biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 26.667-26.766

  1. Kofol-Seliger Andreja; Cegnar Tanja
    Meritve koncentracije cvetnega prahu v Ljubljani
    [Measurements of pollen concentration in Ljubljana]
  2. Čemažar Maja; Jarm Tomaž; Miklavčič Damijan; Maček-Lebar Alenka; Ihan Alojz; Kopitar Nataša A; Serša Gregor
    Effect of electronic-field intensity on electropermeabilization and electrosensitivity of various tumor-cell lines in vitro
  3. Maček-Lebar A; Kopitar NA; Ihan A; Serša G; Miklavčič D
    Significance of treatment energy in cell electropermeabilization
  4. Zrimec Tatjana
    Informacijski sistem medicinskih slik-idejna zasnova
    [A medical image information system-a conceptual framework]
  5. Vidmar Gaj; Janša Jelka
    O merskih značilnostih dveh ocenjevalnih lestvic za oceno prizadetosti pri pacientih po ishemični možganski kapi
    [On metric characteristics of two disability measures applied to acute ischaemic stroke patients]
  6. Todorovski Ljupčo; Smrke Dragica; Stankovski Vlado; Kersnič Boštjan
    Vstavitev kolčne endoproteze in pojav bolečine v spodnjem udu
    [Implantation of hip endoprosthesis and the incidence of pain in lower limb]
  7. Šušteršič Olga; Rajkovič Vladislav; Kljajić Miroljub
    Ocenjevanje temeljnih življenjskih aktivnosti varovancev v procesu patronažne zdravstvene nege
    [Evaluation of clinet's daily activities in community nursing process]
  8. Stare Janez
    Regresijski modeli in linearnost
    [Regression models and linearity]
  9. Smrke Dragica; Demšar Janez; Bratko Ivan; Kersnič Boštjan; Stankovski Vlado
    Analiza implantacij kolčnih endoprotez z regresijskimi drevesi
    [Regression tree analysis of indications concerning hip arthroplasty]
  10. Božnar Marija; Lesjak Martin; Mlakar Primož
    A neural network-based method for short-term predictions of ambient SO2 concentrations in highly polluted industrial areas of complex terrain.
  11. Raič Gorazd
    Preverjanje in shranjevaje zapisov v zdravstvenem informacijskem sistemu "GOLOB"
    [Hospital records verification and storage in the national health information system of Slovenia]
  12. Orel Andrej; Roblek Dominik; Verhovšek Roman; Govekar Primož; Cimperman Boris
    Elektronski popis bolnika na spletu
    [Web based computerized patient record (CPR)]
  13. Leonardi Michele; Ružič Anton; Lenarčič Jadran
    Ocena deformacije oblike človeškega hrbta: meritve in prikaz
    [Human back shape estimation of 3D deformities: measurement and visualisation]
  14. Kukar Matjaž; Grošelj Ciril
    Uporaba cenovno občutljivega učenja za ocenjevanje predtestnih in izboljševanje potestnih verjetnosti v diagnostiki ishemične bolezni srca
    [Cost sensitive learning for estimation of pretest probalities and improvement of posttest probalities in the diagnosis of ischaemic heart disease]
  15. Klemenčič Eva; Todorovski Ljupčo
    Medline na internetu
    [Medline of the internet]
  16. Jeraj Janez; Stanič Uroš; Kandare Franc
    Kinematična analiza gibanja prsnega koša in trebušne votline s pomočjo optoelektronskih merilnih sistemov
    [Kinematic analysis of the chest and abdominal wall movement using optoelectronic measuring systems]
  17. Zidar Nina; Avguštin-Čavić Marija; Kenda Rajko B; Ferluga Dušan
    Unfavorable course of minimal change nephrotic syndrome in children with intrauterine growth retardation
  18. Turel Iztok; Golič Ljubo; Bukovec Peter; Gubina Marija
    Antibacterial tests of Bismuth(III)-quinolone (ciprofloxacin, cf) compounds against Helicobacter pylori and some other bacteria. Crystal structure of (cfH2)2(Bi2Cl10).4H2O
  19. Gamberger Dragan; Lavrač Nada; Grošelj Ciril
    Uporaba izločitvenih pravil za zanesljivo diagnostiko
    [Exploiting exclusion rules for reliable diagnosis]
  20. Kocmur Marga; Dernovšek Mojca Z; Tavčar Rok
    Effect of paroxetine on intermittent brief depression episodes and suicide attempts among patients with personality disorders. A double-blind, placebo-controlled study
  21. Kocmur Margareta; Milčinski Metka; Budihna Nataša V
    Evaluation of brain perfusion with technetium-99m bicisate single-photon emission tomography in patients with depressive disorder before and after drug treatment
  22. Lejko-Zupanc T; Koželj M
    A case of recurrent Candida parapsilosis prosthetic valve endocarditis: cure by medical treatment alone
  23. Beden Robert L; Smrke Dragica
    Statistična obdelava zdravstveno-epidemiološkega statusa poškodovancev ob zlomu stegneničnega vratu
    [Statistical analyses of the health and epidemiologi-cal status of patients after hip injury]
  24. Zupanič I; Balažic J; Komel R
    Analysis of nine short tandem repeat (STR) loci in the Slovenian population
  25. Morton Brian; Velkovrh F; Sket B
    Biology and anatomy of the 'living fossil' Congeria kusceri (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae) from subterranean rivers and caves in the Dinaric karst of the former Yugoslavia
  26. Kostanjšek Rok; Kuralt Petra; Malovrh Tadej; Škoberne Mojca; Štalc Anton; Kotnik Vladimir
    MDP desmuramyl analogue LK-404 protects bone marrow and spleen cells from cyclophosphamide induced apoptosis
  27. Jogan Nejc
    Še o agregatu Aristolochia pallida agg. v Sloveniji
    [More about Aristolochia pallida agg. in Slovenia]
  28. Jogan Nejc
    Ali Pimpinella nigra Mill. uspeva v Sloveniji?
    [Does Pimpinella nigra Mill. occur in Slovenia?]
  29. Jogan Nejc
    Woodsia ilvensis (L.) R. Br. - novoodkrita vrsta flore Slovenije
    [Woodsia ilvensis (L.) R. Br. - a newly-discovered species of Slovene flora]
  30. Jogan Nejc
    Oxalis dillenii Jacq. - nova zajčja deteljica slovenske flore
    [Oxalis dillenii Jacq - new species of Slovenian flora]
  31. Jogan Nejc
    Sagina maritima G. Don in S. nodosa (L.) Frenzl - novi vrsti slovenske flore in pregled pitomcev v Sloveniji
    [Sagina maritima G. Don in S. nodosa (L.) Frenzl - new species in the flora of Slovenia and survey of pearlworts in Slovenia]
  32. Kaligarič Mitja; Jogan Nejc
    Typha laxmannii Lepech., nova vrsta v flori Slovenije
    [Typha laxmannii Lepech., a new species in Slovenian flora]
  33. Rupnik Maja; Avesani Veronique; Janc Miha; von Eichel-Streiber Christoph; Delmee Michel
    A novel toxinotyping scheme and correlation of toxinotypes with serogroups of Clostridium difficle isolates
  34. Jogan Nejc
    Melica picta C. Koch (Poaceae), a new species for the flora of Italy
    [Melica picta C. Koch (Poaceae), una nuova specie per l'Italia]
  35. Jogan Nejc
    Prva najdba krhke hrbtorese (Gaudinia fragilis (L.) PB.) v Slovenski Istri
    [The first record of Gaudinia fragilis (L.) PB.) in Slovenian Istria]
  36. Kovač M; Luskovec M; Vilhar B; Ravnikar M
    Peroxidase activity during rooting of potato stem nodes on medium with and without jasmonic acid
    [Peroksidazna aktivnost med koreninjenjem nodijskih izsečkov stebla pri krompiru na gojišču z in brez jasmonske kisline]
  37. Žel Jana; Ivanovič Saša; Ravnikar Maja
    Micropropagation of garlic Allium sativum L. cv. Ptujski pomladanski through bulb formation on isolated basal plates
    [Mikropropagacija česna Allium sativum L. cv. "Ptujski pomladanski" in tvorba čebule na izoliranih bazalnih ploščah strokov]
  38. Šircelj Helena; Batič Franc; Bienelli Andreja
    Effects of ozone on pigment and ascorbic acid content in white clover (Trifolium repens L. cv. "Menna") leaves
    [Vpliv ozona na vsebnost pigmentov in askorbinske kisline v listih plazeče detelje (Trifolium repens L. cv. "Menna")]
  39. Vodnik Dominik; Mihelčič Mirjam; Gogala Nada
    Isolation of root associated fungi from Erica herbacea and their tolerance to lead
    [Izolacija gliv, povezanih s koreninami rese Erica herbacea in njihova toleranca na svinec]
  40. Jurc Maja; Gogala Nada; Regvar Marjana
    Ergosterol content of endophytic fungi from the needles of the Austrian pine (Pinus nigra Arn.)
    [Ergosterol endofitnih gliv v iglicah črnega bora (Pinus nigra Arn.)]
  41. Regvar Marjana; Javornik Branka
    Improved method for studies of mycorrhizal Norway spruce seedlings polypeptide patterns
    [Izboljšava metode za študij polipeptidnih vzorcev mikoriznih sejank smreke]
  42. Gabrovšek Karin; Gogala Nada
    Mycorrhizal spruce seedling growth, mineral and assimilation pigment content as affected by growth conditions and bacteria
    [Rast ter vsebnost mineralov in asimilacijskih pigmentov pri mikoriznih sejankah smreke v različnih rastnih razmerah in prisotnosti bakterij]
  43. Anžlovar Sabina; Dalla-Serra Mauro; Dermastia Marina; Menestrina Gianfranco
    Membrane permeabilizing activity of pathogenesis-related protein linusitin from flax seed
  44. Jogan N
    Mediterranean annual grasses in the Slovenian flora
  45. Čarni Andraž; Jogan Nejc
    Vegetation of thermophilic trampled habitats in the bay of Kvarner
  46. Kos Marjanca; Bulog Boris
    Pineal and retinal photoreceptors of Proteus anguinus (Amphibia: Proteidae)
  47. Bizjak-Mali Lilijana; Bulog Boris
    Ultrastructural alterations of gastric surface mucous cells of cave salamander Proteus anguinus (Amphibia, Caudata) during food deprivation
  48. Ucman Robert; Žel Jana; Ravnikar Maja
    Thermotherapy in virus elimination from garlic: influences on shoot multiplication from meristems and bulb formation in vitro
  49. Bunc Gorazd; Strnad Simona
    Dolgoročni rezultati mikrodiscektomij v primerjavi s kratkoročnimi
    [Long-term outcome of microdiscectomies in comparison with short-term results]
  50. Avanzo-Velkavrh Marija; Assejev Vladimira; Novak-Antolič Živa
    Vnetja v obporodnem obdobju: 1. pogostnost prisotnosti chlamydiae trachomatis in streptokoka skupine B pri porodnicah in njihovih novorojenčkih
    [Infections in perinatal period: 1. colonization of mothers and their newborns with chlamydia trachomatis and group B streptococcus]
  51. Repše Stane; Štor Zdravko; Juvan Robert; Omejc Mirko
    Kirurgija raka debelega črevesa in danke v Sloveniji
    [Surgery of colorectal cancer in Slovenia]
  52. Mlinšek Gregor; Remškar Mojca; Horvat Matija; Noč Marko
    Zdravljenje akutnega miokardnega infarkta na Kliničnem oddelku za intenzivno interno medicino v Ljubljani
    [Treatment of acute myocardial infarction in the center for intensive internal medicine Ljubljana]
  53. Virant-Klun Irma; Veble Alenka; Valentinčič Brigita; Bačer-Kermavner Lili; Mivšek Jožica; Tomaževič Tomaž; Meden-Vrtovec Helena
    Zamrzovanje in odmrzovanje zarodkov v programu zunajtelesne oploditve
    [Embryo freezing and thawing in program of in vitro fertilization]
  54. Šajina-Stritar Barbara
    Učinkovitost acetilsalicilne kisline in N-3 nenasičenih maščobnih kislin v preprečevanju zapletov hipertenzivnih bolezni v nosečnosti
    [The effect of acetylsalicylic acid and N-3 fatty acids in prevention of complications of hypertension diseases in pregnancy]
  55. Perc Andrej; Družina Branko
    Experimental monitoring of selected chemical substances in drinking water in the Republic of Slovenia
  56. Moser E; Gomišček G; Schuster J; Echsel H
    Systematic investigation of degradation effects on spin-spin relaxation times in mouse-liver by low resolution NMR
  57. Moser E; Schuster J; Gomišček G; Echsel H
    Systematic investigation of degradation effects on spin-lattice relaxation times in mouse-liver by low resolution NMR
  58. Rozman Blaž
    Clinical experience with leflunomide in rheumatoid arthritis
  59. Gorišek Borut; Takač Iztok; Marin Jožica
    Human papillomavirus 16 and 18 infection in women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
    [Humani papiloma virus 16 i 18 u žena s cervikalnom intraepitelnom neoplazijom]
  60. Takač I; Marin J; Gorišek B
    Human papillomavirus 16 and 18 infection of the uterine cervix in women with different grades of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN)
  61. Dželalija Boris; Morović Miro; Avšič-Županc Tatjana
    Azitromicin u profilaksi mediteranske pjegave groznice
    [Azithromycin in the prophylaxis of Mediterranean spotted fever]
  62. Pajntar Marjan; Verdenik Ivan; Pušenjak Stanko; Rudel Drago; Leskošek Brane
    Activity of smooth muscles in human cervix and uterus
  63. Cimperman J; Maraspin V; Lotrič-Furlan S; Ružić-Sabljić E; Avšič-Županc T; Picken RN; Strle F
    Concomitant infection with tick-borne encephalitis virus and Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in patients with acute meningitis or meningoencephalitis
  64. Cleiren MP; Grad O; Zavasnik A; Diekstra RF
    Psychosocial impact of bereavement after suicide and fatal traffic accident: a comparative two-country study
  65. Ratkajec Tihomir
    Olovo u krvi i eritrocitni protoporfirin u staklarskih radnika izloženih olovu
    [Lead in the blood and erythrocyte protoporphyrin in glass workers]
  66. Mlačak Blaž; Starc Anton; Kapš Rafko; Piletič Milivoj
    Mikroalbuminurija kot kazalnik periferne arterijske okluzivne bolezni pri diabetikih tipa 2
    [Mikroalbuminuria as a marker of peripheral arterial occlusive disease in type 2 diabetics]
  67. Avsec-Letonja Danica; Zabavnik Zoran
    Možganska smrt - informiranost zdravnikov
    [Brain death - how are the doctors informed and what do they think?]
  68. Neumark-Sztainer Dianne; Story Mary; Resnick Mihael D; Blum Robert W
    Mladostniki vegetarijanci: vedenjski opis šolske populacije v Minnesoti
    [Adolescent vegetarians: a behavioral profile of a school-based population in Minnesota]
  69. Jirkovska Marie; Kubinova Lucie; Janaček Jiri; Bendl Josef
    Quantitative characterization of the branching of placental villous capillaries
  70. Nielsen Karsten; Biering-Sorensen Fin; Hansen Hanne V
    Estimation of total number of epithelial cells on the surface of hydrophilic catheters used for intermittent urinary bladder catheterization by use of fractionator method
  71. Schleicher Axel; Amunts Katrin; Geyer Stephan; Kowalski Tilo; Zilles Karl
    An observer-independent cytoarchitectonic mapping of the human cortex using a stereological approach
  72. Zielinski Krzysztof W
    Practical problems in quantification of tissue vascularisation
  73. Zaitoun Al Muti Abd; Al Mardini Hanan; Record Cristopher O
    Stereology and morphometry of steatosis in human alcoholic (ALD) and non-alcoholic liver disease (NALD)
  74. Koktysz Robert; Zielinski Krzysztof W
    Dysplastic epithelial changes as a sequence of binary event in gastric pathology
  75. Kayser Klaus; Kayser Gian; Hufnagl Peter; Gabius Hans-Joachim
    Plane-dependent (relational) morphometry in human lung carcinoma: a suitable technique for delineation of structure-associated stereological features
  76. Leoncini Lorenzo; Megha Tizjana; Lazzi Stefano; Bellan Cristiana; Vatti Rosella; Luzi Pietro; Tosi Piero; Cevenini Gabriele; Barbini Paolo; Ascani Stefano; et al ;
    Anaplastic large cell lymphomas and Hodgkin's disease: distinctive growth features and expression of p34cdc2/cyclin B-1
  77. Salisbury Jonathan
    Lymphoid infiltrates in the bone marrow: 3D aspects
  78. Šušteršič O; Kralj B
    The influence of obesity, constitution and physical work on the phenomenon of urinary incontinence in women
  79. von Willebrand E; Jurčić V; Isoniemi H; Haeyry P; Paavonen T; Krogerus L
    Adhesion molecules and their ligands in chronic rejection of human renal allografts
  80. Poredoš Pavel; Žižek Bogomir
    Plasma viscosity increase with progression of peripheral arterial atherosclerotic disease
  81. Beović B; Lejko-Zupanc T; Pretnar J
    Sequential treatment of deep fungal infections with amphotericin B deoxycholate and amphotericin B colloidal dispersion
  82. Čepič Mojca; Rovšek Barbara; Žekš Boštjan
    Structures, transition temperatures and macroscopic polarization of antiferroelectric liquid crystals in free standing films
  83. Žekš Boštjan; Čepič Mojca
    Phenomenological model for antiferroelectric liquid crystals: phase sequences
  84. Komadina R
    Some microarchitectural differences beetwen intra and extraarticular hip fractures
  85. Kordiš Dušan; Gubenšek Franc
    Unusual horizontal transfer of a long interspersed nuclear element between distant vertebrate classes
  86. Lužnik-Bufon Tatjana; Dragaš Ana Zlata
    Ponavljajoče se stafilokokne okužbe kože
    [Recurrent staphylococcal skin infections]
  87. Marolt-Gomišček M; Beović B; Kremžar B; Toš L; Keber I
    Contribution to the montoring of antibiotic therapy by the bactericidal serum activity test
  88. Dernovšek Mojca Z; Sket Dušan
    The effect of kainic acid in rats with spontaneous recurrent seizures
  89. Živin Marko; Šprah Lilijana; Sket Dušan
    Antiparkinsonian potential of interaction of LEK-8829 with bromocriptine
  90. Battelino T; Kržišnik C
    Incidence of type 1 diabetes mellitus in children in Slovenia during the years 1988-1995
  91. Sket Dušan
    Alzheimerjeva bolezen: molekularne hipoteze in poskusi farmakoterapije
    [Alzheimer's disease: molecular hypotheses and pharmacotherapeutic prospects]
  92. Minovič Aleksandra; Milošev Ingrid; Antolič V; Herman S
    Izolacija in identifikacija polietilenskih in kovinskih delcev iz tkiva ob kolčnih endoprotezah
    [Isolation and identification of UHMWPE and metal wear particles from periprosthetic tissues]
  93. Gašperšič R; Štiblar-Martinčič D; Skalerič U
    Vpliv stresa na razvoj eksperimentalnega parodontitisa pri podganah
    [The influence of stress on the progression of experimental periodontitis in rats]
  94. Virant-Klun Irma; Zorn B; Tomaževič T; Meden-Vrtovec H
    Influence de la denaturation de l'ADN spermatique sur le potentiel de developpement cellularie embryonnaire apres injection intracytoplasmique de spermatozoide (ICSI)
  95. Kos Ivan
    Post-embryonic development of Lithobius validus Meinert (Chilopoda: Lithobiidae)
  96. Kuhar Irena; Grabnar Miklavž; Žgur-Bertok Darja
    Virulence determinants of uropathogenic Escherichia coli in fecal strains from intestinal infections and healthy individuals
  97. Tome Davorin
    Activity of incubating female long-eared owls as measured by fluctuations in nest temperatures
  98. Tomazo-Ravnik Tatjana; Zerbo Darjana
    Secular growth changes of Ljubljana schoolchildren in the period from 1958 to1994 (longitudinal series)
  99. Kordiš Dušan; Gubenšek Franc
    Genes and in genomes of viperidae snakes: Bov-B long interspersed repeated DNA (LINE) sequences are present in Vipera ammodytes phospholipase A2
  100. Dolžan Vita; Rudolf Zvonimir; Breskvar Katja
    Human CYP2D6 gene polymorphism in Slovene cancer patients and health controls

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