biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 18.267-18.366

  1. Miklas Nadege; Stritih Nataša; Čokl Andrej; Virant-Doberlet Meta; Renou Michel
    The influence of substrate on male responsiveness to the female calling song in Nezara viridula
  2. Ravnihar B
    Uspešnost apikotomij na zobeh z ulitimi fiksnoprotetičnimi zatički
    [Results of endodontic operations on teeth with inserted dowels]
  3. Oblak M
    Uspešnost kirurškega zdravljenja kroničnega periapikalnega parodontitisa
    [Healing after surgical treatment of chronic periapical periodontitis]
  4. Gorjanc M; Kansky AA; Ihan-Hren N
    Zgodnji izsledki uporabe vsadkov s progresivnim navojem
    [Early results with a progressive thread design implant system]
  5. Cvikl V
    Motnje mineralizacije sklenine pri celiakiji
    [Disorders of enamel mineralisation in coeliac disease]
  6. Tepeš B; Križman I; Gorenšek M; Gubina M; Orel I
    Is a one-week course of triple anti-Helicobacter pylori therapy sufficient to control active duodenal ulcer?
  7. Koselj-Kajtna M; Kandus A; Rott T; Zver S; Zupan I; Koselj M; Bren A
    Aspergillus infection in immunocompromised patients
  8. Žargi M; Fajdiga I; Šmid L
    Autofluorescence imaging in the diagnosis of laryngeal cancer
  9. Gros A; Žargi M; Vatovec J
    Does it make sense to preserve the stapedial muscle during surgical treatment for otosclerosis?
  10. Hočevar-Boltežar Irena; Žargi Miha
    Voice quality after radiation therapy for early glottic cancer
  11. Marš Tomaž; Yu Kevin J; Tang Xue-Ming; Miranda Armand F; Grubič Zoran; Cambi Franca; King Michael P
    Differentiation of glial cells and motor neurons during the formation of neuromuscular junctions in co-cultures of rat spinal cord explant and human muscle
  12. Brcar Polona; Truden-Dobrin Polonca
    Otroci in mladostniki ter zdravstveno varstvo na primarni ravni
  13. Massie Barry M; Armstrong Paul W; Cleland John GF; Horowitz John D; Pecker Milton; Poole-Wilson Philip A; Ryden Lars
    Toleranca velikih odmerkov zaviralcev angiotenzin-konvertirajočega encima pri bolnikih s kroničnim srčnim popuščanjem: rezultati študije ATLAS
    [(Toleration of high doses of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in patients with chronic heart failure. Result from the ATLAS trial)]
  14. Reicin Alise; White Richard; Weinstein Steven F; Finn Albert F; Nguyen Ha; Peezek Iza; Geissler Lori; Seidenberg Beth C
    Montelukast, antagonist levkotrienskih receptorjev, v kombinaciji z loratadinom, antagonistom histaminskih receptorjev za zdravljenje kronične astme
    [(Montelukast, a leukotriene receptor antagonist, in combination with loratadine, a histamine receptor antagonist, in the treatment of chronic asthma)]
  15. Tamblyn Robyn; Laprise Rejean; Hanley Janes A; Abrahamowitz Michael; Scott Susan; Mayo Nancy; Hurley Jerry; Grad Roland; Latimer Eric; Perreault Robert
    Neželeni učinki, povezani s soudeležbo pri stroških za zdravila na recepte med revnimi in starejšimi osebami
    [(Adverse events associatied with prescription drug cost-sharing among poor and elderly persons)]
  16. Seeman P; Mazanec R; Zidar J; Hrusakova S; Ctvrteckova M; Rautenstrauss B
    Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A (CMT1A) and hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP): reliable detection of the CMT1A duplication and HNPP deletion using 8 microsatellite markers in 2 multiplex PCRs
  17. Skok P; Čeranič D; Sinkovič A; Pocajt M
    Peptic ulcer hemorrhage: argon plasma coagulation versus injection sclerotherapy: a prospective, randomised, controlled study
  18. Horvat Milena; Kotnik Jože; Fajon Vesna; Logar Martina; Zvonarić Tomislav; Pirrone Nicola
    Speciation of mercury in waters of the Mediterranean sea
  19. Pis F; Barbone F; Horvat M; Fajon V; Stibilj V; Trkov Z; Mazej D; Parppinel Mt Teresa; Daris F
    Fish consumption and hair and milk mercury levels in mothers and newborns from an Italian coastal area: background, study design and preliminary results
  20. Fabbri Daniele; Lombardo Marco; Trombini Claudio; Vassura Ivano; Zavoli Elisabetta; Horvat Milena
    Mercury contamination of a coastal lagoon (Pialassa Baiona, Ravenna, Italy)
  21. Hines Mark E; Faganeli Jadran; Horvat Milena
    Methylmercury formation and degradation in sediments of the Gulf of Trieste
  22. Covelli S; Faganeli J; Horvat M; Brambati A; Biester H
    Distribution, partitioning and geochronology of Hg in coastal sediments of the Gulf of Trieste
  23. Faganeli J; Horvat M; Covelli S; Fajon V; Logar M; Lipej L; Čermelj B
    Mercury in the waters of the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic)
  24. Falnoga Ingrid; Tušek-Žnidarič Majda; Horvat Milena; Stegnar Peter
    Mercury and selenium interactions in autopsy samples from Idrija residents
  25. Kobal Alfred B; Arnerić Niko; Kobal Darja; Osredkar Joško; Horvat Milena
    Impact of past elemental mercury occupational exposure on personality traits, and melatonine level in blood and urine
  26. Horvat Milena; Jereb Vesna; Fajon Vesna; Logar Martina; Bonzongo Jean-Claude; Faganeli Jadran; Hines Mark E
    Mercury distribution in water, sediment and soil in the Idrijca and Soča river systems
  27. Duddleston Khrystyne N; Hines Mark E; Bailey Elizabeth A; Hale Krystal K; Faganeli Jadran
    Environmental controls on the demethylation of methylmercury
  28. Ivanuša Teodora; Beravs Katarina; Čemažar Maja; Jevtič Vladimir; Demšar Franci; Serša Gregor
    MRI macromolecular contrast agents as indicators of changed tumor blood flow
    [Uporaba kontrastno povdarjenega dinamičnega MR slikanja za spremljanje pretoka krvi v tumorjih]
  29. Baitchev George; Gortchev Grigor; Velkova Angelica; Deliisky Tashko
    Predictors of recurrence in stage I invasive breast carcinoma
    [Predvidevanje ponovitve bolezni pri bolnicah z rakom dojke, stadij I]
  30. Willfurth Peter; Mayer Ramona; Stranzl Heidi; Prettenhofer Ulrike; Genser Bernd; Arnulf Hackl
    Dividing patients with brain metastases into classes derived from the RTOG recursive partitioning analysis (RPA) with emphasis on prognostic poorer patient groups
    [Razvrstitev bolnikov z možganskimi metastazami v skupine, ki jih priporoča RTOG analiza, s poudarkom na prognostično slabe bolnike]
  31. Kragelj Borut; Guna France; Burger Janez
    Radical irradiation of the prostate. Combination of percutaneous irradiation and irradiation with LDR Ir-192 implants
    [Radikalno obsevanje prostate v kombinaciji s perkutanim obsevanjem in implantacijo prostate z LDR Ir 192]
  32. Prkačin Ingrid; Naumovski-Mihalić Slavica; Dabo Nives; Palčić Iva; Vujanić Svetozar; Babić Zdravko
    Comparison of CT analyses of primary renal cell carcinoma and of metastatic neoplasms of the kidney
    [CT primerjava primarnega ledvičnega karcinoma in metastaz v ledvicah]
  33. Jenicke Lars; Klutmann Susanne; Bohuslavizki Karl H; Neuber Karsten; Altenhoff Juergen; Wedler Juliane; Buchert Ralph; Nebeling Bruno; Clausen Malte
    Conventional staging and 18F-FDG-PET staging of malignant melanoma
    [Določanje razširjenosti bolezni pri bolnikih z melanomom na konvenzionalni način ali z 18F-FDG-PET]
  34. Brkljačić Boris; Šebečić Božidar; Grga Ante; Patrlj Leonardo; Hebrang Andrija
    Color duplex-Doppler ultrasonography of lower extremities veins - types of findings
    [Preiskava ožilja spodnjih okončin z dvojnim barvnim Dopplerjem - tipska razvrstitev rezultatov preiskave]
  35. Jug Borut
    Telesna vadba pri bolnikih s kroničnim srčnim popuščanjem
    [Physical training in patients with chronic heart failure]
  36. Gubina Borut; Šavs Jernej
    Uporabnost verižne reakcije s polimerazo v diagnostiki gonoreje
    [Application of polymerase chain reaction in gonorrhea diagnosis]
  37. Kobinger W; Fisher G; Barovič J
    Biotrope Einfluesse auf Herzkreislaufparameter in verschiedenen Hoehenlagen einer slowenischen Kurregion
    [Biotropic influences on cardiac and circulation parameters in different heights in a Slovenian cure region]
  38. Larsen Arvi; Kvien Tore K; Schattenkirchner Manfred; Rau Rolf; Scott David L; Smolen Josef S; Rozman Blaž; Westhovens R; Tikly Mohammed; Oed Christine; Rosenburg Ronald
    Slowing of disease progression in rheumatoid arthritis patients during long-term treatment with leflunomide or sulfasalazine
  39. Paro-Panjan Darja; Pečarič-Meglič Nuška; Neubauer David
    A case of Zellweger syndrome with extensive MRI abnormalities and unusual EEG findings
  40. Vlaisavljević V; Reljič M; Gavrič-Lovrec V; Kovačič B
    Subendometrial contractility is not predictive for in vitro fertilization (IVF) outcome
  41. Arnež Maja; Pleterski-Rigler Dušica; Ahčan Jerneja; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Strle Franc
    Demographic features, clinical characteristics and laboratory findings in children with multiple erythema migrans in Slovenia
  42. Arnež Maja; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Ahčan Jerneja; Radšel-Medvešček Alenka; Pleterski-Rigler Dušica; Strle Franc
    Isolation of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato from blood of children with solitary erythema migrans
  43. Accetto Rok; Žemva Aleš; Dolenc Primož
    Nadzor hipertenzije v republiki Sloveniji
    [Control of hypertension in the republic of Slovenia]
  44. Lanišnik-Rižner T; Stojan J; Adamski J
    17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase from the fungus Cochliobolus lunatus: structural and functional aspects
  45. Kersnik Janko; Vipotnik-Zupanc Valerija
    Čas čakanja na pregled pri zdravniku splošne medicine in zadovoljstvo bolnikov
    [Waiting time in the waiting room in family practice and patient satisfaction]
  46. Gabrijelčič-Blenkuš Mojca
    Daily meal frequency of secondary school students from Ljubljana in relation to some of their other nutritional and life-style charactersitics and body mass index - preliminary results
    [Število obrokov v celodnevnem jedilniku ljubljanskih srednješolcev v povezavi z nekaterimi prehranskimi značilnostmi in značilnostmi življenjskega sloga srednješolcev ter njihovim indeksom telesne mase - preliminarni rezultati]
  47. Zeng Yong-Hui; Plemenitaš Ana; Linnemann Thomas; Fackler Oliver T; Peterlin B Matija
    Nef increases infectivity of HIV via lipid rafts
  48. Štrus Jasna; Blejec Andrej
    Microscopic anatomy of the integument and digestive system during the molt cycle in Ligia italica (Oniscidea)
  49. Vilhar Barbara; Greilhuber Johann; Dolenc-Koce Jasna; Temsch Eva Maria; Dermastia Marina
    Plant genome size measurement with DNA image cytometry
  50. Rupnik Maja; Brazier Jon S; Duerden Brian I; Grabnar Miklavž; Stubbs Simon LJ
    Comparison of toxinotyping and PCR ribotyping of Clostridium difficile strains and description of novel toxinotypes
  51. Jereb Berta
    Kje smo v onkologiji in zakaj?
  52. Mavri Urška; Podgornik Samo; Sivec Ignac
    Influence of some ecological factors on the distribution of plecoptera in a small subalpine stream
  53. Podgornik Samo; Toman Michael J; Mavri Urška
    Seasonal and longitudinal changes in the macroinvertebrate community of a small subalpine stream in Slovenia
  54. Kaligarič Mitja
    Združba navadne seljanke in modre stožke (Selino-Molinietum caerulae Kuhn 37) pri Slovenj Gradcu
    [The Selino-Molinietum caerulae Kuhn 37 community near Slovenj Gradec]
  55. Štumberger Borut
    Rezultati štetja vodnih ptic v januarju 2000 v Sloveniji
    [Results of the mid-winter waterfowl counts in January 2000 in Slovenia]
  56. Denac Damijan; Korošec Luka
    Prvo opazovanje dolgorepe govnačke Stercorarius longicaudas v Slovenije
    [Long-tailed skua Stercorarius longicaudus - a new record for Slovenia]
  57. Mihelič Tomaž
    Prva potrjena gnezditev rdeče lastovke Hirundo daurica v Sloveniji (Kraški rob, JZ Slovenija)
    [First confirmed breeding of the red-rumped swallow Hirundo daurica in Slovenia (Karst edge, SW Slovenia)]
  58. Janžekovič Franc
    Merjenje geografske razširjenosti ptic - primerjava empiričnih podatkov na primeru slovenskih gnezdilk
    [Estimates of the geographical distribution of birds - a comparison of empirical data as in the case of Slovene breeders]
  59. Vrezec Al
    Evropsko pomembne populacije ptic v Sloveniji
    [Bird populations of European significance in Slovenia]
  60. Potokar Maja
    Predselitvena disperzija kmečke lastovke Hirundo rustica v Sloveniji
    [Pre-migratory dispersion of barn swallow Hirundo rustica in Slovenia]
  61. Sackl Peter
    Form and function of aerial courtship displays in black storkes Ciconia nigra
    [Oblika in funkcija dvorjenja črnih štorkelj Ciconia nigra v zraku]
  62. Rubinič Borut; Vrezec Al
    Audouin's gull Larus audouinii, a new breeding gull species in the Adriatic sea (Croatia)
    [Sredozemski galeb Larus audouinii, nova gnezdeča galebja vrsta v Jadranskem morju (Hrvaška)]
  63. Bračko Gregor
    Review of the ant fauna (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Slovenia
    [Pregled favne mravelj (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Slovenije]
  64. Urbanič Gorazd; Toman Mihael J; Krušnik Ciril
    Downstream changes in caddisfly fauna (Insecta, Trichoptera) in relation to environmental variables in the river Ščavnica (NE Slovenia): a multivariate approach using a canonical correspondence analysis (CCA)
    [Spremembe favne mladoletnic (Insecta, Trichoptera) po toku reke Ščavnice v odvisnosti od okoljskih spremenljivk: multivariatna metoda z uporabo kanonične korespondenčne analize (CCA)]
  65. Germ Mateja; Gaberščik Alenka; Urbanc-Berčič Olga
    The wider environmental assessment of river ecosystems
    [Širša okoljska ocena rečnega ekosistema]
  66. Žel Jana; Marolt Alenka
    The influence of IAA and JA on the growth of tobacco hairy root cultures established by two strains of Agrobacterium rhizogenes
    [Vpliv IAA in JA na rast laskaste koreninske kulture tobaka vzpostavljene s pomočjo dveh sevov bakterije Agrobacterium rhizogenes]
  67. Stušek Peter; Drašlar Kazimir; Belušič Gregor; Zupančič Gregor
    Adaptation mechanisms in insect eyes
    [Adaptacijski mehanizmi v žuželjčjem očesu]
  68. Wraber Tone
    Prvo desetletje (1920-1930) študija biologije na ljubljanski univerzi
    [First decade (1920-1930) of biology studies at the University of Ljubljana]
  69. Schara Karin; Herman S
    Heterotopic bone formation in total hip arthroplasty: predisposing factors, classification and the significance for clinical outcome
  70. Pavlovčič P; Čokl A
    Songs of Holcostethus strictus (Fabricius): a different repertoire among landbugs (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
  71. Bentrop Joachim; Schillo Markus; Gerdon Gabriele; Drašlar Kazimir; Paulsen Reinhard
    UV-light-dependent binding of a visual arrestin 1 isoform to photoreceptor membranes in a neuropteran (Ascalaphus) compound eye
  72. Avčin T; Ambrožič A; Kuhar M; Kveder T; Rozman B
    Anticardiolipin and anti-beta2 glycoprotein 1 antibodies in sera of 61 apparently healthy children at regular preventive visits
  73. Pavlica Z; Erjavec V; Petelin M
    Odpravljanje patoloških sprememb na četrtem zgornjem ličniku pri psu
    [Treatment of the injuried upper fourth premolar in the dog]
  74. Kruljc P
    Možganski valovi beta, alfa, teta in delta ter njihova medsebojna razmerja med sedacijo in nevroleptanalgezijo pri konjih
    [Beta, alpha, theta and delta brain waves and their proportions during sedation and neuroleptanalgesia in horses]
  75. Juntes P; Pogačnik M; Bavdek S
    Spremembe količine in razporeditve veziva v jetrih domačega prašiča (Sus scrofa domesticus) v obdobju od rojstva do šestih mesecev starosti
    [Changes in the quantity and distribution of connective tissue in the liver of domestic pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) from birth till six months of age]
  76. Jenčič V; Hostnik P
    Izolacija virusa nalezljive nekroze trebušne slinavke pri šarenki (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
    [Isolation of the infectious pancreatic necrosis virus - IPNV in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)]
  77. Borko Č; Ružić-Sabljić E
    Izolacija in identifikacija sevov Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. iz klopov Ixodes ricinus
    [Isolation and identification of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. strains from ticks Ixodes ricinus]
  78. Koporec Zdenka
    Šola zdrave prehrane in zdravega načina življenja
    [School of healthy nutrition and healthy life style]
  79. Zajc I; Kus M
    Populacijska struktura Dalmatincev in Istrskih goničev ter njihovi evolicijski odnosi z nekaterimi drugimi pasmami, kot jih nakazujejo polimorfni mikrosateliti
    [Population structure of Dalmatians and Istrian shorthaired hounds and their evolutionary relationships to some other breeds as revealed by polymorphic microsatellites]
  80. Felc Zlata
    Usefulness of transcutaneous bilirubinometry in the assessment of neonatal nespecific hyperbilirubinemia during phototherapy or without it
  81. Derganc Metka
    Fluid resuscitation in children
  82. Abreu P; Bračko Marko; Golob Boštjan; Kernel Gabrijel; Kerševan Borut Paul; Križnič Ervin; Podobnik Tomaž; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson at LEP in the year 2000
  83. Abreu P; Bračko Marko; Golob Boštjan; Kernel Gabrijel; Kerševan Borut Paul; Križnič Ervin; Podobnik Tomaž; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Measurement of the ZZ cross-section in e+ e interactions at 183-189 GeV
  84. Abreu P; Bračko Marko; Golob Boštjan; Kernel Gabrijel; Kerševan Borut Paul; Križnič Ervin; Podobnik Tomaž; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Search for sleptons in e+ e- collisions at (square root)s = 183 to 189 GeV
  85. Abreu P; Bračko Marko; Golob Boštjan; Kernel Gabrijel; Kerševan Borut Paul; Križnič Ervin; Podobnik Tomaž; Stanič Samo; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Study of dimuon production in photon-photon collisions and measurement of QED photon structure functions at LEP
  86. Abreu P; Bračko Marko; Golob Boštjan; Kernel Gabrijel; Kerševan Borut Paul; Križnič Ervin; Podobnik Tomaž; Stanič Samo; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Search for supersymmetric partners of top and bottom quarks at (square root)s = 189 GeV
  87. Abreu P; Bračko Marko; Golob Boštjan; Kernel Gabrijel; Kerševan Borut Paul; Križnič Ervin; Podobnik Tomaž; Stanič Samo; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Upper limit for the decay B- to tau- (nu)tau and measurement of the b to tau (nu)tau X branching ratio
  88. Adam W; Bračko Marko; Golob Boštjan; Kernel Gabrijel; Kerševan Borut Paul; Križnič Ervin; Podobnik Tomaž; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Search for the sgoldstino at (square root)s from 189 to 202 GeV
  89. Abreu P; Bračko Marko; Golob Boštjan; Kernel Gabrijel; Kerševan Borut Paul; Križnič Ervin; Podobnik Tomaž; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Determination of the e+ e- to gamma gamma(gamma) cross-section at centre-of-mass energies ranging from 189 GeV to 202 GeV
  90. Abreu P; Bračko Marko; Golob Boštjan; Kernel Gabrijel; Kerševan Borut Paul; Križnič Ervin; Podobnik Tomaž; Stanič Samo; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Rapidity-rank structure of pp pairs in hadronic Z0 decays
  91. Abreu P; Bračko Marko; Golob Boštjan; Kernel Gabrijel; Kerševan Borut Paul; Križnič Ervin; Podobnik Tomaž; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Limits on the masses of supersymmetric particles at (square root)s = 189 GeV
  92. Abreu P; Bračko Marko; Golob Boštjan; Kernel Gabrijel; Kerševan Borut Paul; Križnič Ervin; Podobnik Tomaž; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Search for SUSY with R-parity violating LLE couplings at (square root)s = 189 GeV
  93. Abreau P; Bračko Marko; Golob Boštjan; Kernel Gabrijel; Kerševan Borut Paul; Križnič Ervin; Podobnik Tomaž; Stanič Samo; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Update of the search for charginos nearly mass-degenerate with the lightest neutralino
  94. Abreu P; Bračko Marko; Golob Boštjan; Kernel Gabrijel; Kerševan Borut Paul; Križnič Ervin; Podobnik Tomaž; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Measurement and interpretation of fermion-pair production at LEP energies of 183 and 189 GeV
  95. Abreu P; Bračko Marko; Golob Boštjan; Kernel Gabrijel; Kerševan Borut Paul; Križnič Ervin; Podobnik Tomaž; Stanič Samo; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Search for charginos in e+ e- interactions at (square root)s = 189 GeV
  96. Abreu P; Bračko Marko; Golob Boštjan; Kernel Gabrijel; Kerševan Borut Paul; Križnič Ervin; Podobnik Tomaž; Stanič Samo; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Hadronization properties of b quarks compared to light quarks in e+ e- to qq from 183 to 200 GeV
  97. Abreu P; Cindro Vladimir; Eržen Borut; Golob Boštjan; Podobnik Tomaž; Stanič Samo; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Observation of charge-ordering in particle production in hadronic Z0 decay
  98. Abreu P; Bračko Marko; Golob Boštjan; Kernel Gabrijel; Kerševan Borut Paul; Križnič Ervin; Podobnik Tomaž; Zavrtanik Danilo
    W pair production cross-section and W branching fractions in e+ e- interactions at 189 GeV
  99. Abreu P; Cindro Vladimir; Eržen Borut; Golob Boštjan; Podobnik Tomaž; Stanič Samo; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Measurement of the spin density matrix for the (rho)0, K((ast)0) (892) and (Phi) produced in Z0 decays
  100. Abreu P; Bračko Marko; Golob Boštjan; Kernel Gabrijel; Kerševan Borut Paul; Križnič Ervin; Podobnik Tomaž; Stanič Samo; Zavrtanik Danilo
    Search for heavy stable and long-lived particles in e+ e- collisions at (square root)s = 189 GeV

   17.767 17.867 17.967 18.067 18.167 18.267 18.367 18.467 18.567 18.667  

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