biomedicina slovenica

dr="Italija" : 1.501-1.600

  1. Avčin T; Tse SML; Schneider R; Silverman ED
    Macrophage activation syndrome as the presenting manifestation of rheumatic diseases in childhood
  2. Avčin T; Silverman ED; Forte V; Schneider R
    Nasal septal perforation: a novel clinical manifestation of systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis/adult-onset Still's disease
  3. Sodin-Šemrl S; Spagnolo A; Mikus R; Barbaro B; Varga J; Fiore S
    Opposing regulation of interleukin-8 and NF-kB responses by lipoxin A4 and serum amyloid A via the common lipoxin A receptor
  4. Sodin-Šemrl S; Spagnolo A; Barbaro B; Varga J; Fiore S
    Lipoxin A4 counteracts synergistic activation of human fibroblast-like synoviocytes
  5. Mesojednik S; Pavlin D; Grošel A; Kranjc S; Čemažar M
    Electrically-assisted gene delivery to tumors in mice is time dependent
  6. Devilee P; Romen G
    9th course in cancer genetics; 2005 Oct 1-5; Bertinoro di Romagna, Italy
  7. Ahčan Uroš
    Laser in chirurgia plastica e dermatologia
  8. Anonymous ;
    Atti congressuali I nuovi orizzonti della odonto-dermatologia mediante l'utilizzo dei laser; 2004 mar 27; Colli del Tronto
  9. Pucer Anja; Kenig Saša; Lah Tamara
    Inhibition of cathepsin L and B expression in glioblastoma cells affects their behaviour
  10. Anonymous ;
    23rd winter school on Proteinases and their inhibitors; 2006 Mar 1-5; Tiers, Italy
  11. Strle Franc
    Lyme neuroborreliosis
  12. Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Maraspin Vera; Cimperman Jože; Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Logar Mateja; Arnež Maja; Strle Franc
    Genotyping of Borrelia burgdoferi sensu lato isolated from clinical specimens
  13. Anonymous ;
    Lyme disease: from prevention to diagnosis and cure. The experience of neighbouring countries. A conference promoted within the framework of ICP interreg IIIA Italy/Slovenia 2000-2006; 2005 Oct 29; Trieste
  14. Pavčič MT; Janež A
    Individual counseling in changing dietary habits in diabetics
  15. Mori-Lukančič M; Jorgensen H V; Vidic F; Lukančič-Mori Č
    Improving knowledge and glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes using a didactic game
  16. Anonymous ;
    TPE Florence 2006. Book of abstracts of the Therapeutic patient education 2006: patient-centred self-management education and long-term follow-up strategies in diabetes and ther chronic disease including 3rd international DAWN summit: from practice and research to large scale implementation; 2006 Apr 27-30; Florence
  17. Ognjenovik D; Mujezinović F; Arko D; Čas-Sikošek N; Bošilj D; Gorišek B; Kodrič T; Takač I; Bali R; Zukanović D
    Radicality of operative treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia - does it depend on human papilloma virus 16 and 18 infection?
  18. Jančar N; Rakar S; Poljak M; Fujs K; Kocjan B J; Vrtačnik-Bokal E
    Efficiency of three surgical procedures in eliminating high-risk human papillomavirus infection in women with precancerous cervical lesions
  19. Vodušek DB
    What's new in central neural control of lower urinary tract?
  20. Gmeiner-Stopar T; Ravnikar M; Žitko-Krhin M; Kolenc-Peitl P; Sočan A; Hojker S
    Setting up a protocol for evaluation of adsorption of radiopharmaceuticals on plastic syringes
  21. Žitko-Krhin M; Drevenšek G; Hojker S; Gmeiner-Stopar T
    99m Technetium labelling of aprotinin by photoactivation
  22. Medica I; Zmak M; Peršić M
    Dermatitis herpetiformis in a 30-month-old child
  23. Zore Anamarija; Trilar Tomi; Ružić-Sabljić Eva
    Presenza del batterio borrelia burgdorferi presso zecche e micromammiferi
    [Prekuženost klopov in malih sesalcev z bakterijo borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato]
  24. Strle Franc
    Epidemiologia della borelliosi di Lyme e della maningoencefalite da morso da zecca in Slovenia
    [Epidemiologija lymske borelioze in klopnega meningoencefalitisa v Sloveniji]
  25. Anonymous ;
    Mappa del rischio per borreliosi di Lyme ed altre malattie trasmesse da zecche nel Friuli Venezia giulia e nella zona transfrontaliera con la Slovenia: un anno di ricerche; 2006 Mag 12; Grado
    [Mapa tveganosti okužbe z Lymsko boreliozo in drugimi boleznimi, ki jih prenašajo klopi v deželi Furlaniji Julijski krajini in v slovenskem obmejnem prostoru: rezultati enega leta raziskav; 2006 maj 12; Gradež]
  26. Kobilica N; Flis V
    Injuries of the inferior vena cava
  27. Flis V; Kobilica N; Tomažič T
    Complex vascular injuries of lower limbs in children
  28. Ihan-Hren N; Knez M
    Treatment and consequences of 324 zygoma complex fractures
  29. Ravnikar G; Kralj ME; Peroša D; Šibli T
    Closed degloving injury of pelvic region (Morel-Lavalee lesion)
  30. Smrke D M
    The relationship between clinical and biomechanical status of the hip
  31. Smrkolj Vladimir
    Eurotrauma. Proceedings of the 7th European trauma congress; 2006 May 14-17; Ljubljana
  32. Popovič M; Klun B
    Dangeres of head injuries at fractures of the skull base
  33. Anonymous ;
    International proceedings of the 3rd European congress on emergency medicine; 2005 Feb 9-13; Leuven, Belgium
  34. Koželj Vesna
    Our experience with presurgical nasal molding in infants with cleft lip and nose deformity
  35. Koželj Vesna
    Treatment of nasal deformity in infants with nasolabial clefts
  36. Eberlinc Andreja; Koželj Vesna
    Incidence of residual naso-oral fistulas: a 20 year experience
  37. Lanišnik Boštjan
    Patterns of recurrence of the scc oral cavity and oropharynx
  38. Didanovič Vojko; Lanišnik B; Čizmarevič B
    How to improve results in microvascular surgery
  39. Čizmarevič Bogdan; Žargi Miha
    Sentinel node biopsy in oral scc. frozen section: yes or no?
  40. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and abstract book 11th International congress on oral cancer (ICOOC). Modern concepts and new trends in oral cancer pathology jointly with annual meeting of the International college for maxillo-facial surgery (ICMFS); 2006 May 16; Grado, Italy
  41. Smrkolj Š; Eržen M; Rakar S
    Prognostic factors in cervical carcinoma
  42. Tomaževič T; Ban H; Premru-Sršen T; Ribič-Pucelj M; Verdenik I
    Resection of small uterine septum and the risk of preterm birth
  43. Fabjan-Vodušek V; Novak-Antolič Ž
    Can extremely preterm delivery be prevented?
  44. Globevnik-Velikonja V; Kramarič B; Sketelj A
    Psychosocial characteristics of pregnant diabetic women
  45. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts book The 19th European congress of obstetrics and gynaecology; 2006 Apr 5-8; Torino
  46. Grošelj-Grenc M; Derganc M; Tršinar B; Čižman M
    Antibiotic prophylaxis for surgical procedures on children
  47. Legan M; Osredkar J; Fisker S; Kocijančič A
    GH-binding protein is related to bone mineral density in non-obese androgenized women
  48. Lovrečič Mercedes; Lovrečič Barbara; Dernovšek Mojca-Zvezdana
    La rete per il trattamento medico della tossicodipendenza in Slovenia: un tentativo di predisporre adeguati strumenti per la valutazione dei servizi tossicodipendenze
  49. Koršič M; Grosek Š; Sterle I; Primožič J; Petrovčič N; Jankovič V; Moder B; Kremesec M
    Complications after shunt opeartions of hydrocephalus: 10 years survey (1986-1995)
  50. Lipovšek Matej; Gostiša Andreja; Butinar Dušan; Koršič Marjan; Novak Anica
    Treatment and prevention
  51. Tomaževič Tomaž; Ban H; Ribič-Pucelj M; Verdenik I; Vogler A; Drobnič S; Zorn B; Bokal E; Virant-Klun I
    Is small uterine septum really unimportant
  52. Dequesne Jacques; Pados George; Paschopoulos Minas; de Wilde Rudy Leon
    Advanced minimal invasive surgery in the theatre and in the office. Proceedings of the 14th annual congress of the European society for gynaecological endoscopy (ESGE); 2005 Oct 6-8; Athens
  53. Lukanovič Adolf
    Interventi per incontinenza urinaria
  54. Švab Vesna; Groleger Urban; Ziherl Slavko
    The development of psychiatric reform in Slovenia
  55. Švab Igor
    General practice in Europe
  56. Anonymous ;
    Raccolta delle relazioni, dei contributi e delle esperienze pervenute. Convegno nazionale Comunita e salute: il contributo delle cure primarie L'esperienza di Reggio Emilia; 2005 nov 21-22; Reggio Emilia
  57. Drnovšek-Olup Brigita
    Diode laser (980nm) assisted transcanalicular dacryocystorhinostomy
  58. Anonymous ;
    Scientific and social programme, abstract book of the E.S.O.P.R.S. full member winter meeting; 2006 Jan 23-29; Cortina
  59. Šajina-Stritar B
    Increasing cesarean delivery rate in Slovenia
  60. Šajina-Stritar B; Blejec T
    Antibiotic prophylaxis for cesarean section
  61. Premru-Sršen T; Blejec T
    Risk factors for adverse outcome in breech delivery at term
  62. Anonymous ;
    International forum on birth; 2005 Jun 8-11; Rome
  63. Kurjak A; Kupešić S; Vlaisavljević V
    Is there an increased incidence of fetal anomalies after art procedures
  64. Antsaklis Aris
    Proceedings of the 19th European congress of perinatal medicine; 2004 Oct 14-16; Athens
  65. Lovšin B; Guzej Z; Deisinger D; Ravnikar J; Zver-Skomina J
    Is operative delivery really a worried side effect of the epidural labour?
  66. Premru-Sršen Tanja; Kobal Borut; Šajina-Stritar Barbara; Tul Nataša; Macun Eva
    Interventional radiology in obstetrics
  67. Najdenov Peter; Sredanovič Drago
    Epidural analgesia at delivery. Child view. Our experiences
  68. Pajntar M; Verdenik I; Premru-Sršen T
    Changes in operative delivery rate in Slovenia
  69. Kornhauser-Cerar L; Blejec T; Čebular B
    Children born to mothers with epilepsy
  70. Blejec Tanja
    Management of pregnant women with epilepsy
  71. Anonymous ;
    Neurological disorders, operative delivery. Proceedings of the 27th Alpe Adria meeting of perinatal medicine (19th congress); 2005 Oct 7-8; Bassano del Grappa, Italy
  72. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 21st annual meeting of the European society for paediatric infectious disease; 2003 Apr 9-11; Taormina, Sicily
  73. Pokorn M; Orel R; Jereb M
    Upper gastrointestinal bleeding in the course of rotavirus gastroenteritis - a report of two cases
  74. Arnež Zoran M; Snoj Marko
    Sampling of internal mammary chain lymph nodes during breast reconstruction by free flaps from the abdomen
  75. Vrtačnik-Bokal E; Rakar S; Jančar N; Možina A; Poljak M
    Role of human papillomavirus testing in reducing the number of surgical treatments for precancerous cervical lesions
  76. Uršič-Vrščaj M; Rakar S; Možina A; Takač I; Šubic Z; Kodrič T; Smrkolj Š
    Clinical audit of patients with cervical cancer in Slovenia - data analysis for the year 2003
  77. Kralj Jasna; Fuchs Stefan
    Effects of Varroa destructor on flight behaviour of infested Apis mellifera foragers as a possible resistance mechanism
  78. Zaletel Marjan; Štrucl Martin; Pretnar-Oblak Janja; Žvan Bojana
    Age-related changes in the relationship between visual evoked potentials and visually evoked cerebral blood flow velocity responses
  79. Rozman D; Fink M
    CYP51, cholesterol and the cross-talks
  80. Anonymous ;
    International proceedings of the 14th international conference on cytochromes P450, biochemistry, biophysics and bioinformatics; 2005 May 31- Jun 5; Dallas
  81. Glumac Nebojša; Žgavec Borut
    A report on the organisation of medical care of melanoma patients in Slovenia
  82. Anonymous ;
    Abstract volume of the 11th annual meeting of the Italian melanoma intergroup; 2005 November 3-5; Grado
  83. Kloboves-Prevodnik Veronika; Us-Krašovec Marija
    Special techniques in diagnosis of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) in fine needle aspirates (FNAB)
  84. Mlakar B; Košorok P
    Condylomata acuminata - the importance od multidisciplinary approach
  85. Mlakar B; Košorok P
    Flavonoids to reduce bleeding and pain after stapled haemorrhoidopexy
  86. Mlakar B; Košorok P
    The anal conveen plug for patients with incontinence
  87. Košorok P; Mlakar B
    Comparison between single and double purse-string suture in stapled haemorrhoidopexy
  88. Anonymous ;
    Colorectal disease: techniques in coloproctology. Abstract book of 2nd joint meeting of the European council of coloproctology, European association of coloproctology and 1st national congress of the Italian society of colo-rectal surgery; 2005 Sep15-17; Bologna
  89. Miljković J; Orešič-Barač T
    Multiple keratoacanthomas induced by long-term puva therapy
  90. Anonymous ;
    Final program and abstract book of the European society for photodynamic therapy 2005 annual congress; 2005 Mar 4-5; Brescia
  91. Bračič K; Todorovič-Guid M; Kanič Z; Roskar Z
    Symmetric hypodensity of cerebellar hemispheres on cerebral CT - scan in heroin addict
  92. Todorovič-Guid M; Kanič Z; Bračič K; Roškar Z
    Fungal infection in ICU of pediatric department of Maribor teaching hospital
  93. Sinkovič Andreja; Pogačar V; Marinšek M
    HDL-cholesterol is higher in women than in men with acute coronary syndrome without ST-elevation
  94. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 2nd international symposium on triglycerides and HDL: role in cardiovascular disease and the metabolic syndrome; 2005 Jul 14-17; New York
  95. Rebol J
    A three-dimensional ultrasound investigation of oral cavity tumours
  96. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the XVIII IFOS world congress; 2005 Jun 25-30; Rome
  97. Ovsenik M; Farčnik F; Verdenik I
    Intra-oral assessment of malocclusion in mixed dentition subjects
  98. Drevenšek M; Koželj V
    Sagittal skeletal relationships in unilateral cleft lip and palate children compared with a non-cleft population
  99. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and abstracts lectures of the 78th european ortodontic society; 2002 Jun 4-8; Sorrento
  100. Maraspin Vera; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Cimperman Jože; Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Strle Franc
    Clinical features of European lyme borreliosis established by the isolation of borreliae from cerebrospinal fluid

   1.001 1.101 1.201 1.301 1.401 1.501 1.601 1.701 1.801 1.901  

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