schumacher M; Bastert G; Lindtner J
    Duration of adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer: a joint analysis of two randomised trials investigating three versus six courses of CMF
  98. Brodnik Andrej; Carlsson Svante; Demaine Erik D; Munro Ian J
    Resizable arrays in optimal time and space
  99. Wallgren A; Bonetti M; Gelber RD; Goldhirsch A; Castiglione-Gertsch M; Holmberg SB; Lindtner J
    Risk factors for locoregional recurrence among breast cancer patients: results from International breast cancer study group trials I through VII
  100. Degermark Mikael; Brodnik Andrej; Carlsson Svante; Pink Stephen
    Small forwarding tables for fast routing lookups

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