biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 17.367-17.466

  1. But I
    Serum CA 125 level as a reflection of proliferative activity of serous borderline ovarian tumor
  2. Lotrič-Furlan S; Maraspin-Čarman V; Cimperman J; Ogrinc K; Stopar T; Strle F
    Procalcitonin levels in patients with Lyme borreliosis
  3. Salobir Boštjan; Preželj Janez; Kocijančič Andreja; Meden-Vrtovec Helena
    Basal glucose level as an independent predictor of fertilization rate in patients without polycystic ovary syndrome included in an in-vitro fertilization program
  4. Maček-Lebar Alenka; Serša Gregor; Kranjc Simona; Grošelj Alenka; Miklavčič Damijan
    Optimisation of pulse parameters in vitro for in vivo electrochemotherapy
  5. Koželj Mirta; Kranjec Igor; Kosin Miro; Marčun Robert; Podnar Tomaž
    Fistulous communication between the right coronary artery and left atrium
  6. Osmak M; Babić D; Abramić M; Miličić D; Vrhovec I; Škrk J
    Plasminogen activator inhibitor type 2: potential prognostic factor for endometrial carcinomas
  7. Vercelli M; Capocaccia R; Quaglia A; Casella C; Puppo A; Pompe-Kirn V
    Relative survival in elderly European cancer patients: evidence for health care inequalities
  8. Lambert Rene; Guilloux Agathe; Oshima Akira; Pompe-Kirn Vera; Bray Freddie; Parkin Max; Ajiki Wakiko; Tsukuma Hideaki
    Incidence and mortality from stomach cancer in Japan, Slovenia and the USA
  9. Borštnar S; Vrhovec I; Čufer T
    Prognostic value of plasminogen activator inhibitors in breast cancer
  10. Micheli A; Mugno E; Krogh V; Quinn MJ; Coleman M; Hakulinen T; Gatta G; Berrino F; Capocaccia R; Pompe-Kirn V
    Cancer prevalence in European registry areas
  11. Awada A; Biganzoli L; Čufer T; Beex L; Lohrisch C; Batter V; Hamilton A; Nooij M; Piccart M
    An EORTC-IDBBC phase I study of gemcitabine and continuous infusion 5-fluorouracil in patients with metastatic breast cancer resistant to anthracyclines or pre-treated with both anthracyclines and taxanes
  12. Biganzoli L; Čufer T; Bruning P; Coleman R; Duchateau L; Calvert AH; Gamucci T; Twelves C; Fargeot P; Epelbaum R; Lohrisch C; Piccart MJ
    Doxorubicin and paclitaxel versus doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide as first-line chemotherapy in metastatic breast cancer: The European organization for research and treatment of cancer 10961 multicenter phase III trial
  13. Borštnar S; Vrhovec I; Svetič B; Čufer T
    Prognostic value of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator, and its inhibitors and receptor in breast cancer patients
  14. International breast cancer study group J; Eržen D; Majdič E; Štabuc B; Plesničar A; Golouh R; Lamovec J; Jančar J; Vrhovec I; Kramberger M
    Endocrine responsiveness and tailoring adjuvant therapy for postmenopausal lymph node-negative breast cancer: a randomized trial
  15. Bilban M; Bilban-Jakopin C
    Methadone maintenance treatment and drugs
  16. Zwitter Matjaž; Cohen Joel R; Barrett Ann; Robinton Elizabeth
    Dorothy Reed and Hodgkin's disease: a reflection after a century
  17. Zupanič-Slavec Zvonka
    Škrljevska bolest u Slovenaca
    [Škrljevo disease among Slovenians]
  18. Zaletel Marjan; Žvan Bojana; Štrucl Martin; Pogačnik Tomaž; Kiauta Tomaž
    The influence of brightness, colour and complexity on visual evoked Doppler flow responses
  19. Oblak JP; Zaletel M; Žvan B; Kiauta T; Pogačnik T
    The effect of age on cerebrovascular reactivity to cold pressor test and head-up tilt
  20. Georgiou Domna-Maria; Zidar Janez; Korošec Marko; Middleton Lefkos T; Kyriakides Theodoros; Christodoulou Kyproula
    A novel NF-L mutation Pro22Ser is associated with CMT2 in large Slovenian family
  21. Vlaisavljević Veljko; Kovačič Borut; Reljič Milan; Gavrić-Lovrec Vida; Čižek-Sajko Mojca
    Is there any benefit from the culture of a single oocyte to a blastocyst-stage embryo in unstimulated cycles?
  22. Vlaisavljević Veljko; Kovačič Borut; Reljič Milan; Gavrić-Lovrec Vida; Čižek-Sajko Mojca
    Results of intracytoplasmic sperm injection of single oocyte in 362 unstimulated cycles
  23. Švab Vesna; Tomori Martina; Zalar Bojan; Ziherl Slavko; Dernovšek Mojca Z; Tavčar Rok
    Community rehabilitation service for patients with severe psychotic disorders: the Slovene experience
  24. Avčin T; Cimaz R; Falcini F; Zulian F; Martini G; Simonini G; Porenta-Bešić V; Cecchini G; Borghi MO; Meroni PL
    Prevalence and clinical significance of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies in juvenile idiopathic arthritis
  25. Cimaz R; Romeo A; Scarano A; Avčin T; Viri M; Veggiotti P; Gatti A; Lodi M; Catelli L; Panzeri P
    Prevalence of anti-cardiolipin anti-beta2 glycoprotein I, and anti-prothrombin antibodies in young patients with epilepsy
  26. Heinzl Harald; Stare Janez; Mittlboeck Martina
    A measure of dependence for the stratified Cox proportional hazards regression model
  27. Petrovič Danijel; Bidovec Matjaž; Peterlin Borut
    Gene polymorphisms of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and essential arterial hypertension in childhood
  28. Harris SE; Chand AL; Winship IM; Geršak K; Aittomaeki K; Shelling AN
    Identification of novel mutations in FOXL2 associated with premature ovarian failure
  29. Petrovec Miroslav; Bidovec Andrej; Sumner John W; Nicholson William L; Childs James E; Avšič-Županc Tatjana
    Infection with Anaplasma phagocytophila in cervids from Slovenia: evidence of two genotypic lineages
  30. Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Avšič-Županc Tatjana; Strle Franc
    An abortive form of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) - a rare clinical manifestation of infection with TBE virus
  31. Jereb Matjaž; Muzlovič Igor; Avšič-Županc Tatjana; Karner Primož
    Severe tick-borne encephalitis in Slovenia: epidemiological, clinical and laboratory findings
  32. Minshall Richard D.; Pavčnik Dušan; Halushka Perry V; Hermsmeyer Kent
    Progesterone regulation of vascular thromboxane A2 receptors in rhesus monkeys
  33. Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Petrovec Miroslav; Avšič-Županc Tatjana; Logar Mateja; Strle Franc
    Epidemiological, clinical and laboratory distinction between human granulocytic ehrlichiosis and the initial phase of tick-borne encephalitis
  34. Pavčnik Dušan
    Chronic venous insufficiency and bioprosthetic bicuspid square stent based venous valve for transcatheter placement
  35. Binkert Christoph A; Andrews Robert T; Pavčnik Dušan; Uchida Barry; Loriaux Marc M; Toyota Naoyuki; Roesch Josef
    Lack of suitability of the rabbit model for particulare uterine artery embolization
  36. Pavčnik Dušan; Uchida Barry T; Timmermans Hans A; Corless Christhoper L; O'Hara Michael; Toyota Naoyuki; Moneta Gregory L; Keller Frederick S; Roesch Josef
    Percutaneous bioprosthetic venous valve: a long-term study in sheep
  37. Toyota Naoyuki; Pavčnik Dušan; VanAlstine William; Uchida Barry T; Timmermans Hans A; Yin Qiang; Kaufman John A; Keller Frederick S; Ito Katsuhide; Roesch Josef
    Comparison of small intestinal submucosa-covered and noncovered nitinol stents in sheep iliac arteries: a pilot study
  38. Minshall Richard D; Pavčnik Dušan; Browne David L; Hermsmeyer Kent
    Nongenomic vasodilator action of progesterone on primate coronary arteries
  39. Yamada Katsuyuki; Pavčnik Dušan; Uchida Barry T; Timmermans Hans A; Corless Christopher L; Yin Qiang; Yamakado Koichiro; Park Joong Wha; Roesch Josef; Keller Frederick S
    Endoluminal treatment of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm with small intestinal submucosa Sandwich endografts: a pilot study in sheep
  40. Lenders Jacques WM; Pacak Karel; McClellan Walther M; Linehan Marston W; Mannelli Massimo; Friberg Peter; Keiser Harry R; Goldstein David S; Eisenhofer Graeme
    Biokemična diagnoza feokromocitoma: kateri test je boljši?
    [(Biochemical diagnosis of pheochromocytoma: which test is best?)]
  41. Nakamura Yosikazu; Yanagawa Hiroshi; Harada Kensuke; Kato Hirohisa; Kawasaki Tomisaku
    Smrtnost med bolniki na Japonskem, ki so preboleli Kawasakijevo bolezen: 5. poročilo
    [(Mortality among persons with a history of Kawasaki disease in Japan: the 5th look)]
  42. Arruda-Olson Adelaide M; Mahoney Douglas W; Nehra Ajay; Leckel Marilyn; Pellikka Patricia A
    Učinki sildenafila na srčno-žilni sistem moških z znano ali verjetno koronarno boleznijo med obremenitvijo: naključna navzkrižna raziskava
    [(Cardiovascular effects of sildenafil during exercise in men with known or probable coronary artery disease: a randomized crossover trial)]
  43. Catassi Carlo; Fabiani Elisabetta; Corrao Giovanni; Barbato Maria; De Renzo Amalia; Carella Angelo M; Gabrielli Armando; Leoni Pietro; Carroccio Antonio; Baldassarre Mariella
    Tveganje za ne-Hodgkinov limfom pri bolnikih s celiakijo
    [(Risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in celiac disease)]
  44. Kocjančič Boštjan; Kersnič Boštjan
    Določanje najugodnejše geometrije okolčja pri rekonstrukciji zlomov stegneničnega vratu
    [Determination of the most favorable regional geometry in hip reconstruction after femoral neck fracture]
  45. Frol Senta; Hren Martin
    Izbira primernih monoklonskih protiteles in optimizacija imunohistokemijske metode za dokazovanje patološkega prionskega proteina v možganih bolnikov s sporadično obliko Creutzfeldt-Jakobove bolezni
    [Selection of suitable monoclonal antibodies and optimization of the immunohistochemical method for the detection of pathological prion protein in the brains patients with sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease]
  46. Halder Sunil K; Fink Martina; Waterman Michael R; Rozman Damjana
    A cAMP-responsive element binding site is essential for sterol regulation of the human lanosterol 14alpha-demethylase gene (CYP51)
  47. Zaletel Katja; Krhin Blaž; Gaberšček Simona; Pirnat Edvard; Hojker Sergej
    The influence of the exon 1 polymorphism of the cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen 4 gene on thyroid antibody production in patients with newly diagnosed Graves' disease
  48. Pirnat E; Fidler V; Zaletel K; Gaberšček S; Hojker S
    Early change of thyroid hormone concentration after 131I treatment in patients with solitary toxic adenoma
  49. Salobir B; Šabovič M; Koželj M
    Increased levels of antiphospholipid antibodies in a woman with left atrial myxoma and systemic embolisms
  50. Škof Erik; Špan Matjaž; Keber Irena
    Secondary prevention in patients several years after myocardial infarction: comparison of an outpatient and an inpatient rehabilitation programme
  51. Levičar Nataša; Kos Janko; Blejec Andrej; Golouh Rastko; Vrhovec Ivan; Frkovič-Grazio Snježana; Lah Tamara T
    Comparison of potential biological markers cathepsin B, cathepsin L, stefin A, and stefin B with urokinase and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and clinicopathological data of breast carcinoma patients
  52. Gaberščik A; Germ M; Škof A; Drmaž D; Trošt T
    UV-B radiation screen and respiratory potential in two aquatic primary procedures: Scenedesmus quadricauda and Ceratophyllum demersum
  53. Simčič Tatjana; Brancelj Anton
    Intensity of mineralization processes in mountain lakes in NW Slovenia
  54. Germ Mateja; Drmaž Darinka; Šiško Milijan; Gaberščik Alenka
    Effects ov UV-B radiation on green alga Scenedesmus quadricauda: growth rate, UV-B absorbing compounds and potential respiration in phosphorus rich and phosphorus poor medium
  55. Debeljak N; Regvar M; Dixon KW; Sivasithamparam K
    Induction of tuberisation in vitro with jasmonic acid and sucrose in an Australian terrestrial orchid, Pterostylis sanguinea
  56. Gužič-Salobir B; Keber I; Seljeflot I; Arnesen H; Vrabič L
    Combined hormone replacement therapy improves endothelial function in healthy postmenopausal women
  57. Žižek B; Poredoš P
    Dependence of morphological changes of the carotid arteries on essential hypertension and accompanying risk factors
  58. Kmetec A; Peskar-Babnik D; Buturovič-Ponikvar J
    Time-dependent changes of resistive index in acute renal obstruction during nonsteroidal drug administration
  59. Mally M; Majhenc J; Svetina S; Žekš B
    Mechanisms of equinatoxin II-induced transport through the membrane of a giant phospholipid vesicle
  60. Vlaisavljević Veljko; Reljič Milan
    Does the in vitro fertilization procedure require bacteriological investigation of normozoospermic ejaculate?
  61. Lenasi Helena; Bavec Aljoša; Zorko Matjaž
    Membrane-bound progesterone receptors coupled to G proteins in the fungus Rhizopus nigricans
  62. Leštan Domen; Černilec Maja; Perdih Anton
    Determination of ligninase activity in P. chrysosporium pellets with diffuse reflectance spectrophotometry
  63. Debeljak Andrej; Triller Nadja; Kecelj Peter; Kern Izidor
    Avtofluorescenčna bronhoskopija v diagnostiki preneoplastičnih sprememb in bronhialnega karcinoma
    [Autofluorescence bronchoscopy in the diagnosis of preneoplastic changes and bronchial carcinoma]
  64. Repše Stane
    Pankreatoduodenektomija (Whipplova operacija) pri raku trebušne slinavke - lastne izkušnje in 20-letna serija
    [Pancreatoduodenectomy (Whipple's procedure) for the menagement of carcinoma of the pancreas - own experience and 20-year series]
  65. Markovič Jasmina; Novak-Jankovič Vesna
    Spinalna anestezija pri bolniku s Huntingtonovo boleznijo - klinični primer
    [Spinal anaesthesia in patient with Huntington's disease - a case report]
  66. Sok M; Šentjurc M; Schara M; Stare J; Rott T
    Cell membrane fluidity and prognosis of lung cancer
  67. Šelb-Šemerl Jožica; Šešok Janja
    Years of potential life lost and valued years of potential life lost in assessing premature mortality in Slovenia
  68. Gverić M; Dželalija B; Petričić B; Gverić A; Medić A
    Epidemiologic characteristics of AIDS in the Zadar area, Croatia
  69. Tamaro G; Tinelli A; Mugittu R; Kessler L; Nigro R; Wiesenfeld U; Mangino F; Grimaldi E; Secondo G
    Epidemiologic features of syphilis in an obstetric-gynecologic female population in Trieste, from 1994 to 1998
  70. Poljački M; Gajinov Z; Belić B; Vojvodić S; Matić M
    MHC class II antigens in alopecia areata
  71. Adamicova K; Fetisovova Ž; Peč J; Cingel P; Parobekova K; Chromej I
    Impact of systemic psoriasis treatment on the lesional T-lymphocyte subtypes
  72. Sigure S; Rubins A
    Study on children psoriasis in Latvia
  73. Seme K; Poljak M; Marin IJ; Tomažič J; Vidmar L
    Hepatitis C virus infection in HIV-1 positive individuals from Slovenia
  74. Kecelj Peter; Debeljak Andrej; Triller Nadja; Osolnik Katarina; Eržen Damjan; Kern Izidor
    Bronhoskopska igelna aspiracija perifernih pljučnih infiltratov
    [Bronchoscopic needle aspiration of peripheral lung lesions]
  75. Triller Nadja; Kern Izidor
    Endobronhialni ultrazvok v diagnostiki sprememb dihalnih poti in sprememb v mediastinumu
    [Endobronchial ultrasound in the diagnosis of tracheobronchial and mediastinal lesions]
  76. Spudič Štefan; Podboj Jernej; Boršoš Imre
    Endoskopska kirurgija invertiranega papiloma
    [Endoscopic surgery of inverted papilloma]
  77. Pleskovič Alojz; Stanisavljevič Dragan
    Laparoskopska kirurgija trebušne slinavke - indikacije, tehnike in naše izkušnje
    [Laparoscopic surgery for pancreatic disease - indications, techniques and our experience]
  78. Boyanova L; Mentis A; Gubina M; Rozynek E; Gosciniak G; Kalenic S; Goeral V; Kupcinskas L; Kantarceken B; Aydin A
    The status of antimicrobial resistance of Helicobacter pylori in eastern Europe
  79. Domeika M; Hallen A; Karabanov L; Chudomirova K; Gruber F; Unzeitig V; Poeder A; Deak J; Jakobsone I; Takač I
    Chlamydia trachomatis infections in eastern Europe: legal aspects, epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment
  80. Strojan Primož; Šoba Erika; Lamovec Janez; Munda Anton
    Extramedullary plasmacytoma: clinical and histopathologic study
  81. Reber Guido; Schousboe Inger; Tincani Angela; Sanmarco Marielle; Kveder Tanja; de Moerloose Philippe; Boffa Marie-Claire; Arvieux Josiane
    Inter-laboratory variability of anti-beta2-glycoprotein I measurement: a collaborative study in the frame of the European forum on antiphospholipid antibodies standardization group
  82. Drevenšek G; Kirbiš S; Bunc M; Žitko M; Budihna MV; Šuput D
    Tezosentan inhibits both equinatoxin II and endotelin-1 induced contractions of isolated porcine coronary artery in a similar way
  83. Košnik Mitja; Korošec Peter; Šilar Mira; Mušič Ema; Eržen Renato
    Wasp venom is appropriate for immunotherapy of patients with allergic reaction to the European hornet sting
  84. Kersnik Janko; Ropret Tea
    An evaluation of patient satisfaction amongst family practice patients with diverse ethnic backgrounds
  85. Marušič Andrej; Khan Murad; Farmer Anne
    Can the interaction of poverty and literacy explain some variability of suicide rates in Europe?
  86. Eržen Ida; Sketelj Janez; Agbulut Onnik; Angaut-Petit Denise; Butler-Browne Gillian S
    Coexpression of myosin heavy chain 2b with myosin heavy chain 1 - fact or artefact?
  87. Ploj Tom; Bajuk Katica; Studen Polona; Noč Marko; Horvat Matija
    Blood pressure and heart rate during an episode of unstable angina as predictors of in-hospital outcome
  88. Rener-Primec Zvonka; Kopač Štefan; Neubauer David
    Epidemiologic features of infantile spasms in Slovenia
  89. Pfeifer M; Verhovec R; Žižek B
    Growth hormone (GH) and atherpsclerosis: changes in morphology and function of major arteries during GH treatment
  90. Simpson DJ; Fryer AA; Grossman AB; Wass JAH; Pfeifer M; Kros JM; Clayton RN; Farrell WE
    Cyclin D1 (CCND1) genotype is associated with tumour grade in sporadic pituitary adenomas
  91. Clayton Richard N; Pfeifer Marija; Atkinson A Brew; Belchetz Paul; Wass John AH; Kyrodimou Effie; Vanderpump Mark; Simpson David; Bicknell John; Farrell William E
    Different patterns of allelic loss (loss of heterozygosity) in recurrent human pituitary tumors provide evidence for multiclonal origins
  92. Pfeifer Marija; Kanc Karin; Verhovec Renata; Kocijančič Andreja
    Reproducibility of the insulin tolerance test (ITT) for assessment of growth hormone and cortisol secretion in normal and hypopituitary adult men
  93. Strojan Primož; Budihna Marjan; Šmid Lojze; Svetic Branka; Vrhovec Ivan; Kos Janko; Škrk Janez
    Cysteine proteinase inhibitors stefin A a106nd stefin B in operable carcinoma of the head and neck
    [Inhibitorji cisteinskih proteinaz stefin A in stefin B pri operabilnem karcinomu glave in vratu]
  94. Janku Filip; Petruzelka Lubos; Pribylova Olga; Vedralova Jana; Honova Hana; Pecen Ladislav; Zimovjanova Martina; Pozdrova Gabriela; Safanda Martin; Konopasek Bohuslav
    Efficacy of weekly trastuzumab and paclitaxel in the treatment of women with HER-2/neu overexpressing metastatic breast cancer. The impact of taxane free interval on treatment outcomes
    [Učinkovitost trastuzumaba in paclitaxela pri zdravljenju bolnic z metastatskim rakom dojke in izraženim HER-2/neu onkogenom]
  95. Koren Aleš
    Magnetic resonance spectroscopy: an overview of the method and its application in clinical neuroradiology
    [Magnetna resonančna spektroskopija. Pregled metode in njena uporaba v klinični neuroradiologiji]
  96. Kovačič Primož; Jamar Breda
    Gastroparesis in a young diabetic patient
    [Gastropareza pri mladi bolnici s sladkorno boleznijo. Prikaz primera]
  97. Borković Zdravko; Srdoč Dubravka; Bedalov Goran
    Incomplete spontaneous ureteral disruption
    [Nepopolna spontana raztrganina. Prikaz primera]
  98. Ikpatt Offiong Francis; Kuopio Teijo; Collan Yrjoe
    Nuclear morphometry in African breast cancer
  99. Akdogan Ilgaz; Unal Nedim; Adiguzel Esat
    Estimation of the number of neurons in the hippocampus of rats with penicillin induced epilepsy
  100. Haacke Mark E; Herigault Gwen; Yu Yingjian; Kido Daniel; Tong Karen; Obenaus Andre; Reichenbach Juergen R
    Observing tumor vascularity noninvasively using magnetic resonance imaging

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