biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 17.767-17.866

  1. Kaligarič Mitja
    Vegetation patterns and responses to elevated CO2 from natural CO2 springs at Strmec (Radenci, Slovenia)
    [Vegetaciski vzorci in odzivi na povišano koncentracijo CO2 okrog naravnega vrelca CO2 Strmec (Radenci, Slovenija)]
  2. Szepietowki JC; Blizanowska A; Wasik A; Noworolska A
    Comparison of soluble E-selectin serum levels in two chronic inflammatory skin diseases: atopic dermatitis and psoriasis
  3. Poljak M; Babič D; Seme K
    Retrospective evaluation of the Vidas HIV DUO test for simultaneous detection of anti-HIV antibody and p24 antigen
  4. Kataranovski M; Milojević G; Kandolf L; Milosević V
    Ski-organ culture as an approach in evaluation of nitric oxide (NO) involvement in contact hypersensitivity expression
  5. Frisch H; Battelino T; Schober Edith; Baumgartner-Parzer Sabina; Nowotny P; Vierhapper H
    Salt wasting in simple virilizing congenital adrenal hyperplasia
  6. Gunde-Cimerman Nina; Cerovac Sanja; Zalar Polona
    Biodiversity of filamentous fungi in the saltpans Sečovlje
    [Biotska pestrost gliv Sečoveljskih solin]
  7. Milavec Mojca; Ravnikar Maja; Kovač Maja
    Peroxidases in the earljy response of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Igor) susceptile to potato virus Yntn
    [Peroksidaze v zgodnjem odgovoru dovzetne sorte krompirja (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Igor) za krompirjev virus Yntn]
  8. Mejanelle Laurence; Lopez Jordi F; Gunde-Cimerman Nina; Grimalt Joan O
    Ergosterol biosynthesis in novel melanized fungi from hypersaline environments
  9. Kambič V; Radšel Z; Šmid L
    Laryngeal reconstruction with epiglottis after vertical hemilaryngectomy
  10. Holinger Lauren D; Barnes David R; Šmid Lojze J
    Laryngocele and saccular cysts
  11. Vatovec Jagoda; Veličković-Perat Milivoj; Šmid Lojze; Gros Anton
    Otoacoustic emissions and auditory assessment in infants at risk for early brain damage
  12. Vatovec Jagoda; Veličkovič Milivoj; Šmid Lojze; Brenk Klas; Žargi Miha
    Impairments of vestibular system in infants at risk of early brain damage
  13. Rode Mirela; Šmid Lojze; Budihna Marjan; Gašperšič Dominik; Rode Matjaž; Šoba Erika
    The influence of pilocarpine and biperiden on pH value and calcium, phosphate, and bicarbonate concentrations in saliva during and after radiotherapy for head and neck cancer
  14. Kopač Igor; Sterle Maksimiljan; Marion Ljubo
    Electron microscopic analysis of the effects of chemical retraction agents on cultured rat keratinocytes
  15. Kopač Igor; Batista Urška; Cvetko Erika; Marion Ljubo
    Viability of fibroblasts in cell culture after treatment with different chemical retraction agents
  16. Kopač Igor; Cvetko Erika; Marion Ljubo
    Gingival inflammatory response induced by chemical retraction agents in beagle dogs
  17. Solomon Daniel H; Simel David L; Bates David W; Katz Jeffrey N; Schaffer Jonathan L
    Ima bolnik strgan meniskus ali kolensko vez? Pomen fizikalnega pregleda
    [(Does this patient have a torn meniscus of ligament or the knee? Value of the physical examination]
  18. Chertow Glenn M; Lee Joshua; Kuperman Gilad J; Burdick Elisabeth; Horsky Jan; Seger Diane L; Lee Rita; Mekala Aparna; Song Jean; Komaroff Anthony L; Bates David W
    Uporaba zdravil pri hospitaliziranih bolnikih z ledvično odpovedjo
    [(Guided medication dosing for inpatients with insufficiency)]
  19. Geba Gregory P; Weaver Arthur I; Polis Adam B; Dixon Mary E; Schnitzer Thomas J
    Učinek rofekoksiba, celekoksiba in paracetamola pri osteoartrozi kolena: randomizirana študija
    [(Efficacy of rofecoxib, celecoxib, and acetaminophen in osteoarthritis of the knee. A randomized trial)]
  20. Vlaisavljević Veljko; Gavrič-Lovrec Vida; Kovačič Borut; Reljič Milan; Kovač Vilma; Petrovič Vidka; Čižek-Sajko Mojca
    Uspješnost tehnika potpomognute oplodnje u žena starijih of 40 godina
    [Success of assisted reproductive technology in women over 40]
  21. Ponikvar Rafael; Kandus Aljoša; Urbančič Alenka; Gostiša-Kornhauser Andreja; Primožič Janez; Buturović-Ponikvar Jadranka
    Continuous renal replacement therapy and plasma exchange in newborns and infants
  22. Costa Silvano; Terzano Patrizia; Santini Donatella; Ceccarelli Claudio; Martoni Andrea; Angelelli Bruna; Panetta Achille; Bovicelli Alessandro; Cristiani Paolo; Eržen Mojca
    Neoadjuvant chemotherapy in cervical carcinoma
  23. Bren Andrej; Kandus Aljoša; Varl Janez; Buturović Jadranka; Ponikvar Rafael; Kveder Radoslav; Primožič Stanislav; Ivanovich Peter
    A comparison between epoetin omega and epoetin alfa in the correction of anemia in hemodialysis patients: a prospective, controlled crossover study
  24. Goličnik Marko; Stojan Jure
    Multi-step analysis as a tool for kinetic parameter estimation and mechanism discrimination in the reaction between tight-binding fasciculin 2 and electric eel acetylcholinesterase
  25. Terčelj-Zorman Marjeta; Kern Izidor
    Percutaneous needle aspiration biopsy of mediastinum for staging of lung cancer
  26. Zaletel Marjan; Žvan Bojana
    Blood lipids and carotid plaques
  27. Tušak Matej; Černohorski Brane; Bednarik Jakob; Tušak Maks
    Vrednostni sistemi vrhunskih slovenskih športnikov
    [Value systems of top Slovenian athletes]
  28. Rus Velko S; Rus-Makovec Maja
    Globalizacija, človekove pravice in vrednotni sistem
    [Globalisation, human rights and value system]
  29. Rosser Zooe H; Zerjal Tatiana; Hurles Matthew E; Adojaan Maarja; Alavantic Dragan; Amorim Antonio; Amos William; Armenteros Manuel; Arroyo Eduardo; Barbujani Guido; Peterlin Borut
    Y-chromosomal diversity in Europe is clinal and influenced primarily by geography, rather than by language
  30. Medica I; Logar N; Peterlin B
    Characteristics of myotonic dystrophy in Istria: molecular genetic approach. Part 2: Analysis of genetic polymorphisms
  31. Ravnik-Glavač M; Svetina N; Zorn B; Peterlin B; Glavač D
    Involvement of CFTR gene alterations in obstructive and nonobstructive infertility in men
  32. Peterlin B; Kunej T; Šinkovec J; Gligorievska N; Zorn B
    Screening for Y chromosome microdeletions in 226 Slovenian subfertile men
  33. Kersnik Janko; Rotar Marina; Muellner Sanda; Zupančič Marjeta; Dežman Bojana
    Delo nujne medicinske službe Zdravstvenega doma Jesenice v letih 1999-2000
    [Emergency medical service in Primary health care center Jesenice in the years 1999-2000]
  34. Peternelj-Marinšek Suzana; Ribič-Pucelj Martina; Omahen Andrej
    Kirurško zdravljenje adneksnih tumorjev v nosečnosti - pomen laparoskopskega operiranja
    [Surgical treatment of adnexal masses in pregnancy - the role of laparoscopy management]
  35. Černe-Zavadlav Janka; Mihelič Željko; Plahuta Albin
    Delež avtologne krvi na Ortopedskem oddelku SBG v petletnem obdobju (1996-2000)
    [The portion of autologous blood in Orthopedic department of General hospital Nova Gorica in five years period (1996-2000)]
  36. Eržen M; Možina A; Bertole J; Syrjaenen K
    Factors predicting disease outcome in early stage adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix
  37. Peng Michael M; Matos Olga; Gatei Wangeci; Das Pradeep; Stantic-Pavlinic Mirjana; Bern Caryn; Sulaiman Irshad M; Glaberman Scott; Lal Altaf A; Xiao Lihua
    A comparison of Cryptosporidium subgenotypes from several geographic regions
  38. Wensing Michel; Vedsted Peter; Kersnik Janko; Peersman Wim; Klingenberg Anja; Hearnshaw Hilary; Hjortdahl Per; Paulus Dominique; Kuenzi Beat; Mendive Juan
    Patient satification with availability of general practice: an international comparison
  39. Rožić-Hristovski Anamarija; Hristovski Dimitar; Todorovski Ljupčo
    User's information-seeking behavior on a medical library website
  40. Rozman Janez; Zorko Bojan; Bunc Matjaž; Žitko Mojca
    Stimulation of nerves innervating the dog's pancreas
  41. Sudol-Szopinska Iwona; Szczepkowski Marek; Panorska Anna; Jakubowski Wieslaw; Sarti Dariusz
    Endosonography of the puborectalis muscle-interobserver comparison of the anal and vaginal ultrasonography
    [Endoskopska ultrazvočna preiskava puborektalne mišice - primerjava izsledkov analne in vaginalne ultrazvočne preiskave dveh preiskovalcev]
  42. Sudol-Szopinska Iwona; Szczepkowski Marek; Panorska Anna; Jakubowski Wieslaw
    Endosonographic appearance of the anal sphincters in patients following colostomy
    [Ultrazvočni prikaz analnega sfinktra po kolostomiji]
  43. Miloševič Zoran; Žvan Bojana; Zaletel Marjan; Šurlan Miloš
    Carotid angioplasty with cerebral protection
    [Karotidna angioplastika z uporabo sredstev za zaščito možganov]
  44. Sherer Yaniv; Tenenbaum Alexander; Praprotnik Sonja; Shemesh Joseph; Blank Miri; Fisman Enrique Z; Harats Dror; George Jacob; Levy Yair; Peter James B
    Coronary artery disease but not coronary calcification is associated with elevated levels of cardiolipin, beta-2-glycoprotein-I, and oxidized LDL antibodies
  45. Renaudineau Y; Grunebaum E; Krause I; Praprotnik Sonja; Revelen R; Youinou P; Blanks M; Gilburd B; Sherer Y; Luderschmidt C
    Anti-endothelial cell antibodies (AECA) in Systemic sclerosis - increased sensitivity using different endothelial cell substrates and association with other autoantibodies
  46. Blank Miri; Shoenfeld Yehuda; Tavor Sigal; Praprotnik Sonja; Boffa Marie-Claire; Weksler Babette; Walenga Jeanine M; Amiral Jean; Eldor Amiram
    Anti-platelet factor 4/heparin antibodies from patients with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia provoke direct activation of microvascular endothelial cells
  47. Kocijan Aleksandra; Milošev Ingrid; Pihlar Boris
    Elektrokemijske raziskave vedenja zlitine Co-Cr-Mo v simulirani fiziološki raztopini
    [Electrochemical studies of a Co-Cr-Mo alloy in a simulated physiological solution]
  48. Vizjak Alenka; Trnačević Senaid; Halilbašić Ahmet; Ferluga Dušan
    Immunohistologic kidney biopsy study of Balkan endemic nephropathy
  49. Ferluga Dušan; Hvala Asta; Trnačević Senaid; Halilbašić Ahmet; Vukelić Mato; Čeović Josip; Vizjak Alenka
    Pathology of Balkan endemic nephropathy - a correlation with established kidney disease entities
  50. Logar D; Vidan-Jeras B; Dolžan V; Božič B; Kveder T
    The contribution of HLA-DQB1 coding and QBP promoter alleles to anti-Ro alone autoantibody response in systemic lupus erythematosus
  51. Šebeštjen M; Žegura B; Keber I
    Both cerivastatin and fenofibrate improve arterial vasoreactivity in patients with combined hyperlipidaemia
  52. Trček Janja
    Genotypic characteristics of Gluconacetobacter hansenii LMG 1582 suggest its reclassification to a new species
  53. Trček Janja; Wilharm Gottfried; Jacobi Christoph A.; Heesemann Juergen
    Yersinia enterocolitica YopQ: strain-dependent cytosolic accumulation and post-translational secretion
  54. Tonin Martin; Saciri Valdet; Veselko Matjaž; Rotter Aleksander
    Progressive loss of knee extension after injury. Cyclops syndrome due to a lesion of the anterior cruciate ligament
  55. Pečovnik-Balon Breda; Hojs Radovan; Zavratnik Andrej; Kos Martina
    Bone mineral density in patients beginning hemodialysis treatment
  56. Skalicky Marjan; Dajčman Davorin; Hojs Radovan
    Effect of cholecystectomy for gallstones on surface of the papilla of Valter and the diameter of the common bile duct
  57. Rozman D; Cotman M; Frangež R
    Lanosterol 14alpha-demethylase and MAS sterols in mammalian gametogenesis
  58. Logar Jernej; Petrovec Miroslav; Novak-Antolič Živa; Premru-Sršen Tanja; Čižman Milan; Arnež Maja; Kraut Aleksandra
    Prevention of congenital toxoplasmosis in Slovenia by serological screening of pregnant women
  59. Sima Ðurđa; Eržen Divna
    Gibalne dejavnosti medicinskih sester v Sloveniji
    [Physical activities of nurses in Slovenia]
  60. Horvat Martina; Zrim Viktor
    Analiza rezultatov preizkusa hoje na dva kilometra zaposlenih v Zdravstvenem domu Murska Sobota
    [Analysis of results of a 2 km walk experiment of the employed in Murska Sobota health centre]
  61. Teržan Metka
    Bolezni kosti, mišic in vezivnega tkiva v povezavi z obremenitvami v posameznih gospodarskih dejavnostih
    [Diseases of musculosceletal system and connective tissue in connection with burdening in individual economic activities]
  62. Komadina Radko; Rok-Simon Mateja
    Desetletje gibal 2000-2010
    [Bone and joint decade 2000-2010]
  63. Rakovec Slavko; Mlakar Boštjan
    Izkušnje z odprtimi nenapetostnimi postopki oskrbe dimeljskih kil
    [Experience with the open tension-free hernia repair]
  64. Skok Pavel; Skok Marija
    Krvavitve iz zgornje prebavne cevi in nesteroidna protivnetna zdravila (NSAR) - 5-letna prospektivna študija
    [Upper gastrointestinal tract hemorrhage and nonsteroidal-antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - a 5-year prostective study]
  65. Luzar Boštjan; Ferlan-Marolt Vera; Brinovec Vladimir; Lešničar Gorazd; Klopčič Ulrika; Poljak Mario
    Does end stage kidney failure influence hepatitis C progression in haemodialysis patients?
  66. Brinovec V; Lešničar G; Meglič-Volkar J; Matičič M; Baklan Z; Poljak M; Seme K; Ferlan-Marolt V
    Efficacy of chronic hepatitis C therapy with interferon alpha (IFN-alpha) in Slovenia
  67. Luzar Boštjan; Poljak Mario; Marin Irena J; Fischinger Janez; Gale Nina
    Quantitative measurement of telomerase catalytic subunit (hTERT) mRNA in laryngeal squamous cell carcinomas
  68. Klemenčič Eva; Todorovski Ljupčo
    Analysis of free MEDLINE on the WWW
  69. Tripković Vesna; Mueller-Premru Manica; Kalenić Smilja; Plečko Vanda; Jelić Ivan; Filipović-Grčić Marija; Jandrlić Marija
    Stenotrophomonas maltophilia kao uzročnik bolničkih infekcija - tipizacija kliničkih izolata metodom elektroforeze u pulzirajućem polju (PFGE)
    [Hospital infection caused by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia - pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) typing of clinical isolates]
  70. Thuerlimann B; Price KN; Castiglione M; Lindtner J; Eržen D; Čufer T; Červek J; Cerar O; Zakotnik B; Majdič E; Golouh R; Lamovec J; Jančar J; Vrhovec I; Kramberger M
    Randomized controlled trial of ovarian function suppression plus tamoxifen versus the same endocrine therapy plus chemotherapy: is chemotherapy necessary for premenopausal women with node-positive, endocrine-responsive breast cancer? First results of International breast cancer study group trial 11-93
  71. Tozer Gillian M; Prise Vivien E; Wilson John; Čemažar Maja; Shan Siqing; Dewhirst Mark W; Barber Paul R; Vojnović Borivoj; Chaplin David J
    Mechanisms associated with tumor vascular shut-down induced by combretastatin A-4 phosphate: intravital microscopy and measurement of vascular permeability
  72. Calle EE; Heath CW-Jr; Miracle-McMahill HL; Coates RJ; Liff JM; Franceschi S; Košmelj K; Primic-Žakelj M; Ravnihar B; Stare J
    Breast cancer and hormonal contraceptives: further results
  73. Coebergh J-W; Pastore G; Gatta G; Corazziari I; Kamps W; Pompe-Kirn V
    Variation in survival of European children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, diagnosed in 1978-1992: the EUROCARE study
  74. Sant M; Capocaccia R; Coleman MP; Berrino F; Gatta G; Micheli A; Verdecchia A; Faivre J; Hakulinen T; Pompe-Kirn V
    Cancer survival increases in Europe, but international differences remain wide
  75. Coralli Claudia; Čemažar Maja; Kanthou Chryso; Tozer Gillian M; Dachs Gabi U
    Limitations of the reporter green fluorescent protein under simulated tumor conditions
  76. Gatta G; Luksch R; Coleman MP; Corazziari I; Pompe-Kirn V
    Survival from acute non-lymphocytic leukaemia (ANLL) and chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) in European children since 1978: a population-based study
  77. Levi F; La Vecchia C; Negri E; Lucchini F; Pompe-Kirn V
    Childhood cancer mortality in Europe, 1955-1995
  78. Terracini B; Coebergh J-W; Gatta G; Magnani C; Stiller C; Verdecchia A; Zappone A; Pompe-Kirn V
    Childhood cancer survival in Europe: an overview
  79. Keše Darja; Čižman Milan; Marin Jožica; Avšič-Županc Tatjana
    Chlamydia pneumoniae infections in patients with community-acquired pneumonia in Slovenia
  80. Bilban-Jakopin Cvetka; Bilban Marjan
    Genotoxic effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy on circulating lymphocytes in patients with Hodgkin's disease
  81. Bračko Matej; Us-Krašovec Marija; Čufer Tanja; Lamovec Janez; Zidar Andreja; Goehde Wolfgang
    Prognostic significance of DNA ploidy determined by high-resolution flow cytometry in breast carcinoma
  82. Bonetti M; Gelber RD; Goldhirsch A; Lindtner J; Eržen D; Majdič E; Štabuc B; Plesničar A; Golouh R; Lamovec J; Jančar J; Vrhovec I; Kramberger M; Cerar O; Šebek S; Novak J; Naglas M; Senčar M; Červek J; Čufer T
    Features that predict responsiveness to chemotherapy and endocrine therapies
  83. Stiller CA; Craft AW; Corazziari I; Pompe-Kirn V
    Survival of children with bone sarcoma in Europe since 1978: results from the EUROCARE study
  84. Storm HH; Plesko I; Pompe-Kirn V
    Survival of children with thyroid cancer in Europe 1978-1989
  85. Moeller TR; Garwicz S; Corazziari I; Magnani C; Pompe-Kirn V
    Survival of children with liver tumours in Europe 1978-1989
  86. Kramarova E; Mann JR; Magnani C; Corraziari I; Berrino F; Pompe-Kirn V
    Survival of children with malignant germ cell, trophoblastic and other gonadal tumours in Europe
  87. Stiller CA; Stevens MCG; Magnani C; Corazziari I; Pompe-Kirn V
    Survival of children with soft-tissu sarcoma in Europe since 1978: results from the EUROCARE study
  88. Conti EMS; Cercato MC; Gatta G; Ramazzotti V; Roscioni S; Pompe-Kirn V
    Childhood melanoma in Europe since 1978: a population-based survival study
  89. Magnani C; Gatta G; Corazziari I; Kramarova E; Pastore G; Viscomi S; Stiller C; Pompe-Kirn V
    Childhood malignancies in the EUROCARE study: the database and the methods of survival analysis
  90. Čemažar Maja; Parkins Charles S; Holder Angela L; Kranjc Simona; Chaplin David J; Serša Gregor
    Cytotoxicity of bioreductive drug tirapazamine is increased by application of electric pulses in SA-1 tumours in mice
  91. Čemažar M; Miklavčič D; Mir LM; Belehradek J-Jr; Bonnay M; Fourcault D; Serša G
    Electrochemotherapy of tumours resistant to cisplatin: a study in a murine tumour model
  92. Bilban M; Bilban-Jakopin C; Vrhovec S
    Incidence of chromosomal aberrations and micronuclei in cave tour guides
  93. Edhemović I; Snoj M; Kljun A; Golouh R
    Immunohistochemical localization of group II phospholipase A2 in the tumours and mucosa of the colon and rectum
  94. Škapin M; Štruc T
    Zobozdravniška priporočila o dojenju
    [Breastfeeding and dental caries]
  95. Božič J; Oblak Č; Jevnikar P; Funduk N
    Preverjanje adhezije reparaturnih sredstev na različno pripravljenih porcelanskih površinah
    [Shear bond strength of repair systems on treated porcelain surface]
  96. Smolar-Žvanut Nataša
    Vloga perifitonskih alg pri določanju ekološko sprejemljivega pretoka vode v tekočih vodah
    [The role of periphytic algae in the determination of the ecologically acceptable flow in running waters]
  97. Fricout Gabriel; Cullen-McEwen Luise A; Harper Ian S; Jeulin Dominique; Bertram John F
    A quantitative method for analysing 3-D branching in embryonic kidneys: development of a technique and preliminary data
  98. Zagrouba Ezzeddine; Barhoumi Walid
    Semiautomatic detection of tumoral zone
  99. Sajko Špela; Kubinova Lucie; Kreft Marko; Dahmane Raja; Wernig Anton; Eržen Ida
    Improving methodological strategies for satellite cells counting in human muscle during ageing
  100. Marcos Ricardo; Rocha Eduardo; Monteiro Rogerio AF
    Stereological estimation of Ito cells from rat liver using the optical fractionator - a preliminary report

   17.267 17.367 17.467 17.567 17.667 17.767 17.867 17.967 18.067 18.167  

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